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The Yards (2000)
The Yards (2000)
2000 | Drama
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The Yards starts when Leo (Wahlberg) gets released from prison, needing to lock down a job his Aunt Kitty (Dunaway) sets him up with her husband Frank Olchin (Caan) who runs a railway construction company in Queens. Without the skills set, he can’t be given a job, but his bag man Willie (Phoenix) who is also Leo’s best friend recruits him to do the dirty work for the company.

When a job goes wrong Willie and Leo both commit an act of violence, only Leo can be identified, he must go on the run while finding everybody trying to hunt him down, trying to expose the truth before it is too late, with only is mother Val (Burstyn) and cousin Erica (Theron) to trust.


Thoughts on The Yards


Characters – Leo is an ex-con that is released from prison, he best friend and Uncle offer him two different jobs, one he isn’t qualified for and one would mean working against the law. He finds himself on the wrong side of the law after a job goes wrong needing to do anything he can to clear his name, while being considered the most wanted man in Queens. Willie is the best friend of Leo, he has made a career being the bag man for Frank which will see him complete the deals to make the business succeed. He ends up leading Leo down the wrong path, when it is him that makes the biggest mistake. Erica is the cousin of Leo and girlfriend to Willie, she is completing her education and gets caught between who to remain loyal towards. Frank runs the corrupt railway construction company that has nearly every political figure in his back pocket. He keeps himself looking clean, letting his men do the dirty work, leading to him being forced into a difficult decision. Val is the mother of Leo that has always tried to give him everything he could give him in life, left to suffer when he gets blamed for the crimes.

Performances – Mark Wahlberg is strong in the leading role, he gives us a performance that shows his regret, confusion and worries about the future he is meant to have once out of prison. Joaquin Phoenix brings us a performance which shows us just how he can make us hate a character. Charlize Theron in the supporting role shows us everything she needs to without getting the same spotlight as the rest of the cast, while James Caan works in the corrupt businessman role with ease. The rest of the cast are solid without doing anything outside the comfort zones.

Story – The story here takes us into the world of corruption within the Queens railway service construction company that pays off to get jobs after doing their own dirty work to make others look worse, we follow one ex-con being placed into this world who sees the bad only to become the prime suspect in the investigation of a murder. The story does try to keep us guessing to what will happen and who Leo could trust only for it to become to run of mill in the genre to make it new or original. It might be loosely based on a real case, it however doesn’t offer enough to make things feel like we could see too much going on, rather than focusing on the cover up itself.

Crime/Romance – The crime world we enter is the political corruption of construction which shows us how quickly people can turn on each other without doubt. The romance side of this story takes a back burner which is here to show how difficult of a position Erica is put into.

Settings – The film is set in Queen which shows us how the community will come together to work together or turn on somebody.

Scene of the Movie – The incident.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The story is overly generic.

Final Thoughts – This is an interesting crime story that does everything by the book without doing anything overly special.


Overall: Simple crime film.
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Story: Alita: Battle Angel starts in the 26th century, Dr Dyson Ido (Waltz) searching for scraps locates the remaining parts of a cyborg, who has come from the city sky, he rebuilds her naming her Alita (Salazar) and teaches her about the world. Alita wants to learn for herself which happens when she meets Hugo (Johnson) who shows him the city.

Vector (Ali) being controlled by the villainous Nova is always seeking the best fighters to send to the city above, which attracts him to Alita knowing her abilities will give him even more power. Alita must learn about her past to fight for her future to become the hero she was always meant to be.


Thoughts on Alita: Battle Angel


Characters – Alita is the name given to the battle angel, she is from an older technology, one nobody understands one from before the great Fall. She is programmed to be like a teenager learning about the world, eager to take chance, before she learns about her fighting abilities, which will see her fight to keep her freedom and for love. This is an amazingly strong character that shows just how much motivation can come from learning one’s power. Dr Dyson Ido repairs the cyborgs, he has a heart of gold willing to help many, but he has a haunted past which gives him a secret life that Alita wants to be part off. Vector runs the city, if you want to get to the sky city, you must go through him, he knows the desire to get there and plays everybody on the idea he can make it happen. Chiren is Dyson’s ex-wife, she wants to get back to the sky city and sides with Vector to make this happen. Hugo is the young man rebel that shows Alita the city, teaches her dreams and sport. He does go against what Alita believes he is, as he like many others is dreaming of getting to the sky city. Zapan is one of the hunter warriors, used as the police within the city, they are bounty hunters who will kill for credits, he is considered the deadliest of them all and clashes with Alita.

Performances – Rosa Salazar bursts onto the scene with this performance that even though the character does feel like it is CGI, manages to give emotion through every event she learns about. Christoph Waltz shines in the doctor role, he keeps everything calm which is what is required for his character. Mahershala Ali bring a calm demanding villain to the heart of this film which will show he isn’t the strongest, but the smartest. Jennifer Connelly has the largest amount to go through with her character, she gets the chance to show us that she is the real deal. Ed Skrein does seem to bring us his Ajax from Deadpool figure, which is fine, des what the film needs. Keean Johnson completes the main cast and work in his role well have strong chemistry with Salazar.

Story – The story here follows a former warrior being bought back to life to learn of a new world that she wants to fight to bring down, while trying to learn about her past. Now, this does have source material, so I can’t say who did it first, but this does feel like a story we have seen before, an unlikely hero coming to save the day after being mentored by an older figure that wished to do the same thing himself, must overcome the odds and gain a following. This is a tried and tested story formula and it works very well with this one too. My big issue with the story comes from the time passage, certain things that happen seem to feel like they could be weeks or months, but they play out like days, only they can’t have been days, this is the biggest disappointment in the storytelling process.

Action/Adventure/Romance/Sci-Fi – The action in this movie is amazing, we get fight scenes with each combatant seemingly having a different ability which opens the doors for all possibilities too. The adventure side of the film comes from following Alita as she learns about herself, the world and her place in it. When we get to the romance side of the film this could turn people off at times, but it does show how people would be willing to fight for their unconditional love for somebody. The sci-fi concepts in this film comes from the creations, both in world and the cyborgs involved, we see a future world completely different to our own too.

Settings – Onto the best parts of the film, the settings, the city created here is one of the best you will ever see in a sci-fi film, each individual part of the city seems to have details to make us truly believe we are there.

Special Effects – The special effects are just breath-taking, nothing seems out of place in this world filled with cyborgs. Everything in this film will make you want to love cinema even more than you already do.

Scene of the Movie – The world we enter is just breath-taking.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The nurse character, mostly because I felt we should have seen her do more (not the actress’s fault).

Final Thoughts – This is easily going to be the best visual film you will see in 2019, it might have a by the book story, but you will be left wanting to see more and more of this character in her battles.


Overall: Experience this on the big screen.
A mixed bag
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Stephanie Perkins, the best selling author of Anna and the French Kiss has compiled a second anthology of short stories. Twelve selected tales have been included from a variety of young adult authors including: Libba Bray, Veronica Roth, Cassandra Clare and Jennifer E. Smith. For those that have read Perkins’ previous anthology, My True Love Gave To Me, the concept is the same. Twelve love stories set in, as the title, Summer Days and Summer Nights, strongly suggests, the summer.

What can be expected from all the stories in this collection is that they fit snuggly into the Romance genre of young adult fiction. The way the authors decided to tackle this, however, was up to their own interpretations. Thus, the final outcome is a selection of works that fall into a variety of categories: fantasy, contemporary, LGBT, horror, sci-fi etc.

As a result there are a number of different character types and storylines, suggesting that there is bound to be something for everyone. There are lovey-dovey stories, heart-wrenching stories, exciting action stories, implying that there will be at least one you will favour, and hopefully make purchase worthwhile.

It is not merely love that can be found between these pages, so if you are, like me, not overly impressed with teenage love stories, there are other themes to focus on. Many of the main characters are nearing the end of their schooling and thinking about the future: college, perhaps. Readers discover, and possibly relate to, their hopes, doubts and fears of what is to come. Yet while these thoughts are buzzing in their heads they are also trying to enjoy their summers, some with summer jobs, others hanging out with friends. Alongside all of this are darker issues of depression, cancer and parents divorcing; events that many teenagers unfortunately have to deal with. So, throughout all the make-ups and break-ups, there is so much more going on under the surface.

It is always difficult to decide what age range “Young Adult” refers to. Some may assume it is anyone in their teens, however in the case of Summer Days and Summer Nights I would label it a book for older teenagers, those of similar ages to the characters depicted: sixteen to nineteen. This is due to the slightly adult themes of a few of the stories and the amount of swearing many of the authors resort to.

Unfortunately for me, I did not find a perfect story within this collection. There were some I enjoyed more than others; likewise there were some I was not keen on at all. It is for this reason I have only given a rating of three stars. I do not want to put prospective readers off however as this is merely a case of personal preferences and not a true reflection of the authors’ exceptional writing skills.
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Mystery
The stories of master detective Sherlock Holmes have delighted readers, listeners, and viewers for well over a century. The tales have grown from the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to include radio, television, and film. Director Guy Ritchie casts Robert Downey Jr. as a slightly dysfunctional but brilliant Holmes who, along with his partner Dr. Watson (Jude Law), have just stopped a bizarre ceremony and ended a murder spree in the process.

The people of London are grateful to be free of the terror induced by Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong), but solving the mystery leaves Holmes somewhat despondent and uninterested in solving other mysteries. Most likely because Watson is moving out of their home and office to complete his pending marriage plans. The lack of complexity in the cases Holmes is requested to take leaves him abundant time to sulk in his study and scare the housing staff with his bizarre behavior and inventions.

The monotony of Holmes’s life is abruptly ended when Blackwood summons him shortly before his scheduled execution for his crimes. Blackwood indicates that a dark plot is in the works and though his claims are dismissed by the authorities as the desperate ravings of a madman about to be executed, Holmes begins to think there is more to the case than meets the eye. Things take a bizarre turn when Blackwood appears to rise from the dead and starts a new wave of terror over the city. Pressed into action, Holmes and Watson uncover a series of clues that reveal a diabolic plot that will alter the balance of power in England.

In a race against time, Holmes and Watson must also deal with their unresolved issues regarding Watson’s pending marriage as well as a mysterious, seductive woman from Holmes’s past (Rachel Mc Adams). What follows is a winning combination of comedy, action, mystery, and a touch of romance Ritchie knows he has a strong cast and gives Downey, Law, and Mc Adams ample room to explore their characters yet keeps them within the story.

The plot of the film may be the weakest point and at times its uncertain if it is an action buddy film or a caper picture. It attempts to blend the two but often comes up short, lacking enough action for my taste. The plot may also be confusing to some as it lacks a cohesive structure and seems to be a free roaming entity that exists within a general framework.

Downey and Law work well with one another and Downey gives a strong, clever performance in a role that requires both physical and cerebral dexterity. Mc Adams is good as the love interest in the film but would have benefited from more time to better expand her character which I hope will happen in future films.

While the film may not come across as a traditional American studio film, there is a lot to like about this new Holmes and the new franchise it launches for fans old and new.
Broken Warrior (The Weavers Circle #1)
Broken Warrior (The Weavers Circle #1)
Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This series is gonna be amazing!
Independent reviewer for GAy Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Running from what, he doesn't know, but Clay needs to run, and run south. He follows his instincts and finds himself in a fight to save the earth from destruction. Dane finds himself fighting his attraction to Clay, even as he fights himself over his guilt at the death of his wife and son. Dane doesn't know whats going on in the house, but he wants to find out, and he knows, deep down, he wants Clay.

So! Different, very different and I really rather loved it!

Clay finds himself at the helm of The Weavers. These are a band of 6 brothers, that come together time and time again to save the earth from destruction by beings from another dimension. And when i say time and time AGAIN, I mean that quite literally. The Weavers have been gathered together many times over the years and they have yet to finally close the rift that bring the beings to earth. Maybe this time will be different but the Goddess who brings Clay to the house doesn't know why they didn't manage to close the rift yet. Her and her sisters are hoping this time they will.

I loved Clay and I loved Dane. I loved Grey and Bear too, another 2 of the brothers who manage to get to the house in this book. I'm assuming they will get their own books at some point. The three Goddesses keep popping in and out, and they are amusing at times, in that they are VERY cryptic in what they are letting these three brothers know, in this book, anyway.

They are also, I think, tired. Having been doing this song and dance for EVER, there comes a time when anyone would say, enough is enough. I *think* this might be the case, although nothing is actually said here, it's just an impression I get.

I loved this book, I really did. Not quite a one sitting, cos, you know, a girl gotta sleep, but very nearly.

Both Clay and Dane have a say, although at first I thought it might just be Clay. You get all their interactions in the beginning, and what I really liked, when I realised Dane would get a say, was that we get all his fighting with himself. We get Clay's fighting with the beings, but it is Dane's fighting with himself, with his guilt and his feelings for his dead wife, and for Clay, that really make this book, for me anyway.

It's sexy, but its equally deadly. The fights are described in some detail, but I liked that.

I really like how this book lays most of it out for you, but I have a feeling there is MUCH we don't know yet. I really look forward to reading future books in this series!

5 very excited for the next book stars
    Learn French - Très Bien

    Learn French - Très Bien

    Education and Travel

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    TRÈS BIEN ® is the award-winning app that makes learning Francês simple and fun! Quickly learn...

A Note of Madness (Flynn Laukonen, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tabitha Suzuma is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors.

I didn't realise this was the first of two books, but it reads fine as a standalone novel anyway. I hadn't intended to read on, but I just love Suzuma's writing too much. I've reserved the next novel at the library.

I found this quite similar to Hurt in a couple of ways; firstly, the protagonist is a young male who is experiencing something very unpleasant but important to talk about. Instead of rape, as in Hurt, this time the topic is mental health. Flynn's got the whole world at his feet, but suddenly he's up all night composing or drowning himself in alcohol and aspirin. Everything feels wrong and he doesn't know why. His flatmate, Harry, calls Flynn's brother in to help. He's a doctor and soon realises Flynn needs proper help. After one incorrect diagnosis and several relapses, Flynn finally feels the world go back to normal.

Although the ending is typically "hopeful" (which you can only expect, really - it's not gonna be very helpful for kids to read stories where you never recover from your mental illness) it still manages to be realistic rather than overly positive and optimistic. For example, Flynn is offered a couple of amazing experiences in this book, the first of which he is determined to take. But he doesn't, because his health declines so much. I can tell you how horrible it is when you have your heart set on something but your mental health holds you back... Sometimes you just can't do it. Flynn's health gets so bad that his brother takes him away on the eve of his big concert (he's a music uni student).

There's also a romance line through this, which I gather will be furthered in the next book. Flynn doesn't pay much attention to it - doesn't even notice it - due to his condition, until it's too late and he's messed it up. Jennah is an old crush of his, recently parted from her boyfriend for a mysterious "other guy". Flynn just doesn't put 2 and 2 together, though, and assumes she could never love him because he's so hopeless and talentless and depressed. Things really get bad when they argue about it during one of Flynn's relapses, and she goes missing for the night. I must admit that I immediately feared the worst after what happened in Hurt, but it was eventually resolved. I am very interested in reading how Flynn's mental illness impacts his relationship in the future.

This is a great topic to address, especially in males. The episodes may be a little exaggerated but then I suppose that is how some people experience it. It's different for everyone. I really appreciate the age chosen, too, because people often forget that mental illnesses don't only develop when you're twelve or thirteen. 5 stars; a fantastic book and a fantastic author.
In Grimbaud, love is on everyone’s mind. From the annual ritual of getting a completely true love fortune from Zita’s charm shop to the statue of Love in the square, that is just about the only thing that matters in the town. This is great for those who have found their matches and live happily ever after. For those who are fated to be single forever, not so much. They quickly become the social outcasts in the town and join the Spinster and Bachelor villas.

For Fallon Dupree, a spinster fortune is just another reason that she’s an outcast in Grimbaud High School. With her parents and brother all strict inspectors in the clothing and restaurant department, Fallon leads a high quality life that quickly gets her branded as a snob. Not ready to give up on love quite yet, Fallon joins a rebellion to overthrow Zita’s charm shop and take back their own fortunes. Much to her surprise, so does her next door neighbor, Sebastion, who is also the high school’s heartbreaker.

Okay, if you’re following me on Twitter, then you already know I like this book. It’s adorable and sweet. I am a bit of a sucker for modern fairy tale towns like Grimbaud is. Fallon is a really good character, even though I don’t really like her parents. I mean really, controlling much? Her brother is pretty cool, though.

I actually like Sebastion’s character. Player love interests can either be complete jerks or be really hot, and Sebastion is definitely hot. Unlike the love interest in The Boy Next Door, the teen romance I’m reading now, Sebastion isn’t a complete douche to girls, even though he does date around. He is really funny and I like the chemistry between him and Fallon a lot.

What I didn’t like about this book was how a lot of them just gave up. I mean, if I was in the Spinster Villa, I would be over at the Bachelor Villa all the time. Even if it wasn’t true love, it would be nice to have a fling, right? They are all lonely. I can’t see the villas staying segregated because of a piece of ticker tape they got a few decades ago, even if the fortunes always come true. Worst case scenario there’s always friendship, right? And some of those love fortunes definitely didn’t have a life sentence. You will get a terrible rejection in the near future? That could have been my fortune in the sixth grade. Now I’m dating an incredibly sweet guy who loves me and is adorable and sexy. Too much of this town gave up way too quickly. At least Ms. Ward tried.

I still give this book four out of five stars. Romantics out there will definitely enjoy it, and every teenaged girl feeling unlucky in love should read it.
Endless (2020)
Endless (2020)
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Romance
The synopsis was suitably intriguing, but there's always a slight worry that a fantasy romance is going to be a little cheesy.

Riley and Chris are the definition of young love, their future together is almost certain, until a car accident takes Chris. But Chris isn't gone yet, he's stuck on Earth in limbo. When he finds he can communicate with Riley, their love lives on, but are the consequences of living this way a price they can pay?

So, Endless is exactly what it sounds like, ghost boyfriend hangs around living girlfriend and they learn things about themselves... because that's what these films do. The opening gives you the impression you're about to see the film love child of a Disney Channel Original movie and a Hallmark movie, and that's not far off what we get... except it probably could have done with a bit more humour injected into it, and maybe a smidge less drama.

Riley and Chris are our young leading duo, they're in love, they want their future to be together... and yet somehow he is baffled by her life choices with college. The opening of the film is a montage that shows this perfect couply life, and it's very much used to cover up the fact that the main bulk of the film skips over this development between them. That would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that our first big interaction with them is basically an argument about something that they would have already talked about had they been this couple we'd seen portrayed. So not only are we starting the film with a scenario that seems contrary to the life we're shown, but we're also confronted with hostility between them which gives us no chance to get to know either one and "be on their side" through the rest of the film.

I was astounded to see that this film is only 1 hour 35... I can already sense that many people will be making jokes about this film's title and the runtime (because I can't be the only one who feels things about this film), it really did feel longer so I can't blame them for it. That does also go some way to explain bits that seem to happen very suddenly, I'm not sure if they've written it this way or if it's been cut down, but it left me with an odd feeling at times.

When it comes to acting I'm having trouble separating it from the characters and the script. Many of the characters have such a swift change in emotion that I imagined someone behind the camera was shouting "Now you're angry!" at them randomly. No one seems to be immune, even DeRon Horton, who struck me as doing the best job of his piece, has a mad moment that didn't seem to fit with the character or the story.

Endless honestly seems to have a bit of an identity crisis, I couldn't see a clear goal for what the final product was trying to be. Was it the story of them as a couple? Was it the story of Chris coming to terms with his passing? Or was it the story of Riley finding herself and her passion through grief? It appeared to be all of those with varying importance throughout.

I'm aware I'm rambling a little at this point... I'll try to get a move on!

With Chris being dead they've decided they need to capture the spirit world on screen. It's certainly clear when this happens with its hazy glimmer, but I don't think they needed to do that at all, it's a little over the top. As is the addition of the traditional ghost-passing-through-things effect. That was indeed a little cheesy in this drama and is one of the main reasons I stated above that it could have embraced some more humour. Something that particularly bugged me with the effects though is the fact they paid money to give us a Snapchat filter but didn't pay someone to take out the sound of Chris and Jordan walking on gravel.

For all my griping though, I did find it an emotional watch, sadly that couldn't pull it back from the many problems I encountered along the way. An extra ten minutes to expand on their relationship would have helped it along a little, but I think its biggest problem is the inconsistency that plagues us throughout with the characters and the storylines.

Originally posted on:
Switched (Trylle, #1)
Amanda Hocking | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Switched</a>; - ★★★★★
#1 <a href="">Torn</a>; - Not Read Yet

<img src=""/>;

<b>Wendy Everly knew she was different the day her mother tried to kill her…</b>

Her mother told her she has been switched at birth. Unable to fit anywhere, bored and frustrated by her small-town life, she also has to hide her secret - the fact that she can somehow influence people’s decisions, without knowing how or why she does it.

When the dark and handsome Finn shows up at her bedroom window one night, her life changes forever! The secret she has been waiting for has finally been revealed. Finn holds the key to her past and has an answer to her strange ability. He is also about to introduce her to a place she never imagined could exist: Forening, the home of Trylle.

Among the Trylle she is not different, but she is special. But being special also brings danger wherever she goes and with everything around her being new, Finn is the only person she can trust. But will trusting him be enough to stay alive?

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<b><i>My Thoughts:</i></b>

I absolutely LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Switched, and I need to buy the second book in the series as soon as possible! 

Wendy is a girl that you immediately want to be friends with. Witty, honest and caring, willing to do everything for the people she loves - she is so precious and I wouldn’t let anyone touch her!

Finn - he is the fiction version of my boyfriend… Dark, handsome, brutally honest and his ego can sometimes get in the way. He is a tracker - and his job is to find other people like Wendy, who have special powers. Finn is a sort of a body-guard. And because Wendy is special and the future Queen, she cannot be with anyone that is not the same or similar rank as her. Which means that being with Finn is impossible.

<b>Not allowed.</b>

Frowned upon and could result in banishment for both. Loss of crown type of bad. 

From the first chapter I was into Wendy’s world and this book was so quick to read. I read it in less than a day and it felt too short! It’s a page-turner in every sense of the world. 

The world building as well as the Trylle people were quite interesting and unique. I also loved the fact that even though Wendy and Finn were amazing characters, we met so many other characters, who were also very well portrayed in their own way and all left a mark: Elora, Rhys, Matt, Tove, Rhiannon, Willa… All of them had their own uniqueness, and I can imagine how hard it can be to give life to so many characters in such a small book.

I rooted for Wendy and Finn’s romance, as you can imagine, and I have to say, I was a bit disappointed with the ending. However, I knew that was the right choice for Wendy at the time, and also, it left a great cliff-hanger for the second book, for me to read. I think that in the second book, a few old things will open up again and maybe, this time, the ending will go as I wanted it to go in the first book. 

<b><i>I recommend this book with all my heart to all of you that love fantasy and young-adult romance. You will read it fast and you will fall in love with it even faster. Switched is definitely a book I am adding to my favorites.</i></b>

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