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Young Jean Lee recommended Solaris (1972) in Movies (curated)

Solaris (1972)
Solaris (1972)
1972 | Sci-Fi

"My favorite Tarkovksy film is Stalker, and it would have been number two on my list if it were part of the Criterion Collection. But Solaris is great, too. Its main characters have no qualities that interest me, and some elements in the film seem purposely absurd. The clumsy pseudo-scientific dialogue, for example, or Kelvin’s ridiculous “futuristic” outfit with its unflattering yellow mesh shirt. And yet somehow I find myself absorbed into the world of these people I don’t want to care about. The images and pacing have a hypnotic effect that causes me to be like, “Oh no, Kelvin feels bad!” even though I don’t like Kelvin. You know that old saying about how a good actor can read the phone book and make it sound interesting? I feel like Tarkovsky could make a compelling film out of the phone book."

Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2
Mechanics (1 more)
Stand by for Titanfall
When the first Titanfall game was released, I wasn't interested as it was an online only Xbox One exclusive. Then when it was announced that the sequel would have a campaign and would come to PS4, my interest was peaked.
Titanfall 2 wasn't what I was expecting, it's a weird blend of futuristic shooting games like Infinite Warfare and a weird anime. It feels a lot like a third party game from the PS2 era and that's not an insult, it's actually a compliment.
In the current landscape of high end, AAA games and low budget indies, it's nice to get something in-between. A fully realised 3D FPS that isn't afraid to be quirky and try something different. Although it may not be for everyone, it is definitely worth picking up and playing through at budget price.

Tayla (27 KP) rated Warcross in Books

Jun 19, 2018  
Marie Lu | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relatable Main Character (1 more)
Quick Listen
Unrealistic Relationship (0 more)
Fun Futuristic Story
I listened to Warcross on Audible instead of reading it, so I am reviewing based on that:

Warcross is an extremely fun, fast paced book with a lot of action. I immediately felt connected with Emika Chen as I can remember being so poor I was living off ramen trying to figure out how to make more money. As I understood more about Warcross the game, I couldn't help but wonder how close we are to this type of technology. I also couldn't help but think of how similar this is to Ready Player One in the sense that it is all virtual reality. The added hacker aspect was pretty intriguing, however. It also loosely reminded me of 50 Shade of Grey, minus the sex scenes. The relationship between Emika and Hideo, the billionaire, seems unrealistic.

David Schwartz recommended Videodrome (1983) in Movies (curated)

Videodrome (1983)
Videodrome (1983)
1983 | Horror, Sci-Fi

"David Cronenberg’s reflexive masterpiece of modern horror, with James Woods as a seedy purveyor of soft-core exploitation for cable TV, and Debbie Harry as his siren, brought the media-as-message theories of fellow Torontonian Marshall McLuhan to visceral life. This was one of the first movies I rented on VHS, and Videodrome is partly an exploration of the strange, clunky physical sensation attached to the idea of a feature film being available on a paperback-size plastic-and-tape cassette that is inserted into a machine . . . and our brains. A quarter century later, Cronenberg’s dazzling vision of a world where image and flesh are one—“long live the new flesh”—Videodrome’s futuristic vision is timelier than ever. And above all that, the movie is sexy, smart, funny, and fascinating, moving adeptly between its layers of reality, imagination, and that vast territory in between."
