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Tyger Tyger (Goblin Wars, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Teagan is sure she’s just your average girl… until a horrible twist of events convinces her that she is being hunted by goblins, for a reason she doesn’t understand, and her father is kidnapped by them. She and her quirky brother, Aiden, and her cousin-by-adoption Finn set off into the world she never knew existed to try and solve the mysteries of her past.

And it would be a whole lot easier if Finn wasn’t so darn distracting. Because it’s really hard to concentrate on hiding and finding food and running from hell hounds when you’re head over heels in love.

I tore through Tyger Tyger as fast as Finn swept Teagan off her feet (very fast). The story is fast-paced, exciting, and irresistible, with a great combination of mystery, suspense, and romance.

Finn is the bad boy we all want… rough, tough, and willing to do anything from skipping a meal to breaking an arm for the girl he loves. His rough exterior and his cold demeanor only make his love for Teagan more special. He was certainly my favorite character, followed closely by Teagan’s little brother, Aiden. He’s a funny quirky sort of kid who seems to be able to cause problems and solve them at the same time.

The plot and the pacing were fantastic! There were so many secrets and questions, and the way they were revealed was perfect.

The things that weren’t perfect about the book were these: The writing was clear and descriptive, though a little hard to understand at times. The only thing that felt lacking was Teagan and Finn’s relationship. It felt like it just barely got started… and the book ended. But on the other hand, it was definitely real, and not any of that sappy love based solely on attraction stuff. Lastly, I don’t really think the title describes the book, and the cover—though breathtakingly artistic—doesn’t say much about the book either. But none of this really took away from the enjoyment and the satisfaction at the end—the end was really cute, by the way!

I adored Tyger Tyger and can’t wait for the next book in the series!
At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3)
At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3)
8.6 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I find it funny that with all of the vampire books I have read over the years, I still have not tired of the theme. In this third book in the Night Huntress series, Jeaniene Frost continues to make life interesting for Cat and Bones and friends by adding a little magic to the mix, specifically from the legendary Cleopatra's daughter-turned-vampire, Patra, who also happens to be Bones's grandsire-turned-partner, Mancheres's wife. Life as a vampire only becomes more convoluted for Cat as Bones gains a few new abilities, and Cat learns why vamps are not allowed to practice magic. When they learn that Patra has sent "the grave" after Bones, I had visions of horror movies dancing in my head - and I was not that far off in my guesses. Since I am not a fan of this particular fad in fantasy fiction, I was glad that Frost depicted these paranormal creatures so horrifically.
One of the elements that I also like about this series is the humor - which Frost delivers in the form of Cat's mother, who embraces the circumstances of Cat and friends' protection with surprising relish. Without spoiling this juicy tidbit, I will say I laughed out loud when I read about the change in Cat's mother.
On the flip side, when anguish hits Cat hard, I felt her pain more than I expected to, even though I harbored doubts about what had really occurred. The emotion that Frost conveys in this section of the plot feels as real as if I felt the same loss as Cat.
There are many other interesting tidbits in the book, such as what almost occurs with Tate - and the result, Juan's decision, as well as the truce that develops between Annette and Cat. This is why I love series - side characters get more plot time, subplots can continue to mature, and I don't have to leave the imagined world behind just because I closed the book! I can't wait for the next book, Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress, Book 4).
Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #3)
Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #3)
Laini Taylor | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I finished the third and final book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series and I have to say, bravo! It really was such a good read, longer, which is more to my taste and such a lovely way to finish of such a good trilogy. Luckily for me I only read books 1 & 2 this year so unlike other readers the story was all still incredibly fresh in my mind. It picks up before the end of book 2 and explains some of the finer details to bring the story up to scratch. I won’t go into further details encase people haven’t read book 2 yet.

This is such a well-structured trilogy and you can see the authors develop as well as the characters, without it seeming to ‘after thought’ish, in this final edition to the series. I will say I was not overly keen on the edition of an unknown character as a narrator at this stage (which is surprising considering I read Game of Thrones). One of the only real dislikes I had was Eliza’s first few chapters I just couldn’t see how or why she fits into the grand scheme of things. Which she does in the end in such a brilliant way, I think a second reading at some point will allow a better appreciation of her chapters now.

Whilst I thoroughly loved and enjoyed this book I do have to say that towards the end it felt almost like and ‘opps we haven’t really said what’s going on with these characters or this area’. I think the book would have been perfect finished at around 94% the last 6% did feel a bit padded.

I would like to finish by adding that Zuzana is such a bright star of a character in a story that could get pulled down with seriousness. She is right there with such quick funny lines that at times I did laugh out loud. I could hear her sarcastic little voice and I loved getting to her chapters. I also wonder if at some point Laini Taylor may revisit this world as I can almost feel the rest of the story unfolding in my own head.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The ‘86 Fix in Books

Aug 22, 2020  
The ‘86 Fix
Keith A Pearson | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Couldn’t put it down
Don’t you love it when you pick up a book that sounds good but you have little expectations of, and get completely blown away. This is what The ‘86 Fix did for me.

To start, this is not a massively sci-fi centric novel despite featuring time travel. The time travel element is almost secondary to the drama and humour that form the main plot of Craig Pelling’s life. In a book where the main plot device (the time travel) doesn’t feature until half way through, you’d be forgiven for expecting to be bored senseless by then but this really isn’t the case. This is mainly because Craig and his life is fascinating. Craig isn’t your usual protagonist - he’s flawed, living a dead end existence and feels just like your average Joe and you can’t help but root for him. It’s intriguing to read about him, his life and his relationships and by the time the time travel element happens, you’re very much invested in Craig and are cheering for him to make amends to his life via his past experiences. It’s all rather heartwarming and quite funny at times too, and it’s so well written.

And then the ending happens. I can’t lie, I was torn between crying and screaming in frustration by the time I reached the end of the book. Not because it was bad, but because I just didn’t see the ending coming and without spoilers, it’s not quite the ending you’d expect or want for a character you’ve been rooting for over the entire book. Despite my frustrations though, it was a surprising ending and enjoyable - I’m so glad the sequel is readily available as I can’t not jump right into it now as I really need to find out what happens to Craig.

This book reminds me a lot of The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August as that’s another of my favourites too and has a similar drama/sci-if vibe, and I’d definitely recommend The ‘86 Fix if you’ve ever read Harry August (or even if you haven’t).

Lee (2222 KP) Sep 19, 2020

I've only just got back into reading again and this is one of the first books I picked up. Amazing. That ending was incredible and I had no idea it was part 1 of 2, so it was quite unexpected. Have now read the second book too, love how it was all resolved.


Sarah (7798 KP) rated Moving Pictures in Books

Aug 11, 2017  
Moving Pictures
Moving Pictures
Terry Pratchett | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Discworld Spin on the Birth of Film
I'm a massive film geek, so I love this purely on the fact that it's about the introduction of Film and cinema - with a uniquely Discworld take of course. Like Going Postal, it's always great to read Terry Pratchett's take on a revolution or invention as it's always funny and unique. My main issue however with this book is that I think the characters may be a little weak. In most of the Discworld books, there is usually a loveable and strong main character or supporting character but Moving Pictures appears to be lacking in this area. Victor isn't a bad character, he just isn't strong or interesting enough to be the main protagonist. Gaspode and the Librarian were my favourite supporting characters although they sadly weren't around enough. Fortunately the story was good enough to carry itself, but you do notice the lack of strong characters.
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor
Adam Kay | 2017 | Biography
9.0 (44 Ratings)
Book Rating
Humorous, insightful and fascinating
We all know about the NHS and doctors and hospitals, yet I'm sure for the majority of us that don't work in this sector, we don't have the slightest idea what goes on in reality.

Adam Kay's book is a fascinating insight into the NHS and the real working life of a doctor. It's ridiculously funny, emotional, heartwarming and also depressing to think this is the state of our health service. I dare you to read this and not feel anything. You can't say a bad word about the NHS after reading this (not that I ever did). I feel glad that Adam has provided such an insightful and thought provoking view of the NHS. I shed a tear when I reached the end and I would have quite happily read a lot more of his stories and anecdotes, they're fascinating.

A must read for anyone in the UK.
Thanks, Obama: My Hopey Changey White House Years
Thanks, Obama: My Hopey Changey White House Years
David Litt | 2017 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book of hopey changey during the Obama years
This funny, poignant look at the White House from the perspective of a speechwriter, humanises those who worked for Obama and the former president himself.

From hilarious anecdotes, where David Litt was literally found with his Hulk pants down on Air Force One, to harrowing experiences watching Obama sing Amazing Grace after the racially-motivated Charleston shooting -it's like a real-life series of West Wing.

His admiration for the ex-chief is rather sweet, turning from full-blown hero worshipping to quiet respect for POTUS as a person as in his own words: "We are not perfect but we have the capacity to be more perfect".

Hence the ending seems bittersweet - Litt was part of Obama's legacy that is being decimated so for him it is personal. He asks "Was Barack Obama a good President?" And without hesitation he agrees that he was.
The Regulars
Georgia Clark | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was SO excited to read this book, it was on a ton of hottest/best books of the summer lists so I figured it just had to be great. Not so much. I was very disappointed when I finally finished it. It started out good enough but as it progressed the characters just got on my nerves. I couldn't relate to any of them and the things they did often made little sense. The constant feminism was annoying and felt like all there was to that particular character, another was flakey to the extreme and while somewhat funny at first it became grating as, again, that's all there was to her character, and the remaining protagonist was just strange. She was perhaps the least flat of the three but I found it impossible to relate or identity with her. The plot was intriguing and unlike anything I've read before but it seemed to be more afterthought than integral. A serious let down :(

CKD (37 KP) rated The Good House in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
The Good House
Ann Leary | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hildy Good is a real estate broker in Wendover, MA - a (fictional) town located north of Boston. Her husband left her for a man and she has 2 daughters with him. She is a grandmother. This story starts after she's been released from rehab for drinking (her daughters put her in rehab). It tells Hildy's story once she's home and trying to work and get through the day without drinking. Rebecca and her husband move to Wendover and Rebecca and Hildy become good friends. Hildy is happy (although she's started drinking secretly) until she discovers a secret about Rebecca and someone else in town. When the secrets start to unravel and there is a mysterious disappearance in town, Hildy begins to question some of her actions. At times funny, sad and poignant, the book is well written and you feel for all of the characters in the story. Ann Leary is the wife of Denis Leary, the comedian.