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Dinosaur Island
Dinosaur Island
2017 | Dice Game, Economic
Fun and dynamic board game. (0 more)
Hard to fit it all back into the box and takes a while to set up (0 more)
Totally worth it!
I bought this game for my fiance after much deliberation due to the price. I got this and the expansion. I was a bit sceptical to start off with as it looked over complicated however once I started playing, it all made sense and now I love this game! It flows brilliantly and the goal is well established.
It has 3 game stages you can choose depending on the amount of time you want to be playing.. short, medium and long game play which is great for when you can't be stuck playing for hours.

The aim of the game is to build a dinosaur island park with different dinosaurs and attractions within it. You gain excitement points for each dinosaur you add which increases the amount of visitors you can have per round. You also gain Victory points for every visitor who you manage not to get eaten!

The game pieces are all really well made and easy to use. It is difficult to fit back into the box but I see it as a mini tetris bonus game each time!

Well worth investing in this game as it can and will bring hours of fun and excitement.
Frostfire (Kyndred, #3)
Lynn Viehl | 2011
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is, for me, by far the weakest book of the 3. I'm glad I've got it but it will be a while before I read this one again.

Lilah can 'speak' to the animals but suddenly, she can understand human thoughts too. Their powers were also unexplained, the descriptions between them often refers to heat and then his ice cold (the Frostfire of the title presumably) but this is again, never explained. Why can she do things with him and not by herself? The connection is never explained and so lost in the story. Her counterpart in this is a question mark in himself. Who is he? What's his past? Why are the Darkyn after him? Who the hero turns out to be is meaningless if you have not read Darkyn books and even then, as he is so characterless, it does not tie in at all with the earlier story. And how he is turned/not turned is not revealed at all.

There is a lot in this relatively small book but too confusing to be enjoyed. Maybe it will make more sense of a second reading but a really good book should pull the reader back a second time to appreciate the layers, not to simply understand what went on in the first place.
Double Negative
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Xpresso Book Tours as part of their blog tour, in return for a fair and honest review.

Wow, this book packs a punch in more ways than one. It is tough and gritty and doesn't spare your feelings as you read through. You will be neck deep in teenage angst, abuse, drugs, body issues, bullying but also friendships, teamwork and mentorship. This book covers it all and in such a way that you won't be able to stop turning the pages. You will need to read "just a little bit more."

One thing I will say is that I actually found it quite hard to read at the beginning before I got used to Hutch's 'voice'. I actually found it quite painful which is funny when you're not actually reading it. I was very pleased with him as he started to correct his grammar!

As he changes his attitude and takes up 'swimming', I found the book progressed in a wonderful and heartwarming way. His relationship with Maggie in particular brought a tear to my eye on more than one occasion.

I thought the whole book dealt with subjects usually swept under the carpet and in a rough, in your face, dignified and respectful manner. Does that sentence not make sense to you? Read Double Negative and it will make perfect sense!
A Game of Thrones
A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (87 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Game of Thrones is one of the biggest success stories in my homeland of Northern Ireland, with many of our locations used in the HBO drama series.

Despite that, and despite knowing various people who are either directly involved (as extras) or peripherally involved (costumers) in the filming of the series, I've never actually seen a single episode of it.

Similarly, I (thought) I hadn't read any of the books in the series until I finally got round to reading this one, and realised not that far into it that, actually, yes, I had read it before - it just didn't really *stick* all that much with me (never a good sign).

Nevertheless, I still made it the entire way through the novel, which is told from a different character's perspective chapter about. As a result (I felt) the book feels somewhat fractured: just as
you're getting used to a particular narrator and their perspective, it's over to someone else ...

If I'm honest, there were also times when I felt like skipping chapters and sections of the book (those dealing with Sansa in particular), with not all the plot threads as gripping as each other.

The acid test of the novel? Would it make me more likely to hunt out and watch the TV series? Sadly, the answer is 'No, not really'.

David McK (3248 KP) rated Stardust in Books

Jan 30, 2019 (Updated Apr 30, 2021)  
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
My first exposure to Neil Gaiman was when he co-wrote Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch with Terry Pratchett.

This, I believe, was the first of his solo novels that I read.

Circa 2006, not all that long before the movie on which it is based came out.

It was also a, how do we put this?, 'normal' prose novel: not a graphic novel; nor even an illustrated novel (as this is). Indeed, I didn't even know at first that the prose version which I read had previously been issued as an illustrated novel, until I saw it mentioned 'based on the work by Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' at the end of the movie.

It then took me approximately a good decade or so before I finally got round to actually reading that version of the work, when I came across it on sale via Comixology. And, I have to say, the illustrations do add a certain Je Ne Sais Quoi to the work: a work which, while the main beats may be familiar to the reader from the movie version, is also very much its own thing and which includes elements not in said movie (Tristran’s wider family, for one, or even the much sadder ending in this)
Thin Air (Weather Warden, #6)
Rachel Caine | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Picking up almost exactly from where Firestorm left off, this novel starts with Joanne Baldwin waking up naked and freezing cold in a forest with no idea of who she is, or how she got there.

In other words, the good old amnesia plot.

As the novel progresses, Joanne must (re)learn how to use her powers, as well as struggling with the emergence of a new (to her) power, and with trying to reconnect with her past life. Alongside this, further insight is given into the state of affairs in ther Djinn 'nation' (is that the right word?), and we finally see a culmination to what has been brewing in the last couple of novels regarding Demons.

With all that in mind, and despite the fact that amnesia, in many ways, could provide a 'clean slate', this is definitely NOT a good chocie to enter the series on, with recurring characters and references to previous events (even if Joanne can't remember them, the people bringing them up can). For a change, this novel also does have an ending in its own right - indeed, it could be viewed as ending the plot strands introduced over the last 2 or 3 books in the series - while also leaving scope for more novels to be set in the same world with the same characters.
Six of Crows
Six of Crows
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (45 Ratings)
Book Rating
New Verisom of Sherlock Holmes
Where do I start? Before I read Six Of Crow there was a trilogy before it. And I read it before Six Of Crow came out so when I got my hands on it. I already knew about the world the setting took place. And I recommend anyone to read the trilogy FIRST has there are people, and inside jokes you will miss if you don't but nothing major or important.

But Six Of Crow it self. Was a fanominal book, it was new and different, and there was twist in it I didn't see coming. Six Of Crow left a mark on me where I put it in my Jewel Collection. Kaz is an choas Sherlock Holmes, he dosen't help if there isn't anything in it for him. His gang all have different personalities and back stories. They each add a new element to the story, you get to know them like friends. I don't think there is a si gle thing Leigh could have done to make this story any better. I couldn't put the book down, I wanted to know what would happen. Also there are some good lessons you could learn for it.

I highly highly recommend this book to anyone willing to expand their taste in genre.
The Haunting Of Hillwood Farm
The Haunting Of Hillwood Farm
Kathryn Knight | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There seems to be a haunting at the Hillwood farm, but maybe there are two hauntings? No one knows why there a mean one or violent ghost? Alice is be attacked but also be helped by her husband Henry? It gets so bad that Callie is called in to help?

Luke seem to no want to believe that there are ghosts? You will be surprised as the event continue to happen when Luke and Callie are together and when they are apart? One is trying to get warn and one is about danger?

We get everything the author wants in a story. We get hauntings and the paranormal effect and along with it we get a romance that blooms. Whether this is the author intent or not, does not matter as it seem to just happen.

The plot is done well. I loved it. It one that got my attention as I was reading. I wanted to know who the ghosts were. Especially the one that was haunting the Turners and Callie? This is answered at the end. The reason for two ghost and who was who is revealed. One was protecting and the was hurtful? We find out why it happen as well. If you are into hauntings or ghosts or even paranormal aspect in the book this one is good.
Rookie Privateer (Privateer Tales #1)
Rookie Privateer (Privateer Tales #1)
Jamie McFarlane | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you are looking for a good space adventure. Rookie Privateer is one for those young adults to teens. It about a group of kids. Well one teen that is looking for his future. He is currently stuck working with his father. He know not much to making money.

He seem to attract attention when something happens when he with is friends. What happens then goes not to be an adventure for him and his friend. Liam want freedom will get it? His friend Nick is set up for life. They are becoming Earth Mars Citizens. Someone or something is attacking their home. Will Liam reach the stars or will he not. He and Nick will they find out what the real world has to offer. Things begin to change and it changes them as well.

Find out how this book end. The authors does really well on the plot of this story. It bring you along for the ride. I could not stop reading and wanted more. What will happen to Nick James and Liam Hoffen? I hope to find out more by reading the next book. I just got to find out when it will be out. Great for teens and young adult readers. If you are into space or thrillers this really good for you as well.
The Nun (2018)
The Nun (2018)
2018 | Horror
So often now the theater experience gets ruined with people talking or on their phone, but tonight was a great experience, and nights like tonight, are the reason why I keep going. Whether it was slip of tongue or said on purpose I don't know, but the guy who checked my ticket at the theater said, "Good luck" as he directed me to my screen. And before even touching on the movie, which was amazing, I got super excited seeing the new Halloween trailer on the big screen for the first time; perfect mood setter leading into the movie. Couldn't have asked for a better group of people to watch a movie with tonight. No talking, no bright lights of cell phones, just the sound of chuckles during the few funny lines and the occasional jump and slight screech of a few.

Now, to the movie. There have been some great horror movies in recent years and this one is right up there with the best of them. The Nun was so well done! Set in Romania during the early 50's, it just had that classic horror movie feel to it. I'll finish by decribing and praising it like this, it felt like if The Exorcist was made by Universal back in the 30's/40's era then the result would've been The Nun.