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Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Saints Row IV: Re-Elected in Video Games

Jul 9, 2018  
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
2015 | Action/Adventure
Fun gameplay (2 more)
Very funny moments
So many references
Repetitive (1 more)
Some of the challenges are annoying
Purely fun....superpowers galore!!!
So I have just completed this game and I found it to be a ton of fun.

I mean, come on, you get superpowers. How can it not be fun. I do feel however that these have made it so cars are pretty much obselete. What's the point if you can super sprint or jump over tall buildings?

The map is descent sized and there are many things you can do but these get too repetitive after a while. Personally its the story and side missions especially where it excels.

It feels like they make fun of themselves and video games in general. You get a ton of references especially from the matrix and a mission where they are solely making fun of things like call of duty and metal gear solid. They are not subtle and I feel they have finally found their stride.

They have embraced cheesiness and craziness.....dildo bat anyone? A dubstep gun that makes everyone dance to death? Go on then

Don't go into this expecting a serious game. The customisation can go as crazy as you want, it pulls no punches. The dlc packs include are insane and I have big expectations for the future.

It's not the greatest game I've ever played by far but it's so much fun to just kick back and switch your mind off for a few hours.
Death of an Old Girl
Death of an Old Girl
Elizabeth Lemarchand | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Old (very!) style police procedural!
I was sent this book by Sapere books to read and review, and I have to admit to some trepidation initially. A book originally published in the 1960's set in an all girls public school? Well, I needn't have worried. I thoroughly enjoyed it, to be quite honest.
The body of an 'old girl' is found in the art room after the annual reunion ('Festival') of the Old Girls. Beatrice Baynes had remained near her old school, living within walking distance, and had a reputation of being a busy body - and quite unpleasant with it. When her body is found, Scotland Yard send Inspector Pollard and Sergeant Toye to solve the murder.
I've read quite a few police procedurals recently, and the modern version can be gritty, violent and very graphic. This isn't any of those things. I do assume that it portrays the way in which murders were investigated back then quite well (I'd have to ask my Dad. He was in the Met Police in London in the 1960s, 70s and 80s!). Although I'm pretty sure that the investigating officers weren't all as pleasant as Pollard and Toye.
I loved all the old language ("frocks" for one!) and attitudes, even if they were very old fashioned. It's just so different to what's on offer now.
Well worth a read - and it's interesting to note that the Pollard and Toye series consisted of something like 19 books! Lots to be getting on with!
Long Trail Home (Texas Trails, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Long Trail Home is a compelling story about forgiveness and ultimately coming back home. Not only in the natural but in the spiritual.

We follow the story of Laura, Annie and Riley. Laura is the instructor of a school for blind children. She has sacrificed her own long term dreams for the children that she loves and adores. But when the school has been threatened to be shut down, will those dreams resurface? Annie, once was a homeless orphan. Now she has a family at the school, but will her deception be her undoing? She has found God's forgiveness but will her fellow man be as forgiving? Riley, a soldier come home to devastation after the war has found peace and refuge working at the school. But will he ever find "home" again?

I enjoyed Long Trail Home. Although the story line was a bit slow at times, there is enough action to keep it going and Vickie McDonough relays a great message. Forgiveness is the main basis of the story. God's forgiveness of the sins we have committed. Forgiveness of our selves. And the forgiveness of others. Coming clean and telling the truth can be the hardest thing to do at times. Especially when we are afraid of what others think. But the best thing we can do for our selves is to walk in the truth and trust that our Heavenly Father will care for us and protect us and lead us home.

I received a free copy of Long Trail Home from Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Joe Abercrombie | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Second book in [a: Joe Abercrombie|276660|Joe Abercrombie|]'s 'The First Law' series (so after [b: The Blade Itself|68616|The Blade Itself|Marcus Sakey||1002512], this - again - weighs in on the heavier end of the spectrum: it's not a light read by any means, either in size or scope!

This is also a true sequel to the previous, in that if you hadn't read the earlier you wouldn't have a clue what was going on/who was who. As before, this pretty much jumps between characters chapter by chapter, while the novel is also split into two distinct sections, with the split coming roughly at around the halfway mark with the fall of Dagoska after the torturer Superior Glotka is recalled.

Of them all, I have to say, I found 'his' chapters to be the most interesting, in particular his continued snarkiness to any and all around him.

I also found this to be very much a bridge novel - after being introduced to the characters in [b: The Blade Itself|68616|The Blade Itself|Marcus Sakey||1002512], a lot of this seemed to be setting the scene for what-I-imagine-will-be the events in [b: The Last Argument of Kings|944076|Last Argument of Kings (The First Law, #3)|Joe Abercrombie||929012].

However, I need a break from all the darkness now for a while!
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor
Adam Kay | 2017 | Biography
9.0 (44 Ratings)
Book Rating
Funny and heartbreaking at the same time (1 more)
Quick easy read
Aches and pains with laughter
Full disclosure this is not a book I would normally have read however I had heard good things about it and saw it as a smashbomb giveaway so thought I would enter and I was lucky enough to be selected thank you.

The premise of the book is simple. It is a trainee Doctors diary with various entries of the course of their many years of long hours having to deal with anything that came through the doors during their hospital postings. The chapters are split with each progression through the training ladder and even explaining the process quite well for those who are not aware how crazy the system appears.

  I found myself laughing out loud for some of the entries, especially those concerning the removing of alien objects from the body. Aghast at others over what Doctors have to go through on a daily basis and with a lump in my throat over moments of heartbreak mere lines later.

I enjoyed the book immensely and found myself re-reading paragraphs and even the odd few pages to let it all sink in. The plaudits from various celebrities in the cover do not really do it justice but are well deserved. It is a very easy to read book and you would be hard pressed not to come away with a greater admiration for the NHS and its staff have to go through.
A Faint Cold Fear (Grant County, #3)
A Faint Cold Fear (Grant County, #3)
Karin Slaughter | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
5.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the back of the book: Sara Linton, Oh examiner in the small town of Heartsdale, is called out to an apparent suicide on the local college campus. The mutilated body provides a little in the way of clues - And the college authorities are keen to avoid a scandal - but for Sara and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, things don’t add up.
Two more suspicious suicides follow, and a young woman is brutally attacked. For Sara, the violence strikes far too close to home. And as Jeffrey pursues the sadistic killer, he discovers that ex-police detective Lena Adams, now a security guard on campus, may be in possession of crucial information. But, bruised and angered by her expulsion from the force, Lena seems to be barely capable of protecting herself , let alone saving the next victim…

This was my first time reading a Karin Slaughter novel. I didn’t realise until halfway through that this was the third in a series, however I was able to pick up some of the previous relationships and how it all linked together. I quite enjoyed reading this book although found it slow to start, but after about 100 pages in found myself unable to put the book down.

As an avid reader of crime and thriller novels I have to admit that even I did not pick up on who was guilty of committing the crimes. Slaughter’s writing Is very graphic and descriptive, including some very realistic forensic details would definitely like to carry on reading this series. Most enjoyable!