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Merissa (11928 KP) rated Chozen (Headspace #1) in Books

Dec 8, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2023)  
Chozen (Headspace #1)
Chozen (Headspace #1)
JP Sayle, J. Paton | 2021 | Crime, LGBTQ+, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
CHOZEN: PART ONE comes with a trigger warning, and it's DARK, so pay heed to it. This book won't be for everyone for any number of reasons. If you can read it though, be prepared to read an intricate, twisted, multiple-perspective story.

Now, as already stated, this is told from multiple people which, for me, made it a bit confusing as there were simply so many of them! It does give you a well-rounded view so, for that, I'm thankful. I just had difficulty remembering who was who and what their role was.

You have no idea who to trust as you travel with Tucker and find out more about his situation. Can I just say, it sucks? It's a scary situation for him to be in, and I was on tenterhooks when I read his chapters.

Although this is definitely NOT a romance, you do get hints about possible pairings in the future. And if you've read any of The Playroom in the past, it may help with this.

All in all, I... want to say enjoyed it, but that just sounds so wrong! I was gripped, enthralled, intrigued, and will be reading Part Two as I really want to see where this goes and how it all plays out.

I absolutely do recommend this... but just be aware that it ends on a cliffhanger, and is DARK.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 8, 2021

Merissa (11928 KP) rated This is Not a Horror Movie in Books

Jun 4, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
This is Not a Horror Movie
This is Not a Horror Movie
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
THIS IS NOT A HORROR MOVIE is a gorgeous story of first love and scary happenings.

Emory is a late bloomer and happy to hide behind horror movies and books so he doesn't have to socialise. He has been in the snarky shadow of his twin sister for a long time and doesn't understand the looks he's now getting. Liz helps to put him on the right track, much to his disgust at the thought of girls wanting to make out with him! Enter Connor, the crush Emory had and shows no signs of dissipating.

This was a great story, full of sibling snark, and romance with the boy of his dreams. Luckily for Emory, Connor feels the same way, and seeing these two grow and develop their feelings was a warm and fuzzy moment for me. Connor is very protective, and with good reason, as Emory doesn't appear to realise just when he's in danger. I loved the supernatural element to the story, although the realtor wasn't much of a surprise! I'm also happy about Leland!!! I was worried about him.

I enjoyed the pacing of this story, the sweet times with Connor and Emory, the promise of the future, and the amazing supporting cast that helped them. A great addition to the Sara Dobie Bauer collection, and absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 4, 2021
Beautiful wreck
Beautiful wreck
Larissa Brown | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful wreck. A beautiful book!
Step right up ladies and gents for the next time travelling extravaganza! Move over Jamie fraser Heirik's the new guy in town! With outlander on the continuous rise to the top it gives other time travel romances a good run for their money and rightly so who doesnt love jamie fraser and his swoon worthy quotes and fiery lingering gaze. He had me wanting to marry a fictional character from the get go!

 Beautiful wreck by the not so well known author larissa brown deserves alot more attention and credit than it has been given. The story is about a woman named ginn who ends up travelling to tenth century iceland I've copied the description off the back of the book to give you a better taste of what the book is about;
 In a bleak future built on virtual reality, Ginn is a romantic who yearns for something real. She designs environments for people who play at being Vikings. But when her project goes awry, she's stranded in the actual 10th century, on a storybook farm in Viking Iceland. Heirik is the young leader of his family, honored by the men and women who live on his land. But he is feared and isolated because of a terrible curse. Ginn and Heirik are two people who never thought they would find a home in someone else's heart. When forces rise against them to keep them apart, Ginn is called on to decide-- will she give up the brutal and beautiful reality of the past? Or will she have the courage to traverse time and become more of a Viking than she ever imagined?

Doesn't it sound awesome!? ?

Don't worry I'm not going to spoil the story but I will say that this book in my view is a high contender for the top spot in the time travel/ romance genre. it is so beautifully written and detailed that it feels like your actually there going through the trials and celebrations right along with ginn. It could also have something to do with my overactive imagination but I think it's the former in this case ? I will admit the ending seemed a little rushed, it could've had a bit more detailed but that is just my opinion. With the second book 'so wild a dream' following on in the series I'm not sure how it can get much better than beautiful wreck.

Overall an excellent and enjoyable read, this book will definitely be on my re-read list in the near future.
The Sun is Also a Star
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon | 2016 | Children
8.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion*

The Sun is Also a Star is Nicola Yoon’s second novel and they just keep getting better. She is becoming the queen of contemporary and I will definitely be reading everything that she writes. This book is so much better than Everything, Everything.

<img src=""; width="140" height="180" alt="description"/>

Natasha is an undocumented immigrant living in New York with her family, she is being deported back to Jamaica after living in America for 8 years. Desperate and at the end of her tether she will do anything to stop this from happening. Natasha has her future planned out and her friends in New York.

Daniel is a Korean-American and has his entrance exams for college.He’s to study medicine as his parents have always wanted but this is not Daniel’s dreams,he wants to be a poet and write about love and fate.

Natasha and Daniel meet on the streets of New York City the day that Natasha is to be deported and Daniel has his entrance exam. Believing in fate and destiny, Daniel tries to convince Natasha that she will fall in love with him by the end of the day and in doing so asks her questions that scientists have tested and proved.

This book is really amazing, it has everything going for it! First off we have that stunning cover the colours and design are just beautiful. Nicola Yoon’s writing is very addictive. It had all the romance and then scientific facts and whilst writing about serious topics she then blends in the humour. I also loved that there were excerpts from other characters such as their history or future and it really added and made it such a fulfilling story.It made you realise that things happen for a reason and everyone’s actions lead to someone else’s fate/destiny.

The characters are great, they are three-dimensional but also they have their flaws,they are totally different from one another in what they believe in and want from life.

This does seem like insta-love because the book is set over the course of day, but it’s not insta-love as Natasha wants nothing to do with Daniel and it takes time for her to warm to him.

I would definitely recommend this book.

I rated this 5 out of 5 stars
Matronly Duties
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a new ice age, the inhabitants of the world have gone underground, hiding from the freezing temperatures on the surface and as always happens in this type of situation, those in control become power crazy at the expense of their nation.

The premise of the story is well developed and is a very believable kind of future. This being said, it gives it a familiar kind of feeling when you're reading. The idea of humanity being restricted and having to survive in a relatively small space is something familiar in futuristic stories, but that's not saying this book is cliche, Kendall includes just enough unique twists to keep you on your toes.

As for characters, Beth is a good lead. She's level headed, naive but a very engaging kind of character. The reader is as naive in this world as Beth, and so it is excellent to learn vicariously through her as Howard opens her eyes to the injustices of the world in which she lives. Howard is very attractive to read, not just in looks, but in his personality which seems to ooze from the pages and infect the reader with their own desire to do something to make their own world better. All the intrigue and mystery is an excellent hook into the story, with the letters to one another being a useful tool to move the story on and develop their relationship.

The plot has a good pace, all be it a little slow to begin with, but it does develop smoothly as the story develops. It has a traditional kind of 'snowball down a hill' approach, with the revelations coming thick and fast as the characters are hurled into the next issue to deal with. Personally, I'd have liked to have seen a little more detail in the ending as it felt a little rushed. The epilogue did help to tidy some loose ends, but I do feel like there was more to discover there.

In conclusion, this books was a very good read, it captured my attention and held it, and is a book I found very enjoyable. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a romance with a difference. I am looking forward to reading more from this author, and I do hope this group of characters are explored again in the future as there are definitely legs left in this universe.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
The Night Raid
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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If you are a fan of drama, history, romance, World War II related books, heartwarming read and words that will make you laugh and cry at the same time - The Night Raid from Clare Harvey is the perfect book for you.

In the time of the World War II, in a factory in England, women work their way to earn a bit of money for themselves and their families. All of these women have their own stories and their own secrets.

When a woman comes to the factory to paint the ladies working the night shift, a lot of secrets will reveal itself. The stories of love, broken hearts, never-haves, hopes and dreams for the future will be painted on that canvas.

Full with passion, mystery, warmness and moments that will stay with you forever, Clare Harvey captures all of these and more in this amazing book.

She describes the characters in a unique way, she gives them life and meaning, and in a page or two you will already be inside their world, going through their happiness and pain.

This book was quite fast paced - in the meaning of, the story goes on smoothly, and there aren’t any sideway streets where you can get lost into. It was easy to keep track of what is happening from the very first beginning and easy to stay on track as well.

Clare managed to capture the World War II period in England quite well. I would never know how it was then, of course, but by reading the book, I could find myself being there, stuck in that time, stuck with those principles that we don’t believe in now. Stuck in a time where people believed that if a woman becomes pregnant during her working time, she has to either give up the baby, or live in a house full of other women that ended up the same way as her. Stuck in a time where gender equality is not a thing, and how could it be?

I would definitely recommend this book to every one of you, because it is a perfect blend of history and romance, of sadness and happiness, and of such powerful women that fought against all odds to survive and achieve in what they believed in!

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Moon Field in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Moon Field
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>My rating: 3.5</b>

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Moon Field</i> is an historical romance novel set during the First World War. It focuses mainly on two people: George and Violet, although there is a wide range of characters.

Split into three parts the novel begins with George, an 18 year old postman planning on telling Miss Violet of his feelings for her, only to find out that she is already engaged. He runs off feeling jealous and ends up enlisting for the army. At first I thought the description of George made him seem more like a child than a young adult and this annoyed me a little, however this helped to emphasise the changes he undergoes as a result of the war.

Part two is mostly set in Flanders where George is involved in the fighting resulting in deaths of certain other characters for which George blames himself despite it not really being his fault. This section ends with George being hurt himself and part three begins with him being returned to a hospital in England where he begins to recover although is now deformed. Throughout this final part George suffers with depression and thinks that he is now a freak. He has to deal with lots of rejection but, thankfully, the novel ends with a more positive outlook for his future.

Knowing in advance that romance was to be involved, it appeared at first that there might be some romantic attachment developed between George and Violet. From the very beginning I personally did not want this to happen. It did not feel right particularly as they were of different social classes, which at that time was quite important. Fortunately this did not happen and I was fairly pleased with the ending.

I think that Allnatt’s writing is extremely good and reflects the time period well. I quite often find when reading historical novels that authors use words or phrases that are too modern to have actually been said at that time. There was none of that problem with <i>The Moon Field</i>. Allnatt had also researched extremely well to get across the experiences of the soldiers on the Western Front. She mentions in her acknowledgements that she read many soldiers accounts of their experiences in the Great War. All her research defiantly paid off!

All in all it is a great historical novel.