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Awix (3310 KP) rated And Soon the Darkness (1970) in Movies

Jul 31, 2020 (Updated Jul 31, 2020)  
And Soon the Darkness (1970)
And Soon the Darkness (1970)
1970 | Horror, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Slightly underpowered psycho-horror movie. Two nurses on a cycling holiday in France find themselves being stalked by a murderous psychopath, but who? There are various slightly suspicious French locals about the place (mostly played by Hungarians and Czechs, because all those foreigners are the same, aren't they), most of whom insist on not knowing any English. Merde!

Sticks admirably to genre conventions, up to a point, and it has a certain sort of bleak creepiness. However, it feels very long and slow - short on incident, certainly, also on warmth and humour (I know it's a horror movie, but you need some light and shade). Considering this is practically the very next thing the Avengers TV show team did next - the script is by renowned pulp storytellers Brian Clemens and Terry Nation - you could be forgiven for expecting something with more charm and imagination.
La derniere vague (The Last Wave)
La derniere vague (The Last Wave)
2019 | Drama, Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Le goings-on spooky in the south of France: a mysterious, apparently sentient cloud which may or may not embody nature's vengeance on civilisation abducts a group of surfers for five hours and then returns them, with strange powers. (Not that the media takes any notice of any of this.) This provides everyone in town with un beaucoup lovely chance to work through all their various personal issues before the end of the last episode.

Comes across a bit like a mid-table Stephen King novel, or possibly just a very glossy soap opera with a guest appearance by Giant Space Monster Dogorah. Fairly engaging stuff, though unlikely to feel terribly original to the clued-up viewer; passes the time nicely without demanding your full attention. Avoids too many explanations (they're clearly hoping for a second season), which could be irritating, but the end-of-series cliffhanger is okay.


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