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Nerve (2016)
Nerve (2016)
2016 | Adventure, Mystery, Thriller
Great Film
I watched this with my friend as a one off. We wasn't sure what to expect from it but we had already sat down to eat and thought why on earth not. At first, I thought it was going to be a cheesy stereotypical film about teenagers online. Especially with all the internet searching screens at the beginning. I restrained from rolling my eyes. But as the film developed I became hooked. It was a light thriller almost. The type where it has you on the edge of your seat because of the suspense and horrors of what is happening. It had just the right amount of love interest for me. It did not entirely dominate the film, nor did it take away from the story line, but it did happen fairly quickly. Another oddity I found was one of the characters, Tommy. I liked this character. He was interesting and funny. But I did not understand his passiveness in the film. It was clear he is interested in Vee (the protagonist) but does nothing to show his interest and stop her falling for Ian. As well as that, he just randomly knows these computer hacker internet websters? There is nothing to indicate why he knows them yet they become crucial towards the end of the film. It would be nice to have a little background on them.

Other than that, I enjoyed watching the film. I believe it raised awareness about the dangers of anonymity on the internet. It also shows that sometimes risks should be taken. We should do things that scare us and push us out of our comfort zones every-now-and-then. But do not go too far. It could be a very dangerous game.
The Movie Crypt
The Movie Crypt
TV & Film
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Adam Green and Joe Lynch (3 more)
Different guest each week
Heartfelt stories
It's pretty damned funny
Awesome Pod for anyone who wants to make movies
Adam and Joe are two of the best "indie" film makers out there. Adam brought one of the horror genres newest icons to life in the form of Victor Crowley and Joe has been responsible for a pair of my favorite independent films with the births of Mayhem and Everly. But did you ever wonder how they got their starts in the film industry? Or what it takes to make a horror film? Or how some of your favorite actors writers directors and people involved in the industry got to be where they are today?
This pod brings it all to light. They hold nothing back and tell all things. Both good and bad.
With awesome guests such as horror icons Kane Hodder, Sid Haig, Bill Moseley and Ray Wise as well as fellow filmmakers the likes of Darren Lynn Boussman, Adam Wingard and Ti West. The boys leave no stone unturned as they bring everything to the table.
The pod is also welcome to subscription through Patreon with some cool little gifts to those who want to donate. Including Film commentaries once a month, first come basis viewer mail questions and Hollywood tell all answers to industry questions in a segment called Ask Dr. Arwen, named after Green's Yorkie and fellow show host.
I would recommend this Podcast to anyone who wants to learn the ins and outs of the film world told from a perspective that is understandable to anyone. And it's good for a few laughs as well. I've been a devoted listener since 2013. And the vast library of webisodes is available to anyone via iTunes and other podcast generators.
Listen and enjoy folks. You won't be disappointed.
Sons of Thunder (Brothers in Arms Collection)
Sons of Thunder (Brothers in Arms Collection)
Susan May Warren | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the concept of Sons of Thunder. It had great potential and I’ve seen tons of five-star reviews for it. Sadly it didn’t meet my expectations.

I had a hard time reading it for a few reasons. One was the writing. It had a sort of funny style. It was as if short dramatic phrases were placed at the end of a paragraph, but the phrases were not dramatic in any way, nor were the necessary. It made the whole thing feel awkward. It was also hard to follow and I got confused a lot.

The second was the romance. I immediately saw and understood how Markos looked at Sofia. But their relationship jumped around from courteous to in-love to friends to not-talking, and I couldn’t understand where they actually stood or how they saw each other. It was like a whole first chunk of their relationship was missing from the book. There was no connection to the characters.

Third, I didn’t like the Chicago club stuff at all. It turned me off right away.

As I mentioned above I didn’t finish Sons of Thunder. There was nothing compelling me to continue, there wasn’t any plot, and the characters were beginning to aggravate me and I didn’t connect with them. I skipped to the very last page just to see what happened, and was not surprised to see that exactly what I thought would happen, did happen.

I was very disappointed by Sons of Thunder, especially considering all the five star reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. I really wish I had loved it, but I must share my 100% honest opinion. Please know that I and the few other readers who didn’t like it are the minority by a landslide. I hope you’ll consider other reviews before you make a decision.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Special effects are great, except Bruce Banner's head in the Hulkbuster suit. (4 more)
Great action scenes.
Great seeing just about all the Marvel characters.
Josh Brolin is great as Thanos.
Too talky at points. (5 more)
Some weird, illogical, wtf parts.
Guardians seemed out of place acting so serious.
Wasn't moved by the ending. Was kind of like, " what? This is a comic-book movie."
Too long to introduce everyone.
Not funny.
Hype says it's better than it actually is
I knew this movie wasn't going to live up to the hype. Just like Black Panther, it's just an okay movie. Just like every other movie made these days, it starts strong, gets boring, then ends strong. Except it doesn't end too strong. It sort of ends with a whimper. I see memes where people were devastated at the ending. I felt like it was meaningless, as we know this is a comic book movie & all will be put right in the next installment.

I feel one of the main problems of the movie was the humor. When you have great Marvel movies, like The Guardians of the Galaxy films, and Thor: Ragnarok, which relied on a lot of humor and then are intertwined with a movie so dark, so deathly serious & try to keep the humor of those films, it just doesn't work. The Guardians, Thor & Bruce Banner were all throwing out jokes, but they mostly fell flat. It's hard to smile when Thanos is being an absolute terror.

All this being said, I did like the movie. Where I probably wouldn't watch Black Panther again, I would definitely watch this again. I actually have BP a 7, just like this film, I would probably change my score to a 5, as this movie was better, but doesn't deserve higher than a 7.

Mike Carlson (115 KP) May 4, 2018

I've had a problem with the Marvel humor since the illogical dance-off in GotG. I knew there would be issues uniting the dumber (silly for the sake of a laugh rather than well thought out and believable in context) portions of the universe with the smarter, more serious portions.

Murder She Wrote: Manuscript for Murder
Murder She Wrote: Manuscript for Murder
Jessica Fletcher, Jon Land | 2018 | Mystery
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is Jessica Reading a Motive for Murder?
When Thomas Rudd approaches Jessica Fletcher after one of her signings and accuses Lane Barfield, their mutual publisher, of skimming money from their royalties, Jessica can hardly believe it. Within a couple of days, both of the men are dead. However, Jessica begins to suspect that the political thriller Lane asked her to read was to blame. Is she correct? If so, is she the next target?

I had a mixed reaction to this book. On the one hand, I got very caught up in the plot, and always had a hard time putting it down. There are twists and turns and plenty of danger, and I loved it. It would have worked better, however, if it weren’t a Murder, She Wrote book. It certainly doesn’t fit with the rest of the franchise in tone, with several events being several shades grayer than we got, at least on the TV show. (I’ve only read one other book, the previous one.) We see several of the regular side characters, but they and their relationship with Jessica was off. What I suspect was supposed to be funny came across as rather mean. These characters wouldn’t interact this way. There’s also the fact that one of the plots in the book gets dropped in favor of the other. Honestly, I think there are two good storylines here, and they should have gotten their own books. This is the second book that Jon Land has written in the franchise, and I’m wondering if his efforts to turn things darker are going to be a permanent thing or if he will adjust better to the light tone of this franchise.
Night of the Living Trekkies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not as imaginative or funny as I'd hoped, <u>Night of the Living Trekkies</u> was still a fun read, some may even call it a brainless read. As far as zombie stories go, this doesn't cover any new territory, but that's where Star Trek helps the book out. Chock full of references, storyline parallels, and chapters named after episodes, it's clear this is devoted to Star Trek fans, whether they be Trekkies or Trekkers. The authors clearly know what they're writing about and lovingly poke fun at Star Trek and its fans. There's even some Star Wars love thrown in for good measure, and not with the usual rivalry between the two either.

In order to fully enjoy this book, I think it is essential that readers have a passable knowledge of the Star Trek universe, like zombies, and appreciate pulp, or at least have two of those three; otherwise, I can't imagine this would appeal to anyone outside of those factors. Overall, I had a good time with <u>Night of the Living Trekkies</u>, there were moments that made me laugh-out-loud (I especially liked the tale of the "Red Shirts") and though it's predictable, the story was well-told, and at around 250 pages, it's a very easy read. Readers could do worse than to pick up this book; what you see on the awesome cover is pretty much what you get on the inside: pure, pulpy entertainment that's well-envisioned and could easily be made into a movie.
3.5 Warp Speed

This has one of the best trailers I've ever seen, certainly the best book trailer:

Not part of the book at all but definitely goes along with it:
Spooky Little Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poor Lucy Fisher. Just when she thinks she can go home and relax from a crummy vacation, she finds all her belongings tossed out onto the lawn of the house she shares with her fiance, and to top that off, she then loses her job. The last thing she needs is to be hit by a bus and left to be scraped up by an over-sized spatula (I don't envy whoever has to do that!).

After a slow build-up, the book finally came alive (so to speak) for me at the half-way point, along with the help of her grandmother, Naunie. Told in third-person, Lucy is a slightly flaky, but completely sympathetic character who goes through many moods as she deals with her death and how to become a proper ghost. Along with other clever touches, the idea of having untimely deaths go to a ghost school before arriving in "The State" is utterly fantastic. I wouldn't mind seeing that more fleshed out for another book, although I don't know how that would work. Lucy is helped in her haunting assignment by Naunie, whose exploits in "The State" are hilarious and she really livens up the book and provides many laughs. All the other characters add to the book without either being unnecessary or overused. Also, I would be remiss if I didn't mention Tulip, Lucy's dog before her death, who is the most adorable and sweetest thing ever. No, there aren't really any surprises plot-wise, but it's the journey that matters, and I enjoyed it.

So, even though it started slow, SPOOKY LITTLE GIRL picked up pace and ended up being a cute, funny, charming, thoughtful, and heartwarming little book. I'm glad I got a chance to read this and learn about how this book came to be in the author's note at the end.
At first, I thought Elizabeth and Jamie were a couple of nitwits. I couldn't understand why she wanted to stay and why he didn't want her to leave since they didn't even know each other or spend much time together at that time. Nevertheless, after that, they started to endear themselves to me, as did the secondary characters. I found it to be unputdownable and a very fun (and funny) adventure! I'm not sure if this is a keeper or not, but I think it'll stay on my shelf for a little while yet. This has fueled me to read more of this series! I can't wait!

Here are a couple mistakes I noticed, and for me to spot them, that's saying a lot! :P By the way, this is all in good fun.
1. If Elizabeth was born in 1970 and the year is (when she left) 1996, that makes her 26 or possibly 25, but it says repeatedly in the book that she is 24. I can't believe Lynn Kurland (or the editors) could have missed that, it seemed glaringly obvious to me. Of course, for some reason, I have a thing with ages of people in books. It drives me crazy when there are inconsistencies! LoL
2. I think Ms. Kurland got confused on whose eye color is whose a few times. Elizabeth was buying an aquamarine so that it would match Jamie's eyes. It is specifically said that his eyes are a pine green and hers are more aquamarine colored. And Jamie said that she was just buying it to match his eyes, too. Around that area, I think, was where all the confusion lay.
That's all that I found. :)
Sing (2016)
Sing (2016)
2016 | Animation, Comedy, Musical
I admit, I went into this with low expectations. It looked like a karaoke kids movie from an animation studio that I do not rate that highly. But what do I know?

Illumination studios have managed to rack up a “Stinker” on this blog with The Lorax (3D) (2012), which was filled with songs which did not seem to go with the movie and maybe that was in my mind when I first saw the trailer for this, but I must admit, that I was wrong.

The story focuses around a Koala Bear (Matthew McConauhey) who owns his dream theatre in New York, but it is about to fail big. He ends up setting up singing contest in order to try and save it and a verity of animals from this this Zootopia styled world inhabited solely by animals, are entered into the competition.

The writing was good, strong and simple. The characters had enough depth, the song choices were good and the antics surrounding Matthew McConauhey’s efforts to keep his theatre open against the odds were genuinely funny.

It was also nice to see that several character tropes were not pandered too, such as the house wife pig (Reese Witherspoon) goes to elaborate lengths to take part, by automating her house to get her litter of piglets to school and her middle management husband to work, all of whom take her for granted so much that they fail to even notice that she is not there.

But instead of attacking her housewife status and saying that she was being hampered by this “boring” life and should be a singer and follow her dreams as many films would suggest, this simply asks for a balance. That impressed me… a lot.

Well worth a watch and defiantly one for the whole family.
The Good Dinosaur (2015)
The Good Dinosaur (2015)
2015 | Animation
The first thing so say about this is that the trailers were very misleading. Instead of having a quiet, meek dinosaur meets human tale, we are given the opposite. In a world where the asteroid did not wipe out the dinosaurs, they have evolved into a farming species and after his father death, our eponymous Good Dinosaur is lost and must make his way home, when he befriends human boy, called Spot.

Spot is effectively a dog to our more cultured dinosaur who inhabit a world not at all dissimilar to the American Frontier. And there in lies the problem.

This is without a doubt the most beautifully animated film that I have ever seen, with a photo realistic animation so real, that it was distracting, as I actually wondered if they had cheated and blended real photography with CGI. The other issue was the setting and the love affair with old west which only really works if you are an American.

Yeah, we love a good western but this was just a bit of a weird interpretation, with T-Rex's driving cattle and Brontosaurus' growing corn. But having said all that, the plot as pure Pixar but without the humour. This is simply not funny and a change in tone for the studio but it is keeping with their groundbreaking approach to animation in many ways, this is as significant a breakthrough as Toy Story was back in 1995.

Yes, the animation was effectively driven by the same technology as most mainstream blockbusters but this film savored those moments, leaving us simply awestruck by the look and feel of this film.

Though it does feel at times to be a teaser reel for the animation capabilities of Pixar...