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Leap! (Ballerina) (2017)
Leap! (Ballerina) (2017)
2017 | Action, Animation, Drama
Leap is set in France during the late 1800s, around the time France was building the Statue of Liberty for the U.S. Two young orphans, Felicie (voiced by Elle Fanning), and Victor (voiced by Nat Wolff) escape their less than stellar confines in an orphanage in hopes of making their lifelong dreams come true. Felicie longs to be a professional ballerina and Victor wants to be the next great inventor. The two best friends become separated when they arrive to Paris. Fortunately, Felicie and Victor find themselves two steps closer to their dreams. Felicie takes up residence in a home where a former professional ballet dancer turned servant maid Odette (Carlie Rae Jepsen) becomes her mentor and teaches Felicie ballet. Felicie makes her way to a prestigious ballet school posing as another student vying for a role in the upcoming “Nutcracker” production. Victor ends up living and working for Pierre Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower. Victor’s hoping to be the first person to fly. The story mainly follows Felicie and her relationship with Odette. A strong bond brought together by Felicie’s enamoration and Odette’s own attachment to ballet.


  There are some careful details to the animation and setting, however they are masked by a bland attempt at a very common storyline mixed in with the occasional action sequence. The lackluster character development suffered greatly among most of the characters with the exception of the relationship between Felicie and Odette. The theme of the movie with its simple tone, will find that its core target audience among young girls that are obsessed with theater, dancing, and performing. You definitely want to keep your expectations low and maybe stick to a matinee price tag. It’s still a sweet movie that just doesn’t deviate far from the ordinary.
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Defy the Night
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Defy the Night] by [Heather and Lydia Munn] was a very telling coming of age story. In fact throughout most of the book I really did not like the main character, Magali. I thought she was selfish and egotistical. I guess that was the point though.

The setting of "free" France during early World War II is something most people are not aware of because it was when most of the world was in denial. The people there fought on silently doing what they could for whom they could. This was not the Resistance as most people know of but perhaps it's predecessor.

The book was very well written and as I stated before the characters definitely had their own personalities. I will be adding this book to my classroom library and recommending it to the school library.
    One Hit Cowboy

    One Hit Cowboy

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    One Hit Cowboy is featured as “New game we love” and "Best new updates" "in more than 120...