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No Way Home (A Science Fiction Anthology)
Lucas Bale | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received [No Way Home] from author [Harry Manners] in exchange for a honest review. This collection of short stories with the theme of being stranded, in one way or another, was a thought provoking read.

[To Sing of Chaos and Eternal Night] by [Lucas Bale] took me a few days to get past the beginning. The concept of a soldier who has lost all being and is just thought sent to robotic bodies and told to fight the enemy was interesting. As I stated, unfortunately, it was a slow start but the ending was worth the read.

[XE, or People Are Strange] by [S. Elliot Brandis]gave a new meaning to getting away from it all. The main character, Bradley, volunteers to be put in a shuttle to find a new habitable plant. His mission is one way and he is to send a signal back to Earth if it is a safe place. Apparently, though, he is not the first, or only, person on the new planet. I really liked the twist in this story.

[Grist] by [J.S. Collyer] is a futuristic view where one entity has taken control and all others are forced to work for them, often underground. Wyatt was not born into this so he remembers fresh air and sun. He wants to escape and be free again. Just daring to think this way can be deadly and he must know who to trust. The question this story had me asking was what is life worth?

[Merely A Madness] by [S.W. Fairbrother] was one I was really excited to see in this collection because I had read [The Secret Dead] and loved it. [Merely A Madness] did not disappoint in anyway. Earth has become a hostile place but most people have escaped off planet. Hannah loves old earth and Mullen sets up a holiday because he aims to please. This would be like current day people going to a wild west ranch, real but not too real. Things go horribly wrong and Mullen must make a hard choice. This story was one of my favorites by far.

[Revolver] by [Michael Patrick Hicks] was the most overtly political and also one of the most enjoyable. The concept of reality TV and politics preying on the unfortunates is so scary because it is not far from our current reality. I really loved the statement made in this one.

[The Happy Place] by [Harry Manners] was a story of a dream gone horribly wrong. Michael has always dreamed of going to the stars and with his wife this dream becomes a reality as he is chosen to colonize Mars. Years later he realizes his dream may be a nightmare as he begins to lose everything he loves. The only thing that keeps him going is 'the Happy Place', a virtual reality of his memories from Earth, but keeping this secret from those he loves may cost him even more. This is the third work I have read from [Harry Manners] and I love how he handles loneliness and making hard decisions. His characters are always deeper than they first appear.

[Renata] by [Nadine Matheson] is a futuristic spy story wrapped in a mob hit with political intrigue. Yes, I enjoyed this one as well. Kaoru is an assassin who gets his assignments from his brother. His latest target is in the past. This is the assignment that may just kill him.

[Cold Witness] by [A.S. Sinclair] was a mental thriller. John Marshall is sent to check out an abandoned military complex that he is told little about. When he arrives there he hears rumors of strange things involving the final project at the base. Upon arrival he begins hallucinating and his memories begin to meld with others. The question of what is reality is constant throughout.

All the stories were well written and enjoyable. I also liked how each author wrote an "Afterword" that explained a little of how they came up with the concept they did. I recommend this to any fan of futuristic and science fiction.
Neptune's Tears (Timedance, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="Neptune's Tears by Susan Waggoner" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>.

Note: Formatting is lost due to copy and paste.

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> I received an ARC copy of the book from the publisher via Netgalley. My review is not influenced in any way.</i>

     In a futuristic London, England, seventeen-year-old Zee McAdams is an empath – a psychic healer – working at the Royal London Hospital. As an empath, she can't afford distractions getting in the way of her career, such as falling in love or even reading (oh, wait, reading? *squeak of horror*). But then she meets a cute patient who pretty much breaks down her wall of calm that she has earned throughout her career. During that time of anarchist bombings, Zee is also experiencing other psychic abilities relating to the bombings.

     As soon as the word "alien" appeared, I pretty much freaked out. I assumed it was going to be another I Am Number Four type of alien story where a mortal girl falls in love with super hot alien dude and it's forbidden but the alien dude hasn't told her the truth yet until something totally out of the ordinary happens and he has to tell her the truth (that was a mouthful... I think). Then when she finds out the truth, she doesn't freak out. It's pretty much, "Oh. Okay. You're an alien. Cool. I still like you, and we'll fight to the end, side by side." Not that I mind, really, but it's just the very fact that the mortal doesn't even have the slightest bit of panic.

     In this case, it's not exactly that type of alien story. It finally (FINALLY!) happens that someone actually seemed to panic and run off freaking out (er, more like a what-just-happened-I-don't-think-I-heard-right type of way) about an alien race merging with us fellow Earthlings. I was so happy to read that, having a slice of Dauntless cake right then and there would have been perfect timing.

      Zee's friend, Rani, is a fashionista, and a romantic. I find her to be a caring and supportive friend to Zee when she needs it. I also find that she's caring due to what she does for Zee near the end. I find it really sad, since Rani is actually one of my favorite characters in Neptune's Tears.

     Waggoner creates an amazingly exciting futuristic world with a lot of new technologies. The very fact that email is being used with a stick and that there's an interactive theater – along with many others – is truly amazing. I would love to live in that type of world and experience it one day.
This Mortal Coil
This Mortal Coil
Emily Suvada | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has held me hostage for 24hrs. That is how long it took me to read it, I could not put it down.
The story telling is on point, it is descriptive and flows really well. You are there with them, you're emotionally invested in these characters and I love the futuristic technology advanced aspect to this book.
Ironically I had just finished Dan Browns origin novel before starting the mortal coil (I don't want to give any spoilers but if anyone has read it you'll know why I mentioned it) but I was already in this mindset of what happens in the future? what will mankind invent next? Will technology become one with humans so we end up not being quite so human due to technology and this was a really awesome place to fast forward to from that thinking I had before I started reading this novel.
I don't want to give any spoilers about this book but it is full of drama, heartache, loneliness, love, acceptance and so much more. It's full of technology that I have absolutely no clue about and wouldn't know where to start but it doesn't alienate the readers who cannot code or have an understanding about coding or dna it is explained well and I just really loved reading this and cannot wait for the next book!!
Terminal Alliance
Terminal Alliance
Jim C. Hines | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
wit (1 more)
Creative Aliens
pronoun confusion (1 more)
ends too soon
After the humans became ravaged from a plague that reverted all human life to cannibalistic savages, the benevolent Krakau cured them, as best they could. No longer savages their presence is barely tolerated and seen as boogey men by other sentient species.
The crew of the EMCS Pufferfish suddenly revert back to this crazed feral state killing their command Krakau crew. the only ones not affected are Marion "Mops" Adamopoulos and her team of Hygiene and Sanitation specialists. Completely in over their heads this ragtag crew have to figure out how to fly the ship, what kind of bioweapon was used, who used it, and what they have to do to clean up someone else's mess. Their world will never be the same.
Jim C. Hines does a wonderful job of bringing this futuristic world to life. His wit and humor elevate the craziness of the situation wanting more and more. The alien species are spectacular in their creativity. Although, I would have liked to know that some of the alien species used certain pronouns earlier in the book. The Glacidae species are referred to in the plural Them/they. I took me forever to realize Grom was one "person". Just wait until you meet a Tjikko, talk about a confusion of pronouns. An extremely fun, quick, and action packed read.

Otway93 (567 KP) rated the PlayStation 3 version of Vanquish in Video Games

Jun 18, 2022  
Map and Scenery Design (2 more)
Character Design
Quality of Remaster
Repetitive (4 more)
Range of Weapons
Clichéd Storyline
Range of enemies
Short, clichéd and repetitive.
This one is especially difficult for me because I'm a bit of a superfan of the game's director, the legendary Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil, Dino Crisis etc.).

But this game was probably one of the shortest game's I've ever played, which is a ble ssing in a way as every mission is exactly the same. Each level basically has two objectives, which are:
1. Destroy all enemies.
2. Reach the destination.
That is literally it, absolutely nothing to make you think, just constantly shooting down an incredibly small variety of enemies, with an equally small variety of weapons.

The storyline itself is also very basic. Futuristic, typical Russian antagonist, typical chain-smoking macho protagonist, predictable twists at the end.

But every game does have it's positives. The quality of the PlayStation 4 remaster is outstanding, and feels like a new PS4 game. The design of everything in the game is also excellent, although the characters themselves are pretty run-of-the-mill, their designs are somewhat unique and look great. The same can be said for the design of the the map and scenery.

Overall, a great looking game, that's let down terribly by the gameplay.

Sorry, Shinji, still love you!
The Passengers
The Passengers
John Marrs | 2019 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant.. Unique. Futuristic.
OMG! It’s been a while since I read a five star book! This was amazing. Absolutely loved it. A must read. I devoured it. A fast paced, page turner of a read that you won’t be able to put down. It will be all you think about.

Set in the future, driverless cars! One dark, twisted, disturbed and clever hacker messing with peoples lives and minds… Brilliantly written. A unique story, I can safely say I have not read anything like this before and was hooked, its different. One of a kind. I think I’d be against driverless cars myself if it ever came to it.

I felt so sorry for Libby caught in the middle of it all, made worse by the fact she knows one of the passengers. I must state that Jack’s character was a bit of a douche (being polite).

The book also links to social media and how people (most of us) put that before our actual actions, thoughts and feelings. Anyone can hide behind a screen which is sad and join in with these sick games… If this happened in real life you just wouldn’t would you? Well I guess there will always be a few who do. Eye opening. Shocking.

A well deserved five stars, highly recommend! A must buy. A must read. Will be going into my top twenty of 2019. Unforgettable.

Sarah (7798 KP) created a post

Feb 4, 2020  
Last night I went to watch We Will Rock You at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, and I had such a fantastic night.

It really is a genius marketing idea to announce a tour of this show not long after the release of the hugely successful Bohemian Rhapsody film. And boy is it a good show. I knew nothing about this other than it was Queen music, and I'm not sure what I had been expecting from the actual story but this wasn't it! The plot centres around a futuristic world where rock music is banned, and whilst the actual story element isn't particularly strong, it more than makes up for this by being downright hilarious. You can tell this is a Ben Elton written musical. The script is so funny and clever, and I love how it's obviously been updated over the years to still be relevant with modern pop culture. The acting and singing too are very strong. The two leads have stunning voices and whilst Ian McIntosh isn't quite Freddie, he still has an amazing voice. Although for me the two standouts were Adam Strong as Khashoggi (who really needed even more stage time) and Michael McKell as Buddy. McKell especially was amazing, really embracing the camp Jack Sparrow-esque Buddy and bringing the house down with his delivery on the jokes.

Whilst the plot may not be the strongest, this more than makes up for it in sheer fun and entertainment. 9/10
Paradise Hills (2019)
Paradise Hills (2019)
2019 | Drama, Fantasy
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Netflix original.....
Honestly didn't expect the film to be as good as it was, I couldn't stop watching and wondering what the resort was all about, and when you finally learn the unpredictable truth it had me shocked.

Story about young ladies who don't always see eye to eye with everyone, who make their own choices in life but those choices are not respected and they go to paradise to learn to be a lady. It seems harmless at first until things slowly unravel and you learn the unspeakable truth about how these girls become the perfect women.

SPOILER ALERT...........

I don't quite understand after watching so many films like this why they tried at the very beginning to make it so futuristic to then go on to be a perfectly good film with nothing that hasn't been done already. The next part I didn't like was the duchess 'Milla Jovovich' through the film you can see she has weird moments and the final scene you see her in all her power and her true nature, I just didn't like the fact you didn't find out more, why she was the way she was, what made her that way. Apart from these two parts it's an all-round good film with actresses I have enjoyed in plenty of other movies and definitely worth the watch!!

Enjoy, I would love to hear someone else's views.......
We Will Rock You
We Will Rock You
2002 | Musical
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Show Rating
I went to watch We Will Rock You at the Palace Theatre in Manchester back in February, and I had such a fantastic night.

It really is a genius marketing idea to announce a tour of this show not long after the release of the hugely successful Bohemian Rhapsody film. And boy is it a good show. I knew nothing about this other than it was Queen music, and I'm not sure what I had been expecting from the actual story but this wasn't it! The plot centres around a futuristic world where rock music is banned, and whilst the actual story element isn't particularly strong, it more than makes up for this by being downright hilarious. You can tell this is a Ben Elton written musical. The script is so funny and clever, and I love how it's obviously been updated over the years to still be relevant with modern pop culture. The acting and singing too are very strong. The two leads have stunning voices and whilst Ian McIntosh isn't quite Freddie, he still has an amazing voice. Although for me the two standouts were Adam Strong as Khashoggi (who really needed even more stage time) and Michael McKell as Buddy. McKell especially was amazing, really embracing the camp Jack Sparrow-esque Buddy and bringing the house down with his delivery on the jokes.

Whilst the plot may not be the strongest, this more than makes up for it in sheer fun and entertainment.
Gathering Frost (Once Upon a Curse, #1)
Gathering Frost (Once Upon a Curse, #1)
Kaitlyn Davis | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Congratulations, Kaitlyn Davis. I've found my favorite Sleeping Beauty retelling (for now) – FINALLY! (Because a lot of the other retellings I've come across have been Sleeping Beauty, and I've managed to not get along with them.)

The first book in the <i>Once Upon a Curse</i> series is <b>set up in a futuristic New York where two worlds merged as one in an earthquake</b> when Jade was younger. Years later, Jade lives in a world where a queen strips all of the inhabitants' emotions away, leaving them with no emotion. When she comes across the queen's lost son, Prince Asher, the queen sets her on a mission to be captured and trusted by the prince, eventually betraying and returning him back to the queen.

<b>There's something I really liked about <i>Gathering Frost</i> – something that Davis did here that wasn't done in other Sleeping Beauty retellings.</b> I enjoyed the futuristic world Davis creates – two worlds, one of them believed to be parallel to Earth, being merged together and a queen who takes away all emotions from her people, along with the ability to control them. Somehow, throughout all of that, <b>Davis weaves in a bit of Sleeping Beauty and make her own fairytale world as well</b> – I really liked the addition of Jade coming across the original story while staying in the rebel camp.

There's also <b>something about Davis' writing style that I really enjoyed</b>, despite the fact there were a few moments where I started questioning the grammar, or there were commas where there really shouldn't have been any commas, or there were commas thrown in when the sentence would have worked so much better as two sentences. There were some parts that were <b>just written beautifully and flowed together extremely well</b> (read: the beauty of parallel structure).

I honestly can't say too much about the characters, particularly in Jade's case. Since her emotions have been taken away by the queen, <b>it was only natural for Jade to be depicted as a cold, detached, statuesque character and focus mainly on her surroundings.</b> As Jade spends more time in the rebel camp, though, <b>she slowly starts to develop emotions and feelings, and Jade's focus seems to balance out a little with her surroundings, her past, and her newly developed emotions.</b>

With a hint on what the sequel will probably be about, Davis doesn't actually leave us on a major cliffhanger. Instead, she seems to be conveying that <b>Jade's and Asher's story definitely won't be ending with <i>Gathering Frost</i></b> – they're more than likely to appear in the second book, and I can't wait to see what Davis comes up with for her retelling of <i>Beauty and the Beast</i>.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>