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All the Ugly and Wonderful Things
All the Ugly and Wonderful Things
Bryn Greenwood | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I'd like to thank Netgalley and St Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.


Full review here too:

<i><b>”Right up until that moment it was sweet and funny. Odd couple that they were, they had a real connection. Then he tugged her boot off and kissed the bottom of her bare foot. I could see him doing that kind of thing to his own kid, but she wasn’t. She was somebody else’s little girl.”</i></b>

I am an <b>emotional wreck.</b> How has this book set my moral compass so askew? How could I have possibly been crying over a relationship between a grown man and a minor? I was distraught kinda crying, not a horrified or disgusted kinda crying either! I know I’m being a sheep when I say this but <b>wow, this is amazing!</b> I was so worried I'd dislike this book because it was so hyped up but it did not disappoint, not even a little bit.

You’ll be amazed at how well Greenwood has reinvented the adult-male-child-female relationship that we see all too often in novels and films. She’s managed to completely turn the disgusting, abusive image on its head. The love between Kellen and Wavy is the truest and realist love I've seen in a book for a seriously long time. There is absolutely <i>no</i> comparison between Kellen and Wavy with Humbert and Lolita, it’s not that sort of book. There are some people who, undoubtedly, are not going to like this book or the message it’s putting across, but you have to know that there is nothing evil in this age gap relationship as you would first guess there to be.

I can almost understand why Kellen and Wavy fall in love so quickly and so passionately. Wavy has had such a horrible existence, with her abusive, drug addicted father and her horrible mother who doesn’t care for anyone but herself. Wavy is her own person, even from the beginning of this story, she may only be 8 years old but she’s already a woman, she’s had to live her life looking after herself and her baby brother, she already knows what it is to be an adult, so it’s no surprise she springs into adulthood at such a full force. And then there is Kellen, he’s lonely and undesirable <i>(apparently)</i> and he’s also bullied by the people around him he calls “friends”. So when Wavy comes along and looks at him and treats him like he’s the most wonderful person in the world, it’s not really a surprise that a strong bond grows between them almost instantly.

I believe that at the beginning of their relationship there is no sexual desire, I honestly think their relationship is one of friendship and love in a more uncle and niece kind of way, but soon enough these feelings become something more. Kellen, although he does desire sexual gratification, knows his feelings are misplaced and so there is nothing dark and evil about his feeling towards Wavy, and for me, this makes him one of the best male character I’ve read about in a long time, no matter if he’s a paedophile or not. He's an incredible man and I absolutely loved him.

This book is a serious roller coaster of emotions and had me blubbering like a baby for the last 10%, or more, of the book. I am in love with this book, so thank you <i>very</i> much Bryn Greenwood for this amazing novel and giving me the chance to read it before publication! I’ve already recommended this to friends and family and I can’t wait to read more of Greenwood’s writing.

<spoiler>I am over the moon with how this ended, I was rooting for their relationship to last throughout the whole thing, as sick as that makes me sound. Thank you Greenwood for the happy ending!</spoiler>
The Flight Attendant
The Flight Attendant
Chris Bohjalian | 2018 | Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compulsively readable (1 more)
Fascinating, befuddling story
Main character isn't easy to like (0 more)
Unpredictable book that sucks you in from the start
Cassandra Bowen is a flight attendant with a history of bad decisions--most of them tied to her predilection to heavy drinking. Mostly her drinking leads to sexual encounters with dubious men, topless dancing, and a few bouts of blackouts. But when Cassie's work takes her to Dubai, she spends the night with a gentleman she met on the plane, drinking heavily with him all evening; in the morning she wakes up next to him in bed and finds him dead, covered in blood. Alone and female in Dubai, Cassie sneaks out of the hotel room and returns home on the plane with her fellow flight attendants, setting off a trail of lies that will haunt her. And in the back of her mind, she fears the worst: could she have killed Alex while drunk? And what will happen when the authorities discover her deception?

This novel starts off with a bang, with Cassie waking up next to a dead man. Once Cassie gets back to the States, I found myself fascinated what could possibly happen for the other 80% of the book. (My mistake, a lot can happen.) The entire novel kept me wondering what on earth would come next. This is a crazy, unpredictable book that sucks you in and never lets you go. I was constantly wondering who the various characters were--who really was Alex, for instance? Is there more to Cassie than we are being told? I was honestly confused for a good portion of the book, which doesn't happen often when I read.

It was really fun and befuddling to piece things together in this one. The book was rather stressful, trying to decipher all the various characters and to deal with Cassie's high-risk behavior. As the end nears, I was actually shocked by a couple of twists, which I really appreciated. It's rare that a thriller truly shocks me anymore. I was truly impressed with this one. The ending was a little odd, but as I pondered it more, I think I'm good with it.

As for Cassie, she was a hard character to like, and there's certainly been no shortage of unreliable drunken female narrators in contemporary fiction as of late. Still, you can't help but get caught up in her story. It's compulsively readable. There are also lots of good flight attendant stories; Chris Bohjalian always well researches his books.

Cassie's chapters also alternate with a woman named Elena, which is an effective storytelling device, and only ratchets up the suspense. Her tale is just as befuddling as Cassie's--perhaps even more so--and just added to my desire to turn the pages and find out what on earth was going on and how these people were all connected. Bohjalian really weaved a fascinating story here, and I love how all of his books are so different. Whereas some can be emotional, this one was truly a thriller, and focused so much on the story and mystery. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but it was great.

I also found some amusing little personal tidbits in the book: references to Charlottesville (the second in a row in the novels I read--it's my hometown) and Cassie's Kentucky references, including her attendance at the University of Kentucky. We are, in fact, a UK and UVA household--my five-year-old twins are very divided between the two. It's funny how little things stick with you when you read a novel.

Overall, this was a great read. Completely befuddling, but incredibly suspenseful and just sort of fun. Not at all what I expected from Bohjalian, but a fascinating, enjoyable thriller. I was completely lost in Cassie and Elena's bizarre world for a few days--the sign of a great book. 4 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review; more at
Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1)
Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog: <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

A friend of mine had recommended this book back when it first came out. While I was definitely intrigued, I kept putting off buying it. However, with Walking Disaster coming out, I thought I'd give it a read. I'm super happy I did. I loved it!

Abby Abernathy is a reformed good girl. She moved to another state to get away from her horrible past. However, when she meets Travis, a self-professed womanizer, she struggles to continue being that good girl she so desperately wants to be. Travis is violent and sleeps with almost any woman. The more Abby tries to stay away, the more she finds herself drawn to Travis. Will Abby be able to keep up her good girl image or will she succumb to Travis' charms?

I love this title!! It definitely suits this book because it describes, perfectly, the relationship between Travis and Abby. It's even mentioned in the book!

I like the cover. In fact, I think it's really pretty. I'm sure it's symbolic of Travis and Abby with Abby being the butterfly, but I just can't figure it out. I don't see how Abby is a trapped butterfly.

For the most part, the world building was alright. There were times, while reading, were I felt like I was more in a high school setting then a college setting. Also, there was hardly any mention of time going by. For example, Abby and Travis would say about 4 or 5 sentences to each other, and three hours had passed by. That happened quite a few times in the book which I found annoying. Other than that, everything about the world was great.

The pacing was perfect in Beautiful Disaster! I couldn't get enough of the action. The chapters flowed beautifully into each other, and I found that I couldn't read the pages fast enough. Every sentence left me wanting more!

The characters were fantastic and well written! I loved how Abby was trying to turn her life around. I didn't think she had as bad of a life as she let on although I would've loved to learn more about her past. Abby had a sweet vulnerability to her which I liked. I thought Travis was quite romantic, and I loved how crazy he was about Abby. At some points, I felt that he was a little too crazy about Abby, but I still found myself wishing I had someone like Travis to look after me (except not as violent). Like Abby, I would've loved to find out more about Travis' background. I really hope I will learn more about him in Walking Disaster. I loved America although I kept picturing her differently to the blonde girl that she is. Shep is great when it comes to America and his cousin Travis. He's also great to Abby. Shep has a good heart, and I loved how willing he was to help those he loved.

The dialogue was a bit intense but in a good way. I loved reading how Abby and Travis interacted with each other. These two were super funny and at times would drive me crazy with how they acted towards each other when they would argue. As for the language, there is A LOT of swearing so if you don't like cuss words, this isn't your type of book.

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire was definitely an enjoyable and intense read. I was also appreciative that the sex scenes were done quite tastefully instead of being graphic. I didn't really like the way it ended as I felt it was a rush decision on the characters' part. (Don't worry, I won't go into detail). Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 17+ who is seeking a bit of a bad boy or a bit of a thrill. Please be aware that there is a lot of violence and swearing within this book.

Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful #1) by Jamie McGuire gets a 4.25 out of 5 from me.
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I came across this book on Goodreads, there was something about the blurb that made me want to read it, so when I got asked if I'd like to review it, I said yes instantly. While the first half of the book was a bit hit and miss, the second half really became interesting!

The title is a bit of a mouthful although interesting. I had a hard time remembering what the book was called due to the long name. Eventually, I memorized it, but I would still double check just to make sure I was right.

The cover might be a bit plain, but I think it suits this book perfectly! After the terrible incident that happens to Wendy, she kind of goes inside herself. I think this cover definitely captures that.

What bothered me a bit with the world building was I just felt like the school Wendy attended was racism central. I know that racism is a huge problem is some places, but it just felt a bit over the top in the beginning of the book. Luckily, about a third of the book in, the over the top racism thing stops, and the world building becomes more believable.

The pacing is fairly slow to begin with. However, about a little before halfway in, the pacing speeds up, and it quickly held my attention for the rest of the book. In fact, I couldn't put the book done after that! So if you start off a bit bored with the book, please do continue reading or you'll out miss out on a really good story.

The plot is interesting enough. It deals with racism, being an outcast, sexual abuse, and an emotionally distant mother as well as some other issues. I thought it was an original idea to use Michael Jackson as a teen girl's saint. I love the references to some artists of old.

The characters were written really well. Wendy, aside from her obsession with the king of pop, is just your average teenage girl. Her goal is to see Michael Jackson in concert in London. Wendy is definitely easy to relate to. Shaye comes across as being very cool and charismatic. He's instantly likable. I felt bad that I had ever liked him though after what he did to Wendy. My favorite character was Tanay though. I loved her attitude as well as her sass. She's super funny, yet she's a friend who's got your back. I think teenage girls will have an easy time relating to Wendy and/or Tanay.

The dialogue, for the most part, runs smoothly. However, at the beginning of the book, it does feel a little bit forced especially when it focuses on racism a little too heavily, at least I thought so. Some may get offended with the racism being used, but I didn't feel like the book itself was racist. I just felt that there was too much focus on how segregated Wendy's school is and how much racism (against all colors) there is in that school. Other than that, everything is smooth sailing. The character interactions feel normal, and the dialogue goes well with what a teen book should read like. There is some cussing in this book as well as some sexual situations, so I wouldn't recommend this book to younger teens.

Overall, How Wendy Redbird Dancing Survived the Dark Ages of Nought is a very intriguing book. The issues it deals with are issues that have plagued teens as well as adults for awhile. Hawks does a fantastic job of writing about this issues.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 16+ who want to read something a little more realistic than normal fiction with characters of whom are easy to relate to.

I'd give How Wendy Redbird Dancing Survived the Dark Ages of Nought by Lyn Fairchild Hawks a 3.75 out of 5.

(I received a free paperback of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

You know when you read the second book in a series, and think how much better the first book was? Well, this isn't the case with The Curse of Betrayal! In fact, I think this book was even better than its predecessor. I believe The Curse of Betrayal could be read as a stand alone, but it'd be much more enjoyable if you read The Thousand Year Curse which is the first book in the series.

I like the title. Ryder does feel a bit betrayed by her mother and someone else (to tell would be spoilers) in the book.

Like the first book, I'm not a fan of the cover of this book either. It's just too plain for my liking, and for those that do judge a book by its cover (of which I have been guilty before), I think it will put them off reading this AMAZING book!

I enjoyed the world building. It seemed as if a place like the Demi God Academy could really exist. Plus, the world in this book answers most of my questions from the first book. The world building is definitely interesting in this book!

The pacing is spot on! I loved every page and couldn't wait to find out what would happen next. Even in the pages where there was no action, it was still very gripping.

The plot is just as interesting, if not more interesting, as the first book. In this book, we learn more about Ryder, Ryder's elusive mother, and Ari as well as a new cast of characters. We get to see Ryder's first year at Demi God Academy, and let's just say it is anything but uneventful. Ryder is still trying to work out her curse and find out which man is her soul mate. There's also another added danger that I won't go in to due to spoilers.

Miss Lavati does an excellent job of making sure her characters are well written and able to come to life. While I liked Ryder and found her to be a well rounded character, I thought she was being a bit too whiny and selfish with double standards. For example, it's okay for Ryder to flirt with and kiss both Ollie and Ari, but when one of them does it with another girl, Ryder gets insanely jealous. (There's one scene at a restaurant where this is very apparent and a bit over the top). I do feel bad for Ryder though. While some may think it'd be amazing to have two hot guys pine after your affections, Ryder doesn't want to hurt either one of them and hates seeing each one miserable. Plus, her life is in danger thanks to the curse Hades has put on her. I was glad that Ari was featured a lot in this book because I'm definitely Team Ari, and I really want Ryder to pick him. Ari is just a smooth kind of guy. He's funny and witty. Ollie is in the book just not as much as Ari. I do like Ollie also, but just not as much as Ari. Ollie is very caring and everything, but I just feel like Ari would make a better boyfriend. I also liked Kara in this book. She was such an awesome best friend, and I loved the way she really cared about Ryder.

The dialogue fits perfectly for a mature young adult/new adult book. I enjoyed every single scene. There are a few grammatical errors, but it doesn't take away from the book at all. There's also swearing and sexual references, but nothing over the top.

Overall, The Curse of Betrayal by Taylor Lavati is a fantastic read. This book has a great cast of characters, a super interesting plot, and a very immersive world. Miss Lavati is a very talented writer, and I enjoy reading her work. Will I be reading the next book in the series? Most definitely!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 17+ who enjoy reading about Greek mythology, hot guys, and/or great characters.

<b>I'd give The Curse of Betrayal (Curse Books #2) by Taylor Lavati a 4.75 out of 5.</b>
Michael Kott | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Things can change in a moment. All it takes it that tiny second that can turn our lives upside down. This happened to Alex. See, one day, he is just this unpopular boy that goes to school, and works to earn a little something for himself. Then, in one little moment, he is about to be hit by a train. Only - a miracle happens and he remains alive. But something changed. No, EVERYTHING changed. A new girl comes to school the next morning and tells him he is an Eternal, just like her, a person that lives many lives and keeps getting reborn. He is also supposed to remember his past lives once he turns 18. And not only that, but he also needs to go on a mission to find another Eternal, that would lead them to Zeus.

Bonus: This book is filled with Greek Mythology characters, but they are not the Greek Gods as we know them - they are all Eternals and have a special new fictional story.

I know some of you guys messaged me that the synopsis of the book looked so complicated, and it put you off. The story is actually quite interesting and easy to understand, once you start reading it. So go on, and put this on your TBRs!

The story and the plot itself are so unique - I haven’t read anything like this before. Michael managed to recreate a whole new world, and new type of creatures - Eternals. I loved the idea of the Eternals - people that have many lives and remember their previous lives. They can even choose where they want to get born next, and how to look. I also loved the superpowers they have - communicating through thoughts and dreams, healing, reading the past of a person by touching their hand… However, in many places in the book this was described too fast and too wide - there would be 5 pages of an essay of only description. I would much prefer if we could explore the story and history through the characters more.

The characters were likable. All of them. I liked Alex - he was a typical American boy. Sometimes a bit oblivious to everything happening around him. I found it a bit upsetting how he couldn’t choose who he wanted to be with. But on the other side, I quite admired him for how he coped when his world just changed in an instant, and so many people he knew were not what he thought they were, and on top of that he had to choose who to trust and who not to, and he had to agree to go on a mission that risks his life, even though he still couldn’t remember if he was an Eternal, which meant that maybe he is not like them at all.

Circe was an interesting character too. Such an energetic person with a wild personality - she would be the one that brightens up a room as soon as she walks into it. She can also be very possessive of the people she loves. She quite reminds me of myself in my teenage years in everything she did - funny, reckless moments - all worth remembering. Even though I couldn’t find a favourite character, all the people we meet in the book were equally loved by me.

This is an amazing story - a fiction fantasy that gathered Greek Mythology characters and created something entirely new. I enjoyed it a lot and I can’t wait for the next book of the series to come out. This book opens up a great discussion about people that can be reborn and remember their past. My view on life is that once we die, our soul goes into another body that gets born in the exact same moment, and even though we don’t remember it, we always carry a piece of that inside our hearts. There are occasions though, where some people remember their past lives.

What are your thoughts about life after death? Would you maybe pick this book up?

A special thank you to the author, Michael Kott, who send me a copy of LifeShift in exchange for an honest review. All my thoughts are my own, and completely unbiased.

Becs (244 KP) rated Fawkes in Books

Sep 17, 2018  
Nadine Brandes | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story. (3 more)
The writing.
Thomas Fawkes.
The emotions I went through reading this. (Yes it's here twice for a reason.)
The emotions I went through reading this. (Yes it's here twice for a reason.) (0 more)
A gripping, heartfelt historical read that will take you on an adventure. 
When I first picked up Fawkes by Nadine Brandes, it was for a blog tour that I was lucky enough to get (thank you so much!). I started reading it and only got three chapters read before I had to put it down because I just. Could. Not. Get. Into. It. I'm awfully glad that I picked it back up to actually reread the first three chapters and finish the book because this is my favorite book of September.

Legit, this is a five-star read for me. There's so much sarcasm, humor, history packed into this little story that I just didn't want it to end. If Nadine Brandes ever creates a second book regarding this storyline, I will be the first person to buy it and support it. Because dang woman, you have a way to make me tear up and then get all angry at a character in a matter of pages.

Okay, let's talk about some of these humorous quotes that I just can't get over.

"If you do not agree to all my terms, Thomas Fawkes, then I shall tell my guardian that you forced yourself upon me and - after he castrates you - he will string you up on the gallows without a tongue!" Okay Emma, he knows not to mess with you. You strong and independent amazing human being. I think I love you. (Can you actually fall in love with a fictional character?)

" ' There's no we,' Kit muttered in Jack's ear. 'Percy didn't even detect an intruder - the boy did.' " - SHOTS FIRED!

" 'Annika! Gabriel! Do you want to turn to stone?' " I just think this is so funny but it's true. Like you keep messing with that plagued rat, you ain't gonna look much different.

Can we talk about how descriptive Nadine is with things?! Like for real, I haven't heard anybody talking about that! So, without further adieu here are some of my favorite descriptive quotes:

"The darkness twisted invisible chains around my chest." Holy poopers. Like dang. This is a great representation of anxiety if anybody wants to know.

" 'His past is not without its bloodstains.' I joined him at the window. The grime rested too thickly for us to see out into the night. Another thing for me to clean upon the morrow. ' Should we do something?' 'Our fists are no match for a rabid mutt's teeth. We must leave a man's actions to his one conscience.' " Okay, I got chills when reading this. This is one serious moment but at the same time a jab at how gross London used to be.

"A line of freckles ascended from her left upper lip and ended beneath her eye... like a constellation on a night sky." I dig it and what a way to describe somebody's feature. I wish my husband was all gooey like Thomas Fawkes when it came to Emma.

The next few quotes are moments where I had to stop reading and just think, because they hit me with a burning passion for making me emotional.

"He said that he must bring on only those men who were necessary to the plot's fulfillment. The men who were irreplaceable. That spoke volumes about each man he'd chosen. Because he'd chosen me." Thomas is wanted, not just by his father but by a group of men that become his family. I feel you Thomas, you emotional man.

"I wanted my mask because I was ashamed of what people saw when they looked at me. I hated being defined by my plague and I was sick of being helpless. I wanted a future." STAY AWAY FROM MY THOMAS YOU NUGGETS. I KNOW KARATE AND I WILL USE IT. But seriously, why you gotta be so mean?

"If I was as inconspicuous as Catesby said I would be... why not simply kill the king on my own? In fact, why not turn his masquerade into an assassination?" Thomas you smart man. But don't go getting yourself killed. Emma (and I) need you to survive and stay with her (us).

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 3 version of BulletStorm in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
One of the most enjoyable and action-packed games I have ever played has arrived in Bulletstorm which combines action, humor, and enjoyable gameplay to create a winning product. The game was created by Electronic Arts, People Can Fly, and Epic Games and tells the story of privateer Grayson Hunt who has spent the last ten years of his life on a mission of revenge against a corrupt general who has wronged him and his crew. When the opportunity for revenge arises, Grayson crashes his own ship in order to bring the generals ship down which strands them on the hostile world of Stygia. Stygia used to be a resort world and now scores of mutants, monsters, dangerous plants, and more roam the landscape making short work of all they encounter.

With his friend Sato in need of medical care following the crash, Grayson and Sato set out to find the general in order to get off the planet and to get Sato proper medical care less his cyborg implants take over his body. Along the way Grayson and Sato must face many challenges and battle against never ending hordes of bad guys. Thankfully they have some awesome firepower at their disposal ranging from shotguns to assault rifles as well as sniper rifles and rocket launchers. The game requires players to purchase new weapons and ammo as well as the ability to upgrade your weapons from dropships which are scattered throughout the landscape.

The more bad guys you dispatch and the more creative you are with your kills earns you more points to spend on your arsenal. One of my favorite weapons is the sniper rifle which allows you to steer your fired shot into your enemies, which comes in handy considering how much cover they like to take. Should you run out of ammo, you can always send a bad guy flying, thanks to a kick from Grayson who has no issue with kicking hordes of bad guys into various obstacles. The game awards you for being creative with your kills like kicking somone to impale them on an object which gets you a Voodoo Doll reward as does sending an enemy into an electrical field or sending them into the jaws of a deadly plant.

There are so many ways to take out enemies half the fun is finding out new ways to do so. I also liked being able to supercharge my weapon and vaporize any underlings that got in my way. The game also allows players a leash which fires an electrical tether to manipulate objects. I love latching onto enemies and pulling them into harms way, or towards me so I could kick them into harms way, or unleash a fury of bullets upon them.

The graphics of the game are amazing as the Unreal engine has never looked better. From scenic landscapes to epic monsters the game deftly handles them all. An early chase from a gigantic mining wheel is awesome as it encompasses the depth of the landscape and surroundings of Stygia. The language in the game is very sharp. Characters will unleash salvos of profanity that would make a drill seargeant cringe, but they are often done in very funny and unique combinations.

The multiplay modes of the game shine as well. You can really enjoy teaming up for unique kills. The control system of the game is good as I was easily able to move between movement and fire modes without any issues which allowed me to concentrate on the game and its challenges rather than having to fight a control system. Bulletstorm is also very clever with the locations of the game as one minute I am flying in a airship taking on a gigantic creature whereas another time I was gudiing a giant robotic dinosaur through an amusement park to dispatch the bad guys.

From the winning mix of action and humor to the numerous variations the gameplay offers Bulletstorm is a winner from top to bottom. Some may find the solo play campaign a bit short and may say that some of the boss battles were overly tricky. I prefer to see the game as a great action romp which is set up perfectly for a sequel and one of the best action
shooters in recent history.
The House That Jack Built (2018)
The House That Jack Built (2018)
2018 | Horror, Thriller
Danish director Lars Von Trier is no stranger to controversy. He has certainly divided film fans with some praising his work and some condemning it. The House That Jack Built is his most recent creation, causing audience members at Cannes to either walk out in disgust or stand up and applaud. This seriously mixed reception caught my interest and I wanted to find out what he’d done to generate such a response.

I’ve only seen two of his previous films; Antichrist and Melancholia, the former being a film that disturbed me so much I haven’t been able to watch it a second time. Its visceral, raw and harrowing portrayal of sex, violence, and self-mutilation is something that is a thoroughly uncomfortable and unpleasant watch. Because of Antichrist, I felt nervous yet strangely excited to see what The House That Jack Built had in store for me. I was surprised, however, to discover that it is arguably his tamest film to date, with a lot of the more graphic content happening off-screen. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its disturbing moments, but it was a lot less visceral than I was expecting based on its recent backlash.

The film is split into five chapters labelled ‘The Incidents’ and an epilogue, detailing some of the murders that Jack carried out over a 12-year span. Two of these incidents include child abuse and female mutilation, but is presented in a much more psychologically disturbing way rather than uncomfortable close-ups and drawn out scenes that you watch from behind your hands. The House That Jack Built spends more time tapping into Jack’s own psyche than it does the atrocities he commits, with Matt Dillon really stealing the show as the titular character.

It’s also darkly funny in places, which I certainly wasn’t expecting. Dillon’s portrayal of a psychotic killer with OCD is both terrifying and amusing. He is simultaneously charming and unhinged, which is a difficult thing to pull off. He was by far my favourite thing about the film, reminiscent of so many iconic serial killers that have fascinated the general public. The film relied heavily on Jack’s character and inner thoughts so it was great to see Dillon pull it off so brilliantly.

Much like Von Trier’s previous work, The House That Jack Built features lots of symbolism throughout the narrative. In this case, it focuses heavily on religion, art and family, with Jack being challenged on all of these as he recounts the incidents. The voice challenging him is a mystery to us until the third act, where Bruno Ganz’s character is finally revealed to us. I found this reveal to be a little jarring and strange, but not unexpected from one of his films. For me, the third act is where it started to go downhill and I lost interest, which is a real shame after the strength of the first two. Despite seeing some really great analyses online, it wasn’t enough to change my own views on the way it ended. It just seemed a little too out of place for my liking.

The visual style is interesting and combines live action with animation and still images. This feels very random but in the context of this particular film, it actually works in its favour. Both Dillon and Ganz narrate over the animation and still images, giving us monologues that act as food for thought and raise questions about morality, life, death and so on. It’s an intense film in that regard and one that you have to really concentrate on in order to enjoy properly.

The House That Jack Built is a depressing, harrowing and strange film. Its blend of sadistic violence and humour makes it a truly unique horror film that seems to appeal to a very specific audience. It’s not for the faint of heart, and Jack’s misogynistic killing sprees teamed with his nihilistic outlook on life is bound to be uncomfortable for many to witness. As a case study on a serial killer it’s a fascinating watch, but out of the three films I’ve seen, this one is unfortunately the weakest in my eyes.
Allegiant (2016)
Allegiant (2016)
2016 | Action, Romance, Sci-Fi
Story: Divergent: Allegiant starts with Evelyn (Watts) closing the walls, has something to do with the last one. Tris (Woodley) and Four (James) are on the outskirts and Four is going to try and change the mind of Evelyn. When Evelyn starts acting the same as the former leader Tris and Four along with the other friends Caleb (Elgort), Christina (Kravitz) and Peter (Teller) plan their escape.

Over the wall they only find destruction before being rescued by David’s (Daniels) people the Bureau of Genetic Welfare who created the world they started in. This time Tris gets the chance to save the world not just a city, but can she trust everyone around her this time?

Divergent: Allegiant is the third instalment of the franchise with at least one more to go, great. This time we meet yet another group of people who want control of the city that Tris ends up having stop. The plan seems very familiar oh yeah it is the basic plot of Batman Begins, wanting to spread gas in a city to kill/infect everyone. I am getting tired of these because what happens is they hire a well-respected actor only to make them the BAD GUY yet again. Simply put this is nothing new.


Actor Review


Shailene Woodley: Tris having opened the box to the outside world last time escapes the city only to learn that the city is part of an experiment to find genetic perfection which is why they search for the Divergent in the first place. Tris is the most powerful Divergent, purest if you like that must represent the success of the experiment. Shailene is working her way through the contract where we know she can do better.tris

Theo James: Four for is the boyfriend, fellow Divergent and son of the new dictator of Chicago. When he escapes he finds himself being separated from Tris for not being pure finding it hard to adjust to the change. Theo improves from last time out but let’s face it his body got him this role.

Naomi Watts: Evelyn is the new dictator in Chicago that has continued in the ways the ruler before had, she is ready to fight anyone who goes against her. Naomi is wasted in this role where you would expect to see a lot more from her.

Jeff Daniels: David the running the Bureau of Genetic Welfare who have been watching Chicago for years, he sees Tris as the first case of purification to come out of the city proving their experiment has been working at last. Jeff is the star of the show without being too impressive.david

Support Cast: Divergent: Allegiant has a big supporting cast with some returning and a few more added but it is hard to keep up with who is work with who.

Director Review: Robert Schwentke – Robert gives us some very good shots but the story is very bland.


Action: Divergent: Allegiant has very basic action sequence you would expect to see now in the young adult genre.

Adventure: Divergent: Allegiant continues an adventure I guess.

Mystery: Divergent: Allegiant add mystery to where everything is going but really is milking it now.

Sci-Fi: Divergent: Allegiant brings us into a sci-fi of the future but too bright for the bleakness.

Thriller: Divergent: Allegiant doesn’t really keep us on the edge like it should have done.

Settings: Divergent: Allegiant continues to expand the world in this universe without really giving us enough.
Special Effects: Divergent: Allegiant has some good effects without being anything breath taking.

Suggestion: Divergent: Allegiant does improve on Insurgent but still going the wrong way, skip. (Skip)


Best Part: Peter is so funny.

Worst Part: More of the same.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: Yes

Post Credits Scene: No

Similar Too: Hunger Games Mockingjays.


Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 2 Hours 1 Minute

Tagline: Break the boundaries of your world


Overall: Yet another bland sequel to a franchise which has gone on too long.