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Salvaging Love (Rescue Me #1)
Salvaging Love (Rescue Me #1)
Sara Ohlin | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies and fluffers too!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Faced with the destruction of her beloved neighbourhood, Ellie is given a month to persuade lawyer and new block owner Jackson to renovate, rather than rebuild.
This appears to be only the second book Ms Ohlin has written. And I really rather enjoyed it!
It's light a fluffy in places, and dark and deadly in others. It's funny and sexy in places, its heavy and emotional in others. It spans a huge range of emotions and all are extremely well portrayed and delivered.
Ellie is a vet (as in animal doctor, not ex service person) and Jackson is lawyer to the criminal underworld in town. Jackson is jaded and buys the block as a new career. Ellie loves her community and fights Jackson all the way. But Jackson is, quite literally, smitten as a kitten with Ellie and it really doesn't take much for Jackson to see what Ellie does.
Jackson's job clashes with his personal life in a way I so did NOT see coming at me and I loved that! I absolutely did NOT have a clue that was coming at me, and I must have shouted out, cos my daughter stuck her head round the door and asked if I was ok! It was a blinder of a plot twist! Very well played, there, Ms Ohlin, very well played!
It does carry some darker story lines: parental/spousal abuse, as well as animal abuse. Some of this is described in great detail. Readers may have triggers.
Both Ellie and Jackson have a say, and I loved that they did. Ya'll know I need to hear from everyone!
This is billed as book one in the Rescue Me series, and I cannot wait to see who comes next, and what Ms Ohlin pulls out of her hat for them!
4 very VERY good stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Pudge & Prejudice
Pudge & Prejudice
A.K. Pittman | 2021 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Do you like Pride and Prejudice? Well, I have a love/hate relationship with the story as I love Darcy but want to clobber him at the same time! However, this retelling of the story… is extraordinary. From the first chapter, I was fascinated by Elyse and the way Allison Pittman immersed me in her story. Elyse and Billy Fitz (how cool are their names?!) played off each other so well, I loved their conversations, the letter passing in class, and how both cared so much about the people around them. Allison Pittman also did a great job telling interweaving themes that are so prevalent and realistic into the characters’ thoughts and actions, such as body positivity and being careful who your friends are. Elyse’s older sister Jayne, and Billy’s best friend Charlie, plus the other beloved characters’ help make this story truly unique and engaging.

I loved the setting (Northenfield, TX), the 1980s drama, and the emphasis on music. Plus, all the 1980s references throughout the story helped to shape thing into a funny, realistic, and heart touching retelling of the original. Yet, it stands out as one of the most memorable renditions of Jane Austen’s works, that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It was also interesting to see how Allison Pittman took the 1800s classic and evolved it into a new classic.

Overall, I think any age group would enjoy this book especially if you enjoyed the original. I know it will be going down as one of my favorite stories this year. 5 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.


Merissa (11950 KP) rated Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Apr 13, 2023)  
Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7)
Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7)
Celeste Prater | 2015 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this is the seventh book in the series and if you've seen my reviews for the other six books, you will know that by now I am a MAJOR fan of Celeste's and love this series.

I don't even know where to start with this review. Makar and Baruch is funny (hilarious in places), heart-warming, heart-breaking, sassy, raw, and poignant. You will need some tissues because, for me at least, there was crying involved and not the nice, pretty kind either!

I won't go into too much detail, partly because if you haven't read any of these books, it won't make sense anyway. The other reason is that I absolutely refuse to give away any spoilers. Suffice it to say, Keeley has her own issues to deal with and they're not what you think. My heart was breaking for her and the epilogue ending... WOW!!! Let's just say, I had a vicious little smile on my face and a feeling of satisfaction in my heart.

Makar and Baruch are the perfect pair for Keeley - they are exactly the same as the rest of the Insedi, warm, caring, attentive, protective, in fact, everything that you could want in a mate. They have their own story to tell which is heartbreaking in its own right.

We have a reunion with some 'old' favourites and Cato works his magic as usual. Cassie is also around to give Keeley some helpful advice on seeing patterns and changing them. This was sheer perfection for me as it not only made 100% sense but also helped Keeley in a way that no one else could see that she needed help with (if that makes sense!)

Another candle on top of the Fueled By Lust cake!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 17, 2015
What Fresh Hell
What Fresh Hell
Lucy Vine | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had seen both reviews were people loved this book and others found it pretty annoying and far too girly, so wasn’t sure what I would think but kept an open mind. It ended up being such an easy read, and one that I didn’t want to put down (and tried to power through after a long day at work but ultimately had to give in to sleep!).
I found the little wedding notes inserted in between some of the chapters both quirky and funny, and it took a few of them for me to realise the food was exactly the same at all of the weddings. I also liked how her gifts got less and less extravagant the further through the book we got (the coins in the carrier bag being my favourite).
It’s very relevant, and I think most women will know what it’s like to feel pressured into going to every hen do (even if there are multiple for the same person) and every wedding that you are invited to, because you don’t want to upset anyone and hope that they will do the same for you when it’s your turn. And this book deals with that feeling while also making it clear that it’s ok to say no (most people aren’t invited to as many as Lilah is in one year though!).
I loved the email exchanges about the hen do, as we all know nobody reads the emails properly and someone will always ask a question that has already been answered! I had to really laugh at the parents phone calls to Lilah, and some of the insults they used really did entertain me.
It was predictable what was going to happen in some ways, but I think that’s what made it such an easy, enjoyable read for me. It was one that didn’t need much concentration for me to follow (unlike my previous few books) and it still had a good storyline.
I will definitely be looking at more of Lucy Vine’s books in the future!
A Wicked Thing (A Wicked Thing, #1)
Rhiannon Thomas | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
My all-time favorite Disney movie (in VCR) – along with Pocahontas and Mulan, to which there are literally zilch retellings to my knowledge – while growing up was <i>Sleeping Beauty</i>. I even reenacted it... for fun and on my own (expected of a four or five year old).

And perhaps it is also one of the most difficult tales to be retold. There's a princess who has a curse placed on her that she would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel before her sixteenth birthday and die – not entirely too much to take a spin on, is there?

No pun intended.

Much as I give props to Rhiannon Thomas for taking <i>Sleeping Beauty</i> on another path, <i>A Wicked Thing</i> is certainly not a book I would enjoy even for the pleasure of reading. In fact, truth be told in maybe a harsh way, <i>A Wicked Thing</i> was funny. And while funny typically means a good thing, I honestly had a field day reading the first three chapters in between chess matches and poking fun at the book (aka making sassy comments that will make no appearance whatsoever in this review aside from a big basket of mozzarella sticks).

<i>A Wicked Thing</i> is almost a sequel to the original <i>Sleeping Beauty</i>. Some time has passed, and then the prince kisses Aurora – all that jazz is pretty much the same aside from maybe happily ever after, to which I won't bother finding out. Perhaps there <i>is</i> a happily ever after by the end of the book – I'm still not going to go and find out because I'm too focused on making it to at least the top 10 in the class now that I'm extremely close to it.

But let's start with the prince kisses Aurora. She wakes up and screams. It probably makes sense to scream when you wake up to a random stranger hovering above your face and actually kissed you. Honestly, a pretty fantastic opening scene – and I'm serious – aside from the part where the "boy" (we don't know he's a prince YET) says, "I did it. I actually did it."

Then I get a sled and start laughing gleefully (read: found it absolutely amusing) while sliding down a hill (read: continuing the book just see how it all plays out because I haven't found reasons to throw this aside yet and then I do).

Prince Rodric, the "boy," is pathetic. The <i>royal family</i>, in my opinion, is a little pathetic and cheesy. Are they actually pathetic? Perhaps not when you really get to know them and perhaps they're marvelous rulers and the people love them oh-so-dearly, but from the little bit of the book that I read and met the royal family, I find myself disappointed. Particularly disappointed in Rodric the princeling because he will obviously make a huge appearance throughout the rest of the book and I've got to at least like the main characters to enjoy the book.

The dear prince blushes <i>at almost every single sentence he speaks to Aurora</i>. I'm pretty sure the amount of blushes will be the equal amount of election commercials soon (Vote for me! Vote for me!).
<blockquote>He stopped and blushed again.</blockquote>
Princeling probably stutters as well, and is most likely a descendant of Romeo.
<blockquote>“I mean, you always look beautiful. But you look especially beautiful tonight. Is what I mean.”</blockquote>
The king is overly cheery, and while there seems to be a probable reason (my son woke up a slumbering princess!), "overly cheery" really means "exuberantly happy-go-lucky."
<blockquote>“Please send out the heralds. A little extra pomp and circumstance, if you please. It is hardly a normal day.”</blockquote>
No... definitely not a normal day. That much I'll agreee with. But isn't celebrating as soon as Aurora wakes up a little overboard? The chick just woke up from a hundred plus years of slumber and everything literally comes crashing down over on her head upside down! I'm not sure Aurora appreciated that – she was quite confuzzled when she woke up (whoa... what's going on here?!) and even protested a little (not that anyone heard her).

Betsy the maid babbles in excitement and is worse than the king.
<blockquote>“I was so honored, Princess, when they asked me to assist you. I never expected it! But then, I never expected you’d be standing here, if you don’t mind me saying. Not that I didn’t think Rodric could be your true love, because of course he’s wonderful, but it always seemed too much like a dream to ever happen while I was here. Things will be amazing, now, you’ll see. Everyone loves you already. How could they not?”</blockquote>
Reasonable babbling of excitement, seeing as she's a humble servant.

But she and everyone else aside from Aurora is also a little naïve with the assumption that everything is going to be fantastic and happily ever after Aurora and Rodric marry, simply based a fairy tale.

Aurora, however, might have been a character that I would actually like had I continued the book. But by that point in the novel, when Rodric and Aurora are first dining together, I was quite cheesed (it was the constant blushing and cheeriness). While I normally feel guilty for throwing a book aside really early, I don't think I feel too guilty in <i>A Wicked Thing's</i> case.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Funny Pages: A Comical Puzzle Game
Funny Pages: A Comical Puzzle Game
2021 | Comic Book / Strip, Deduction, Murder & Mystery, Puzzle
I have been intellectually burned by Enigma Emporium before. So it was with a bruised ego that I agreed to check out their next game, Funny Pages. Now, I don’t fancy myself a fool, but boy did their previous offerings knock me down a peg. But what about an innocently-titled game about (and containing) comic book panels? So far I have solved two of the seven provided to me. Here we go again.

Funny Pages is a puzzle game for any number of players and any gaming skill level. In fact, as there are so few rules, this may be a somewhat perfect game (game?) for non-gamers. Read on.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of the Promo Pack for the purposes of this preview. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. You are invited to back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, open the envelope (or box, if playing the boxed final version) and display the cards. Done. Easy like Sunday morning.
Funny Pages is not a turn-based game, but rather an exercise in visual clue-hunting and some amount of Google-fu. In this Promo Pack, each card represents a day of the week, and some must be on Easy mode, because I was able to solve them pretty quickly. Others, I believe, echo the difficulty of the aforementioned Wish You Were Here.

In any case, the goal of this Promo Pack is to match up the puzzle with the correct day of the week. And while that sounds very easy, the puzzles certainly are not. Good luck to all who attempt!
Components. Well, these are large, oversized cards with linen finish and obviously amazing art. I am unable to speak on the final components, but have been assured that the game is 100% ready to go, so if it mimics the provided Promo Pack, these are a great size and feel.

I will be poring over these cards much much more until I absolutely figure every one of them out. I am still a bit away from that goal, but these puzzles are definitely more my speed than what I experienced previously. Some of the comics are actually funny, even when taken out of context of the game. I like the comic art style (naturally), and having clever puzzles embedded just makes them even more enjoyable.

I must admit that after solving a few of these I am feeling more confident in my ability to solve the others. I just need to take more time and think with alternate logic. Is alternate logic a thing? If not, I call dibs on coining the term. I very much enjoy these, and I think it is partly due to the fact that they look great and all seem to offer a different type of puzzle on each card. If this is something that piques your interest, then I recommend you check out the upcoming Kickstarter campaign to add this little gem to your collection. If nothing else, use it as a distraction for unwanted guests on your coffee table. Challenge them to solve the lot in a time frame and watch them go to town.

PS – Please do not ask me for hints. I may be wrong on some of my solutions.
The Jetsetters
The Jetsetters
Amanda Eyre Ward | 2020 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlotte Perkins is 71, and her best friend has just died. Long single, she longs to be touched and loved again, so she writes an essay (a rather racy one at that) to the "Become a Jetsetter" contest to win a trip for her entire family (and to perhaps meet someone). Charlotte is shocked and elated when she actually wins, earning the the chance to take her three children to Athens, Greece and on a nine-day cruise to Barcelona, Spain. Lee, a struggling actress who has just returned home on a "break" from acting (and from her famous ex-boyfriend) figures she has nothing better to do. Cord, her son, a wealthy New Yorker, isn't thrilled about being trapped on a ship while he struggles with his sobriety. And Regan, an exhausted mother of two daughters, can't believe it when her irritating husband Matt joins the group. This will be a particularly fun trip since Lee and Regan haven't spoken in ten years. Trapped on this adventure together, secrets come out and the Perkins family suddenly learns more than they ever wanted to know about each one another.

It took me a while to process this one. I really enjoy Amanda Eyre Ward's writing, and I have such a soft spot for her book, The Same Sky, which is one of my absolute favorite novels. This book is very different from that one, and it took me some time to warm to the pacing and the characters. Charlotte turned me off in the beginning, and I was just slow to get into the book. We learn that the Perkins kids had a rough childhood, but one that also bonded them together. Yet when the book opens, none of them are particularly close to each other--or their mother.

"This day, and the two more excruciating days that followed--days of sand and beer-scented misery--would be the last time Lee went on vacation with her mother and siblings. Until thirty-two years later, when they became jetsetters."

The book presents the story from not only Charlotte's point of view, but that of each of her wayward children. None of the kids are easy to like at first, but Ward's prose makes them come to life before our eyes. They are fallible, for sure, and it's hard not to feel a bit sorry for everyone. I for one am not sure I could handle being trapped on a cruise ship with a group of unhappy family members.

"Oh. Charlotte's children. To her great sadness and bewilderment, Charlotte's three adult children were lost to her, and perhaps to themselves."

The novel does an excellent job at portraying all the difficult relationships in the book, giving us an in-depth portrait of a complicated family. While the story is told solely over the span of their trip, we learn all about Charlotte's life--much of it hidden away from her children--and the lives of her three kids, even bits and pieces of their childhood and backstories. No one has had an easy go of it, for sure. How much do parents, and their actions, affect their kids, the book asks. How do families in general influence the people we become. They have so much power: both to help and to hurt.

It's funny, this wasn't always a story I enjoyed, even though there are humorous and touching moments, but I recognized its powerful parts too. Overall, I would rate this at 3.75 stars, rounded up to 4 stars here. It's worth a read.
Things You Save in a Fire
Things You Save in a Fire
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cassie Hanwell is a great firefighter. She loves her job in Austin, Texas and her friendly crew. Cassie's life is shaped by a series of events that occurred on her sixteenth birthday, including her mother leaving her and her father. Now she stays clearly in her comfort zone. That zone includes work, work, and more work. No relationships, no real attachments to anyone, a strong resistance to forgiving her mother, and definitely not love. But when her mom calls Cassie and asks her to move to Boston to help her--due to an illness--Cassie has to leave that comfort zone. Big time. She has to go live with her mother, whom she barely knows anymore. She has to leave behind her progressive Austin crew and work with a group of guys in Boston who are appalled at the thought of a "lady" on their crew. Except for one guy, the new rookie, who has no problem with Cassie. And Cassie doesn't mind being around him. At all. In fact she even likes it. But love isn't in Cassie's vocabulary, and even if it was, everyone knows firefighters don't date other firefighters. Right?

"I'd structured my life around routine, and safety, and order. Feelings were a lot of trouble. I avoided them as much as possible."

I really enjoyed Katherine Center's previous book, How to Walk Away, so I was excited to read this one. I didn't enjoy this one quite as much (though I enjoyed the little link between the two), but it is a cute read. I have to admit, there were times in this one when things seemed a little too saccharine for my cynical self. I know, I know, that's terrible, especially when things aren't always light and breezy for Cassie and friends in this book. I think it's something only sarcastic folks like myself will understand.

In fact, this book is a really interesting blend between dark and quite light and fluffy. Cassie has a dark past, as does the rookie, Owen, but a lot of the book is Cassie just repeating that she won't ever love anyone or date a firefighter. I think we all know where this is leading...

However, the book is really funny at times, and it's very easy to like Cassie. She's incredibly tough and brave, and she gives all the guys a run for their money. The book makes some great points on sexism, and I always enjoy a chance to watch a tough girl beat some boys at their own game. And I have to admit I enjoyed (okay, identified with) some of her anti-social tendencies.

"Human connection had its upsides, but it sure was a lot of work. The risk-reward ratio was low, at best."

There's also a good supporting cast from Cassie's mom and her mom's best friend. For me, this one picked up in the last fourth or so, when everything seemed to really come together. There's a moment when it all just clicks, and I found myself laughing and grinning a lot. That part made it all worth reading for me.

Overall, it took me some time to warm up to this book--much like it took Cassie a while to warm up to Massachusetts. But she's an engaging, tough character, and her story is one of resilience, even if there are a lot of really sweet, almost too-perfect moments too. You can pretty much tell how the story is going to play out, but it's a fun, cute read. 3.5 stars.