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The Vikings (1958)
The Vikings (1958)
1958 | Action, Classics, Drama
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Slim-line Hollywood epic is strong on rousing action, less so on historical authenticity. Separated-long-before-birth siblings Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis rip chunks out of each other while drinking, raiding, pillaging and taking an interest in Janet Leigh.

Basically the silliest sort of Hollywood camp, with dialogue like 'Love and hate are two horns on the same goat!', but the photography and score do occasionally combine to produce something rather stirring. It occasionally has a rather harder, darker edge than you'd expect (there's quite a lot of mutilation in the script), but not that much more than Ben Hur. The combined wattage of the various stars keeps it watchably entertaining.
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
2018 | Card Game, Party Game, Real-time
Fast paced (2 more)
Fun for family game night
Fun for a party game
Hands can hurt after slapping so many times (1 more)
Some people slap card too hard
Picked this up for my daughter. It is like Slap Jack, but you have to repeat taco, cat, goat, cheese, pizza in order as each player flips a card. If you flip the card that matches your word, everyone slaps the card pile, with the last person slapping taking the card pile. There are three action cards that require you to complete an action before you can slap the card. We had a lot of fun playing it for family game night, though our hands were all a little sore by the time we called it quits.

Tarsem Singh recommended Mirror (1975) in Movies (curated)

Mirror (1975)
Mirror (1975)
1975 | Biography, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This used to get me when I was in college. I haven’t watched [Tarkovsky’s] films for years now, but they really got my goat. I did not understand anything. I just watched it, and I used to have a visceral reaction with them. And I haven’t seen them for about 20 years, but any of his [would make the list]. I think The Mirror, or even The Sacrifice, or Nostalghia — any one of those just blew my rocks off. Somebody like Polanski, he does a film with the devil or he does a thriller and his DNA is all over it. So when I look at the Tarkovsky films I just think like I could interchange all of them and watch them, each one of them just shook my world."
