I Didn't Come Here to Make Friends: Confessions of a Reality Show Villain
In I Didn't Come Here to Make Friends former Bachelor "villain" and season 16 winner Courtney...

Terry & George - Feeding Friends: Great Recipes to Cook, Eat and Share
George Craig and Terry Edwards
'Terry's recipes are as fun to prepare as they are to eat and share, and Feeding Friends is the kind...

Facebook for Seniors: Connect with Friends and Family in 12 Easy Lessons
Carrie Ewin, Cheryl Ewin and Chris Ewin
Facebook is the world's largest internet community. It's used by millions of people like you to...

Cafe Kitchen: Relaxed Food for Friends from the Lantana Cafe
Cafe Kitchen contains a stunning repertoire of recipes to inspire you, whatever the time of day....

Everyday Harumi: Simple Japanese Food for Family and Friends
In Everyday Harumi, now reissed as an attractive jacketed paperback, Harumi Kurihara, Japan's most...