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Dana (24 KP) rated China Men in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
China Men
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was very interesting to read. As a memoir, it was great to be able to see into the author and her family's life. I had to read this book for one of my college courses and it has been very eye-opening to see what these people had to go through, not through the history books, the laws, or even the movies that have come out about the Chinese Americans. This very honest representation of their lives was well written and full of information. There were many things that I had learned differently or, in some cases, didn't even learn in my classes until now. It was all just swept under the rug by the writers of history

This book is set up with short vignettes that break up six other stories of, mainly, the men in Maxine Hong Kingston's family. It shows the struggle of Chinese-Americans in their immigration and their becoming American citizens when they first got here. The story touches a lot on the racism that they encountered as well. When there were stereotypes, Kingston was able to spin them to give them a sort of double-consciousness. There was the negative stereotyped version, then there was also the positive version.

This was a very interesting, and eye-opening book. If you want to learn more about the Chinese American history, pick this book up.
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Gal Gadot is great (1 more)
Chris Pine is great too
Boring (3 more)
Main villain is horrible
Story is terrible
Low on action
Wonder why it's such a hit.
After seeing Wonder Woman in what was the best part of the Batman/Superman movie, I was all pumped to see her in her own film. Unfortunately, DC is just not very good with superhero movies. And Wonder Woman is no exception. People were somehow blown away by Wonder Woman & I strain my brain trying to think why. It is boring. Very boring. So boring I was wishing that Superman would appear to fight Batman in the movie. Yes, that boring. I found myself not caring for anyone in the movie, WW included. Although she was great in the role, the character itself was uninteresting. Hell, we don't even see Wonder Woman until an hour into the movie & then it's a 2 minute action scene. Granted, that 2 minutes in awesome, but I can watch that on Youtube, and I would even put up with the 1 minute Youtube commercial just to see it. But the main problem of the movie is the story. The villain & his plot, which I couldn't remember what it was about if I wanted to. A very forgetful climax scene & we got a total mess.
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Tilly (2 more)
Other world episodes
Klingon having cloaking tech (0 more)
You have to take it as it own seprate series else your not giving it a chance
I actually really enjoy this series but can see why some might not. To be fair any time you say Jason Isaccs I'm sold so this was a no brainer for me. The first episode i had several problems with mainly because i couldn't separate the old star trek series to this and there are a lot of inconsistencies. However once i got over myself and said okay don't focus on the fact that klingons should not have cloaking technology i actually started to love. the show, Tilly is by far my favorite characters and i keep telling my friend if she doesn't cos play other world Tilly at comic con I'm so dis owning her. ( Im only half joking when i say it)

I love the other world episode where human are out to destroy every other species lets face it the state of the planet today were more likely to be like this that accepting of every race i mean there are a lot of people who aren't accepting of people on our planet why should the universe be any different. It also just a great plot devise.

HLD (99 KP) rated Samsung Galaxy S9 in Tech

Jun 13, 2018  
Samsung Galaxy S9
Samsung Galaxy S9
Phones & Accessories > Phones
Screen resolution is top notch - just remember to change it from the factory default (4 more)
Curved screen took a while to get used to, but is lovely and useful
The camera is sublime
Finger print scanner is in a great position
The sound quality is quite good. The dolby surround sound option makes playing games on it really fun
Battery life could be improved. But I run everything I can on normal/high settings (2 more)
Going from a larger phone to the standard S9 is taking some getting used to. Constant mistyping plagues my conversations
Bixby button - Why?!
An absolute beaut of a phone
The phone I had before was the oneplus 3T, which I was thoroughly happy with. I only upgraded because I got a discount through my work. Although, I am glad I did. It's faster, smoother, the quality of the display is superb, and most functionality that you aren't happy with you can change!

You will curse that Bixby button, however. I suggest downloading a third party app that either disables the button, or enables you to change the functionality.

If you enjoy gaming on your phone, the S9 will run anything nicely. The S9 plus does have more RAM, bigger screen, and second camera, so if that's what you're interested in, then maybe shell out the few extra bucks for the larger phone.
Little Concepts: ABC French: Take a fun journey through the alphabet and learn some French! by Daniel Roode is an alphabet book introducing mostly animal nouns A-Z based on their French words with the English noun below. 

The illustrations are brightly colored and in a cartoon-like style kids should enjoy. This is a fairly good intro to French vocabulary. I say only fairly good because not all of the animals have their article before them and in French you've got to know if it is le or la to say it correctly. The description says there is a pronunciation guide, but it was not included in the preview so I can't comment on it. In addition, the pages for letters I, J, K, M, Q, R, V,W,X, and Y were also not included. I hope that this gets fixed before it is published; otherwise, it is a great introduction book to French.

If you're looking for a foreign language picture book or a different kind of alphabet book, this is a visually attractive option. I would love to have this added to my classroom/ school library. 

I received this ARC from Quarto Publishing Group – Walter Foster, Jr. via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

I give this book 3.5/5 stars. If it was not missing pages or information it would receive 5/5 stars.
Beloved Lives
Beloved Lives
Marilyn J. Evans | 2018 | Paranormal, Thriller
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite work for me
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And I gotta be honest here, it was very touch and go whether I would actually finish this!

The story tells of April, and Mitch and Weston. April only has her say here, and I would probably have enjoyed in more if the guys had had a say.

April and Winston have history, ancient history. And through time, they have, according to Weston, found each other and lived long and happy lives. But something doesn't ring true for April and she uses Mitch skill at hypnotherapy and past life regression to finally get some answers.

Like I said, touch and go for a while. I got way past half way, and I still wasn't able to figure out what was going on, and where this was going. But I kept at it, hoping it would make sense at some point. It did, but only once it was all revealed in the book.

It's not overly explicit, but there is some violence when they talk about how it all began. It's well written and I saw no editing or spelling errors.

It just didn't work for me.

But for a first time author, well done.

3 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
When Katie Met Cassidy
When Katie Met Cassidy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was excited when I found out I won an advanced copy of this book - I tend to read a lot of the same books and I try to step out of my bubble and read things I normally would not have heard of - and I find myself usually really glad that I did!

I hadn't read The Assistants, by Camille Perri, but it's definitely on my TBR list. This one sounded interesting and it was definitely a great story. I do think it got a little boring in parts, and the character development was pretty lacking.

Katie is fresh off a pretty major breakup with her fiancé when into her shambled life walks Cassidy. The attraction is almost instant for Cassidy and quickly follows with Katie, although pretty confused about her feelings, the story goes on to see how things all fall into place, or fall apart - all while still reeling from a devastating split from a man, and a life she thought she knew and fit into all so well.

I found some things a bit unbelievable and had a hard time taking the attraction between Katie and Cassidy seriously. I'm not sure what sparked it between them - I found it a bit far-fetched, but it was a fun quick read and overall that's fine by me!
Furyborn: Empirium Trilogy Book 1
Furyborn: Empirium Trilogy Book 1
Claire Legrand | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I saw this book on Netgalley, I knew I had to read it. The description grabbed me & it sounded like a book that I would fall in love with. Once I finally found time to read the book it grabbed my attention. Unfortunately, I wound out of time to physically read the book so I ended up buying the audiobook. When I first listened to the narrator's voice I was hesitant but by the end I loved it. Fiona Hardingham (Narrator)just added a little bit more to the story. I was so glad that I switched to audiobook that I think it added a half star to my rating.

My rating would be a 4.5 but since I cannot do a half star I'm going to round up to 5. The plot was fascinating and I loved all of the characters that I read. This book was jam packed with action, swoon worthy heroes, and some really powerful women. I loved that Rielle & Eliana had their flaws and I loved that we got to know them on a fundemental level. It was fun to see the growth in them.

All in all, I really liked this story. I probably wouldn't consider it young adult though. I think it belongs in the adult fantasy section.

Holly (1 KP) rated Pestilence in Books

Jul 17, 2018  
Laura Thalassa | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grey morality (2 more)
Narrative voice
Provoked tears
The cover makes it seem like a dime a dozen romance (1 more)
Never addressed possible Stockholm syndrome
I downloaded this book to my kindle thinking it would be a quick mindless read for my daily commute.

It was not.

This is as a book that moved me to tears on said bus, hoping no one would see me and think I was crazy.

The author has created a world in which you find yourself torn between hating and caring for a mass murderer. She uses the idea of the Four Horseman to highlight both the redeemable and the irredeemable facets of humanity. The writing was very enjoyable, and overall this was a great read possibly because I was expecting a trashy romance and instead got death and disease.

There is still romance in the plot, but I’m on the fence about how about it. If you have an issue with overly possessive men who have no boundaries or idea of how much the human body can take, then I wouldn’t recommend it. I also feel as thoug Stockholm night play a lot in the heroines eventual love of Pestilence m, but it was never addressed or even hinted at.

If your looking for a slow burn romance, without the fluff, full of angst and darkness this is definitely worth a go.
Dark Return (Leine Basso #6)
Dark Return (Leine Basso #6)
D.V. Berkom | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once again, D V Berkom writes a brilliant, fast-paced, thrilling read with a very strong female lead character in Leine Basso but she is not the star of the book in my humble opinion ... that would be Jinn, the little streetwise girl Leine saves from being murdered. What a star she is and I was as much enthralled by her story as I was with Leine's.

This book has it all ... action, murder, double-crossing, human trafficking, terrorism, espionage, intrigue, surprises, tension ... you name it, it's got it and all wrapped up in a well-written, fast-paced story that is not beyond the realms of possibility.

This is part of a series but, I feel, holds up extremely well as a stand-alone. There are recurring characters but the author has the ability to provide just enough information so you don't get lost but not so much that it detracts from the current story.

I received a copy of this book direct from the author which in no way influenced my review in any way shape or form and I would happily recommend this and any of D V Berkom's books especially if you are fed up with the usual male lead characters that most books of this genre seem to have ... you won't be disappointed.