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Free Solo (2018)
Free Solo (2018)
2018 | Documentary
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The best view comes after the hardest climb. Free Solo (2019) Review
In a world of ever-increasing strip-mining of existing properties for prequels and spin-offs, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine someone would set out to make a whole movie about the opening sequence of “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier”.

Of course, that was fantasy and “Free Solo” is reality and although the climbing of El Capitan is the film’s crowning glory, the real hook of the documentary is in its exploration of what drives Alex Honnold to do what he does, proving that there’s so much more to the compulsion to climb a mountain than ‘because it’s there’...

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley for an unbiased review.

Basically written much like a zombie survival guide, THE TODDLER SURVIVAL GUIDE is meant to amuse while showing parents how to basically toddler proof their lives. Helpful reminders about needing to step up the baby proofing because toddlers can and will climb EVERYTHING are sprinkled throughout the humor, etc.

As a non-parent surrounded by the parents of toddlers (and a few almost toddlers), the book made me laugh until I almost peed my pants, thinking of the horror stories they tell. It's like a built in birth control book, as if my friends' stories were not that enough already.

The book would be a great present for those parents who need to be reminded their struggles are not unique and they are not completely alone (all though, realistically, those parents don't have time to read a book). I'd also say it's a must read for those deciding if they are ready to have kids :-)

Jared Harper (8 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Apex Legends in Video Games

Mar 14, 2019  
Apex Legends
Apex Legends
2019 | Shooter
Ping system, balanced abilities from diverse characters, completely free, dedicated servers and development team. Graphics, smooth gameplay, good hit detection, so much more! (0 more)
Only 3 player, sorry if you have more than two friends! Some guns are worthless and need to be buffed. (0 more)
Apex legends is the first person shooter battle Royale game I've been waiting for. It's not the first, but it's the best in my opinion. Graphics are beautiful and smooth. Movement is quick and fluid with the ability to climb anything and to slide down any slope at a decent speed. Gun fights are always interesting because of each fighters unique but fair abilities. Gun drops are good and most games you have decent loot. Only complaint I have is to buff some of the weaker guns to keep up with the R301 and wingman combo that most people seem to want. Snipers could use some more love especially, as every shot has bullet drop, it would be useful to do more damage since the difficulty of hitting the target is higher than in games without bullet drop. Back to the positives, playing with randoms can be achieved because of the fantastic ping system! No mic? No problem you can communicate just about anything by pinging a location and choosing an option. Storm is rarely deadly, but keeps the fight going at a good rate. However, sometimes when there's a few people left we have a huge circle, and I'd like to see an algorithm that speeds up the circle when there's that few people. Other than a few negatives I LOVE this game and if you haven't played it, you should.
Dying Light
Dying Light
2015 | Action/Adventure
Awkward parkour (2 more)
Terrible story
Disappointing loot
Mutton dressed as lamb
This game came out in January last year, so it’s now more than a year old, but honestly it feels much older than that. I can remember when this came out to glowing reviews and I was pleased, because I was a big fan of Techland’s first open world, first person zombie game, Dead Island. Plus this looked really cool as it added free running and a transformation of zombies. I bought the game in about September last year, but I have only recently gotten around to actually playing it, so I figured I’d give my thoughts on the game so far. To be honest I am very disappointed, after the glowing reviews and audience praise I was expecting a game that was a lot better than this. I honestly think I may prefer the original Dead Island to Dying Light and although I may be looking at Dead Island through rose tinted glasses, it was only a couple of years ago that I played it, so I’m not so sure.

The big gimmick in this game is the free running. I went into the game expecting Dead Island meets Mirror’s Edge, but instead I got something more akin to Shadow Fall or Far Cry’s janky free running. The player character honestly feels so heavy and clunky and there is no coherent flow to the free running at all. The other gimmick is the idea of ‘drops,’ which are basically supply drops that are dropped in various locations throughout the map. The controller will vibrate, the blue icon will appear on the map and you haul ass across the environment towards it, in the awkward parkour motion that you are forced to endure throughout the game. The first couple of drops are difficult when you don’t yet really know what you are doing, but after a while you know what to expect and as soon as you feel the controller rumble and the icon appear on the mini map you know to just run as fast as possible towards the icon and everything will be straightforward. Also, while I am aware that players don’t tend to love this game for it’s immersive story, what story they attempt is garbage delivered by poor voice acting, in addition it makes absolutely no sense that you are just some random guy that the people from The Tower find out on the street and within spending a day or two with them they declare you to be the best free runner in the whole tower, it is all just far too convenient. The game also attempts to force you to change your play style at night, some of the zombies transform into hulking, hard to kill beasts with super speed, but their field of vision also appears on the map, so as long as you can avoid that, everything will be hunky dory and even if you do get seen you can just run away for a bit and climb onto a ledge and they will soon forget about you. I actually think that the virals that attack you during the day are more dangerous as they don’t have a specific field of view and are faster than the night time virals. Now while all these minor gripes do add up to my dislike of the game, the biggest let down in this game is it’s loot system. The loot in Dead Island was so good and when you had a great weapon, you knew it was great because it was so effective and felt so good to use in combat, there was just a charm to the weapons you could find in that game. The loot in Dying Light is much more generic and the effectiveness of the weapons has been neutered. The game starts you off with flimsy blunt weapons, which is expected, then you either find or save up your money and buy a sweet new axe or machete, you think that this is going to help you take out everything so much easier, but there isn’t much more of an effect, like maybe instead of dying after 18 hits a guy will die after 15, but that still doesn’t exactly feel effective to me. Also, the weapons degrade quickly, but that doesn’t matter because there is a good amount of weapons to buy and find, but since they have all been nerfed anyway it renders the whole process totally pointless, the loot system is really redundant and has no impact at all on the game. Also the guns are overpowered as all hell. The big guys with the heavy weapons will take you around fifty smacks with a hammer to bring down, but if you have a pistol and jump over a three foot wall, they can’t follow you and so they just stand still, so you just pop two or three caps into their skull and they go down in a couple of seconds. I also dislike how the damage you inflict on an enemy is the same no matter where on the body that you hit them. You can whack a guy repeatedly in the head or the legs and he will fall down in the same amount of time either way.

Overall, this game tries to be the next gen version of Dead Island, but what it delivers is a game that looks and feels like it came out at the same time as its predecessor and in a lot of ways it is even less intuitive than the first game. I know that I keep comparing this game to Dead Island, but I honestly believe that if you are looking for a first person zombie survival game, you should save yourself the cash and go pick up Dead Island as it plays better than this one and is graphically on par. However even though I have torn this game apart for the duration of this review, it is still a good game and I can see why people like it, I just don’t understand the massive amounts of praise it gets when Dead Island was a better game.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Batman: Arkham Knight in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Batman: Arkham Knight
Batman: Arkham Knight
Playing as Batman never gets old for fans of the Caped Crusader and in the latest video game offering Arkham Knight from Warner Bros Interactive and Rocksteady Studios, fans can once again climb, soar, and now drive through the streets of Gotham City to make the world a safer place.

After the Scarecrow has launched an attack on the city, it is up to Batman to save the day as the mass exodus caused by the attack has left Gotham a shell of its former self and allowed more of the seedy underbelly of the city to come to ground.

As Batman investigates he encounters all sorts of foes ranging from Poison Ivy to the Arkham Knight who stand in his way. Of course there are legions of henchmen and goons for you to fight through and the free-form combat that has been established in the previous games in the series really shines as the action is as fast and smooth as you would want.

Driving segments played a big part in the game and while I loved racing through the city, I did find the vehicle combat a bit linear and repetitive for my taste, but there are some great side missions such as one in the sewers with the Riddler that will put your driving skills to the test.

What I loved about the game was that the city was a true living and breathing city. It is vast, complex, and something to enjoy when you’re gliding or rappelling your way across the rooftops.
The plot of the game is also a huge selling point as it is filled with twists and turns that will keep you hooked during the entire time that you are playing the game.

From the great graphics and action, the sound quality in the game really makes things come to life, especially the thuds of your fists hitting the next bad guy who was crazy enough to think that they could get away from Batman.

If you are a fan of the previous Batman games in the series, there is much to like about Arkham Knight as aside from the Batmobile issues, I had very little to complain about. The control system works well, the graphics, and sound are first-rate, and the storyline is gripping and engaging.

I look forward to playing the game again and focusing more on the side quests, but for now, let me say that Batman: Arkham Knight is a must own for fan of the series as it is on par with the amazing Arkham Asylum for the best Batman adaptation to date.
2014 | Animals, Card Game, Environmental, Prehistoric, Print & Play
I very much have a science-based mind. I like facts, figures, data, charts, timelines, etc. Yes, I can be a dreamer, too, but at the end of the day, I need verification to really believe in something. That’s why I’ve always been on Team Evolution vs. Team Creationism. It fascinates me how these huge beings like dinosaurs (oh yeah, I love dinosaurs a lot, too) could be preserved in time well past their deaths. But it leads to questions like, “What happened to them? Why couldn’t they make it in the end?” And the game Evolution by North Star Games attempts to answer those.

Disclaimer: There are several expansions to this game, but we are not reviewing them at this time. Should we review them in the future we will either update this review or post a link to the new material here. Furthermore, I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rule book, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy from the publisher directly or from your FLGS. – B

You start the game in control of one species of animal. One non-descript, traitless species that you will slowly (or maybe quickly) build up to be something bigger and better. You evolve it. (Huh.) You’ll start each round by contributing plant food to the watering hole. Each card in your hand is worth a certain amount of plant food. Once that food is in the watering hole, it’s fair game for anyone to eat. Depending on your strategy, you may want a lot of food in that watering hole, or you may want to starve your opponents out (some cards are even worth negative food!). Once all the food is in the watering hole, it’s time to evolve your critters. The cards in your hand have unique traits on them. To imbue your species with that trait, simply place the card next to your species’ gameboard and voila! You now have horns, or intelligence, or the ability to forage, or many other possibilities. You may also take this opportunity to evolve your creature into a carnivore (more on that later). At this point in the game, you may also discard cards in order to increase the population of your species, or to increase the body size of your cute little guys. This will be important later. You can also discard a card to create a whole new species. There’s no limit to how many species you can have, but there is a limit to the available food, so be wise with the number of species you create.

After everyone has evolved, it’s time to feed! You’ll take turns taking plant food from the watering hole. Yummy! You want to eat enough food to sustain your whole population size (1 piece of food per population). If not, your population size will decrease, meaning your species is dying. If you are unable to sustain the last remaining member of your species, that species will become extinct for eternity. Sad face. But don’t worry. You’ll get a new species for free at the beginning of your next turn. Once everyone is fed and happy, the round is over and you start a new round. The winner of the game goes to whoever has eaten the most food because, just like in real life, the success of your population is based on its ability to sustain itself, which, in this case, means eating the proper amount of food.

It SOUNDS simple, but I haven’t told you about all the curveballs yet. As stated before, you may choose to make your species a carnivore, which means that you will no longer take plant food from the watering hole. In order to eat, you have to attack another species! You can only attack other species who have smaller body sizes than you (I told you body size would be important. It’s your first means of defense against predators!). But some of those smaller species might have evolved some defensive traits, like a hard shell or the ability to burrow underground or to climb trees and taunt their predators from on high. This is the beauty of the game. How well can you evolve your herbivore creature in order to keep it well-fed and also free from predators? If you’re a carnivore, how well can you adapt to your surroundings and your ever-evolving prey before you can no longer feed on them? (I should also mention that you may find yourself in the truly depressing situation where all of your opponents have out-evolved your carnivores and the only other option left to feed them is to attack one of YOUR other species. The rules clearly state that every species MUST feed if able to, so you may have to sacrifice your other friends. VERY sad face.)

Components: Evolution comes in a standard cardboard box containing lots of high-quality trait cards, plant and meat food tokens and a large watering hole token (on which you put the plant food tokens). It also comes with cardboard food screens so you can conceal how much food your little (or maybe not so little) critters have eaten. You’ll get a stack of thick, double-sided species boards for you to keep track of your body size and population. I love that they’re double-sided because it gives you the flexibility to change their orientation (portrait or landscape) to save on table space. Body size and population are tracked using little brown and green cubes, which fit nicely in little holes on your species board. And to top it all off, the first player token is a a very large dinosaur-shaped meeple. Adorbs. The cards do tell you how to use them, but the rulebook has extra clarification for each card in case you need it. The cards are even color-coded so you’ll know if the trait is used for defense or eating, or maybe only usable by carnivores. Everything is very top-notch quality and the artwork is quite beautiful, creating new creatures and using bright, vivid colors. The artwork alone drew me to the box in the first place.

I really love this game. The theme is very on-brand for me, but I also really like that it’ll take a bit of luck (by hopefully drawing usable cards) and a ton of strategy to try to outwit your opponents. It’ll never be played the same way twice. Evolution is so spot-on, in fact, that it’s actually been used in the evolutionary biology department of the University of Oxford, so come on. It’s fun AND educational. I’ve also downloaded and quickly become obsessed with the mobile version, which is available on Google Play, in the App Store and on Steam. As of this writing, there are two expansions available: Flight and Climate, but there’s also a Climate stand-alone game, and an Evolution: The Beginning game, which is suitable for our younger friends. I own the Flight expansion but have yet to play it and I can’t wait to change that! Give this game a go. You’ll be happy you did. In the words of esteemed Dr. Ian Malcolm, “Life, uh, finds a way.” Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a (r)evolutionary 13 / 18.