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Phillip McSween (751 KP) rated Run Lola Run (1999) in Movies
Nov 2, 2020
If someone asked me to describe Run Lola Run in a phrase or a few words, I would say, “Think Groundhog Day if it were a heist movie.” Though not quite on the same level as Groundhog Day, Run Lola Run definitely provides its share of intriguing moments. The plot: Lola has twenty minutes to come up with the money her boyfriend lost or he will be killed by gangsters.
Acting: 10
Very believable performances all around. Franka Potente is great as Lola, really helping to add to the overall desperation of the story. As leads go, I was very impressed with how she kept me engaged in the story with her great command of the role. What she had to do was not easy in the slightest. I won’t go into detail as to why for fear of ruining the movie, but let’s just say she was asked to do a lot in a short amount of time.
Beginning: 5
Characters: 6
With everything happening at such a fast clip, they definitely didn’t waste time on character development. While this alone wouldn’t have been enough to propel this movie to high-quality status, it certainly would have helped. Without stronger characters, I felt like the movie lacked in true substance. Sure it was fun, but the end result didn’t leave room for me to care because I didn’t have strong characters to care about.
Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Conflict: 10
Time is the conflict here and that concept is used extremely well. Every moment feels dire and extreme. You honestly don’t know what’s going to happen next. The movie does an excellent job of keeping you guessing. Expect a lot of strong moments that will keep your heart racing!
Entertainment Value: 7
Memorability: 3
Personally, the movie didn’t do enough to stick out in my memory bank. Not that it wasn’t decent, but that was the problem for me: It was just decent. There were no over-the-top scenes that blew me away. I would be happy watching this once…and never again.
Pace: 10
Full use was made of the 81-minute runtime. Run Lola Run keeps you engaged from beginning to end. For what it’s worth, I don’t recall many dull parts, if any.
Plot: 2
Resolution: 10
Satisfying ending to tie the story up nicely. It was good, almost frustratingly so. If the story had been that level of quality, I would be in love with this movie.
Overall: 73
Don’t get me wrong, I can totally see why so many people are enamored with Run Lola Run. Unfortunately for me it was just ok. I would certainly recommend a one-time watch, but it doesn’t hold up as a classic for me.
Acting: 10
Very believable performances all around. Franka Potente is great as Lola, really helping to add to the overall desperation of the story. As leads go, I was very impressed with how she kept me engaged in the story with her great command of the role. What she had to do was not easy in the slightest. I won’t go into detail as to why for fear of ruining the movie, but let’s just say she was asked to do a lot in a short amount of time.
Beginning: 5
Characters: 6
With everything happening at such a fast clip, they definitely didn’t waste time on character development. While this alone wouldn’t have been enough to propel this movie to high-quality status, it certainly would have helped. Without stronger characters, I felt like the movie lacked in true substance. Sure it was fun, but the end result didn’t leave room for me to care because I didn’t have strong characters to care about.
Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Conflict: 10
Time is the conflict here and that concept is used extremely well. Every moment feels dire and extreme. You honestly don’t know what’s going to happen next. The movie does an excellent job of keeping you guessing. Expect a lot of strong moments that will keep your heart racing!
Entertainment Value: 7
Memorability: 3
Personally, the movie didn’t do enough to stick out in my memory bank. Not that it wasn’t decent, but that was the problem for me: It was just decent. There were no over-the-top scenes that blew me away. I would be happy watching this once…and never again.
Pace: 10
Full use was made of the 81-minute runtime. Run Lola Run keeps you engaged from beginning to end. For what it’s worth, I don’t recall many dull parts, if any.
Plot: 2
Resolution: 10
Satisfying ending to tie the story up nicely. It was good, almost frustratingly so. If the story had been that level of quality, I would be in love with this movie.
Overall: 73
Don’t get me wrong, I can totally see why so many people are enamored with Run Lola Run. Unfortunately for me it was just ok. I would certainly recommend a one-time watch, but it doesn’t hold up as a classic for me.