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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
More Marvel films should be like this
Deadpool really makes me want to see more Marvel films like this. It's refreshing to watch a more "adult" Marvel film, with the violence and rude humour and aside from Logan, Deadpool is the only film to have ventured into this adult territory.

That's not to say it always works, as sometimes the jokes are a little too crude or offensive. But for the most part Deadpool 2 is pretty funny and even verging on hilarious at times, and the blood and gore is actually great to see. The plot itself is maybe a tad predictable, but it more than makes up for it with everything else. The title credits, post credits scene and a lot of the tongue in cheek references are particularly hilarious. The soundtrack is eclectic and a bit bonkers, but Deadpool a manages to pull it off.

The cast and characters are fantastic, both the returning favourites (I love Dopinder) and some of the new cast too. Josh Brolin has always been a favourite and he does very well in this, Deadpool even managed to throw in a genius reference to Thanos. Zazie Beetz too is a great new addition. There are also some brilliant cameos in this, which I won't spoil for anyone who hasn't seen it.

My main problem with this film is that parts of it are way too serious and sombre and these scenes really bring down the tone of the film. They do need something serious, but I think with this they've gone a little too heavy handed which is a shame.
Before (Betwixt, #0.5)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

"Before" is an aptly-titled prequel to "Betwixt", and here we get to learn more about Dale and what happened in his life prior to the events of "Betwixt." I must say, when I initially read "Betwixt," I found myself wanting to know more about Dale's history and how he got to be the way he was: moody, stand-offish, an outcast from the school, etc. Thankfully, Melissa read my mind and gave us this prequel!

Dale is the second child of a loving couple who only want what's best for him, but he sees it as a bunch of rules to keep him down, all based around what his dad's congregation would think if the preacher's son went off the rails. Funny thing, that's exactly what all the rules make him do, and he just gets wilder and more reckless the more they try to tie him down. He's tired of being compared to his older sister, the model of normalcy and obedience, and he's determined to make his own decisions, no matter the consequences. His friends (if you can call them that) encourage this behavior in him, and it isn't long before things spiral out of control.

If you enjoyed "Betwixt" or have a desire to read it but haven't gotten around to it yet, I would definitely recommend you read this one. Dale's story is really interesting, and it helps set up his involvement in "Betwixt" and also explains more about why he chooses to play the part he does in that story. Well done!!

5 stars =)
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever had a novel that you were too scared to read because it might change who you are after you finish it? That was what ‰ÛÏThe Fault In Our Stars‰Û was for me. I constantly picked it up and put it back down. It was extremely high on my to read list, yet I never picked it up to read. I will say that I am glad I finally took the plunge into the water, struggled to breathe and just as I felt the current pulling me under, I finally broke through and reached the air.

If you‰Ûªre on the fence with this book, I suggest you read it. I found this novel extremely interesting. It truly made me think, and that is what I have been missing in some of the past novels I have read. This is one novel, I will have to read again, I have a feeling that it will offer more insights, and more emotions when I read it again.

I will say that this is not a ‰ÛÏlife changing‰Û novel‰Û_ but yet, it kind of is. The main characters force you to face your fear of death, and the unknown fear of living. I was truly invested in the characters. The characters are brilliant individuals, sarcastic, funny, and very witty.

All in all, this novel is an emotional read. It evoked so many emotions in me. I cried, I almost slammed the book down, and I laughed (truly laughed). I‰Ûªm glad that I read this novel, it‰Ûªs one that I will read again.

Sarah (126 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jul 12, 2018  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Great for keeping in touch (2 more)
Nice way to share news, photos
Groups are a great way of sharing hobbies, finding like-minded people with similar interests
Updates are hit and miss - often a lot of problems with the app (2 more)
Bullying is poorly controlled
Standards are applied in a very hit and miss way
Has Its Good & Bad Points
Facebook has its uses - it's a good way to keep in touch with people you wouldn't ordinarily hear from very often, it's handy to send photos to people around the world and it can be a lovely way to brighten up your day with funny memes, jokes, and nice messages from people.

The App itself can be quite hit and miss - updates seem to be rolled out before they're properly ready, so you have issues where timelines don't update, comments don't load, etc. Whenever there's an update, while it may resolve one problem, it typically brings a whole host of others.

There are also the problems with Facebook itself, not least the prevalence of cyber-bullying that goes unchecked, the fact that Facebook seems to apply its rules in an incredibly haphazard way - allowing violent images to remain while removing those which, while perhaps "provocative" in the sense of being thought-provoking, are not indecent, obscene, violent or really in any way outrageous, and the rather concerning issues around the security/privacy of user data and increasing number of adverts on the site/app.

While not having yet run its course, Facebook is going to have to come up with newer and newer ideas to remain relevant, and have to improve its security and "policing" structures to keep users happy.
The Circus of Dr Lao
The Circus of Dr Lao
Charles G. Finney | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Somewhat mixed feelings about this book. I became interested due to the film with Tony Randall, which keeps the book's dark humor while adding on a layer of optimism and sentimentality. However, this layer is completely absent from the book. Instead, one feels the palpable cynicism and hatred for humanity and God of a military and newspaper man who obviously witnessed more than his fair share of suffering and inhumanity.

The cynicism does not always feel unwarranted, nor does the bitter but humorous style of much of the book fail to be entertaining. It vacilates between being a sardonic delight and a heavy (and even heavy-handed) piece of short literature that has to be digested in multiple sittings.

The author, himself the grandson and namesake of the great evangelist and abolitionist Charles Finney, if he believes in a God, seems to find Him distant, petty, and hateful. One begins to wonder why the circus seems to provide such fodder for this kind of nihilism (as in Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes and Anton LaVey's biographical details), and perhaps it's because it puts on display those things that we think of as deserving to be hidden where we must face them and despair. The Circus of Dr. Lao puts God through a theodicy trial that Finney doesn't seem to think the Deity survives, but Finney's nihilism is hardly a palatable alternative.

Funny at times, interesting often, and very well-written, the life-as-a-meaningless-freakshow motif still sullies what this book could be. An interesting counterpoint to the film, but on the whole I still much prefer the cinematic rendering.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Tag (2018) in Movies

Jul 3, 2018  
Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
An interesting story, badly told
I feel like whenever I review a comedy film I need to give a warning - I have a very discerning sense of humour and mainstream comedies never really appeal. I can usually tell in advance if I'm going to like something or not, so take my reviews with a pinch of salt?

My biggest issue with this film is that it takes a fun and interesting true story and turns it into a pretty dull and unfunny movie. I can count on one hand the amount of times I laughed during this. The only people to come out of this unscathed are Hannibal Buress (the best and funniest lines) and Jeremy Renner (who looks like he's having the time of his life). Even Jon Hamm who I've loved since his Black Mirror episode couldn't make this any better. And the rest of the cast? Well the female characters are either vastly underused (Rashida Jones), pointless (Annabelle Wallis) or just plain awful (Isla Fisher). And why does Ed Helms play virtually the same character in everything he's in?! And he doesn't even do it well!

The story itself tries to hard to be both funny and heart warming, sombre and sentimental and doesn't succeed in any of these. Everything is just a bit out of place. The best bit was watching the guys from the real life story in the clips before the end credits.

Personally I think this film could've been so much better. I actually think a Jackass style prank film around tag would've been a lot funnier instead of this Hollywood-ised version.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Fun Summer Blockbuster
Taking place three years after Jurassic World, Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) find themselves back on Isla Nublar where a dormant volcano is on the verge of erupting. Their mission is to safely rescue as many dinosaurs as they can, but there are others who have more sinister plans.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 9

Cinematography/Visuals: 9
The Jurassic Park series has set the standard for visuals and this new installment is no exception. From the opening scene to the film's conclusion, you are treated to the beautiful dino goodness that keeps viewers coming back for more. I appreciated the consistent attention to detail and the constant refining of the traditional dinos like the t-rex and pesky raptor. I left as I always do, thinking this is how these creatures must have moved and acted when they were alive.

Conflict: 9

Genre: 5

Memorability: 5

Pace: 8

Plot: 1

Resolution: 10

Overall: 76
It's funny how critics rag on films like these saying, "Where is the heart? This film is all over the place, big on action, lacking on script." Is that accurate of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom? Absolutely. However, sometimes we also have to remember why we came to the see the film in the first place. You came for the action. You came for the dinosaurs. In that sense, the film delivers. You want an enriching story? Go see Lady Bird. Meanwhile, I'll keep munching on my Raisinets and enjoying films the way they were meant to be enjoyed.

P.S.--Lady Bird is actually a phenomenal film.
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Cyborg (3 more)
Steppenwolf is great!
Action was great
Story was good
Horrendous special effects. Cyborg looks terrible. (1 more)
Dialogue was iffy
Was surprised by this one. It's good!
I have to admit. Most time I avoid reviews of movies, because quite frankly, they may affect my feelings towards a film. However, I heard only bad things about Justice League & was totally going to skip it, considering what I did hear about it & my disappointment with the recent string of superhero films. So, when a friend of mine said it was actually good, I gave it a shot. I'm happy I did.

The film is very good. Not great, but when put up against Wonder Woman, Black Panther & Superman v Batman, it shines.

The chemistry between the actors is great. They really come across as a team, unlike the Avengers. The new guys are great! Flash is funny, as he should be. Aquaman is a badass, because if he wasn't, he'd be boring "Superfriends" Aquaman. And Cyborg, well...Cyborg let's just say, is a great character & acted well, but special effects that bring his body to life aren't so...special. He looks out of place, like a cartoon put against a real background. When he moves his head, it floats around on his neck. It's not just one time, but every time. And the end battle takes place in a CGI town that looks worse than the first season of Beast Wars:Transformers.

But I can overlook that, because besides the flaws, we got a fun film to watch. And stay after the credits. You won't be disappointed.
Watermelon (Walsh Family, #1)
Watermelon (Walsh Family, #1)
Marian Keyes | 1995 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
View my full review on:

A lovely read! Marian Keyes is one of my favourite authors of all time. The story of how I discovered Marian is quite funny, actually. 

It was back in the days when I was a teenager and I was in love with the Gifted Series from Marilyn Kaye. I have read only the first two books and I have asked my mum to bring me the rest of them (there were six in total). She came back with a book with an author that had a similar name, and here we are today :)

I have read Watermelon a long time ago, but I have decided to share my thoughts with you now.

This is a chick lit book about a woman left on her own right after she gives birth to her first child and then goes back to her parent's house to start her life over.

This is a story about bravely, love, family and all little things that will melt your heart.
Prepare to cry - Actually, prepare to cry a lot, and don't say I haven't warned you.

A story that will stick with you for years after you've read it. The characters that will make you wish you met them and were their friends over and over again! 

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Lee (2222 KP) rated Early Man (2018) in Movies

Oct 23, 2018  
Early Man (2018)
Early Man (2018)
2018 | Animation
Early Man is from Aardman Animation, the team behind Wallace and Gromit, Shaun the Sheep and Chicken Run. Following the devastation caused by a large meteor hitting the Earth many generations ago, a stone age tribe now lives in the lush forest within the crater it left behind. Fairly primitive, and fairly stupid, they hunt rabbits for food and don't really venture outside of the crater into the volcanic wastelands that surround them. But when a more advanced civilisation of bronze age people come along and take over the crater in order to start mining more bronze, the stone age gang find themselves forced out of their home and into the wastelands. One of the stone age men, Dug, follows the bronze age men back to their city and into their football stadium, where thousands gather to watch football. He decides to challenge the bronze age team to a football match, with the winner getting to keep the valley that they call home. Turns out that the stone age tribe invented football many generations ago, and now need to reawaken their passion for the game, and somehow get themselves match ready in time for the match.

As always with Aardman and Nick Park, the stop-motion animation and the attention to detail are top notch. There are some funny moments, but it's nowhere near the standard of some of the previous Aardman productions. It boasts a great line up for the character voices too - Eddie Redmayne, Tom Hiddleston, Maisie Williams and more - only it's not enough to lift this beyond being a fairly below average family movie, which is a real shame.