Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Adults in Books
Mar 20, 2019
This book was an odd one, as if it couldn't decide to be serious or funny. It starts out with a call to the police, so we know that someone has been shot at archery, but we don't yet know who. Then things unfold from the beginning of the holiday, slowly building back up to the incident. Interspersed with the characters' narratives are bits and pieces of the police's discussion with various people at the holiday park involved with the shooting. It's interesting, but it's a little disconcerting: partial mystery/partial character-driven novel/partial "humorous look at family fun gone wrong."
Unfortunately for me, I didn't find a lot of the book all that fun. Yes, I could see the humor in some of the situations, but honestly, a lot of it just made me uncomfortable. Perhaps it's being a child of divorce myself. Maybe too much hit close to home. I felt the most for poor Alex, who was tortured by Scarlett (and that darn fake bunny) and then forced to witness her boyfriend in a series of cozy moments with her ex. Patrick was slightly insane, Claire too good to be true, and Matt, honestly, an infuriating wuss for most of the book. As everyone got more and more tired of each other, I would have had a feeling of doom reading this even without knowing someone gets shot. You just know no good can come of this.
Now, yes, there is some dark humor here, and I did laugh at times. There are definitely some funny places. But I think Scarlett and Posey were supposed to be more funny than they were (I've been that kid angry at her parents for divorcing, but man, Scarlett was really irritating sometimes). When you really only feel for one of the characters (Alex), it's hard to stay invested in the book. Luckily, things improved a bit closer to the end, and I found myself getting a more into the story. Still, I couldn't help but find things a bit implausible and frustrating at times, and I really longed for more of the hilarity the book promised.
Overall, this is a quick read, and it has its funny, crazy moments. Still, the characters are tough to feel invested in and sometimes the plot was almost too zany and stressful for me. I liked this one, but didn't love it.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher and LibraryThing in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Debbiereadsbook (1254 KP) rated What a Latte Books in Books
Mar 2, 2020
Laura opens her dream business, a book/coffee shop. A book she doesn't remember ordering pulls her attention and draws her into a wonderful story of love. But Laura doesn't expect to ever find the kind of love she reads in the book. Then, she meets Simon and Laura begins to wonder, what is real and what is not.
I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful tale of a a book shop owner falling in love, not only in the pages of this mysterious book, but in real life too. when the connection between the book and Laura's friends becomes clear, a LOT of things begin to make more sense. I'm not saying they didn't before then, but it's like a light bulb moment, and the penny drops and all the little hints and clues come together and you can see the bigger picture.
Its on the sweet side, with just some kissing, but I liked that (which Ms Morgan found kinda funny, considering what I usually like to read) The book does NOT need the explicitness, because it is sweet, and cute and all kinds of warm and fuzzies that makes you glow inside after reading it!
The love between Laura and Simon grows, steadily thoughout the book, and I liked that it wasn't rushed. There were powerful feelings, from the very begininng, from Laura and between her and Simon, but it takes time for those feelings to become clear for her.
Only Laura has a say though, and I think if he had, I would have enjoyed this just that little bit more.
Still a delightful tale, of finding love wherever you find can.
4 stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Ten Big Ones (Stephanie Plum, #10) in Books
Jan 15, 2018
In this installment Stephanie finds herself standing next to an armed robber when he takes his mask off making her the only person in Trenton who knows the identity of the "Red Devil." Go figure! Of course the Red Devil turns out to be a member of the Comstock Street Slayers who are in the process of initiating a new general. They decide to make Stephanie the final target of his coronation. Needless to say, hilarity ensues, but this book was pretty suspensful too. Plum is always getting herself into stiky situations, but this one was only the 2nd situation that stressed me out as a reader.
Obviously I knew she would make it out of the book alive since there are 7 more books in the series. That didn't stop me from worrying though. The mark of a great book!
Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated When Lightning Strikes (1-800-Where-R-You, #1) in Books
Apr 27, 2018
<b>but. </b>
i read the first book of her series here, "When Lightning Strikes," and seriously had to read the others. i still haven't read the last book, my library doesn't have it in right now, but this book got me hooked to a story that was written by (excuse me) a sucky writer. it was wild, weird, crazy, funny, and had some very creative twists in it. great story.
now if only she could learn to write. sentinces, i mean. (<-- example of what she does. i swear i don't write like that normally.)
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