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Sophia (Bookwyrming Thoughts) (530 KP) rated Boneseeker in Books
Jan 23, 2020
Okay, I have a question: who else, while reading this book (if you did), kept imagining Sherlock Holmes as Benedict Cumberbatch? And I don't even have cable to watch it, nor do I have time to watch Masterpiece Mystery....
<img border="0" src="" height="153" width="320">
Although imagining THE Sherlock Holmes having a kid is probably impossible. Yet in Boneseeker, it's the next generation of Holmes and Watson, only it's not the legendary duo (wait, they're legendary, right?). Instead of being set in London, the story is mainly set in Philadelphia and New York. Arabella, Sherlock's daughter, and Henry, John Watson's son, are on an expedition to find out if a giant hand found are from a Neanderthal or from Nephilim.
Boneseeker is actually quite scary. Sausage murder? Oh dear. But essentially the book is focused on 4 missing scientists who were on the hunt to prove what the hand really is in said expedition above. I think they were also looking for more giant bones hey, can't give anything away, eh? before they actually vanished into nowhere.
The notes at the end were really helpful. I was planning on doing some of my own research when I had the time, whether at school or at the library, but then I finished reading Boneseeker and saw "AUTHOR'S NOTES." Thus resulting in me going "Fantastic! Less research and Bing crap for me!" Search engines usually just give a) a bunch of crap, b) something entirely different from what you're searching for, or c) "I'm sorry, but that search term doesn't exist. Try again." That's like "Oh, GAME OVER." *plays funky music* I think my mom once said Google told her "Hahaha, you're so funny. What kind of search term is that?" Seems legit mom. I think that's just Option A or B for you.
<img border="0" src="" height="180" width="320">
What's disappointing? Sherlock doesn't make much an appearance, to the dismay of Sherlock fans, unless you're just a fan of John Watson. He makes quite the appearance for the majority of the book. Oh, and it's a stand alone. *sigh* I was so hoping for a sequel. On the bright side, no waiting! Isn't that great, with so many series of books popping up by the day?
<img border="0" src="" height="156" width="320">
Despite the fact Sherlock doesn't make a huge appearance, mystery fans will find this an enjoyable reads. Oh, and maybe for those who enjoy reading about blood and gore...
EDIT: I stand corrected. This is NOT a stand alone (according to author)
Advance review copy provided by publisher
Original Rating: 4.5
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<img border="0" src="" height="153" width="320">
Although imagining THE Sherlock Holmes having a kid is probably impossible. Yet in Boneseeker, it's the next generation of Holmes and Watson, only it's not the legendary duo (wait, they're legendary, right?). Instead of being set in London, the story is mainly set in Philadelphia and New York. Arabella, Sherlock's daughter, and Henry, John Watson's son, are on an expedition to find out if a giant hand found are from a Neanderthal or from Nephilim.
Boneseeker is actually quite scary. Sausage murder? Oh dear. But essentially the book is focused on 4 missing scientists who were on the hunt to prove what the hand really is in said expedition above. I think they were also looking for more giant bones hey, can't give anything away, eh? before they actually vanished into nowhere.
The notes at the end were really helpful. I was planning on doing some of my own research when I had the time, whether at school or at the library, but then I finished reading Boneseeker and saw "AUTHOR'S NOTES." Thus resulting in me going "Fantastic! Less research and Bing crap for me!" Search engines usually just give a) a bunch of crap, b) something entirely different from what you're searching for, or c) "I'm sorry, but that search term doesn't exist. Try again." That's like "Oh, GAME OVER." *plays funky music* I think my mom once said Google told her "Hahaha, you're so funny. What kind of search term is that?" Seems legit mom. I think that's just Option A or B for you.
<img border="0" src="" height="180" width="320">
What's disappointing? Sherlock doesn't make much an appearance, to the dismay of Sherlock fans, unless you're just a fan of John Watson. He makes quite the appearance for the majority of the book. Oh, and it's a stand alone. *sigh* I was so hoping for a sequel. On the bright side, no waiting! Isn't that great, with so many series of books popping up by the day?
<img border="0" src="" height="156" width="320">
Despite the fact Sherlock doesn't make a huge appearance, mystery fans will find this an enjoyable reads. Oh, and maybe for those who enjoy reading about blood and gore...
EDIT: I stand corrected. This is NOT a stand alone (according to author)
Advance review copy provided by publisher
Original Rating: 4.5
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
Sophia (Bookwyrming Thoughts) (530 KP) rated The Conduit (The Gryphon Series) in Books
Jan 23, 2020
I am making progress in the 2014 TBR Pile Challenge and cleaning out my Kindle. Of course, the latter will take quite a long time, but... I'll get there. ;) *rubs hands together as though ready to make an evil potion*
<img border="0" src="" height="144" width="320">
Celeste Garrett just wants to be a normal teenager getting ready to go to college. But shortly after she and her siblings move to a small town in Tennessee with their Grandmother, strange things start happening to them. They later found out about a deal one of their ancestors made with a mythical creature called "the Gryphon" and that Celeste is the Chosen One to stop a war from happening.
The Conduit is a really fun book lots of LOL moments, and a bookwyrming confession: It's really hard to make feel things crying, laughing, etc when it comes to writing. Speaking's another story, and that is exactly how I got the name Giggles back in 6th grade (vocal variations, come on! Some people make things sound funny, okay?!). At least for me it is.
But let's just say my very first worry after reading the prologue was the last few sentences:
<blockquote>Gainesboro, Tennessee. Thats where it all happened. Thats where I learned the truth. Thats where everything changed. Thats where my destiny found me. And now, its where I would die.</blockquote>
NOOOOO. Want to know why I was worried? Take a look *points to a particular book* Yeah. THAT book. When you hear the word die, you get worried. Very worried. Of course, in that other case, it was a bomb.
The characters go really great together Celeste (I've been wondering how to pronounce her name CORRECTLY, and even though I have a guess, I'm not 100% sure) and her siblings Gabe and Kendall are like the 3 Stooges. I even had to be really careful not to wake up my mom because of those random scenes that just pop in and made me laugh.
<blockquote>I was cold, tired , confused , scared, overwhelmed, and I kind of had to pee.</blockquote>
And that, my friends, is the perfect time to toss in those TMI moments. All so serious and then tossing in something completely random and sort of out of whack. Maybe I'm just a weird person. :p
Even Grams was a fun character in her own way, though she actually reminded me of a certain Super Bowl commercial from Taco Bell with those old people dancing (and partying) my speech teacher showed to us in class while talking about persuasion. She's like a teenager stuck in the wrong age or something. (Eye candy! *oggles* at Zeke Crosse)
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5
This Review and more posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<img border="0" src="" height="144" width="320">
Celeste Garrett just wants to be a normal teenager getting ready to go to college. But shortly after she and her siblings move to a small town in Tennessee with their Grandmother, strange things start happening to them. They later found out about a deal one of their ancestors made with a mythical creature called "the Gryphon" and that Celeste is the Chosen One to stop a war from happening.
The Conduit is a really fun book lots of LOL moments, and a bookwyrming confession: It's really hard to make feel things crying, laughing, etc when it comes to writing. Speaking's another story, and that is exactly how I got the name Giggles back in 6th grade (vocal variations, come on! Some people make things sound funny, okay?!). At least for me it is.
But let's just say my very first worry after reading the prologue was the last few sentences:
<blockquote>Gainesboro, Tennessee. Thats where it all happened. Thats where I learned the truth. Thats where everything changed. Thats where my destiny found me. And now, its where I would die.</blockquote>
NOOOOO. Want to know why I was worried? Take a look *points to a particular book* Yeah. THAT book. When you hear the word die, you get worried. Very worried. Of course, in that other case, it was a bomb.
The characters go really great together Celeste (I've been wondering how to pronounce her name CORRECTLY, and even though I have a guess, I'm not 100% sure) and her siblings Gabe and Kendall are like the 3 Stooges. I even had to be really careful not to wake up my mom because of those random scenes that just pop in and made me laugh.
<blockquote>I was cold, tired , confused , scared, overwhelmed, and I kind of had to pee.</blockquote>
And that, my friends, is the perfect time to toss in those TMI moments. All so serious and then tossing in something completely random and sort of out of whack. Maybe I'm just a weird person. :p
Even Grams was a fun character in her own way, though she actually reminded me of a certain Super Bowl commercial from Taco Bell with those old people dancing (and partying) my speech teacher showed to us in class while talking about persuasion. She's like a teenager stuck in the wrong age or something. (Eye candy! *oggles* at Zeke Crosse)
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5
This Review and more posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Her Pretty Face in Books
Mar 10, 2019
Compulsively readable with some great twists & turns
Frances is struggling. She feels overweight and socially inept, struggling to keep up with the beautiful, wealthy mothers at the fancy private school, Forrester Academy, that her son Marcus attends. That struggle is made even harder by an incident with Marcus and a classmate, Abbey Dumas, that sets the other moms against her. Even worse, no one knows about a horrible event in Frances' past that haunts her: not even her husband, Jason, and Marcus. But she feels rescued when she forges a friendship with a beautiful mother, Kate Randolph. She's funny, irreverent, and almost seems to recognize a kind of darkness in Frances. Suddenly, life at Forrester--and life in general--seems bearable. Meanwhile Kate's teenage daughter Daisy feels as if her mother has stopped loving her. Every few years her parents uproot her and younger brother to move yet again. What is the purpose of trying at school--in life--she wonders? Then a startling discovery comes to light, changing everything for Frances, Kate, and Daisy.
The format of this novel makes it an incredibly quick read: we get present-day events told by Frances and Daisy, interspersed with snippets told by a young boy named DJ, whose older sister, Courtney was murdered by a man named Shane Nelson in the 1990s. I found this to be a fascinating thriller: it keeps you wondering the entire time, with some very interesting and unexpected turns. I always appreciate a novel with some twists that I'm not expecting. I especially enjoyed how Daisy grew on me--her character was really well-done and while, at first, she seemed out of place in the story, by the end, she was my favorite, and I couldn't imagine the book without her.
In many ways this is a more character-driven book than a straight-up mystery. While, as mentioned, there's definitely some unexpected moments, there was no explosive ending, which I thought might happen for a while. In the end, though, I think that was appropriate--you become somewhat attached to these characters and Harding does a good job of bringing you into their (often twisted) worlds.
Overall, I enjoyed this one. It was compulsively readable, with some great twists and turns and interesting characters. I've had THE PARTY on my Kindle for a while--this has definitely motivated me to push it up higher in my TBR pile.
I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!)
The format of this novel makes it an incredibly quick read: we get present-day events told by Frances and Daisy, interspersed with snippets told by a young boy named DJ, whose older sister, Courtney was murdered by a man named Shane Nelson in the 1990s. I found this to be a fascinating thriller: it keeps you wondering the entire time, with some very interesting and unexpected turns. I always appreciate a novel with some twists that I'm not expecting. I especially enjoyed how Daisy grew on me--her character was really well-done and while, at first, she seemed out of place in the story, by the end, she was my favorite, and I couldn't imagine the book without her.
In many ways this is a more character-driven book than a straight-up mystery. While, as mentioned, there's definitely some unexpected moments, there was no explosive ending, which I thought might happen for a while. In the end, though, I think that was appropriate--you become somewhat attached to these characters and Harding does a good job of bringing you into their (often twisted) worlds.
Overall, I enjoyed this one. It was compulsively readable, with some great twists and turns and interesting characters. I've had THE PARTY on my Kindle for a while--this has definitely motivated me to push it up higher in my TBR pile.
I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!)
Fred (860 KP) rated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) in Movies
Mar 15, 2019
Spider-Ham (3 more)
Fantastic design
Good music
Good voice acting
The choppy animation is headache inducing (2 more)
Story is bland
Some of the characters are wasted
Good. Not great.
Here we go again. Another over-rated superhero movie. Yes, it's good, but it's not great. Basically, what we got here is Miles Morales' origin story. I do love the characters & they are all acted well. I love the new Doc Oc & all of the Spider-people. The design of the characters & settings are a sight to see. The main problem is the movement of them. Every other frame is cut out, so the characters have a jerky movement to them. Supposedly, this is meant to encapsulate a comic book. Since a comic book does not move, this is a stupid reason given for lack-luster animation. There are quite a few anime out there today that use CGI-drawn animation. It looks choppy, cheap & crappy. And that's what we got here. Instead of smooth, graceful, Spider-Man like movement, we got what looks like low bitrate video. I truly feel this is why the movie, although it did well, did not do stupendous numbers at the box office compared to other recent animated movies.
Anyway, tossing that aside & taking account the design of the movie, I also found that the story was lackluster. I didn't find it too interesting or original. It just didn't grab me. I felt myself many times saying to myself that nothing special was going on. When they introduced the others from the Spider-Verse, I felt that some of them were a waste of space. Spider-Man Noir, played by Nicholas Cage, was funny but didn't do anything special. The Japanese girl with the robot, was utterly useless. If she wasn't in the film, it would be no different, except maybe to sell some toys. Now, I will say, I loved Spider-Ham, but I've been a fan of his since the 80s & still have all the original comic books. So, I am biased towards him. I would love to see him get his own movie, but I doubt he will.
Anyway, here's my bottom line. The movie was good. The style was great. Music was great. Characters were great. Story was meh. Animation was bad. After I watched the movie, I said, well that was pretty much a waste of time, but I'm not mad I watched. I just probably would never watch it again.
Anyway, tossing that aside & taking account the design of the movie, I also found that the story was lackluster. I didn't find it too interesting or original. It just didn't grab me. I felt myself many times saying to myself that nothing special was going on. When they introduced the others from the Spider-Verse, I felt that some of them were a waste of space. Spider-Man Noir, played by Nicholas Cage, was funny but didn't do anything special. The Japanese girl with the robot, was utterly useless. If she wasn't in the film, it would be no different, except maybe to sell some toys. Now, I will say, I loved Spider-Ham, but I've been a fan of his since the 80s & still have all the original comic books. So, I am biased towards him. I would love to see him get his own movie, but I doubt he will.
Anyway, here's my bottom line. The movie was good. The style was great. Music was great. Characters were great. Story was meh. Animation was bad. After I watched the movie, I said, well that was pretty much a waste of time, but I'm not mad I watched. I just probably would never watch it again.
Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Hate u Give in Books
Feb 8, 2018
Starr Carter lives a divided life. At sixteen, she spends part of her life in her impoverished inner city neighborhood and another portion in the suburbs, attending an elite prep school, where she is one of a handful of African American students. Starr feels like she is two Starrs, and she keeps these two people very separate, with a different set of friends and personas for each world. But her careful facade is threatened when her childhood best friend, Khalil, is killed by a police officer. Starr is with Khalil when he is shot--unarmed--and her life will never be the same. In the aftermath, the media begins to call Khalil a drug dealer and a gang member. But speaking up about what she saw isn't so simple, especially when not everyone wants to hear the truth.
You've probably heard about Thomas' debut novel by now--it's been getting a lot of coverage and truly, deservedly so. This is definitely a <i>powerful, eye-opening, and timely story. </i> Thomas has created an excellent main character in Starr, whose voice shines clear and strong in the book. Her struggle to fit into two worlds is one many can relate to: Starr's just happens to have life and death consequences. Starr has wonderful, supportive parents and two humorous brothers who fill out the book with a realism and warmth that's hard to describe. Thomas is superb in capturing her characters' voices, and I found myself easily able to picture Starr and her family. I especially loved such snippets that made them jump off the pages--for instance, the family settling down to watch NBA basketball, complete with all their little superstitions (I've definitely been there) was perfect.
Starr's story isn't always easy to read (nor should it be), but it offered strong insight into the systemic problems facing African American communities--much of it framed by Starr's pragmatic parents. I thought some things tied up too easily, but I was still very profoundly affected by the story. I loved Starr and her tough yet vulnerable self. I loved her parents, their love, and their history. Her brothers cracked me up. At its core, this is a story about family, as well as identity and race. It's important, serious, heartbreaking, and yet sometimes really funny. It's also beautiful, powerful, and definitely worth a read.
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You've probably heard about Thomas' debut novel by now--it's been getting a lot of coverage and truly, deservedly so. This is definitely a <i>powerful, eye-opening, and timely story. </i> Thomas has created an excellent main character in Starr, whose voice shines clear and strong in the book. Her struggle to fit into two worlds is one many can relate to: Starr's just happens to have life and death consequences. Starr has wonderful, supportive parents and two humorous brothers who fill out the book with a realism and warmth that's hard to describe. Thomas is superb in capturing her characters' voices, and I found myself easily able to picture Starr and her family. I especially loved such snippets that made them jump off the pages--for instance, the family settling down to watch NBA basketball, complete with all their little superstitions (I've definitely been there) was perfect.
Starr's story isn't always easy to read (nor should it be), but it offered strong insight into the systemic problems facing African American communities--much of it framed by Starr's pragmatic parents. I thought some things tied up too easily, but I was still very profoundly affected by the story. I loved Starr and her tough yet vulnerable self. I loved her parents, their love, and their history. Her brothers cracked me up. At its core, this is a story about family, as well as identity and race. It's important, serious, heartbreaking, and yet sometimes really funny. It's also beautiful, powerful, and definitely worth a read.
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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Twice in a Blue Moon in Books
Oct 24, 2019
Tate first fell in love on a trip to London, where she met the mysterious Sam Brandis. They shared all their deepest secrets and dreams together every night in their hotel's garden. It was a whirlwind, beautiful romance. Sam was the only person that Tate told her biggest secret: she is the daughter of one of Hollywood's biggest film stars. But their brief love story ended abruptly when Sam betrayed Tate, revealing her secret and outing her to the world. Now, fourteen years later, Tate is a famous actress herself. She's on set on her biggest project to date. The last person she's expecting to see is Sam Brandis. But here he is. Now Tate is forced to confront what happened fourteen years ago--and how it has affected her all these years later.
"What would you do if you got a second chance with your first love?"
Well, I was totally caught up in this captivating romance. I'm a real sucker for Hollywood drama, so this was right up my alley. The daughter of a Hollywood star, who abandoned her and her Mom after a messy divorce? Said daughter grows up and decides to be a film star after being outed by her first love? I'm so in.
This Christina Lauren novel is told just from Tate's point of view, so we don't get some of the back-and-forth POV that we see in some of the duo's other books. There is more drama, less witty banter, than we might see in other books. But there's still plenty of the usual lies, longing, and misunderstandings. There are also lots of sexy moments and romantic interludes, too.
Tate is a fun character; I liked the divide between young Tate and Sam and then cutting to them fourteen years later. Honestly, older Tate is a little clueless at times. It takes her a while to catch on to things that seem pretty obvious to the rest of us. As usual, some things are rather predictable and other moments are a bit overblown, but it didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book. While Sam and Tate might not have had a constant humorous dialogue going, I liked the seriousness that the book brought to their relationship, as well as the funny moments it dropped in too. Tate's family, friends, and co-stars add a lighthearted touch, too.
Overall, this is a sweet, engaging romance. I loved the Hollywood aspect and the changing dynamic between Tate and Sam. 4 stars.
"What would you do if you got a second chance with your first love?"
Well, I was totally caught up in this captivating romance. I'm a real sucker for Hollywood drama, so this was right up my alley. The daughter of a Hollywood star, who abandoned her and her Mom after a messy divorce? Said daughter grows up and decides to be a film star after being outed by her first love? I'm so in.
This Christina Lauren novel is told just from Tate's point of view, so we don't get some of the back-and-forth POV that we see in some of the duo's other books. There is more drama, less witty banter, than we might see in other books. But there's still plenty of the usual lies, longing, and misunderstandings. There are also lots of sexy moments and romantic interludes, too.
Tate is a fun character; I liked the divide between young Tate and Sam and then cutting to them fourteen years later. Honestly, older Tate is a little clueless at times. It takes her a while to catch on to things that seem pretty obvious to the rest of us. As usual, some things are rather predictable and other moments are a bit overblown, but it didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book. While Sam and Tate might not have had a constant humorous dialogue going, I liked the seriousness that the book brought to their relationship, as well as the funny moments it dropped in too. Tate's family, friends, and co-stars add a lighthearted touch, too.
Overall, this is a sweet, engaging romance. I loved the Hollywood aspect and the changing dynamic between Tate and Sam. 4 stars.
Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Little Wonders in Books
Mar 19, 2020
Quinn Barrett's mantra is about being perfect. But that all crumbles when she's caught on camera at the Little Wonders Preschool Halloween parade screaming at her young son, Hamilton, and destroying his (you guessed it) perfectly-created spaceship costume. As president of the Little Wonders board, a perfect mom, and a designer, Quinn supposedly has it all together. But when fellow Little Wonders mom Daisy McGulch captures her meltdown on her phone and it goes viral, Quinn's perfect life is over. As for Daisy, she's terrified that Quinn (and the other Little Wonders parents) will find out she's responsible for the video. She's having a hard enough time fitting in the posh New England town and Little Wonders world. Daisy, with her tattoos, blue hair, and love of cosplay, isn't exactly like the other moms. But then Daisy and Quinn find themselves thrust together--and soon--maybe even friends. What will happen if Quinn finds out what Daisy did?
"In dark moments, when Quinn Barrett looked back and analyzed what caused the destruction of her entire life, she should have known it would happen at the Little Wonders Preschool Happy Halloween Costume Parade (and Dance Party)"
This book started off incredibly slow for me. Though, in its defense, I was reading it while sick with the flu and not exactly in the reading mood (or in the mood for anything, really). It took me a long time to warm to Quinn and Daisy--they just weren't the type of characters you (well, me) immediately take to. And, really, I'm a tough sell on these "mom" type books. I know these horrible type of parents exist--and these snotty schools--but some of these people and their actions just seemed so over-the-top.
I'm glad I kept reading, though, because eventually Daisy and Quinn grew into full-fledged characters, even if some of the other parents remained crazy caricatures and stereotypes. Daisy is sweet and funny, with her love of pop culture, and Quinn is relatable, with her flaws and desire for perfection. The book captures a lot of the difficult elements of parenting; what parent hasn't felt alone and out of their depth at points?
There are some really humorous moments, and I liked Daisy and Quinn's friendship a lot. Some of the events seemed a bit transparent, but Daisy and Quinn's eventual growth and my need to root for them turned this into a 3.5-star read.
"In dark moments, when Quinn Barrett looked back and analyzed what caused the destruction of her entire life, she should have known it would happen at the Little Wonders Preschool Happy Halloween Costume Parade (and Dance Party)"
This book started off incredibly slow for me. Though, in its defense, I was reading it while sick with the flu and not exactly in the reading mood (or in the mood for anything, really). It took me a long time to warm to Quinn and Daisy--they just weren't the type of characters you (well, me) immediately take to. And, really, I'm a tough sell on these "mom" type books. I know these horrible type of parents exist--and these snotty schools--but some of these people and their actions just seemed so over-the-top.
I'm glad I kept reading, though, because eventually Daisy and Quinn grew into full-fledged characters, even if some of the other parents remained crazy caricatures and stereotypes. Daisy is sweet and funny, with her love of pop culture, and Quinn is relatable, with her flaws and desire for perfection. The book captures a lot of the difficult elements of parenting; what parent hasn't felt alone and out of their depth at points?
There are some really humorous moments, and I liked Daisy and Quinn's friendship a lot. Some of the events seemed a bit transparent, but Daisy and Quinn's eventual growth and my need to root for them turned this into a 3.5-star read.
Debbiereadsbook (1247 KP) rated The Alpha's Warlock (Mismatched Mates #1) in Books
Mar 27, 2020
great read, but I NEEDED Ian!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Nate is a warlock, and getting kidnapped and cursed by the Shimball werewolf pack wasn't in his plans for the day. When he manages to drag himself to tell the Armitage pack of the Shimball pack plans, mating the Alpha's brother wasn't in his plans either. But the only way to break the curse is to build a mate bond with an Alpha, so mate with Ian he does. There is just the minor detail that Ian hates Nate, and Nate has been attracted to Ian for such a long time. When the Shimball pack come for the Armitage pack, Ian has to keep Nate safe, even if it just gives him a chance to kill Nate himself!
I really REALLY enjoyed this!
Nate is quirky, and witty, and so bloody funny! Because the book is only told from his point of view, and in the first person, we get all of his wit and humour, but also, all of his terror at what his father did to him. His pain at realizing he might not be good enough for anyone. His reaction to the bond to Ian surprised him, and we get all of that. We get his dawning knowledge of what Ian has become to him.
The story moves along at pace in places, a little slower in others. The bigger picture, I think, isn't clear yet, and I have no idea what that picture might be, but I look forward to reading more.
The only thing, for ME, why I didn't give it 5 stars when I enjoyed it so much?
Single person person of view. Only Nate has a voice. I really REALLY needed Ian, at key points along the way, and I don't get him. I needed to know what he felt about having to mate Nate, although there were clues to that early on. I needed to know if the mate bond affected him as much as it did Nate. I needed to know just what his brother's betrayal means to him, and how much it hurts him. And I don't get him!
A great read, and the first I've read of this author. I like the way they spin the tales. I look forward to reading more, especially after the epilogue here!
4 solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Nate is a warlock, and getting kidnapped and cursed by the Shimball werewolf pack wasn't in his plans for the day. When he manages to drag himself to tell the Armitage pack of the Shimball pack plans, mating the Alpha's brother wasn't in his plans either. But the only way to break the curse is to build a mate bond with an Alpha, so mate with Ian he does. There is just the minor detail that Ian hates Nate, and Nate has been attracted to Ian for such a long time. When the Shimball pack come for the Armitage pack, Ian has to keep Nate safe, even if it just gives him a chance to kill Nate himself!
I really REALLY enjoyed this!
Nate is quirky, and witty, and so bloody funny! Because the book is only told from his point of view, and in the first person, we get all of his wit and humour, but also, all of his terror at what his father did to him. His pain at realizing he might not be good enough for anyone. His reaction to the bond to Ian surprised him, and we get all of that. We get his dawning knowledge of what Ian has become to him.
The story moves along at pace in places, a little slower in others. The bigger picture, I think, isn't clear yet, and I have no idea what that picture might be, but I look forward to reading more.
The only thing, for ME, why I didn't give it 5 stars when I enjoyed it so much?
Single person person of view. Only Nate has a voice. I really REALLY needed Ian, at key points along the way, and I don't get him. I needed to know what he felt about having to mate Nate, although there were clues to that early on. I needed to know if the mate bond affected him as much as it did Nate. I needed to know just what his brother's betrayal means to him, and how much it hurts him. And I don't get him!
A great read, and the first I've read of this author. I like the way they spin the tales. I look forward to reading more, especially after the epilogue here!
4 solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
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ClareR (5743 KP) rated If I Can’t Have You in Books
Dec 5, 2020
If I Can’t Have You is a story about obsession. It’s funny, serious, disturbing and at times, outrageous. Constance could be a character that would be easy to dislike, but I liked her vulnerability. She is a sad character who has had a troubled upbringing. When she believes that she has found the love of her life, and is then almost immediately let down by the frankly despicable Dr. Samuel Stevens, I felt so sorry for her. And continued to feel for her as he repeatedly uses her. He clearly neither knows or cares about Constance’s depth of feeling for him. She seems desperate as she lets him use her, and even more so as she looks for affection with her housemate, Dale. He certainly seems to have the potential to be a male version of Constance, and it’s clear that she actually feels revulsion with regards to him. But at the same time, she doesn’t want to be on her own.
I think the character of Edward, an elderly man who lives over the road from Samuel, is in part the father figure that she needs and never had. He needs her too. I think things could have been far worse for Constance if she hadn’t have had Edward to consider. Edward is the device that shows Constance is a caring person underneath the obsession. She makes time in her day to care for and visit him. Like the other two men, he is a broken soul - but his obsessive behaviour doesn’t translate in to being careless with people. Instead he is a hoarder of strange knick-knacks. Edward adds an element of humour as well - his relationship with Constance is lovely.
I found it hard NOT to put myself in Constance’s shoes. After all, isn’t that what we as readers do with the characters we read about? How easy would i be to slip from loneliness in to obsession? I hope I never find out, but it’s so well portrayed in this book. This is a supremely uncomfortable book in parts - Constance is used and abused, and she in turn can have some pretty unpleasant thoughts. But perhaps that’s because she doesn’t have someone to really confide in?
I can’t actually believe that this is a debut, and I will definitely be looking out for whatever comes next from Charlotte Levin.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this and to Charlotte for joining in with the chat in the margins!
I think the character of Edward, an elderly man who lives over the road from Samuel, is in part the father figure that she needs and never had. He needs her too. I think things could have been far worse for Constance if she hadn’t have had Edward to consider. Edward is the device that shows Constance is a caring person underneath the obsession. She makes time in her day to care for and visit him. Like the other two men, he is a broken soul - but his obsessive behaviour doesn’t translate in to being careless with people. Instead he is a hoarder of strange knick-knacks. Edward adds an element of humour as well - his relationship with Constance is lovely.
I found it hard NOT to put myself in Constance’s shoes. After all, isn’t that what we as readers do with the characters we read about? How easy would i be to slip from loneliness in to obsession? I hope I never find out, but it’s so well portrayed in this book. This is a supremely uncomfortable book in parts - Constance is used and abused, and she in turn can have some pretty unpleasant thoughts. But perhaps that’s because she doesn’t have someone to really confide in?
I can’t actually believe that this is a debut, and I will definitely be looking out for whatever comes next from Charlotte Levin.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this and to Charlotte for joining in with the chat in the margins!