Frommer's Easyguide to Barcelona and Madrid
Patricia Harris and David Lyon
Spain vies with France as the most heavily-visited European nation, and Madrid and Barcelona are its...

Knightfall: The Official Podcast
The Knights Templar were the most powerful, wealthy and mysterious military order of the Middle...

Cider Made Simple: All About Your New Favorite Drink
Lydia Nichols and Jeff Alworth
Cider has become the new "it" drink, with a wide range of styles popping up on restaurant menus and...
Torture as State Crime: A Criminological Analysis of the Transnational Institutional Torturer
Can we understand torture my focusing on the torture chamber or even on the states in which it is...

Norman Stone Castles (2): Europe 950-1204
Adam Hook and Christopher Gravett
Following their settlement in the north of France, the Normans sought to consolidate their...

The Trial of the Templars
Malcolm Barber's classic The Trial of the Templars recounts the dramatic demise of this elite...

The Mistletoe Bride and Other Haunting Tales
A wonderfully atmospheric collection of stories from one of our most captivating writers, inspired...

The Longest Day (1962)
Movie Watch
In 1944, the U.S. Army and Allied forces plan a huge invasion landing in Normandy, France. Despite...

Westfront 1918 (1930)
G. W. Pabst brought the war movie into a new era with his first sound film, a mercilessly realistic...