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Carl (0 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

May 18, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
It has alot of great movies and brought back a remake of full house called Fuller House. I this about Netflix (0 more)
Full Circle: From Hollywood to Real Life and Back Again
Full Circle: From Hollywood to Real Life and Back Again
Andrea Barber | 2019 | Biography
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wanted so badly to fall in love with Andrea Barber's autobiography, but I just couldn't. It wasn't so much of a bad read. It was just very slow paced and boring. It just feels like someone rambling on and on. You know when someone talks to you and won't shut up about something, but they go on and on. It kind of felt like that. Sometimes I felt like I was getting preached at about how to be happy. While I admired Barber's strength to overcome her anxiety, I just felt like there wasn't much happening. Nothing special really stuck out. However, the book does get good about three quarters of the way in. From there, it really held my attention as Barber explains about being on Fuller House and her cast mates. This is a very uplifting autobiography, but I just didn't fall in love with it. It is well written word wise though.
Book of Blood (2008)
Book of Blood (2008)
2008 | Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
"The dead have highways. Highways that lead to intersections and intersections that spill into our world. And if you find yourself at one of those intersections, you should stop and you should listen because the dead have stories to tell."

Mary Florescu, writer, teacher, and overall expert of the paranormal, is still looking for the distinct evidence of supernatural occurences. A house catches her eye that has been on the market since the daughter of the couple living there before had been murdered. It's said the original homeowner was thrown against the wall by an invisible force so hard that shards of his broken bones pierced his lungs and he choked to death on his own blood. During each incident, the message, "Don't mock us," was found written in blood on the closet doors. Mary decides to move into the house to find proof of the supernatural, bringing an audio/video technician, Reg Fuller, to help document anything they find. A new student, Simon McNeal, transfers into Mary's class. He seems to have a special gift related to the paranormal and is brought into the house to help work with Mary and Reg on the project. Strange occurences seem to begin immediately and only get more violent as they occur. But as things progress, the relationship between Mary and Simon turns physical and suspicious evidence is found in Simon's bag that point to him being a fake. Is the house actually "haunted," or is Simon playing everyone for a fool?

I'm a fairly big fan of Clive Barker's work. I've loved the books and stories (Books of Blood Vol. 1-3, Mister B. Gone, The Hellbound Heart) of his that I've read and several of his films (Hellraiser, Midnight Meat Train) are some of the best the horror genre has to offer. Midnight Meat Train was probably the best horror film to come out of last year, so my expectations were high when I heard about this film and saw the trailer. This was one of my most anticipated horror films of the year even though it seemed to get the short end of the stick with its release much like what happened with Midnight Meat Train. I can tell you that Book of Blood is a good watch, but it may not be what you're expecting.

Book of Blood has its bloody moments, but it's not an all out gorefest. It's actually more of a supernatural thriller. The director, John Harrison, described the film as being more along the lines of films like The Others and The Orphanage. It relies more on mood and atmosphere rather than blood and guts splattering all over your face, which isn't a bad thing at all if done correctly. Book of Blood almost pulls that aspect of the film flawlessly. I say, "almost," because certain lines of dialogue ("I promise we will listen and I will tell your stories to the world.") and a few of the things that happened in the final act of the film (steel'll make sense when you see it) seem a bit cheesy, but may sit better with me on repeat viewings.

The film actually reminded me of Hellraiser quite a bit throughout the film. Other than Doug Bradley's brief cameo (if you blink, you'll probably miss him), the opening scene of when Reg and Mary go into the room where everything happened just reminds me of Frank staying in the attic in Hellraiser. Hellraiser is one of my favorite horror films, so the brief nod to the film (whether intentional or not) was very welcome to me.

My main concern with Book of Blood was how they were going to turn a short story that was originally just an introduction to the actual Books of Blood by Clive Barker into a full length film. The concern wound up being for nothing as Book of Blood met nearly all of my expectations and was extremely faithful to the original material while bringing in elements from another one of his stories called, "On Jerusalem Street." The story fleshes out nicely and the acting is good, for the most part. I think the perfectionist in me kept me from rating this any higher, but I'd definitely recommend it as it's a worthy addition to any avid horror movie enthusiast's collection.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated An Amish Cradle in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
An Amish Cradle
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In His Father’s Arms by Beth Wiseman: This is a story about a couple that struggles with a baby with Down syndrome. What they do not know if how to deal with it. Ruth Anne finds out the truth about her best friend first pregnancy. Ruth Anne can not understand why her best friend is acting really strange around her and her baby boy.

Levi is also struggling to deal with his little boy illness. He knows his little cousin died from this illness. He afraid that is son will be taken from him. Do learn to deal with their little boy medical issues and learn to trust God?

A Son for Always by Amy Clipston: Carolyn is happy to know that she is a pregnant with her and Joshua first child together. She worried that she will have to keep her job and financially secure Ben's future.

Joshua seems to want to let Carolyn that she can stop working at the hotel. Carolyn is still having doubts that Joshua will help her with Ben future. Even though, Joshua has adopted Ben and wanted Ben to have his last name.

Carolyn needs a sign that Joshua will treat her son Ben as his own. She gets that sign, but I do not want to tell you when or how. That would be giving the ending away.

A Heart Full of Love by Kathleen Fuller: Ellie is expecting her first child with her husband. Though when she gives birth to twins. Her mother decides that will take care of the twins and keep them safe. In doing so, she will not let Ellie bond with her daughters.

What is Ellie's mother dealing with that she won't let Ellie take care of her own daughters. Ellie knows she will need help with her daughters. Ellie wants time with her daughters and takes care of them.

Ellie starts to have questions about what happen with a girl named Rachel. She goes over to her parents house and to find the answers. What a sweet ending his story has.

An Unexpected Blessing by Vannetta Chapman: Etta finds out that she is expecting once again. She as a frighting labor. She seems happy with her new little one. She is worried about her overgrown son, David and wants her to return.

Her other children are overjoyed for her and their dad. They help to give her the crib that was made be their dad. They get a surprise when their one son returns. He gets a surprise as well.
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#1 <a href="">The Thousandth Floor</a> - ★★★★
#2 <a href="">The Dazzling Heights</a> - Not Read Yet
#3 <a href="">The Towering Sky</a> - Not Read Yet

<img src=""/>;

</i>In the year 2118, in New York City there’s a thousand-story tower. It has everything you could imagine inside, and there is no need for you to ever get out.</i>

The floor you live on represents your status. The higher you live, the more money you have, which means you become more popular. The rich people don’t necessarily hang around with the poor, and gossips spread faster than lightning. The thousandth floor is the top!

<B><I>But then one night, at a party, one girl falls down from the rooftop of the tower, and the mystery remains – what exactly happened that night? </i></b>

Despite all the mixed reviews I’ve seen for this book, I actually really enjoyed it! The world is futuristic and I loved reading about all the different cool items and gadgets that the author was writing about.

The main character that we have is Avery Fuller, who lives on the thousandth floor of the tower. She has been genetically designed to only have the best genes from her parents, and is, therefore, perfect. But then – SPOILER ALERT – <spoiler> she is in love with her brother, who is actually adopted, so not her brother. And as weird as it might seem, they are not related in any way, and the romance was beautifully written. And a lot of you people have been giving this book a bad review because of this reason, but some of you also happen to love ”City of Bones” by Cassandra Clare, who features Clary and Jace, who started with the same background?</spoiler>

Apart from Avery, there were many other characters as well, all of them different and all of them unique at the same time. A girl that works as a main in a rich boy’s house, a girl who is best friends with Avery but doesn’t feel she belongs there, a girl that suddenly finds out she is not rich anymore and has to move onto the lower floors of the tower, a hacker who wants to earn money, no matter the what… The book is written from all these character’s points of view, and I loved the variety and also how all these characters connect to each other in an interesting way. They all have goals, dreams, hopes, fears, and everything is surrounded in drama.

<b><i>If you love Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars or the TV Show Riverdale, I guarantee you will enjoy this one. It’s full of mystery, drama, romance, sci-fi and luxury.</i></b>

Thank you to my sister, for letting me read this book. I borrowed it from her and will unfortunately have to give it back soon…

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