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Swipe Right for Murder
Swipe Right for Murder
Polly Harris | 2021 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
who could believe you could find love and murder on one app!!

After Georgie feels like everybody else around her is growing up and settling down. She finally feels she is able to start dating herself after her last rough relationship so she downloads a couple of dating apps and gets a couple of matches. At the same time around her university campus there are murders happening and both of the men she has been matched and on dates with could possibly be the murderer!
Ash has a connection to every single one of the victims and Nate has an unhealthy obsession with the details of every attack going.

Well i did not expect that! I normally have a good radar on who the culprits are but this really blind sighted me! Excellent writing it really did have me gripped throughout just when you think you've got it all covered something comes out of nowhere and surprises you. It is a seriously thrilling book with twists and turns round every corner. When georgie goes away with ash i was almost screaming at her dont be so stupid a cabin in the middle of nowhere is deffinatly a recipie for desaster. i never expected the drama that followed though.

a well written novel with drama, love and murder what more could you ask for! 4/5
Dead in the Water
Dead in the Water
S. C. Merritt | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dead Man Floating
Maisie Mitchell has sold her restaurant and retired to Florida. She’s living in a senior’s only community, and that’s where she’s met Donna “Dot” Pinetta, a retired homicide detective from Chicago. The two are opposites in many ways, but they quickly form a friendship. They are enjoying their lives, although they begin to notice an undercurrent of tension in their community, all centered around Mason Jacobs, the young, handsome recreation director. Things come to a head when they discover his body floating in the pool one morning. Dot jumps into detective mode, with Maisie tagging along behind her. Will the two of them figure out what happened?

This book sets up a promising new series with a sub plot involving Maisie and Dot getting an RV to travel. That premise is what drew me to the book. It’s is much shorter than the books I read, and I did notice the difference. Characters and descriptions were a bit thin, and the plot felt a bit rushed. A few more pages to allow everything to breath would have been nice. But that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the book. I appreciated the set up we got before the murder, introducing suspects and motives. The climax was great as well. I like Maisie and Dot, and I’m definitely planning to join them for more trips.
Six Sweets Under
Six Sweets Under
Sarah Fox | 2023 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Debut Isn’t as Sweet as I’d Hoped For
Becca Ransom has returned home to Larch Haven, Vermont, and has taken over the chocolate making in her family’s chocolate shop. She is loving being around her family and friends again, but she isn’t as happy to see that Archie Smith is still being obnoxious in town, opposing just about everything. When he is found floating in the canals in town, everyone is shocked to learn it is murder. When Becca’s grandfather becomes the prime suspect, can Becca figure out what really happened?

I’ve been wanting to try a book by this author for a while, so I figured the start of a new series was the perfect time to do that. Plus, I can’t resist a chocolate theme. That aspect made me drool. However, the mystery could have been stronger. We got more theorizing than clue gathering, although Becca did still reach a logical solution. Speaking of Becca, I really appreciated how mature she was, realizing her own fault in one particular sub-plot. And I loved her and the rest of the regulars. Likewise, the setting in fantastic – I’d go visit in a heartbeat if it were real. While I wish the plot were stronger, I’m planning to visit again when the sequel comes out.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2097 KP) rated Secrets and Scents in Books

Mar 1, 2023 (Updated Mar 1, 2023)  
Secrets and Scents
Secrets and Scents
Lyn Perry | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unexpected Surprise in the Storeroom
Best friends Kelli and Jo are thrilled that the opening day for their new book and candle shop, Reading Makes Scents, is finally here. However, the celebration hits a bad note before it can even get started when Kelli finds a stranger unconscious in their storage area. Who is he? Why was he attacked? Does it have anything to do with the prophecy they found weeks before in their building?

While I normally skip paranormal themed stories, I made an exception here, and I’m glad I did. It does employ a narrative technique I dislike (early multi-chapter flashbacks), bet there is a good story here. I got quite caught up in it near the end, in fact. The story is a bit different from what I normally read, but it worked well. The paranormal elements are light, and they are a fun addition to the story. I loved Kelli, Jo, and their love interests. The rest of the cast are fun as well, and the town where the action takes place was delightful. The book is on the short side, so keep that in mind. As a bonus, there’s a recipe at the end. If you are looking for something light and fun, this book is for you.
Burn the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

35 of 235
Burn the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book 2)
By Nicola Rose

What if the good guy you fell for turned bad, and the bad guy swooped in to save the day?

When I'm abducted, Zac is forced to make the decision he’s been running from for decades. Forever changed, he’s ripped away from me — leaving the perfect sized hole for Alex to step into.

Struggling to come to terms with our own changes, Alex and I must work together to fix this mess caused by ancient legacy and a vampire leader hell-bent on using us for his own gain.

But the vampires aren’t the only ones with something dark running through their veins… maybe underestimating me was the biggest mistake they all made?

This stepped up a bit! I enjoyed the first book and loved Jess and this one was no different she is a really good character. This book stepped up on the darkness a touch and may be a trigger to some with rape and abuse issues or those sensitive to reading that sort of material. Overall we got some kickass powers from Jess and Alex finally stepping up. This is a really good dark series and I’m still convinced a little lie a certain popular tv show.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Thriller
Way back in 1996 we were introduced to the movie franchise of Mission: Impossible, now 22 years later (yes you read that right!), we’ve got to the sixth movie, Mission: Impossible Fallout, with Tom Cruise reprising his role of Ethan Hunt and showing us that he is still one heck of an adrenaline junkie with even more edge of the seat stunts and action.

I’ve been looking forward to seeing the team of Tom Cruise, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg and Rebecca Ferguson back together in the latest movie and to see Henry Cavill (with that moustache that caused some CGI removal in Justice League), so I popped over to the Scala Cinema in Prestatyn to check out the movie.

Now with all the previous Mission: Impossible movies I went into this one, not really knowing too much about the movie, I like to have the surprises that the franchise throws at you and not have any spoilers, so long story short, all I knew is that the IMF is trying to get their hands back on some stolen plutonium that a new rogue faction called The Apostles want to use to wipe out a third o the world’s population and on the way Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his team have to get their hands back on Soloman Lane (Sean Harris) who we last saw in Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2097 KP) rated How to Book a Murder in Books

Dec 10, 2021 (Updated Dec 10, 2021)  
How to Book a Murder
How to Book a Murder
Cynthia Kuhn | 2021 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Mystery Night Ends with Real Murder
Emma Starrs is looking for ways to expand her family’s bookshop, and she is hoping she can help plan some events that will bring in much needed money. Unfortunately, her first event is for Tabitha Baxter, and old childhood nemesis who hasn’t matured much since they last interacted. Emma is hoping to survive the night, but then she finds a dead body. With rumors that Emma or Emma’s aunt Nora, who was a guest at the party, are responsible for the murder circling around town, can Emma figure out what really happened?

I was pleasantly surprised at who the victim was, and it allowed some great additional conflict for Emma. The pacing did stumble a few times, but overall, this was a fun book that kept me engaged. It helped that some of the sub-plots had me laughing. One did get over the top at times, but it was still fun. There were a plethora of suspects, and they were introduced in group scenes, but as the book progressed, we got to know them better. The main characters really stood out, and I enjoyed meeting them here. The climax was creative and wrapped things up well. This is a fun debut, and I’m looking forward to finding out what happens to Emma next.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2097 KP) rated Murder in an English Glade in Books

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Oct 29, 2021)  
Murder in an English Glade
Murder in an English Glade
Jessica Ellicott | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fake Investigation Leads to Real Murder
Edwina Davenport and Beryl Helliwell don’t know quite what to make of it when they are hired to conduct a fake investigation. Constance Maitland wants them to pretend to investigate her sister-in-law so her cousin will shut up about the affair she is sure the sister-in-law is having. The Maitlands are hosting an artist colony, providing the perfect cover for Edwina and Beryl to slip in and observe. But they’ve only been there a few hours when a dead body turns up. Is their fake investigation involved?

It is always a pleasure to revisit these friends and business partners during the early 1920’s. Edwina and Beryl are very different and come from different backgrounds, but they complement each other so well, and I love seeing the growth in their characters. The suspects are just as strong. We don’t quite see as much of the other series regulars, but I did enjoy the scenes they got. The plot is strong with plenty to keep us engaged. I did feel the ending was a bit rushed, and one aspect wasn’t completely resolved. As always, there’s gentle humor throughout the book that makes it just that much more delightful. This book will please fans of the series. If that isn’t you yet, you should fix that today.
Killer Research
Killer Research
Jenn McKinlay | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Complicates Elections
The election for mayor is six months away, but the politics is already heating up. Mayor Hensen is upset that Ms. Cole is running against him, and he’s making life difficult for Lindsey Norris and the rest of the library staff. Then, Ms. Cole finds a dead body in her trunk. When her connection to the victim comes to light, the mayor uses everything he can to drive Ms. Cole out of the library and out of the race. Can Lindsey figure out what is happening before Ms. Cole’s reputation is ruined?

I love it when background characters get time to shine, and I’ve enjoyed watching Ms. Cole go from a one note character to a fully developed character over the last few books. That continues here. The rest of the cast is just as fantastic, and I loved seeing them again. The plot is strong with plenty to keep me engaged as I read. The climax was a bit theatrical, but it was also fun, so I’m willing to let it go. Speaking of fun, I laughed multiple times over the course of the book. We’ve got the usual book discussion, craft, and recipe extras at the end. Fans will enjoy this book, and if you are new to the series, be sure to check it out.
Mrs. Claus and the Trouble with Turkeys
Mrs. Claus and the Trouble with Turkeys
Liz Ireland | 2023 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will Santaland's First Thanksgiving Be a Turkey?
Santaland is getting ready to celebrate their first Thanksgiving. Castle Kringle has imported a live turkey for their holiday meal, but the weekend before the big day, he vanishes. Then, one of Santa's cousins dies at a potluck to kick off Thanksgiving week. Can April Claus figure out what is going on?

I love this series, and this latest entry didn't disappoint in the least. It did take a bit for the entire book to get going since there are several storylines that need to be introduced. But once it got going, it was like a turbo charged sleigh with so much going on you couldn't put the book down. I did have a couple of pieces figured out early, but there was still plenty I didn't know about that surprised me at the end. The characters are charming as always, and I'm curious where some of the growth will lead in future books. The humor just adds to the charm. This is a cozy mystery first and foremost with some light fantasy in it, and the mix works perfectly. If you are looking for a holiday series, you'll be glad you gave this series a chance. If you are already a fan, you'll be thankful for this latest book.