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Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ernest Cline has written something, alright.

If you are not into geeky things, just turn back now. I enjoyed this book for all the references, but the storyline itself was meh.

The writing was excellent as well, but, set in a dystopian not-so-distant future where everyone turns to OASIS, a simulation, to escape the reality of the world… Not a fan. Why don’t they try to fix it?

The main character, Wade, is on a quest (along with everyone else) to find the Easter egg that the creator of OASIS left in game after he died. The winner? Gets his fortune and the company that made the game.

Yeah, there is a prize for you! If you enjoyed Monty Python, read this book. If you are into all the geeky things, read this book. It is an interesting journey and one that I did enjoy.
The Blind Side (2009)
The Blind Side (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Sport
Story (0 more)
From rags to the Gridiron
The true story of of NFL professional player Michael Oher. It is the story about him how he was forgotten about and was being pushed through they system until the mother of a family feels for him and takes him in. The family teaches him about being part of the family and shows him he is important. They also stride to help him because of his raw size and talent joing the high school football team. Though his grades are a problem they all help him teachers included to strive and become a better student. The story is also the tale of how he made it into college and into the nfl and getting not only his high school degree but, his college degree. With out the help of the Tuohy family he might have ended up no where in life and had no future.
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
2010 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
8.5 (50 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm watching this film franchise in the wrong order, last first then this one, but better late to the party than never?!
The film took a little while to get going, a bit of a slow start, but then it started ramping up from there.
I guess knowing some of the future tales I tried to second guess what was about to happen, but was still surprised by a few twists and turns.
The Vikings battled dragons as they stole their livestock but then one boy turned his back on what he was expected to do and befriended a dragon. What will the other villagers think and can he, with the help of his friends, open their eyes to the truth.
A lovely feel good family film with some great morals on being kind to others and not judging a book by its cover. Well worth a watch.
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Definitely my favorite of the series thus far. Nell was a practical, yet stubborn and light-hearted match for the tortured (and nummy ;P) Adrian. <i>Sex, Lies, and Vampires</i> is a slightly more serious entry into <b>The Dark Ones</b> series. Seems to me that Katie MacAlister's writing has gotten better through the years (as one would hope) and I hope to see more Dark Ones in the future! She's the only one that could have thought up Mummy followers. :P I love the zaniness and cheesiness, along with more serious moments within the romance. The only gripe I have is that I have no clue what Nell looks like. Besides her left side being either weak or slackened, the only other clue is that she's tall(ish). I do like to have a picture in my head as I read. Oh well, I'll live. :)
4.5 stars
Loving Lucianna
Loving Lucianna
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is about her lovely to know have her brother appears and want to destroy her future. What she doe not know is that it will not filter from Sir Balduin de Soler. She fear her brother will make her the thief of her father what she was born. Though she is always helping her brother that she does not know that she could stop and just to see if Sir Balduin really loved her.

Lucianna does not know if she can trust shri even though she help rase he and her brother Simon. He best friend seem to know more then her friend Lucianna knew to believe. Want to find out what happens and is good about it. If Sir Balduin became her Knight of armor? If the love is not there be the end. You will need to read it to find out for yourself.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition) in Tabletop Games

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 11, 2019)  
Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition)
Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition)
2014 | Horror, Murder & Mystery, Roleplaying
Latest edition of Chaosium's landmark horror RPG. Default setting is the 1920s and 1930s; default milieu is H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, as the title suggests - but the game has proven almost infinitely flexible, with published supplements set everywhere from the Roman Empire to a bleak Aliens-esque future. Emphasis is on investigation rather than combat - regular player character death and insanity come as part of the package.

This revised edition switches the whole system to a percentile basis, the first big change in many years. It's not a substantial alteration and most of the system is unchanged. It is still a little crunchy compared to some modern narrative-heavy games, and there are a few tricky questions you have to resolve if you want to play an extended campaign, but this is, as ever, an immensely engaging and enjoyable game when played with the right group.
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
1993 | Comedy, Drama, Family
Everything. (0 more)
Nothing. (0 more)
Robin Williams- Duh!
Another classic. It's funny, heart warming, family friendly and can be loved by anyone of any age. My 5 year old nephew enjoys it!
As one of, if not the first full makeover film it sets the standard for all future films of the same thing. As a child, I thought Mrs. Doubtfire was a separate actress!
I love this film somewhat more now as an adult because it tackles real life problems. The divorced parents especially, as this seems more and more common these days. It also shows a loving father, willing to do anything to be with his children which is such a breath of fresh air after so many films with absent fathers that couldn't give a damn.
Lastly, it's Robin Williams so you know you're in for a good one, may he rest in piece.
Fully recommended!

Alex Trybus (79 KP) rated Groupon in Apps

Jan 27, 2018  
Food & Drink, Shopping
7.5 (33 Ratings)
App Rating
There really are some good deals that you wouldn't find anywhere else. (1 more)
There is a huge variety (vacations, jewelry, events, concerts, clothing, etc.)
Some of the fine print for events and packages can get really confusing. (1 more)
There are a lot of exclusions on deals so trying to plan something can get impossible sometimes.
Great deals with confusing fine print
I really do love Groupon, and I have gotten a lot of good deals off of it (I paid only $25 for a Boudoir photoshoot that would have been over $200, I saved about $20 on an outing to Phipps Conservatory, and many more.) Really the only annoyance I have with it is that the fine print and learning how to properly use your Groupon at the venue can get VERY confusing sometimes. Other than that, it is a great idea and I will keep using it in the future!

Kyera (8 KP) rated Crosstalk in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Connie Willis | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book started off a little slow and I wasn't quite sure if I was going to enjoy it. You're thrown right into a world that leaves you slightly confused. Is this modern day or are we in a more technologically advanced future? The world we step into is modern, with a few alterations like an "EED". They're a focal-point of this novel, so it would have been nice to have some backstory there since they're not something we're familiar with. Once you get over that hurdle, the book becomes much more enjoyable. I was surprised after the rocky beginning that I found myself engrossed in the book and spent more than one night reading significantly past my normal bedtime. The ending felt a little rushed and could have been done better. Ultimately the concept was fascinating and I would definitely read a sequel.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Surrogates (2009) in Movies

Aug 9, 2019 (Updated Aug 9, 2019)  
Surrogates (2009)
Surrogates (2009)
2009 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
6.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I didn't know too much about the story when I saw this. Surprised it doesn't seem to be well known and got some bad reviews? It did feel like a mix of films from the likes of Gamer, Total Recall, Matrix, Blade Runner, irobot and even A.I. In the near future people plug in using their brains to control a robot which effectively they use to live their day to day lives. No danger of disease, accidents, violence and of course you can look like whatever you want to through your surrogate. Until someone found a way of destroying the robot also kills the controller while they are plugged in! This has a good cast, cool effects and was enjoyable to watch. Highly unoriginal though and it did feel like a collection of ideas from the mentioned films. Never the less this is still an entertaining film worth checking out!!