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ClareR (5674 KP) rated Ghosts in Books

Feb 21, 2021  
Dolly Alderton | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghosts was a great listen. I liked the character of Nina - she seems to be a great friend and a good daughter who wants to help both friends and family when she can. This doesn’t always seem to be reciprocated though. Nina is a successful food writer and owns her own home; the only thing missing in her life is someone to share it with. After the break up with her boyfriend, Joe, who she stays best friends with, Nina decides to try a dating app called Linx. She meets Max through the app, who is a handsome, enigmatic accountant. He announces on their first date that they will get married - and that’s where alarm bells started ringing for me, like the old cynic that I am.

Nina’s parents are lovely people, and her dads worsening dementia is heartbreaking. Her Mum is a bit of comic relief at times, changing her first name and joining clubs - but the reasoning behind her actions are understandable. She’s a lot younger than Ninas dad, and watching him forget more and more must be frightening and upsetting for her.

This book had me experiencing ALL the emotions - it’s funny, sad, worrying and infuriating. I laughed aloud whilst listening, had a bit of a cry, and shouted at Nina at one point (it was a Max thing and I was wearing headphones 🤷🏼‍♀️). The narrator was the exact right choice and it helped that the writing was really engaging too. It’s a really good book - and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.
Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World
Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World
Ashley Herring Blake | 2018 | Children, Contemporary, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ivy Aberdeen is struggling with feeling invisible in her family—her mom is busy with Ivy’s new twin brothers. Things get worse when a tornado destroys their home, displacing the family. In the aftermath, Ivy—an artist—loses a notebook filled her most precious drawings. When they start showing up in her locker with notes attached, Ivy realizes the note-leaver may be on to what Ivy can barely voice herself: she has crushes and dreams about girls. Can Ivy make herself seen and follow her heart?

"How was Ivy supposed to know how to handle all these feelings... all these feelings at all, if everything she saw and read about and heard was all boy-girl, girl-boy?"

I genuinely don’t know what we did to deserve Ashley Herring Blake, but we are lucky. She’s become one of my favorite authors. This unique middle grade novel (Ivy is 12) is yet another beautifully written book from Blake that tells a story so many kids need to hear.

And Ivy. Oh Ivy. I loved this kid. She goes through so much, and we see her present tough, real feelings. She’s artistic, resilient, and witty. And, oh yeah, she likes girls. It’s just the best sort of representation in the world, you know? I wish this was on the shelves and being read in every middle school.

This book is lovely, real, and tells an invaluable story. It’s so funny and sweet, and I honestly would recommend it for everyone.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Snowflake in Books

Sep 11, 2021  
Louise Nealon | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Travel
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A really enjoyable coming of age story, Snowflake by Louise Nealon is about Debbie White, and how she navigates life away from her home. When Debbie gets a place at Trinity College, Dublin, it’s decided that she’ll commute every day by train from her farm in the country. This sets her apart from the beginning: most people seem to stay in Dublin. But Debbie struggles with how to behave around other students, and if not for Xanthe, who takes Debbie under her wing, I don’t think she would have made any friends at all.

Debbie’s home life is unconventional. Her mother is obsessed with dreams, and believes that she knows what people’s dreams are - that she can see right into them. She has periods of extreme moods, and Debbie has to look after her during these episodes.

And then there’s Debbie’s Uncle Billy. He runs the farm and lives in a caravan. I rather liked his no-nonsense approach to life, but he’s just as vulnerable as his sister and niece.

It isn’t all doom and gloom though. Debbie is funny, quirky and a highly likeable person - the book had moments that really made me laugh. It was these moments of light and dark that really made the book work for me. Louise Nealon is going to be a name to watch for in the future. I loved this. You should all go and read this now!

Many thanks to Manila Press for the copy provided to me through NetGalley.

Merissa (11950 KP) rated Bring Me A Dream (Reveler #5) in Books

May 8, 2021 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Bring Me A Dream (Reveler #5)
Bring Me A Dream (Reveler #5)
Erin Kellison | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

The tagline on this book is "The madman and the nightmare..." and I really can't say better than that. Erin Kellison has managed to make an unlikeable villain into a funny, psycho hero! Vincent knows he is going insane and is enough to admit it. His perfect partner is a nightmare, none other than Didier Lambert's daughter, Mirren.

The story arc that is through all of the books continues in this installment. Didier Lambert is still the evil of the piece but who is the new player that we are hearing about, The Sandman. We learn more about him as we go through with Vince and Mirren. She has grown up hearing about him and believes in him. Vince thinks he is made up and is just the 'boogeyman'. As they journey into the Reve they will found out one way or another. They have allies and friends along the way but will they be able to keep them?

This novella is action-packed, well paced and full of suspense all the way through. This is part of a series so it must be read in order for any of it to make sense but I can highly recommend the whole thing! Once you start, you will want to carry on. Each of the characters we have met before make an appearance, as well as new ones to keep you on your toes. Highly enjoyable and the pages whizz by.

December 22, 2014
The Secret Bridesmaid
The Secret Bridesmaid
Katy Birchall | 2018 | Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sometimes you just need a feel good, light read and that is exactly what this is. I read this book in one sitting and I hardly realised that I’d been sat reading for hours until I had finally finished it. I would definitely give it a 4.5 stars overall.
We follow Sophie Breeze, a professional bridesmaid which is like a wedding planner but doesn’t take over and instead makes sure the bride is completely involved with all of the decisions but has a supportive bridesmaid to lean on. Sophie set this up as a business after her and her ex-boyfriend broke up after 8 years together, completely surprising Sophie.
Sophie is extremely likeable, and I found that I had so much in common with her - she is my age, has different things in common with me and looks at life the same way. Which made it a delight to read. She was also very down to earth and very funny, meaning that sometimes I actually properly laughed at some of the situations that she was in (running down the street in a Chewbacca outfit was my personal favourite!) and I think that’s what made it so enjoyable.
I find Katy Birchall’s writing very similar to Beth O’Leary’s, so if you’re a fan of her I would definitely give this book a try! I can’t believe that this is her first adult novel, it’s not obvious at all from the writing. I will be on the lookout for her future work.
Kill or Bee Killed
Kill or Bee Killed
Jennie Marts | 2024 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bailey Must Bee Careful
It’s time for the annual Bee Festival in Humble Hills, Colorado. Since Bailey’s Granny Bee is in charge, that means that Bailey will be busy with the week-long festival helping make sure that it runs smoothly. One of the events is a local-restaurant cooking contest, and morning show host Rex Rafferty is coming to town, with a film crew, to host the event. However, Rex is a horrible man, and it isn’t long before Bailey and her best friend, Evie, who is a contestant, are doing all they can to avoid him. Before the contest is over, he’s been murdered. The crew he brought with him seem like obvious suspects, but the evidence seems to point to the event’s contestants. Can Bailey free her friend?

The book starts out a bit slowly, but with a very funny scene. It isn’t long before the plot kicks in and we are meeting the victim and prime suspects. I enjoyed following Bailey as she looked for the killer. The ending was a bit abrupt, but it did answer all of my questions and kept me turning pages. Over the course of the book, we get laughs from characters and other slapstick situations. A few of the characters still don’t get enough page time to develop, but I enjoyed seeing the series regulars again and watching their relationships grow. The suspects are good, but a couple could have used a little more page time. Overall, this is a fun second entry in what is quickly becoming a sweet series.
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
Rick Riordan | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alert! Before I begin this review, I need to let it be known that in the case of this particular book I may be a little biased, well maybe really biased! This is the tenth book I have read by this author and the last in the second series I have read. It is safe to say I love these books or else I would not have read this many.

Alright, now that that is out of the way, let me begin. This book is called Blood of Olympus, it is the fifth and final book in the Heroes of Olympus series (if you should ever desire to read these book, I would recommend starting with the Percy Jackson, and the Olympians series as this series is a sequel series. The author of this book is a writer by the name of Rick Riordan. This book is a young adult fantasy novel. It is the final chapter of the adventure of a group of seven young adults who happen to be demigods, modern day children of the ancient gods of Greece and Rome. This adventure, like many great adventures, is a race to save the world.

For me, the initial draw of the book was that it is a fantasy novel, which is one of my favorite genres, and its focus is on Greek Mythology, something of an obsession of mine. The mythology in these books may not always satisfy all mythology nerds because they do take liberties in how the myths are presented in order to showcase how they might have changed to fit in the modern day world. The way Riordan chooses to represent mythology is often fairly close to original stories, showing that he spends the time researching the myths, and they are clever, funny, and entertaining.

As I read the books, I found myself drawn to the relationships between the characters, not surprising as characters are a key draw for me in literature. By this point in the series, the relationships became especially interesting because you have known some of the characters for ten books now while others are just in their second or third book appearances. The central characters have grown into a substantial group that each have their own unique backgrounds, personalities, and even mythologies that create intriguing tension and bonds. Their bonds grow stronger as they work through new struggles and adventures with the added drama of them being a group of teenagers, which obviously means that there is a fair bit of romance involved as well.

For me personally to get into a story the most important aspect is to be very invested in61w3pqVMCZL._US230_ the characters. This does not mean I have to like them, but I do need to be completely invested in what happens to them. If the storyteller can do this, then I will most likely binge the entire thing whether book, movie, tv show, comic…. regardless whether or not the story is good or my normal cup of tea. This was definitely an initial draw in me reading this second series because I was already very invested in both Percy and Annabeth’s characters, who are among the main characters in this series and the main characters in the previous series. The majority of the characters in this book did capture my emotional investment, which kept me reading all five books, but there were a few I found lacking. Maybe I am the only one who felt this, but I thought that Riordan didn’t spend enough time on some of the new characters to pull me into their plots. Unfortunately, this is common in stories that feature such a large cast of main characters, had the time on each character been even plot points might not have been as successful and honestly, I might have been annoyed to not spend as much time on my favorites.

I would be lying if I were to say this was my favorite book in this series but I still greatly enjoyed it. Besides my problem with not feeling emotionally invested enough in some of the characters, I really do not have any other complaints about the book. It was successful in finishing this series story arc while having plenty of plot of its own. And it ended wrapping just about everything up so that I was satisfied, but open enough to still want more. If this were a regular series, the leftover cliffhangers would be dreadful! But Riordan writes series that capture over-arching plots but that connect to his other book series in this same world, so an ending like this simply promising more books about these characters in another series.

Overall I liked this book, if young adult fantasy is your genre, then I would definitely suggest looking at these books. They do what I require of my urban fantasy stories, mix magic into our real world enough that a part of me can almost believe it could be possible. Characters, world, and plot flowing together into an engaging story that obviously captured my interest enough to read ten and counting of these novels.

*This was a review I found while cleaning that I write a few years ago. I have since read two more Riordan novels and counting! I love the way Riordan writes and appreciate how he seems to continually grow as a writer, always tackling new issues and allowing his characters to have growth. Annabeth and Percy especially, they are two of my all-time favorite characters. I highly recommend reading his books!
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mental Illness Representation (0 more)
Marketed As A Mystery But It Isn't (2 more)
Unhealthy Friendships
Unsatisfactory Ending
Mental Illness Representation But No Mystery
Contains spoilers, click to show
As a casual fan who has watched a few of John Green’s YouTube videos and read a few books of his, I can honestly say he seems like such a genuinely honest and funny person. Plus, I have read a book or two of his in the past (Example: Paper Towns) and while I did enjoy this book there were quite a few things that made me stray away from a five or even four-star review.

The first thing that I felt was a let down in this novel was the fact that the book was actually not a mystery novel but instead dealt with more of Aza’s own anxiety. While I do love the fact that the book dealt with the topic of anxiety and mental illness in what I felt like was a realistic way I am disappointed that there was not as much mystery. To me, it seemed like the book was marketed around the fact that Aza was trying to solve the mystery of Russell Pickett and where he went. I incorrectly assumed that this novel would be some kind of Scooby-Doo mystery. We did see the characters wonder about Mr. Pickett’s “magical” escape and we did get an ending where everything was wrapped up and solved but it didn’t seem like the characters worked that hard towards it and the book was more about Aza’s own self-realization.

Speaking (or technically typing) about Aza’s struggle with anxiety and mental health I felt like the book did a good job of realistically representing the struggles and many difficulties people experience. I will say that I have personally never had a problem with mental illness and while I do have people I love and care for go through it my experiences are mainly from trying to help them. Therefore, I am not necessarily an accurate source when it comes to the reality of mental illness. I am able to see what my loved ones experience but those are on two different scales.

The simple fact is there is nothing pretty about struggling with mental illness. No matter how hard people try no one is able to always able to stay above the rainbow. Everyone has their bad days and Aza’s experiences, while cringe-worthy in some cases (Ex: digging into her fingernail and swallowing hand sanitizer) is the reality for many people.

While I am pleased by the fact that this book dealt with mental illness and the struggles that come along with it there are a few things that I am disappointed by besides the let down on the mystery front. Overall, the ending was not satisfying. While yes, we were able to see Aza grow and confront the fact that she will always have bad days and good days I felt like certain endings or wrap-ups were not satisfactory. One huge thing I felt strongly about was Aza’s relationships. With Daisy, her best friend, we eventually find out she has been writing about Aza in her fanfiction. But that isn’t the issue. The issue is that Daisy finally exposes her true feelings about her best friend. Turns out Daisy more or less has a lot of bottled up issues resolving Aza and reading Aza’s reaction to this is simply heartbreaking. I also felt that the ending where they simply go back to being friends was not good enough for me. If I found out one of my best friends had been writing hurtful things about me behind my back I would, of course, do what Aza did and confront them but I also do not think I could go back to being friends. Friendships are based on trust and respect for one another and Daisy was not being a true friend.

Now that I have gotten through my thoughts and let downs of the novel there were redeeming qualities. As mentioned above I am a huge fan of representation from several different areas such as mental health as is represented in this novel. This book gave representation to people who on a regular basis may not receive the care they are entitled to or feel like they are alone in the world. This book gives these people ownage and that is a truly beautiful thing. John Green, I believe, wrote this based on his own experiences with anxiety (though obviously, it is not his exact account) and I, therefore, feel like this is a fairly accurate source to read when wondering about the realities of anxiety. Now, I know this book is fiction but I personally feel like it did a great job on that front, which is what I believe John Green was aiming for.

Would I Recommend It?: Maybe. I do enjoy certain aspects of this book such as the amazing representation of mental illness such as OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) and anxiety. Not to mention I truly loved the mentions of fanfiction. However, there were a few bits here and there that made my rating decrease down to three-stars. One of the main things was the fact that the book, from my point of view, appeared to be marketed with the mystery factor and while it was solved the solution was a letdown and the book wasn’t truly focused on the mystery. Plus, Aza’s relationships with her friends seemed to be unhealthy and the last chapter or two of the book did not hold a satisfactory ending for me.