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    Frasi per ogni OCCASIONE

    Frasi per ogni OCCASIONE

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The Guilty Dead
The Guilty Dead
P.J. Tracy | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not what I expected
I have read a few novels now by P.J. Tracy, and they have always kept me captivated. I really struggled to maintain my interest whilst reading The Guilty Dead. Perhaps because it didn’t feature the Monkeewrench crew as the main focus, and instead focussed on homicide detectives Gino and Magozzi... or maybe it was the spotty storyline. One thing is for sure is that it wasn’t the most enjoyable read for me.
I found that the storyline jumped all over the place, featured chapters of text that weren’t really needed for the main storyline, and disappeared on tangents.
I did however enjoy the further development of the characters featured, how they are entangled with one another, and discovering some depth in them and their relationships.
Overall a disappointing and somewhat predictable read for me.


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