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    Love Collage - Photo Editor

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Promises and Pixie Dust
Promises and Pixie Dust
Elle Madison, Robin Mahle | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to the gorgeously talented Elle and Robin for granting me the opportunity to read their beautiful book in exchange for an honest review.

Promises and Pixie Dust is the first Thumbelina retelling I have seen in the current MASSIVE trend of retellings.
Initially this magical tale featured within the Enchanted Kingdoms collection of retellings but Elle and Robin have now released Lina upon the world as the debut novel in “The Unfabled Series”.
Naturally, a Thumbelina story by Elle and Robin is never going to be your average retelling and, when the story opens on "Lina" drinking pints in 'The Poisoned Apple', it is safe to say that this novel will be just as brilliant as their other works.
At a whole 12 cm tall, Lina has never entirely fit in with the world around her. Everything she owns is adapted to fit her size and she has never met anyone similar to herself. After the death of her mother Lina is determined to find someone else of her kind and, along with her childhood friend Edrich, journeys into the Enchanted forest in search of answers.
Edrich is an unwilling companion to put it mildly and the relationship between him and Lina is very intriguing for the reader. Elle and Robin purposefully drip feed us information regarding the friends and the challenges they have faced up to this point but the undercurrent of tension between the pair make it clear that there is more than friendship and obligation at play here.
This doesn't mean that the reader is not entirely unsympathetic to Edrich's frustration with Lina though. She is often sickeningly chirpy and optimistic with no sense of danger. At the end of the day though, a tiny woman whose mood shows on her skin and rides a hedgehog is a winner in any story.
Promises and Pixie Dust also hints heavily at a recent backstory involving Edrich as he experiences flashbacks and guilt linked to his current line of work. I really hope Edrich gets the chance to tell his own story as I know Piper and Neira will.
I really appreciated the little changes between the Enchanted Kingdoms story and The Unfabled series version. Poor Edrich was very difficult to love in the previous version but has definitely been hit with the empathy stick in recent months! Once his circumstances are (forcibly) changed Edrich almost has a newfound respect for Lina and even before this he isn’t as condescending as his Enchanted Kingdoms counterpart was – I no longer want to punch him in the face anyway so that’s a bonus!
Elle and Robin also developed the world of the fairies a little more, providing more of an insight into their dependence on woodland creatures and even inventing a new sport! The imagery here was so beautiful that I was desperate for illustrations to accompany it.
If you are a fan of retellings, Once Upon a Time, fairies and friends to lovers storylines then this is the tale for you. Promises and Pixie Dust has a freshly manicured hedgehog, a villain with a heart and the best curse words ever imagined.
Frolicking centaurs it's a good read!
After Life - Season 2
After Life - Season 2
2020 | Comedy, Drama
It’s difficult not to enjoy or at least admire anything Ricky Gervais writes for TV. His track record now speaks for itself. What you are going to get at the very minimum is a well thought out concept, some odd characters, mostly with their hearts in the right place, and a handful of irreverent jokes that will make you howl out loud and also have a little think.

I loved season one of this show about a man constantly on the edge of wondering whether to bother carrying on with life after the tragically early death of the wife he loved more than life itself. If you want to remind yourself what I said about it, please check the archives. Much of what I had to say then still applies – it is the same show, just six new episodes.

Which is both good and bad, I think. Good because it is good. It makes you think and care and respond humanely, but with lots of chuckles. Bad because it doesn’t do a lot to move things on. Tony, played pitch perfectly by Gervais is still depressed, of course he is, his wife is still dead. He is starting to try a bit more with people around him, and taking more risks with his own life. But the pills are still down the side of the sofa, the red wine is still flowing, and so are the snarky comments.

People like the dog. I can see why. Dog lovers know that bond all too well. The reason to get up in the morning is your best canine pal, and that is sometimes enough. Slowly, Tony is starting to find new reasons to get out of bed though; helping others be happy is given him reason to be. And that is the genius of it really – because he can be a bit of a prick, but you always forgive him when you see the kindness behind the wall of pain.

For me, this season isn’t better than the first one, it is about the same, which is no bad thing. To be at all critical, it seems to be relying too much on the same point being made over and over. Which may be why it wasn’t recently nominated for any Emmys, when it was touted to do quite well. Or is it because of Gervais’ last go at the Golden Globe elite in January?

Watch it. Enjoy it. Recommend it to friends who haven’t seen it. Just don’t get too carried away with it until season 3 proves it goes somewhere new and interesting that it didn’t already go to.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated All Grown Up in Books

Jan 3, 2018 (Updated Jan 3, 2018)  
All Grown Up
All Grown Up
Jami Attenberg | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entertaining, a more realistic Sex and the City
This is a fictional but all too real account of one woman’s voyage through life, battered by family, societal pressures and her own inner demons. Andrea, the character at the heart of the book, is absolutely clear that she does not want a child of her own.

Her life is spread eagled across the pages for the reader to pick over. Each chapter is a snapshot of an episode in her life, whether it is looking back over some of her chaotic childhood years - Dad was a drug user who died too early; Mum, once on her own again, runs bi-monthly dinner parties in the 1990s attended by only men, who of course try and hit on Andrea, a teenager at the time; or whether it is an examination of her relationships with her friends, lovers and acquaintances who pass through her life now.

Andrea also has a brother who in turn has a daughter, only tiny, who was born with a congenital problem and her life expectancy is only around four years. Yet, our self absorbed protagonist does not really visit to offer support because she is so wrapped up in her own world. She simply does not have the mental capacity and resources to give to her brother and little niece.

This is an interesting read, on-point in many ways – it smacks of New York and of lives lived in the city, Freudian Angst, neuroses and all the shtick of metropolitan Manhattan. At times, it did feel a little cliched but may be we all repeat the same patterns?
The Room on Rue Amélie
The Room on Rue Amélie
Kristin Harmel | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For those that know me, truly know me, know that one of my favorite genres to read, is historical fiction. More specifically, the WWII era. So, when I was browsing books at B&N one day, I came across this book. First, let me say, the cover is enough to hook me! It’s gorgeous. Second, once my dad surprised me with it, I devoured it. Or, rather, it devoured me and kept me hooked til the end.

This book is not full of fluff and rhyme. Yes, there is a bit of romance woven in, but the author is taking the reader on a journey of self discovery. The reader is on a journey with the characters, feeling the heartache of the war, the pain, and sacrifice that went with running from the Nazi’s and helping with the escape efforts of the pilots.

Each page turn, Harmel gives something more to the reader. She intricately weaves a story that you become a part of. Ruby, Charlotte and Thomas all make their way into the reader’s heart. The depth of emotions is felt wholly, the detail to the history is vivid and clear.

Harmel’s THE ROOM ON RUE AMELIE is a novel that all historical fiction lovers should grab. It will consume you and keep you until the last page is turned. If I could give this book a thousand stars I would. But, alas, I can give it 5 stars. This is a book that I won’t forget and will be sharing with my friends many times over.

*This book was purchased by myself. All opinions, negative or positive, are my own.*
500 Days of Summer (2009)
500 Days of Summer (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
This is not a love story. This is a story about love. The tag line sums of this movie perfectly. It’s a story of a boy Tom who meets a girl at work called Summer, He thinks she is ‘The One’ and after a little bit of a fling. Until Summer decides she doesn’t want anything serious, Tom goes on the roller coaster of emotions and we get to see how he gets though the 500 days of Summer. Tom gets help from his two best friends McKenzie, Paul and even his little sister Rachel who is surprisingly more adult than her age would show.

The Story is something a lot of people can relate to as it’s a dead-end job that Tom just filled even tho he dreamed of being something better. Can this doomed relationship give him the confidence to take the next step in his career? With some great chemistry between Tom and Summer that sparkles at the start but fizzles out as the relationship grew. Having great locations from an Ikea store to a hill-side park in the middle of the busy city. The music through out the movie are great classics from The Smiths, Morrissey and Beatles conversation keep the music lovers interested in the storyline.

Overall Movie Rating 93% it’s a rom-com that everyone will enjoy as it is a position everyone would have been in some when during their love life. Action junkies will not be interested that much but overall a very good romantic comedy that all will enjoy