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A Love Song for Liars (Rivals, #1)
A Love Song for Liars (Rivals, #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I picked this up free a few months ago after reading another of the authors works and enjoying it.

This one follows Annie who is playing lead in her schools musical of The Little Mermaid. She wants to prove to her rock star father that she can cut it in the music industry while he doesn't want her anywhere near it, unlike his protégé Tyler. He was her best friend for a long time, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks who she fell for, before her dad offered to send him to the same prestigious private school as her and show him how to make his music better. Then he went from her best friend to they boys she hated in the span of a few weeks. It's hard to stay hating him when he lives in your pool house and keeps coming to your rescue, though.

I found this a quick easy read. I got drawn into the angst that was Annie and Tyler's relationship really quickly. There's an element of love/hate but you quickly see the hate is hiding a hurt from several months ago when Tyler said something she was never meant to hear. They have a rather interesting back story that we learn as the story progresses and I was willing them to just go for it, despite all the things that could go wrong or spoil it for them. They just had a deep connection that I felt deserved to explored.

Unfortunately, it seems their story is spread over three books with a fourth addition as a bonus and I will be reading them at some point in the future but my reading list is almost 100 books long right now - though I have been steamrolling through them lately - so it's on my wish list on Amazon.

It also appears I should have read the Wicked series by this author first as that is Annie's dad Jax's romance but, oh well. I'll read it at a later date, too.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The MCU delivers again!
Tom Holland reprises his role as the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman in this enjoyable final entry in the MCU's third phase.

Picking up where Avengers: Endgame left off, the world is slowly getting back on its feet after Thanos' handiwork was reversed. Peter Parker is on a school trip across Europe when huge Elemental enemies attack. He's unprepared, but the day is saved by Mysterio - a superhero from an alternate universe.

So far, so Marvel.

Twists and turns follow, with plenty of action throughout. The storyline reminded me of Iron Man 3 in some ways, in terms of it's structure and style. The visuals were impressive as always. The acting was spot-on, with Happy returning in a comic relief/mentor role that worked really well alongside the hero.

The great thing about all the Marvel movies is how they distinguish themselves from each other. Aside from being just comic book movies, each individual series has its own themes and genre. Guardians of the Galaxy is sci-fi/action/comedy, Captain America is more political/action, Thor is fantasy, etc... Spiderman fills the gap for a teen drama, appealing to the younger audience by giving them the angst and romance they crave and relate to. The relationship between Peter and MJ is explored in greater detail here, and their on-screen awkward is fun to watch, but also believable - largely, I suspect, due to the pair's off-screen friendship. Their chemistry is brilliant and really adds to the movie.

As with all Marvel movies, it ain't over 'til it's over. The mid-credits scene does a truly fantastic job of setting up the third movie in the series, while the post-credits scene teases at the future of the wider MCU.

Marvel has had numerous hits with only a small handful of near-misses. Spiderman: Far From Home is a resounding hit and not to be missed!

Merissa (11925 KP) rated Night Prince in Books

Nov 3, 2021 (Updated Jul 10, 2023)  
Night Prince
Night Prince
Felice Stevens | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
NIGHT PRINCE is currently a standalone but I am desperately hoping Ms Stevens will return to the Fold in the near future as there are so many characters I want to see happy endings for!

Massimo is banished from his father's kingdom to the human world, where he spends decades/centuries learning how to fit in. During that time, he keeps himself to himself, with only Claudio finding him and keeping him company. All that changes when Damion bursts into his life. But then other changes happen, and Massimo is pulled back into the Fold. Will Damion be with him, or will his fears overtake him?

Massimo and Damion are fantastic characters, that spark off each other in a multitude of ways. It is hot and steamy in the bedroom, but their relationship is so much more than that. The Guardians are not prepared to take any nonsense from either of them, and I love how they changed to English when they knew Damion was awake.

There are a whole host of supporting characters that I need stories for. And one of the couples is already married! Oh, and they're dead too. Now, I sort of figured something would happen, but not what did, which blindsided me. Or maybe it was the tears in my eyes? Whatever. What I am trying to say is that this story sweeps you along in the arms of multiple characters.

Paranormal? Check. Romance? Check. Emotional? Check. Sassy and steamy? Check. Yep, it sounds like a Felice Stevens book to me, and as such, do you honestly think I'm NOT going to recommend it?!

I loved this book but, PLEASE, for the love of all that's holy, PLEASE return to the Fold!!!! I need more.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 3, 2021