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Jeff Lynne recommended Please Please Me by The Beatles in Music (curated)

Please Please Me by The Beatles
Please Please Me by The Beatles
1963 | Pop, Rock
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Oh, this is brilliant! And the sound George Martin got on it! I love the opening drumbeat and the bleed with all the drums leaking onto the guitar mics and sometimes onto the vocals if they did the whole track live. The sound of it, to me, was real, raw excitement. They were a great group, they really were. From their days in Hamburg, they were so tight and on that record it really shows how brilliant they were. I think ‘I Saw Her Standing There’ was probably the greatest ever English rock’n’roll song. I would imagine that it’s a good as any old American rock’n’roll song, like the real thing. The real stuff. As good as a Chuck Berry tune or something. It was as solid as anything I’d ever heard or better. With the rock’n’roll records I’d started playing a bit by then – not bad, but a bit – and this song was nice and simple but don’t let that simplicity fool you. Some of the hardest stuff to do is the simple stuff, to make it effective and make it real and make it worthwhile. I thought it was unbelievable and I still do. Today, I still think, ""how the fuck did you do that""? It was like giving it back to the Americans: ""'ere y'are – we can do this as well!""

Greatest Hits by Culture Club
Greatest Hits by Culture Club
2005 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"What I love about Culture Club is how they took inspiration from reggae and made it into this beautiful pop that didn’t sound like much else at the time. Boy George was one of the first pop stars to come out and showcase that side of himself publicly, and in a time when it was more frowned upon than it is now. He’s always been so outspoken too, which is incredible. “I got the opportunity to meet him when he was a judge on The Voice Australia and to work with one of the artists that he mentored, Sheldon Riley. He auditioned with ‘Do You Really Want to Hurt Me’, but it was a really dramatic version of the song - it was so powerful. It was really encouraging to see Boy George work with an artist who chose one of his songs to cover, which would be a challenge for a lot of people. “Boy George is such a great frontman, with all his flamboyance - his outfits and his makeup. I would be jealous sometimes when I would walk in the room and be like, “Man, who made that?” and he would say, “Oh I made this outfit”’ And the fact that he’s still doing it and works so hard, I have the utmost respect for that."


Moby recommended What's This For? by Killing Joke in Music (curated)

What's This For? by Killing Joke
What's This For? by Killing Joke
2005 | Alternative, Pop, Punk, Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember hearing 'Requiem' on college radio, and it really combined all of my favourite things - it had synths on it, really heavy distorted guitars, tribal drums, this crazy jazz drummer and punk rock vocals. The first album is great, but What's This For is one of those rare albums where the second is actually better. I remember when it came out I went to the record store the week of release, though I couldn't afford to buy it, and looking at the cover and how beautiful it was. It was this collage, with these psychedelic, apocalyptic colours, and the title is one of those great titles where it meant nothing but it was captivating. What are they asking, I don't understand. Standing in the record store, holding this piece of vinyl, hoping that one day I'd be able to buy it... when I finally got it home, the sound quality was even better than the first album, and it just had this sinewy darkness to it that was really amazing. Everything about them from the basslines to the drumming to the way they approach guitar and lyrics... it was the first time I'd ever heard really heavy distorted guitar that the way they were mixed they didn't dominate the music, the fit perfectly within the framework of the song."


Thundercat recommended Journey to Love by Stanley Clarke in Music (curated)

Journey to Love by Stanley Clarke
Journey to Love by Stanley Clarke
1975 | Jazz
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is when I first started taking my bass seriously. This was this was a when I got hungry to understand what it meant to play bass. I thank God that there was a Stanley Clarke as a frame of reference to what to what is possible with the bass, along with Jaco [Pastorious] and Marcus Miller. There was a period where I stopped liking the practice, I was like 'uh I don't wanna practice', and my mom was really clever about it. She offered to pay me to transcribe Stanley Clarke's School Days. And of course, I'm like, 'I want to buy comic books and Marvel cards', so of course I transcribed School Days. Journey to Love and School Days became really personal to me. It was just like, I felt like this was my n**, and I felt like this was who I am; I identified with those two albums. I didn't even discover the self-titled album until later in life; I was very much married to School Days and Journey to Love. I think that Journey to Love is still very much a story to me that I feel resonates in my mind and body. I don't know what you would call it musically, but I paraphrased the album on my very first album, sonically."


Baz Luhrmann recommended War and Peace (1956) in Movies (curated)

War and Peace (1956)
War and Peace (1956)
1956 | International, Classics, Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One of my great all-time loves in cinema, and I’ve seen it three times, is Bondarchuk’s War and Peace. Not a lot of people may have seen that film. It was made during the Soviet era. I’d be happy to see it again — it is, however, 12 hours long. It took 10 years to make, and some actors lived and died during the period of making the movie. It’s a little bit influenced by being a ’60s film, so it’s got a bit of a trippy edge to it; it’s a little bit abstract. But it has some of the finest examples of Russian acting of that era. I was profoundly affected by the Russian theater and the style of Russian acting. It was shot on cameras and film stock that we simply never have access to. If I’m not mistaken, during the opening credits the camera is in a cosmonaut’s space capsule being shot into Earth. It’s probably the biggest crane shot of all time. At first you think, “Well this is going to be tedious,” but stay with it and I think you’ll find yourself drawn in. And the girl who played Natasha [Lyudmila Savelyeva] is a dead ringer for Audrey Hepburn and she’s one of the most luminous stars that ever found herself on the screen."

Nowhere Boy (2010)
Nowhere Boy (2010)
2010 | Drama
Well acted
This is a film that has been fairly underrated and almost forgotten which I think is a shame, as it's actually a good film driven by some stellar performances.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson excels in this as John and he's what makes this film so good to watch. I always forget that he's actually English until I see him in a film with an English accent, but even still his scouse accent in this is pretty impressive. And the rest of the cast too from Anne-Marie Duff to Kristin Scott-Thomas (there's a load of double barrelled names in this!) all perform admirably in this. The story in this is probably what lets it down. Yes it's interesting to see what happened in John Lennon's early life and how The Beatles first came to be, but there are some aspects with his mum and aunt that get a little too soap opera-esque at times. Personally I wouldve preferred a little more concentration on the music side. And i know the era this film is set in, but I got sick of every scene featuring cigarettes and someone smoking. It was just so noticeable all the time that it became irritating.

Overall this is a pretty decent film about John Lennon's early life made better by some brilliant performances.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Machines Like Me in Books

Sep 12, 2020  
Machines Like Me
Machines Like Me
Ian McEwan | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great idea, just not well executed
The idea behind this book and the base plot is a really great idea. An alternate 80s Britain thats more technologically advanced than we are currently in 2020 is a fascinating idea and I really enjoyed the parts of the book that detailed all the differences - some of which (like Apan Turing still being alive) were actually rather emotive and almost made you wish real life had been like this.

Adam too is a fascinating character and any part of the book that featured him was a winner. The problem with this book is the two main characters Charlie and Miranda. They are completely unlikeable and self absorbed, and the way they treat Adam (and Mark in some respects) is absolutely awful. There's something Alan Turing says towards the end of the book that really sums up how much of a horrible person Charlie is. Whilst having unlikeable characters isn't necessarily a bad thing for some books, in this I just found them rather irritating and annoying. And Charlie's constant internal rambling monologuing got rather boring and really dragged on.

I really wanted to love this because the general idea is fantastic, and there are parts of this where I did love it. It's just a same it was let down by the characters.
Death On Demand (Death On Demand, #1)
Death On Demand (Death On Demand, #1)
Carolyn G. Hart | 1987 | Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crime Writer Murdered
Annie Lawrence has inherited the Death on Demand mystery bookstore on Broward’s Rock off the coast of South Carolina. She has allowed the bookstore to continue to be used by a group of mystery writers on Sunday nights. On this particular Sunday night, one of them is murdered, and Annie becomes the chief suspect. Good thing that her not-quite-ex, Max Darling, is on the island to help her clear her name. But can they do it?

While I’ve read other books by the author, I have yet to dive into this series. I’m glad I finally took the plunge. The mystery is complex with a good puzzle and lots of twists before everything is resolved. Annie and Max are strong and fantastic lead characters. The suspect could have been a bit stronger, although they got better as the book went along. The references to other mystery authors and novels was a lot of fun, although occasionally it did feel like it was a bit much. There was more foul language than I am used to in a cozy mystery. The setting, essentially a resort community, was fantastic. This book came out in 1987, so some things were dated, but just keep that in mind when you pick up the book and you’ll be fine. Now that I’ve visited the store, I will definitely be back.
Satanic Panic (2019)
Satanic Panic (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
Satanic Panic is a horror-comedy that depicts the world's rich elite as Satan worshiping cultists who would love nothing more than to bring about the end of days. Relatable then!
The "eat the rich" concept is a tried and tested method of giving a movie some hateful antagonists, and Satanic Panic does it well, as a working class pizza delivery girl stumbles upon said cult, and quickly finds herself fighting for her life as the cultists seek to use her virginity as a method to bring about Baphomet and blah blah blah, you've surely heard this one before.

My main gripe with this movie is precisely that - it offers nothing new to the table. That, and the fact that it's low budget prevents us from seeing any demonic creatures, which is a shame.
Honestly though, apart from these negatives, Satanic Panic is actually a lot of fun. It's got a good sense of humour, a likeable heroine in Hayley Griffith, some pretty nasty practical gore effects here and there, and a somewhat cheap but charming aesthetic.
The cast also includes Rebecca Romijn, Jerry O' Connell, and a few horror mainstays such as Jordan Ladd, Ruby Modine and Jeff Daniel Phillips.

You could do a lot worse, and Satanic Panic does just about enough to scramble above the depths of horror shittiness.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) in Movies

Nov 30, 2020 (Updated Nov 30, 2020)  
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
1987 | Comedy
Steve Martin (1 more)
John Candy
Nothing (0 more)
Overcome The Insanity
Planes, Trains and Automoblies- is a classic thanksgiving movie. Its a tradition to watch it ever thanksgiving or around thanksgiving. Its also a tradition to watch "Addams Family Values", ever thanksgiving or around thanksgiving. Anyways this movie is excellent and the chemistry between Steve Martin and John Candy is excellent.

The plot: Easily excitable Neal Page (Steve Martin) is somewhat of a control freak. Trying to get home to Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with his wife (Laila Robins) and kids, his flight is rerouted to a distant city in Kansas because of a freak snowstorm, and his sanity begins to fray. Worse yet, he is forced to bunk up with talkative Del Griffith (John Candy), whom he finds extremely annoying. Together they must overcome the insanity of holiday travel to reach their intended destination.

Their is a great documentary on youtube, about this movie. How oringally it was surpost to be 3 hours long and their cut a hour to be 2hrs than finally cut 30 more minutes to be 1h 30mins. So half of the oringal movie got cut. So how than this movie is so perfect than? Well its because its funny, dramatic, and above all excellent. I will post the video.

Its a excellent thanksgiving film.

Heres the video: