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Letters from the Earth is an alternative outfit. Not too long ago, they released a music video for their “Frank Ghilardi Sends Off a Long-Tenured Employee” single.

“‘Frank Ghilardi Sends Off a Long-Tenured Employee’ illuminates the life of a typical employee. Also, it examines the true value of work in the west. The song’s surrealist music video finds a somber employee attending her own absurd retirement party. Where, Foster, portraying the titular Frank Ghilardi, presents his melancholic address.” – Letters from the Earth

‘Frank Ghilardi Sends Off a Long-Tenured Employee’ tells an interesting tale in the form of a farewell speech. Also, the speech is delivered from a fictional company head to an unnamed subordinate.

The likable tune contains a relatable storyline and ear-welcoming vocals. Also, it possesses charming instrumentation which was produced and mixed by Ben Hirschfield (Against Me!, The Story So Far, and Elder Brother).

“It’s okay to cry. You’ve made it alive through forty years here at Ghilardi. Don’t be afraid of your life turning gray. There’ll be no more files to be sorted. No people to wave you on at the gate. No phone calls to take, no lunches to make, no more coming home to dinners alone.” – lyrics

Letters from the Earth consists of Matt Foster (vocals, guitar), Ben Hirschfield (guitar, keys, synth), Cameron MacBain (drums), and Morgan Foster (bass).
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
1994 | Drama

"That’s another one for me that, basically it’s stunning how — it’s an incredible watch. And I think it’s the performances, again, I find riveting. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are just incredible. It’s just such a beautiful film, I think. The story is incredible, it’s so well made. I think Frank [Darabont] dialed in on the direction — I love all of his movies. They have a style that I really like. Anytime I think of this movie, it’s just a sweeping shot coming over the prison while Morgan Freeman is narrating his — it’s such an incredible sense of memories. I went to see it with my parents; I guess I was thirteen when it came out. I think I was — or fourteen — and I remember just being absolutely blown away by it. I mean I know it’s one that’s on nearly everybody’s list, but for me it was also — it was kind of like the first sort of grown-up movie that I went to see with my parents, and that we could have a proper conversation about."

The Lost Files of the M.B.R.C
The Lost Files of the M.B.R.C
K M Shea | 2021 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 of 250
The lost files of the Magical Beings: A MBRC anthology: A Chicago urban fantasy comedy
By K.M. Shea

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The Lost Files of the MBRC is an anthology of five MBRC short stories--three of which have never before been released.

When Morgan decided to stay employed at the Magical Beings' Rehabilitation Center, she thought her life might quiet down as she started college and developed her career. She thought wrong.

In between balancing her relationship with Devin the Pook and planning for MBRC domination with her reluctant business partner, Aysel, Morgan chauffeurs around a reclusive Kraken, continues to play the lute at Asahi and Kadri's annual marriage celebration, and pulls all-nighter study sessions for college. Thankfully, her old friends - like Madeline, Frank, and Frey - are still around to wreak havoc and fun!

This was one of my favourite series last year! This is 5 short stories just tying up lose ends!
It’s fantastic to read I’m how they are all doing and how settled it’s become! Nice end to a fab series!
Since You've Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone
Morgan Matson | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have heard so many people recommend Morgan Matson, supposedly it doesn't matter which book you choose of hers they are all good supposedly, she is one of those authors that you must read. This is my first book by this author and I wasn't disappointed. When books are hyped up and everyone and their mother are raving about the book, I am always ready to try and find something that I don't like about the book.

Emily wakes up one morning to find her best friend Sloane gone! There was no previous conversation of Sloane going on holiday at all but when Emily tries to contact her it just goes to voicemail. The only thing that Emily does have is a list.... a list of things to complete.... such as go skinny dipping, kiss a stranger, hug a Jamie etc etc. Emily starts to think that if she completes all of these things on her to do list her friend will return and life can resume as it was. The problem is Emily doesn't know where to start and because her and Sloane have been joined at the hip for the past 2 years she has no other friends, confidence issues and extremely shy. The race is on to complete the list and get her friend back for good.

This is one of those books that gives you all the feels, during the course of this book I got angry, I laughed and also swooned. There are so many great things about this book that I just don't know where to begin, there are so many different elements involved. The book is told from Emily's POV all the way through but skips back and forth to the past and the present which gives you more of an understanding of the girls friendship and also keeps you hooked. I really enjoyed the fact that Matson included the playlists that were used when Emily and Frank were running together, it was good to see that there was modern and older music that they bonded over.

The relationship between Emily and Frank was really well executed. There was no insta-love here - it was a gradual process of becoming friends to more, I liked the fact that the relationship didn't take over the list and her finding Sloane. The Characters were really well developed, I mean all of them were equally fleshed out and you see so much growth in Emily over the course of the book that it's literally heart warming. At first I found her shyness and lack of confidence annoying. I loved Collin's - he just made me laugh all the time, Frank Porter was a sweet character all the way throughout really caring - sometime he felt a bit stalkerish as he was always around or just turned up exactly where Emily was, but he also had his own problems too. Morgan Matson's writing is so fun and easy to read - you just eat it right up.

This is definitely a book for anyone who wants a book with friendships and Romance, also if you are a fan of Rainbow Rowell I would give this one a go. I will definitely be reading her other books which are second chance summer and Amy and Roger's epic detour.

I rated this 4.5 out 5 stars