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Belfast (2021)
Belfast (2021)
2021 | Drama
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In short, Belfast is a very human and truly wonderful piece of cinema.
It's visual style is both stunning and simple, and is brimming with plenty of striking imagery.
It's themes are rich. The setting explores the civil unrest between Protestants and Catholics in 1960s Belfast. This turbulent moment in time is a constant presence for sure, but the main bulk of the narrative deals with a working class family who are struggling with debt, and are looking to potentially relocate to England in light of the city wide violence. The very heart of the story though is found in Buddy, the young son of the family who is dealing with growing up and not wanting to leave. Buddy's actor, Jude Hill, is excellent. He embodies innocent childhood and the adventure that comes with it. He's an 11 year old actor, holding his own against screen veterans such as Ciarán Hinds and Judi Dench (both fantastic as always).
Other than Buddy, most of the heavy lifting is undertaken by the mother, played by Caitriona Balfe, who really deserves an Academy Nomination for her role here. Jamie Dornan also stars, who proved to be a pleasant surprise for me, only knowing him from the obvious, and is a welcome addition to an all round stellar cast. Throughout this, the narrative touches upon loss and loneliness, and the moments of life that manage to be bittersweet.

Belfast is a sometimes heartwarming, powerful, occasionally funny, and often melancholy tale told with a lot of love and care. Kenneth Branagh has delivered a slice of cinematic gold.
Under the Radar
Under the Radar
Lillian Francis | 2019 | History & Politics, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Under the Radar by Lillian Francis
Under the Radar is a wonderful story about two opposites - An American playboy and a Welsh innocent. They are opposite in other ways too, but that just makes them fit together perfectly. Zachary has been 'expelled' from the US Air Force after an indiscretion, and his punishment is to become a Submariner. A harsh punishment indeed for someone who loves the sky. Gethin is from a farm in Wales, and happy to be on the submarine. These two shouldn't really fit, but they do.

I loved how this story came about. There is an incredible amount of research that has gone into it, and the descriptions are compelling. I literally found myself having to straighten my shoulders after hunching them over as I was reading! This is a slow-burn romance, with some funny parts in there as Gethin's innocence stops him from reading Zachary's overtures.

This was exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed. The characters are all magnificent, especially the supporting cast. I'm so glad I got one of the 'bad guys' right, but I won't say who or when. Everything about this book ticked my boxes - from the descriptions of war-time rations, to how some of them spoke Polari (LOVED that inclusion!). I really hope this isn't the last we see of Zachary and Gethin. I'm sure they could have some amazing adventures together.

Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The House Swap
The House Swap
Rebecca Fleet | 2018 | Thriller
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, did this book have me on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE TIME. So much tension in this book - a marriage in shambles, addictions of the physical and mental kind, suspicious neighbors, and a house full of devastating clues of an affair that had deadly consequences ... I found myself flipping pages at a rapid speed, watching these clues and secrets unfold.

Caroline and Francis swap houses in what seems to be an innocent week away to try to rekindle a very strained marriage. The narrative flips back from Caroline's past and future, with a bit of Francis injected thoughout, as well as this mysterious person they've swapped houses with. Things. Get. Weird. I felt myself having some heart palpitations at different points of the story and jumping at noises in my house as I was reading alone at night! What an awesome movie this would make.

Somehow this house is connected to her, and little snippets of a past life keep peeking through and they totally freak Caroline out and totally freaked me out as well! I cannot imagine going though such paranoia, but I also can't help but thinking Caroline made her bed, and now she has to lie in it. It's always safe to assume that when you hold on to such horrible secrets, eventually, no matter how hard you try to forget them, they'll be revealed when you least expect it - and in the most freakingly intense ways! And that just makes this book all the better.

Edge of my seat might be an understatement - I was totally entranced by this book and I enjoyed the suspense very much.
89 of 230
The Book of Phoenix ( Who Fears Death book 0)
By Nnedi Okorafor

A fiery spirit dances from the pages of the Great Book. She brings the aroma of scorched sand and ozone. She has a story to tell....

The Book of Phoenix is a unique work of magical futurism. A prequel to the highly acclaimed, World Fantasy Award-winning novel, Who Fears Death, it features the rise of another of Nnedi Okorafor’s powerful, memorable, superhuman women.

Phoenix was grown and raised among other genetic experiments in New York’s Tower 7. She is an “accelerated woman”—only two years old but with the body and mind of an adult, Phoenix’s abilities far exceed those of a normal human. Still innocent and inexperienced in the ways of the world, she is content living in her room speed reading e-books, running on her treadmill, and basking in the love of Saeed, another biologically altered human of Tower 7.

Then one evening, Saeed witnesses something so terrible that he takes his own life. Devastated by his death and Tower 7’s refusal to answer her questions, Phoenix finally begins to realize that her home is really her prison, and she becomes desperate to escape.

But Phoenix’s escape, and her destruction of Tower 7, is just the beginning of her story. Before her story ends, Phoenix will travel from the United States to Africa and back, changing the entire course of humanity’s future.

I don’t want to completely trash a book so I’ll just leave it at this! It just wasn’t for me I found it a struggle and quite boring!
Scorch (Homecoming Hearts #1)
Scorch (Homecoming Hearts #1)
HJ Welch | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a deliciously sexy read!
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required, however, I found this review written up on my desk when I cleared it off, so here it is!

Faced with the end of his boy band career, 23yr old Blake runs home to his family, only to find his parents have signed him up to an internet reality show. Elion happens to have had a crush on Blake since school. When the film crew following Blake blow an innocent encounter into something massive, Blake finds himself with Elion as a boyfriend. What starts off as a fictitious relationship rapidly turns into a real one for both young men. But someone doesn't want Blake to have Elion and both men could be in grave danger.

How I can file a book on the "crime/thriller" shelf AND the "too stinking cute" shelf is beyond my current comprehensive, but when a book tells me that's where it needs to be, who am I to argue!

The crime bit comes from the stalker/superfan who has targeted Blake as the object of their affections. I did see that one coming at me a mile off, though, and it's great to watch my ideas unfolding correctly. Ms Welch knows how to keep you on your toes, and even if I did see who it was, I did NOT see it going down like that!

And the too stinking cute bit is the way Elion and Blake develop their relationship. Because, yes, in the beginning, it was all for show, it very quickly became something else for both of them. Something very REAL. And I loved watching that happen!

A very delicious, steamy, sexy read.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Stone Circle (Ruth Galloway, #11)
The Stone Circle (Ruth Galloway, #11)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DCI Nelson has been receiving threatening letters telling him to 'go to the stone circle and rescue the innocent who is buried there'. He is shaken, not only because children are very much on his mind, with Michelle's baby due to be born, but because although the letters are anonymous, they are somehow familiar. They read like the letters that first drew him into the case of The Crossing Places, and to Ruth. But the author of those letters is dead. Or are they?
Meanwhile Ruth is working on a dig in the Saltmarsh - another henge, known by the archaeologists as the stone circle - trying not to think about the baby. Then bones are found on the site, and identified as those of Margaret Lacey, a twelve-year-old girl who disappeared thirty years ago.
As the Margaret Lacey case progresses, more and more aspects of it begin to hark back to that first case of The Crossing Places, and to Scarlett Henderson, the girl Nelson couldn't save. The past is reaching out for Ruth and Nelson, and its grip is deadly.

Another great episode in Elly Griffiths’ Ruth Galloway series.
The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths is the 11th in the Ruth Galloway mystery series.
This 11th instalment of the series bids homage to the first book which was really nostalgic.
I really like the plot of this one it's paced perfectly.
Love all the twists and turns we experience and the flashback brought in.
I adore all the characters and can just picture it all.
There is nothing not to love about this book.
Looking forward to the next book in the series!

Enormous thanks to NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated The Staircase in TV

Feb 25, 2021  
The Staircase
The Staircase
2018 | Crime, Documentary
8.0 (25 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
The massive red writing on the promotional image says it all: Did he do it? In 2001, Michael Peterson was accused of murdering his wife, who was found dead at the bottom of their staircase covered in blood the prosecution said was too much for an accidental fall. But Peterson, supported by most (but not all) of his family maintains his innocence throughout, and the show follows his attempt to prove it. The first 8 episodes of this incredible story were first shown in 2004, before True Crime docs were really a thing, followed by two updates of several episodes in 2013 and then 2018 as the case updated and new evidence came to light.

Of all the docs on this list, this is the one that had me most gripped by the back and forth of the case. I changed my mind so much, almost several times an episode at points, because Peterson himself is both very likeable and very suspicious. There is an opportunity to weigh the evidence for yourself here that a lot of crime series ignore. The balance feels fair, and the case itself is so very fascinating, both from a personal and legal point of view. It plays like a real life soap opera at times, complete with cliff-hangers and teases, as Making a Murderer proved was so effective. To this day, I am not certain of Peterson’s guilt. The only thing I can say is that it was he himself who commissioned the series and allowed the filming of the case. Is that something a guilty man would do to manipulate what we see, or what an innocent man would do when unafraid of the truth? You decide! This would be the one I would recommend to anyone new to the genre, uncertain if this kind of thing is for them.
The Darkest Minds (2018)
The Darkest Minds (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
A real drawback to this film is that the story line is designed to be several pieces, so you don't get a complete tale, just a cliffhanger of an ending as a lead up to the next one... but are there going to be anymore after the majority of people seem to think it was a flop? I did some vague Googling but it was next to impossible to find anything useful on the subject without wading through all the negative reviews.

I found it really difficult to rate this one. I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the action and the story idea, and the effects were very good... but... much like with the Maze Runner films it will probably stand up better as a collection of films rather than as it is on it's own.

Having only just started the book (I know, finally one I've actually begun and not just got on the shelf!) I'm not sure exactly how dark Ruby's character goes. In a desperate move to help her friends she turns on a bounty hunter who is out to get them. She turns her power loose and tells her to walk into the woods, and keep walking... which now I think about it we've seen in X-Men haven't we? How, or even if, this is represented in the book I do not know, but it's quite a dark moment for this innocent teenager who hasn't really done anything with any malice before now.

The film is somehow a little bit samey while being different all at the same time. I've been wavering between three and four stars on this one, but I think what sealed it's fate is that I would only actually buy this if I was going to be getting all the movies to complete the saga.