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Stephen King | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (72 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on my blog -
I am probably one of the last people on Earth that hasn’t read a Stephen King book. Carrie is the first book I decided to read. People have been suggesting it to me for a while, and it seemed like a nice short bit of introduction to Stephen’s horror world.

Also, a special thank you to my friend Dave, for constantly recommending Stephen King books to me, until I finally decided to listen to him. He seemed to be right!

Now - Carrie.

A book about a girl that lives with her crazy religious mother in a creepy house. A girl who is being bullied at school all the time. A story about a girl that has the ability to move objects as she wishes. And a prom night, where everything escalates.

Carrie is a sixteen year old girl. And she has been raised by her mother, who is a religious person in a - not healthy way. When Carrie misbehaves, she is sent to a closet to pray for the whole day. Even though Carrie doesn’t share her mother’s beliefs, she can’t really stand up and fight for herself.

The plot gets a grip when Carrie has her first period at the age of sixteen. She thinks she will bleed to death. And all her classmates are laughing at her, because she is stupid. And throw tampons her way. And as I am reading this, I keep thinking - what kind of mother won’t tell her child about menstruation, and puberty, and all the normal teenage phases a kid has to go through while growing up?

This moment, in the school bathroom, is the moment Carrie finds out about her powers.
And a few weeks later, a terrible thing happens.

This is a horror story, but the horror doesn’t lie in what Carrie did, but what led her to do that. Who it is to blame, and why things escalated the way they did.

Stephen King described bullying in its most painful and real way, and the consequences it can lead to. And it does happen, in every school, to a lot of children all over the world each day. A sometimes, most of the times, they are bullied only because they are different, not because they are bad.

This is a story that silently stands up to bullying, and by doing that raises such a strong voice in every corner of the world.

And remember - if you are the bully - think twice before you say things. Words can hurt, and they can result in bad things happening. Think twice about why you say what you say. The classmate of yours might have a talent you don’t know of.

And if you are the bullied child - also remember - you are kind and beautiful, no matter what everyone says. You shouldn’t let people bring you down. And we have all been bullied while growing up. Once you reach a certain age, people stop caring, and you stop caring what people think, and then, finally, you can be comfortable and happy with who you are!
No Fourth River: A Novel Based on a True Story. A profoundly moving read about a woman's fight for survival.
No Fourth River: A Novel Based on a True Story. A profoundly moving read about a woman's fight for survival.
Christine Clayfield | 2017 | Biography, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on:

 No Fourth River is a very powerful story about swimming up to surface, when the world is against you. A story about child abuse unlike anything else, and one very determined woman.
This is the second Audiobook I have listened to, with the first being Ready Player One. Two completely different experiences. It was disturbing listening to such a painful story for a while, and it took me a long time to finish it.

The story of Christine is so sad and so unique. She is being molested by her father in ways you could never imagine. She goes to boarding school and she is being bullied even by the nurses. She wets her bed every single day. And bad things keep happening, one after another, after another, until she is in her thirties and almost dies being beaten to almost-death by her husband.

And then she decides to change her life and to be the most successful woman.

At first, when I read the synopsis, the thing that thrilled me was the ill mother that suffered from dementia. I thought this book will revolve and focus on this point, but it didn’t. And I was very disappointed.

Then I manned up, and decided to continue listening, despite my unhappiness. It was a decent story, a powerful, motivational one, but not realistic. And it hurts me saying this, because this book is autobiography. Of course these terrible things happened. But I didn’t felt for the woman. Not in a way I usually would.

The writing was just about average, or maybe the woman reading in the audiobook was to blame. I will leave that up to you, who have listened to the audiobook, or choose to do so.

The character of this woman was honest, but I still can’t imagine how and why a person would stick to people that keep hurting her, despite everything. Even if love, even if forever after, I would not stay one more day with a person if he, for one moment, loses control and raises a hand over me. I would be out of the house in a minute, never returning back. A man would never hurt a woman. No matter what she could do, or couldn’t do. I can argue for hours, and I can admit being wrong, and I can cope with being yelled at, because I have done something stupid. But the moment the line is crosses, I would be out – FOREVER.

If you guys are looking for a story that will keep you thinking about whether you’ve made right decisions, this is a great book for you. A powerful success story of a woman that was brave enough to say NO (after a few years, that is) and brave enough to start building a new life. I recommend it, even though I personally did not really enjoy it a lot.

I have won this Audiobook as a giveaway from LibraryThing, and all my opinions are honest and completely unbiased.
First Impressions (Auckland Med. #1)
First Impressions (Auckland Med. #1)
Jay Hogan | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
awesome read!
This is book one in the Auckland Med series, but I am reading this AFTER I read book two, Crossing the Touchline. This book has been re-edited and tidied up, and is a re-release. I did not read the original version, so I can’t comment on any differences there may be.
But THIS version? Was brilliant!
Michael runs into Josh at a very inopportune moment, with his trousers round his knees, and his junk on display. That Josh immediately pushes ALL of Michael’s buttons and THEN some, is irrelevant. Josh does not want a player and Michael does not want a relationship. So why can they not stay away from each other?
Michael’s reason for not wanting a relationship and Josh’s for not wanting a player in his life are made clear to us very early on, but it takes a LOT of time for them to open up to each other, and it really is painful watching them get to that point!
I mean, neither wants *this* thing between them, that much is clear, but they cannot keep apart, and the chemistry between them of off the charts but emotionally?? Neither is ready for anything. And then, the pesky emotions do their thing and both of them, separately of each other, decide that maybe, just maybe they can make this work.
Then something happens that sends them both into the unknown abyss and Michael runs clear across the world.
It took me all day to read this, because I alternatively wanted to punch both Michael AND Josh in the face, and to wrap them both up in cotton wool and love hard on them! I still don’t know which is the more dominant feeling, I really don’t! I had to keep putting the book down, to get over whichever was higher up at the time.
And trust me when I say, I rarely verbally react when READING (listening is different) and I did swear at this book a time or three at this book, I really did!
These guys have some serious chemistry, let me tell ya! I was *NOT* being sociable, and reading at the mother in law’s house and she kept asking me if I was too hot, cos my face was flushed and I had to tell her I was coming down with a cold! Along with the noises, and I think she thought I was nuts!
I can’t go into much, for spoilers, but this book twists and turns all over the place, and just when you think it’s all sorted? Boom! It goes off again!
I loved that Cam, from book 2, takes a huge part and we see a different side to him here.
Even though I know this has been edited and stuff, I would have loved the first version, I know.
Don’t know who is next, I really don’t care, so long as I can get my grubby little mitts on it!
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Adventures of Pugalugs: The Beginning
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Adventures of Pugalugs: The Beginning by Jessica Parish and with artwork by Helen Poole was amazing. This is the first in what the author hopes to be a set of over thirty books about a little pug puppy. These books are even based on a pug’s real adventures. There are some “Coming Soon” titles on the inside of the book that I look forward to seeing because I have a lot of hope for this series.

 Pugalugs is a pug puppy born in early November along with his brother and sister. Like many puppies he was so small he could fit in his owner’s hand when he was born. Most of the time Pugalugs spent his time cuddled up in a little bed with his siblings, all nice and warm, even if they did occasionally kick each other in the head. Then one day Pugalugs opens his eyes for the first time and the fun really begins.

 He tries so many new things while exploring the seemingly huge house he lives in. While little puppies do sleep a lot he also tires puppy food for the first time and attempts to eat a slipper. He also slides across the kitchen floor and attempts to climb the staircase with his brother’s help while his sister watches them. Then like all puppies (and children) do he imagines all the fun things he will be able to do outside when it is warm out and he is a little older and bigger.

 What I like best is that the entire design is great for children. It contains a medium about of text on each page, but it is broken up into smaller sections. The bright, bold colors mixed with the simple artwork shows children exactly what the story is trying to tell them about without unnecessary details. The only thing I can think of to complain about regarding this book was the fact that two of the three puppies are the same color. Since one of these is the main character it may have been a good idea to give him a distinguishing characteristic besides saying that he is bigger than the other.

Toddlers who love animals, especially dogs will enjoy having this book read to them over and over again. It may also quickly become a favorite of the beginning reader. Adults will enjoy seeing their children’s reactions to the silly adventures of Pugalugs. With all that being said I rate this book a perfect 4 out of 4. Animals hold the attention of most children very well and this book takes full advantage of that. The story is so sweet while teaching children fun facts about puppies (such as being born with their eyes closed). It also may be interesting to note that both of my daughters, who I normally can’t get to sit through the shortest book, sat with me until I finished reading the entire thing and then my oldest asked me to read it again. That alone is the best review I can give any book. Altogether this book is wonderful.
What If...
What If...
Corrina Joy | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was all the different dimensions that Joy visited while trying to find what was missing from her life. (0 more)
It never explains what happens to Joy's family (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
What If… by Corrina Joy is one woman’s story as she explores her ‘what if..’. A word of warning though, this book is full of both happiness and heartbreak. Depending on the reader’s current emotional state and lifestyle this book could be very depressing or uplifting.

Joy Chambers feels like there is something missing in her life. Her husband is a hardworking man but puts money and sports above caring about her. He doesn't pay attention to her or her needs and lets her take care of the house and children alone. The crushing loneliness of her marriage mixed with her longing to feel true love and joy again propels her to take a half-hour break at the beach. This is so that she can emotionally let go before returning to her daily chores. A random wave knocks her into the water where she hits her head and comes across her “magical little relic”.

Upon twisting this relic Joy gets transported to a different dimension where her life is significantly different. There is one common theme in each dimension that she visits, Jerry. Unconditionally but was unable to be with him in her original dimension. For some reason on another each one of Joy’s visits is cut short and so is her time with Jerry. How Joy’s story ends is completely up to the reader thanks to two very clever options for endings by the author. Both of the endings are extremely different but as the book says “Her destiny is in your hands...”

What I liked best was all the different dimensions that Joy visited while trying to find what was missing from her life. I did notice one thing that may or may not have been true. It seemed to me that each ‘dimension’ was really just a different time period in the same dimension or the world. As if Joy only changed dimension once and visited important points in that dimension. What I did not like was in the first chapter Joy explains her life to the reader. She talks of just existing, not living, and an unnamed husband who does not seem to care for her or emotionally support her, and their children. After she finds her magical little relic they are not mentioned again. I can not help but wonder about Joy’s feelings about leaving them behind, especially her kids. What becomes of them?

This book is directed more towards adults. Specifically, those who find themselves wondering what their lives might be like if they had done things differently. At the same time, this book is just as enjoyable for everyone else. I rate this book 4 out of 4. This book was beautiful. Over its 188 pages, Joy finds what element in her life she needs in order to feel whole. The final twelve pages or so consist of two alternate endings (an amazing and unusual concept) so the reader can decide exactly how Joy’s life turns out.
Stoker (2013)
Stoker (2013)
2013 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Chan-wook Park, the director of Oldboy and Thirst brings audiences his unique visual style and unsettling themes in his first English speaking film.

After the death of the family's patriarch, his surviving wife and teenage daughter handle the grief in very different ways. Wife Evelyn cries at the funeral, then doesn't seem to be too morose after the appearance of her former brother-in-law, Charles. Daughter India thinks about times her and her father had together when she was a child. They seemed to have much more of a bond in hanging with one another hunting small game. Evelyn seems jealous of their relationship until brother Charlie arrives in her gazes full time.

Charlie just seems a bit to nice and proper and trying to fit in with his new female friends. Something not quite right about him. This is also noticed by the family's live in housekeeper and an aunt that drops by the house sometime after the funeral. Mysteriously, both women go missing sometime after.

India has her own issues at school dealing herself with bullies and an aggressive boy who tries to rape her. She deals with them herself, and with help from others. She seems very pleased with herself and remembers fondly what she has done.

Events then become very disturbing, family members start to show their true feelings for each and motives are explained and revealed for a memorable and unique third act.

Director Park's visual style of interesting camera angles, memorable images and close up photography here as well; however, muted compared to his usual over-the-top style of his Asian films. Disturbing images followed by exterior shots or interesting camera transitional moments are one I love to see if film and there are several of them in this piece.

The unraveling of the mystery and of the character motivations and the continually changing family dynamic are certainly the most interesting aspect of the story. Not sure if I completely understand some of the subtle thematic elements or how they relate to the overall message the film is trying to convey, but that is not a negative.

The ending is shocking and unexpected and not sure if I understand that either, but it ties the story up and makes the audience wonder what will happen to the characters after the credits roll.

Mia Wasikowska stood out to me as very good in this film. Her nuanced and emotional roller coaster of a character was done with conviction. You may remember her from the Alice in Wonderland Tim Burton reboots; however, she is much more wicked this time around.

Not sure if everyone would enjoy as it may seem boring or confusing to some. I did read several 1 and 3 star reviews along with many 9 and 10 star reviews which seem to be the type of movie I am watching lately. Those types of movies are divisive and I like to see which side I am on.

Watch for yourself and tell me what you think.

Her Reluctant Heart
Her Reluctant Heart
S.H. Pratt | 2024 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this book!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

What this is, my good book peeps, is the story of a woman, who has twice been burned, finding that sometimes, the third time really is a charm!

I LOVED this book! I have a minor niggle, but it really is a minor one, and I'll come back to that.

Sam is working hard to keep her family together. She struggles as a single parent to three exceptionally gifted children, without any help from their sperm donor (Eldest child's words, not mine!) or loser number two. Then Tony rail-roads himself into her life, and knocks things way off kilter.

What I especially loved about this, was the patience that Sam had with Tony, and vice versa, except maybe the spoiling thing. Sam is wary, and it takes time for her to fully open up to Tony about loser numbers one and two. Once he knows this, he tries, really REALLY hard to see things from Sam's point of view. He messes up, yes, but once Sam realises he only did that thing for HER and her children, with nothing wanted in return, she comes around.

I loved the kids: they really are amazing and they take to Tony wonderfully well. They warn him to look after their mum, and he takes that very VERY seriously.

I loved how Sam, once she found her feet, slotted into Tony's world. It was daunting, meeting all these Hollywood A-listers was difficult at best, but Tony's real friends, not the three dollar bills ones, took to Sam equally well. And the kids too!

It's deeply emotional, given what Sam has been through, and I felt her at some points, having been through some things like her myself. It's not overly smexy though, and I think for this book, it was a perfect amount of smexiness. It takes Sam time to let Tony get that close to her, and I loved that he was willing to wait for this amazing woman who couldn't see that she was!

I adored, I mean, it made me cry, what Tony did with Sam's house plans. That really was a wonderful way to show here that he was serious about her and the kids. Bawled my head off when she discovered the kitchen!

So, my niggle. And as I said, it really is just a niggle and me being greedy, but it's my review, and this is how I feel.

We don't get Tony. At all. And I desperately wanted to hear from him at some point along the way. Once I realised it was just Sam's point of view, I was resigned to not hearing from him. It would have just made this book, I think. Not that it takes away from this outstanding piece of work!

I wonder how much of the author I see in Sam. It's written in such a way that makes me think there is SOME author in Sam, and I loved that.

I loved this book, no Tony notwithstanding so it can only get. . . .

5 full and shiny stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere