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French Kiss (Flying into Love #1) by C.F. White
French Kiss (Flying into Love #1) by C.F. White
C.F. White | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FRENCH KISS is the first book in the Flying Into Love series and, as the title suggests, the first country we land in is France. We have a tale of opposites as our two main characters try to figure out how to move forward.

It really is an opposites attract book! You have city vs. country, England vs. France, city slicker vs. lumberjack, and even easy-to-like vs. hard-to-like. Valentin saved this book for me as Dale was a little too contrary for me. He held onto his secret past for reasons, although explained, that still doesn't make 100% sense to me. He was completely self-centred and quick to jump to conclusions. Valentin, however, was a hardworking drifter with a strong work and personal ethic who wanted nothing more than to put down some roots. He managed to do that for a while caring for Dale's dad but that is in question with Dale wanting to sell the place.

The pacing was smooth, the story was sweet, and the bedroom scenes were steamy! The best bit for me was the descriptions of the cottage, plus the storm. It does make me laugh though as everyone in the city wants to 'escape to the country' and those who live there, usually want out.

An enjoyable read and I look forward to more stories in this series. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 28, 2022
His Majesty's Dragon
His Majesty's Dragon
Naomi Novik | 2006 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set during the Napoleonic War, British officer and gentleman Captain William Laurence has his life turned upside down after seizing a rare dragon egg from a captured French vessel. Led by an unwavering sense of duty and a growing affection for his new dragonet, Temeraire, he must leave behind everything he knows to join the mysterious and disreputable Aerial Corps.

Naomi Novik knows her stuff. This book is chock full of amazing worldbuilding. Her mastery of naval maneuvers, English society, and the history of the Napoleonic wars is immersive in its completeness. She wastes no time coddling the reader with infodumps or explanations, although the drawback is that it is occasionally so detailed and alien to me that my eyes would glaze over and slide completely past a paragraph filled with information about where Napoleon's forces were and what they were doing.

Laurence himself gets flack as a character for being stiff and "unprogressive", but I feel this is somewhat unwarranted. He's compelling precisely because he exhibits a mindset that would be entirely normal for a man of his station in his time, and slowly has to adjust everything he thinks about class, gender, and duty. His stiffness and reserve can seem alien at times, but we empathize completely with his love of the bright and lovely Temeraire.

This book does have some pacing problems. It is slow in places, particularly during their training and Loch Laggan, and in others cuts chapters far too early, leaving one feeling a bit of whiplash as the next chapter starts up.

Still, the premise is amazing, the dragons are glorious, and I spent an entire night reading this book cover to cover. If you like Bloody Jack, or wondered what How To Train Your Dragon would look like if it were set during the Napoleonic war, you'll definitely enjoy this one.
Blue Monday (Frieda Klein, #1)
Blue Monday (Frieda Klein, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I probably would have given this book 5 stars if I would have read it first. I would recommend that anyone who is interested in reading these books would start here with Blue Monday. I read [b:Tuesday's Gone|13613568|Tuesday's Gone (Frieda Klein, #2)|Nicci French||19213552] first, so when I was reading this book, I just wanted to get to the end since I knew what was coming.
Freida Klein is a psychotherapist in London. Her main focus is to help her patients. She is also a very private person and letting people into her life is very difficult for her. She has a boyfriend who hasn't even been to her apartment.
When Freida agrees to take on Alan Dekker as a patient, he tells her about dreams and fantasies he has been having that are keeping him awake at night and affecting his relationship with his wife and work colleagues. The dream involves a small boy with bright red hair, that Alan is imagining as his son. He and his wife have been unable to have children, so this thought has consumed him. It gives him terrible anxiety as if the boy should be with them.
So, it becomes very strange a few days after Freida takes Alan on, that a boy matching the boy that Alan is describing goes missing. Freida feels inclined to take this information to the police. The discoveries that come from that inquiry will uncover a whole lot of things no one saw coming.
This book is really good. It will leave you on the edge of your seat. Can't wait for the next book in the series.
Nine Women, One Dress
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every woman needs a LBD(Little Black Dress). This book tells the story of one such dress. You get to follow the life of the dress at it is born until it meets it's demise. Max Hammer is the designer. Along the way, we meet the dressmaker, the runway model who first shows the dress to the world and the other women who have come in contact with the dress and the way it has affected their lives. The dress of the season has made it's way around New York City and the world.

I listened to this book over the past couple of weeks to and from work. It's a cute story about "the" dress of the season. Throughout the life of the dress you meet a host of characters that each have their moment with the dress. We have Natalie the Bloomingdale's sales girl, who uses the dress to help an actor get negative press away from his name. Then there's, Felicia who has been Mr. Winters assistant for the past 20 years and has been in love with him for just as long, she gets the dress in the best/worst mix-up ever. Then there's an actress in a Broadway play, the French girl who is normally only in a berka, the private eye who snoops out cheating husbands, and the runway model from Alabama making her debut in the dress. The whole story is centered around the Bloomingdale's where the dress is being sold and the employees who work there are just as pertinent to the story as the women who wear the dress.

Overall this was a cute story that made me laugh out loud at parts.
Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, #5)
Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, #5)
Patricia Briggs | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This plotline delved more deeply into the interplay between wolf and man in the werewolf, which is interesting since Mercy does not have that issue with becoming a coyote. It also explored the way that being connected to a pack could either help you or hurt you. The complexities and interplays were fascinating, especially since Mercy had to learn to fight only "in the mind." It kind of validates being intelligent as a viable form of defense. What I did find annoying was when Sylvia and her brood would use Spanish to communicate, and their words were not translated. I studied French in high school, folks, not Spanish. It's poor form to put a foreign language in your book and not at least roughly translate it. Moving on.
I thought the way that the fairy queen operated was, put simply, stupid. She got so many basic things wrong that it did not even make sense that she was even living in the modern world. For instance, she really should have thought of the capabilities of cell phones. As "bad guys" go, she was rather pathetic, and even Bran, the Marrok agreed with me, calling her "stupid fairy queen." I loved that the fight against the fairy queen brought a past love of Samuel's to the forefront, thus giving him a reason to want to live, as well as giving me a different female character to root for. I'm also hoping that Ariana will stick around in future books.
This was not my favorite book in the series, despite centering around an actual book in the plot, as well as showing a bit more "bonding" between Adam and Mercy. The climax seemed less "climactic" than normal, thanks to a less believeable villian, but there was lots for me to like about this book despite what it lacked.
So Cold the River
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has taken me a long time to read and I never totally got into the story past the first part, which was intriguing. It's not that it was poorly written or the plot itself wasn't an interesting idea, but my attention strayed a lot, most likely due the length (about 500 pages) and how slowly the story moved. And while I believe that some slowness was necessary to build the tension, it just crawled through it towards the finish line, and I was bored more times than not. I can't say Eric or most of the characters were interesting, so I didn't care too much what happened to them. Although I did like Kellen and Anne and it's too bad they weren't in the book a bit more. Possibly some things could have been pared down for a better flow to the story, such as Eric's separation from his wife, which was overdone with more background information than was needed. Also, there could have been a little less time spent with Josiah, who was a loathsome character. Even if he was supposed to be a nasty individual, and essential to the plot, not everything from his point of view added to the book. The ending was okay, but didn't really fit where the book had been going beforehand. That's not to say there isn't something good here, for instance the atmosphere was well done and the bit of history thrown in about Pluto Water, the springs, West Baden, French Lick, and the hotels added to that. Maybe a couple more rewrites and this could have been a scary or thrilling horror story. As it stands, it just wasn't for me, so I'll stick with The Shining, which I couldn't help thinking about while reading So Cold the River.
Woman Without Fear
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***I won a copy of this book in a First to Read giveaway on Goodreads***

The story is about a shy woman named Trinity Silverman who, for reasons that are never fully explained, suffers from constant fear and anxiety. Despite this, her job is to go to trade conferences, and give presentations trying to sell her firm's financial software. Her companion when she travels is a snail named Speedy that she keeps in a small Plexiglas box. On one such business trip to Las Vegas, she meets a man in the hotel bar who works for a pharmaceutical company. He offers her some pills that he has developed, promising that they will take away all of her fears.

I had a few issues with this book. Conversations were sometimes strange, but it was originally written in French and translated into English, so that could be the reason for the odd dialog. I also had a problem with the way Trinity befriended a hotel maid who allowed her to dig through the garbage to retrieve the her lost pills. I didn't find their interaction and fast friendship at all believable. Most of all though, I was surprised at the amount of time spent on the snail who is not even mentioned in the book blurb. This was the first time I had ever read a novel told (at least in part) from a snail's point of view.

It ended abruptly, and somewhat confusingly, but it was only part 1 of the story. There are 4 more books, but the author's style and the unusual subject matter just didn't grab my interest enough to make me want to keep reading to find out what happens.

Louise (64 KP) rated Horrorstör in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Grady Hendrix | 2014 | Horror
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was super excited about reading this book, when I first read the synopsis of a haunted Ikea style superstore I was instantly intrigued and couldn’t wait to pick it up. I showed my friend the book and she too wanted to read this book on the synopsis alone. There is something quite thrilling about a superstore being haunted especially as I have an Ikea around the corner from where I live.

Lets talk about the design of this book first of all, when I picked it up it looked and felt just like a shopping catalogue,the book also had french flaps and on the inside of the cover there was a layout of the store and list of areas, such as kitchens, bedrooms, wardrobes etc etc. Every chapter had a product advertisement that become more and more sinister throughout the book.

This book was definitely intense and got very creepy and definitely scary in parts but I didn’t feel any connection with the characters, This could be that it was told from a third person perspective or that none of them had personalities.All of the characters were just boring. The reason why it was haunted was quite interesting and I really liked that aspect of the story. The ending, I think is a bit 50/50 you are either going to love it or hate it and I didn’t like it.When I finished this book there was one question on my mind WHY? This book is described as a parody/humor which I found wasn’t the case at all and I perhaps sniggered once.

Overall I enjoyed the book and loved the aesthetic side of it but it just didn’t blow me away. I recommend this for people who want a quick read with elements of horror.

I rated this 2.5 out of 5 stars