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Acanthea Grimscythe (300 KP) rated The House by the Cemetery in Books

Jan 31, 2019 (Updated Feb 2, 2019)  
The House by the Cemetery
The House by the Cemetery
John Everson | 2018 | Horror
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have a love-hate relationship with The House by the Cemetery by John Everson, and it’s really tearing me apart. I absolutely enjoyed the story itself, but there’s a few issues, one of which is a huge red flag, that I simply can’t allow to go unspoken–and if other reviews are any clue, I’m not the only one that’s immensely bothered by it.

The story involves a witch that died in 1963, a haunted house, a haunted house attraction, and a lot of characters (too many to keep track of without a notebook, actually). Hired to repair the haunted house so that guests can safely walk through it, Mike Kostner spends much of his time drinking beer and talking with the girls, Katie and Emery. At the same time, Jeanie’s been hired on as a makeup artist for the upcoming attraction and drags her boyfriend, Bong, into it. Then there’s Jillie and Ted, paranormal investigators. And then there are three other groups of people to form more members of the cast, which I found to be extremely overwhelming.

At this point in my review, I usually talk about characters and their development, what I like about them, what I don’t, etc. In this case, I can’t really do that. The only character I managed to forge any sort of emotional connection with was Jeanie, and it’s mainly sympathetic. As for the rest of the roles played, I’m largely disappointed. Why? Because there’s a severe lack of sensitivity in this novel–which has been mentioned in several other reviews. There are four characters whose sole defining characteristic is either their race or their weight. There’s no depth given beyond that to them as an individual. The remarks dealing with weight are largely shaming and those dealing with race are stereotypical. And here’s where I’m going to take a moment to discuss the character Bong, which I feel is the most blatant insult to another race’s customs that I’ve seen in a long time.

Bong’s full name is Bong-soon Mon. Phonetically, that sounds a lot like “bong soon man.” It’s not overly obvious if you’re not familiar with Korean names, and Bong-soon is an actual name used in the drama Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. However, in this case, Everson shortens Bong-soon, which is actually the character’s name (whether it’s his first or last, I’m not sure), to Bong. Thus he makes it more of a laughing matter (really, it’s not funny), whether it’s intentional or unintentional. Usually I’m not sensitive to these types of material, but in this book the way it comes across is really bothersome and, like several other readers, I agree with the idea that this book desperately needs an edit for sensitivity. Please bear in mind that I read an arc of this book and so I’m not sure if any of these issues were addressed in the final publication.

EDIT: After speaking with the author, he explained to me that the reason he shortened the name as he did comes from personal experience with someone that had the same name, and what they went by. Everson also assured me it was not his intent to fat shame those characters. I really appreciate that he reached out to me, and feel it's important that my misconception be corrected, but not hidden.

Plotwise, I adored this book. I can’t go too much into detail without sharing spoilers, but I can say this: the Everson does have a talent for creating beautifully grisly, albeit somewhat repetitive, scenes. The bloodbath that takes place near the end of the book is a glorious gore-fest that I felt the rest of the story worked up to quite well, even if it crawled earlier on while Mike was working on the house. As for the setting, it’s well written. I liked the idea of a house next to a cemetery, and its easy to infer its age without being told: it’s too close to a turnpike to have been put there before the turnpike was built. I was, however, confused by the juxtaposition of a heavily wooded house and cemetery in close proximity to a city or town, as in my experience turnpikes usually don’t have exits between major locales. At least, not very many present-day ones do, as most of them have been converted to, or created as, a controlled-access highway, where intersecting roads tend to cross over or under so that they do not impede traffic. That said, it strikes me as weird that a single house and cemetery would have an exit from a turnpike.

So I decided to google cemeteries and turnpikes, and what did I find? Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery is an actual haunted locale found in the suburbs of Chicago. And yes, it actually is that close to a turnpike! If you like to watch Ghost Adventures, the cemetery was featured in a 2012 episode. Also, the cemetery is extremely old. Even better? Many of the ghost stories referenced in the book are actual tales surrounding the cemetery. It’s actually pretty fascinating and I wouldn’t even have known about it were it not for Everson’s book.

Overall, I did enjoy reading this book. I loved the homage to horror movies of all types, including lesser known genres. I absolutely adored the way in which some of the characters were manipulated, too. Hence why I stated early in this review that I have a love-hate relationship with it. Because of the lack of sensitivity though, and the way I was made to feel as a reader because of it (I’m overweight, after all), I can’t give it more than three skulls.

I’d like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book for review.
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Acanthea Grimscythe (300 KP) Feb 1, 2019

Agreed, @Heather Cranmer! I’ve seen that too, and I really love the phrase “freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.”

One of the things about this book’s reviews that really bother me on Goodreads is that while several reviewers mentioned the issue, many more didn’t even touch on it.

Seriously. I’m just like, “Really guys? Am I the only fat, non-white individual here that feels singled out?” My first thought when I saw the weight comments, then the use of race as the identifier, was, “Wow, this author would hate me. I’m fat and Hispanic.” I have read some pretty triggering books, and of course I’ve read many that are considered no longer okay to teach in school because of their racial content, but I have never, ever felt so singled out as a reader.


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) Feb 1, 2019

Wow, yeah. It’s amazing what some people are comfortable with. The author sounds racist and just like a bigot. I will definitely be giving his other works a miss. I don’t want to read a bunch of hateful mean comments. The world is too full of meanness in real life as it is =(

I can no longer remember my life before Herringford & Watts! Rachel McMillan continues to deliver stories that are both engaging and exciting. Set at the beginning of The Great War, residents of Toronto see their city turned upside down and inside out in this, the third full length novel of the series.

Cracker Jacks! I adore this series. Full of unique characters, creative words, a beautiful setting, and an original storyline. Herringford & Watts will drag you off of your feet and into their world of mystery, murder, and adventure.

Jasper Forth takes on a much more prominent role in The White Feather Murders and I am so SO glad! Move over Ray there is a new dream boat in town. I have always loved Jasper, but this book just sealed the deal for me. As Jem and Merinda whisk us away on yet another daring adventure, things have definitely changed. Both in their beloved city and in the dynamics of their partnership. It was so good to see all four of our characters work through things together and individually.

I can (and will given the opportunity) go on for an extended length of time about all of the reasons I find this book and series utterly delightful. However, you don't have time for such things, for you must purchase a book (the novellas are FREE) and begin reading IMMEDIATELY! Your heart and your brain will thank you for it. The books themselves are gorgeous! Beautiful silhouettes depicting parts of the story on the cover. Footnotes for the reader. Quotes from books that McMillan has created herself. But above all, LADY DETECTIVES in Toronto, 1914. Until our next adventure from Rachel McMillan comes out, enjoy discovering the five other books/novellas in the series! Jem and Merinda are sure to become some of your closest friends, as they have become to me.

I received a complimentary copy of The White Feather Murders from the publishers (Harvest House) through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Orphan (2009)
Orphan (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
For the Coleman family the idea of adopting a beautiful little Russian orphan girl is no easy task, having overcome a number of heart breaking obstacles from alcoholism to the loss of a child. But Ester (Isabelle Fuhrman) seems to be a perfect fit for the family; she is independent, clever, and interested in the arts. When a series of dangerous yet untraceable events begin to occur whenever Ester is around, the Coleman’s wonder if their bad luck is over.

When I entered the theater I expected a creepy female version of Damien adorned in a lacey Victorian dress. But “Orphan” was surprising and interesting in ways than I ever could have expected. More like the 2002 film “He Loves Me… He Loves Me Not” than part of the “Omen” series, “Orphan” packs a punch… and a stab and a gunshot or two.

The full-bodied story starts straight from the films shocking beginning. Yes at times the plot does take some significant suspended belief, a recently recovering alcoholic adopting a child, for instance.

But “Orphan” is an emotional roller coaster splicing unexpected comedic moments with stabbing suspense.
The mix of hauntingly familiar music and color filled imagery make this not just another suspense film but a more artistic take on the genre. Film themes range from love, trust, and childhood, to the ongoing questions of good and evil.

Additionally reoccurring use of color, sex, and connection to family are well woven into the film. Not to mention the use of classic horror elements such as the creepy tree house used in conjunction with newer style choices such as some subtitling and scare turned laughter moments.

A thrilling and full-bodied story “Orphan” is a chilling tale with an interesting while not entirely believable plotline. People will talk about this one.

The DVD release offers sharp sound and picture quality and numerous bonus features including an alternate ending to the film.
The Adventures of Pugalugs: Trick or Treat
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Adventures of Pugalugs: Trick or Treat by Jessica Parish is the Halloween edition of Pugalugs. It is a cute story that should not scare children at all.

In this Halloween adventure Pugalugs is getting ready to go trick or treating with his siblings Dug and Bella. He starts digging through a chest full of costumes trying to find the perfect one. Unfortunately, he finds this task o be a bit on the difficult side. Pugalugs and his siblings seem to be able to find something wrong with every costume he tries out. He tries everything from a scary ghost to a silly pumpkin. Finally, at the very end, Pugalugs finds the perfect costume at the bottom of the chest. After getting dressed up Pugalugs surprise everyone with his wonderful disguise.

What I liked best was each of the costumes that Pugalugs tries on is cute in its own way. Pugalugs entertains children with his silly antics by tripping over the tail of one costume and getting all tangled up in another one. At the end, he decides the best thing to be is himself. What I didn’t like was that this book was not quite what I expected, although that is not a problem. I was expecting Pugalugs to actually be trick or treating and possibly overcoming a fear. Instead, Pugalugs is getting ready to go trick or treating but never actually leaves the house.

Animal lovers of all ages will enjoy this fun Halloween book. Toddlers and young children will enjoy having this book read to them over and over again while slightly older children will enjoy reading it themselves. I rate this book 4 out of 4. The small paragraphs accompanied by full-page pictures keep the book from being intimidating to young readers. The rhymes in this book keep it moving at a steady speed and it has a wonderful lesson for children; be your self.
Ridin' the Wind: The Anthology by The Tornados
Ridin' the Wind: The Anthology by The Tornados
2002 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Telstar by The Tornados

(0 Ratings)


"‘Telstar’ is such a unique sounding song. On Joe Meeks’ original version of it he starts off singing in tune, but that all changes. I don’t know whether it was Geoff Goddard or someone else in the studio who translated that into “Oh, that’s the melody that you were singing”, because he’s so in between the notes, you can’t tell if it’s a G or a G sharp or an F sharp or whatever. “In terms of sound design, you can’t find a song that sounds like ‘Telstar’ - it’s completely unique. The main thing for me is there’s no lyrics in it and to create such an atmosphere in essentially what is a pop song is just brilliant. I wish I could have heard it for the first time in the ‘60s when it came out, because it sounds so ahead of its time. Even though it’s quite lo-fidelity there’s really amazing stuff in terms of production techniques that I steal all the time - like speeding up pianos to make them sound like harps or speeding up whole tracks to make them sound not like real-life or superimposed. ""During the recording of the new album it definitely inspired me as a producer, because when there’s a missing sound you can use a Joe Meek-esque mad idea, or make some conventional sound unconventional. It’s also inspiring in terms of the whole home recording thing. We still make our albums at my house. I've changed from being in my parent's house in a little box room to living in this old chapel-type building and now living in a house in the countryside. I've got a dedicated out-house to music, but it doesn't feel like a studio - it still feels like home recording and obviously Joe Meek had his own studio. Maybe he was inspired by Les Paul and Mary Ford, they always did stuff in hotel rooms, so perhaps he was inspired by that. “For the way that I work, when you feel inspired it’s incredibly important not to be limited by having to see if a studio is free. Also, you can’t underestimate the importance of having a space for the gear that you have set up, just so nothing holds you back when inspiration strikes. ""For a lot of the tracks on the new album, I’d been sitting out in the storm porch, having a cigarette and then something would come. It sounds so cheesy saying that, but it does happen. At the time you don’t really know how important it is, you sometimes think, “Should I record this?” or commit the idea or the melody to a phone recording or whatever. You don’t know whether it’s going to be any good but when we get a full song out of it, it’s like “Wow, if I hadn’t recorded that, would I have remembered it?” “With sound design and production, I do the very opposite, which is strange. When I'm getting sounds together - maybe to create a song - I’ll spend maybe three hours just recording some drums and some parts, I don’t even have a song and then at the end of it, if I’ve got nothing out of it, I just delete the project, because if there isn’t a song in there, it doesn’t matter how good the drums sound. I’d rather have the song and build the sounds around it."


Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Guest Book in Books

May 30, 2021  
The Guest Book
The Guest Book
C.L. Pattison | 2021 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first time reading this author and likely won't be the last as this was an enjoyable and easy read.

Grace and Charles are on their way to St Ives to start their honeymoon when disaster strikes and they are stranded in the small seaside town of Saltwater; with there being few available rooms left, they have to book in to the run-down bed and breakfast, The Anchorage, and which is where the creepiness starts.

This is a story that is full of atmosphere which is excellently captured from start to finish. You can feel the weird vibe jumping out of the pages from not only the strange owners of The Anchorage but from the town itself and its inhabitants. You know something's not quite right but you struggle to put your finger on it and this builds the tension however, and it's a big however, it didn't really end as good as it started; it just seemed to fizzle out unfortunately and I didn't get that sense of satisfaction or pleasure when the "twist" was revealed.

Despite the disappointing conclusion, I did enjoy reading it and will seek out more of C.L. Pattison's work in the future.

Many thanks to Random House UK, Vintage and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Dog Days (2018)
Dog Days (2018)
2018 | Drama
Not writing this review after seeing the film was a mistake. It's only been 8 days and yet I can't remember much about it, which probably sounds like it isn't a recommendation. I know I enjoyed it, there were touching moments and funny bits. It might not change your life but it'll make you feel good.

There are lots of faces you'll recognise. Some to love and some to hate. Jon Bass is the human star of this one for me. Adorable, funny and the great double act with Gertrude is delightful. She also rocks a super cool doggy wardrobe. Mabel is probably my favourite canine character. A coach to 5k success story line that got me in the feels.

It's another one of those films that's pretty predictable though. Characters end up where you expect them to be, and the dogs (for the most part) make you smile. Nice film, but probably not worth a full price ticket.

As an after thought, there is one moment I can specifically remember, and it left me puzzled. The dog walker sets up in a client's home while he's not there and then at the end of the film she's dating the materialistic vet... was it his house? I don't remember seeing anything about it other than those two scenes and it left me confused.
American Horror Story  - Season 2
American Horror Story - Season 2
2012 | Horror
Horror TV doesn't get much better
The second season on AHS, also known as 'Asylum' is fantastic, and in my opinion, still the best season to date.

The anthology template applied to AHS is given it first workout here - it's great to see familiar faces from the first season, albeit playing completely different characters. And the characters here are really something.
Sarah Paulson, Zachary Quinto, Joseph Fiennes, Evan Peters, Lizzie Brocheré, James Cromwell, Lily Rabe - they're all amazing in their own ways. Each character has several layers to them,lacing mystery and intrigue throughout Asylum to keep you guessing.

The unmistakable star of Asylum though is of course Jessica Lange.
Here character Sister Jude is an incredible villain for the most part, and equally sympathetic in other parts. Jessica Lange plays the part with aplomb, obviously enjoying every second of it, and is the main reason why this season is such a stand out.

The tone of Asylum is a lot more full on than Murder House - it's nastier, gorier, funnier, darker.
The cinematography is pretty bang on throughout, spoiling us with creepy shot after creepy shot.

It's honestly great, hard to find much to dislike. The hammier elements in AHS are often overdone and what ultimately stop this show from reaching perfection, but Asylum is as close as it has come for now.
Mistletoe and Murder
Mistletoe and Murder
Connie Berry | 2023 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christmas Wedding Faces Criminal Complications
It’s five days before Kate Hamilton is set to marry Detective Inspector Tom Mallory on Christmas Eve, and the complications are starting to come, like travel delays for Kate’s family and friends coming from the states. But the bigger complication comes from Sheila Parker, an acquaintance who comes looking for an appraisal of her coin collection. That night, Sheila’s house is searched. The next day, Sheila vanishes. Can Kate figure out what happened to Sheila before her wedding?

I find missing person mysteries to be that much more compelling, so I was hooked on this one quickly. I did figure a couple of things out early, but there were still plenty of surprised on the way to the climax. Meanwhile, I loved spending time with the characters old and new. We get some good updates on ongoing storylines, and the ending sets up the next full length book. I am a bit surprised that the wedding came in an ebook only novella, and there isn’t a lot of time for Christmas trappings, but both of these are minor issues. Fans will be happy to get a chance to visit the characters again. While this might not be the best place to start if you are new to the series, I definitely recommend you start the series soon.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J.K. Rowling | 1998 | Children
9.0 (208 Ratings)
Book Rating
The school year is just about to start and once again Harry finds himself back at 4 Privet Drive with the Dursley's. Harry Potter is to attend his second year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry but for some reason a strange house elf named Dobby appears in his bedroom one evening warning him that he cannot go back to school as it is unsafe. This Dobby creature doesn't let Harry know how he has got such information but when Harry doesn't agree to stay away he starts making life even more unbearable with the Dursley's.

Harry's second year at Hogwarts is not all plain and simple as he was hoping, he appears to attract attention from unwanted people...mostly Draco Malfoy. When Students start being petrified into a coma like state and a message informing the 'Chamber of Secrets' has been opened.... Harry, Ron and Hermione take it upon themselves to find the culprit.

There were some new characters introduced in this second edition of Harry Potter, we meet Dobby the house elf, who is trying to persuade Harry not to go to Hogwarts this year. I loved that we got another magical creature into the book and that he was a house elf/servant and explores classes, his relevance in the story is explained as the story progresses. Gilderoy Lockhart is the new professor for the defence against the dark arts, Lockhart is a self obsessed, pompous, egotistical character that is very annoying. Then we have Moaning Myrtle the ghost that haunts the girls toilets, it's in the name really she moans a lot and feels sorry for herself and always crying but again with every character in the book, she has relevance to the story. Ginny Weasley the last of the Weasley clan has started school and is very shy around Harry, it appears she has somewhat of a crush. We have all the same characters as the first book and you get to see Harry, Ron and Hermione grow and develop.

There is a lot of repetition in this book, I think you could read this second book without reading the first as she explains things over again, It is the shortest book among the series but it is fast paced, packed full of adventure and written in true J K Rowling style. It has you gripped all the way through. This isn't my favourite book of the series and I think that is because there are a lot of annoying characters in my opinion.

Favourite character of the book for me so far is Hagrid, I like the way he is written as big softy and the dialect of the dialogue makes him more endearing.

This book is an excellent continuation of the Harry Potter series and definitely recommend the book to anyone.