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Amongst the Chaos
Amongst the Chaos
Samatha Harris | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amongst the Chaos is a standalone (I think) but could be part of a series. (I hope it is part of a series and I want to more about these guys.) It is also the first book by this author I have read but it won't be the last.

The character building in this book is second to none. It was obvious what was going on between Asher and Chloe but the tense expectation about killed me! It was definitely a case of when and not if. Grayson was a brilliant character who supported Chloe in all ways but wasn't afraid to show his emotions. This was sometimes detrimental to his own cause but he owned it.

Paige and Dom are two brilliant supporting characters, the same as the rest of the 'brothers'. And just because he irritated me, I'd love to know more about Gabe!

This was a great, page-turning story that kept my attention from the very beginning with excellent scene-setting and amazing characters and full of suspense and steam. I loved every moment of this and have no hesitation in recommending it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
ABEL 3: Shattered (Phoenix Club, #3)
ABEL 3: Shattered (Phoenix Club, #3)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

So I finished this a little before midnight last night. Once again I was caught up in the emotions of Abel and Devlin and really felt their pain. It seemed so cruel that the actions of one man could ruin their entire relationship.

In relation to Kaplan, I'll admit that I softened towards him just not enough for me to enjoy reading the various sex scenes between him and Abel (In fact, I skipped some altogether). It just seemed wrong to me. But he's a nicer guy than I first thought. And I'm intrigued by the thought of something happening (again) between him and Max.

As for Cole and Gabe it always seemed kinda obvious that they would get together properly instead of just hooking up every now and then. They're good for each other.

Back to Abel and Devlin. I'm glad that they finally ended up talking to each other, without someone running off in despair, and got everything out in the open. As everyone kept pointing out throughout: they are great for each other and so in love

And I must confess that, although I could barely see through my tears, I really liked the ending. It was different but so good. I was waiting for an unhappy, throw my kindle at the wall, ending but it all turned around so quickly and nicely and I was wearing a big smile by the end.
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I’m rather picky about my MM Romances. I don’t know why, but I am. Josh Lanyon really started me on genre when I got book 4 in his Adrian English series for free one Christmas through All Romance E-Books. As soon as I read it I went and bought book 5 to see how it was all going to work out and I loved it. The only problem with that is the fact that I’ve probably been spoilt for most other MM books now.

That’s not to say it was bad or anything it just didn’t really do it for me, though I’m not entirely sure why. I liked the fact it was based around something different i.e. crime scene clearance, and it was interesting to read about the depth they go to to clean them.

The romance between the two main characters was quite sweet and progressed over time, which I liked much better than some others which just go straight into the hot and heavy. The two were likable in their own ways and when they finally kissed I was cheering them on.

I also really liked Gabe and Dave, they were always just looking out for Jack and trying to help him do the right thing, even if it didn’t always seem like it.

If you’re a fan of MM Romance’s then I’m sure you’ll like this.
Sweet Obsession (Nights Series #4)
Sweet Obsession (Nights Series #4)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite hit THAT spot!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Nights series. You don't NEED to have read the other three before one, because only Cam makes a brief appearance. But you SHOULD read them, because, I made a new shelf for them and everything! The other three books are down and dirty, and they take no prisoners or make no apologies for that.

This one, I found, while still hot and steamy, and it does have a great back story to why Ash was shipped first to Stanford and then to Singapore, it just didn't quite hit THAT spot, you know?? And it pains me, because I love this series!!

Both Ash and Luke have their say, so we get it all from both sides. We get what Ash thought he saw, that fateful night 5 years ago, and we get what really happened from Luke, and how he afterwards that caused him to push Ash away.

But these two admit their feelings to each other?? It's almost like Cam and Gabe all over again, cos this takes place over one evening into the next morning, and these guys get down and dirty and I loved that their first time together was extra special.

There isn't a HEA, but there is a Happy For Now. I have the next book to read soon, so we shall get their happy ever after.

Because it doesn't quite hit THAT spot,

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Toxic (Ruin, #2)
Toxic (Ruin, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I'm honest, I can't remember much about the first one apart from the fact that i truly fell for Wes and it made me cry like a baby when i realised he was sick. And that i wanted to read Gabe's story.

This one also made me cry a lot. It just seemed very unfair that Gabe had been going through all this crap emotionally for the past four years. I wanted him to be happy but he seemed determined to live with the guilt and in a way that annoyed me because I'm pretty sure that Kimmy would have wanted you to be happy.

Then we met Saylor. She initially semed like some sort of band geek but she gave as good as she got--and good for her! I'll admit i got the initial attraction but then when they confessed their falling for each other i was a little sceptical because they'd hardly spent that much time together and were always arguing in that time, apart from once, i think.

It put me through the emotional wringer and last night i had to put it down as all the crying was giving me a headache. Saylor was being amazing when she found out the truth and was trying to be there for him but i still didnt really get it.

And then that end bit. Really? I think that's his MO.

I loved the first one but i was a tad disappointed by this one. Maybe Lisa's story will be somewhere in the middle.
The Cowboy and the Outcast (Farthingdale Valley #3)
The Cowboy and the Outcast (Farthingdale Valley #3)
Jackie North | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE COWBOY AND THE OUTCAST is the third book in the Farthingdale Valley series. We see Gabe and Blaze, as well as Royce and Jonah, but it's time for Marston and Kell to take the spotlight - somewhere neither of them likes to be!

Kell had the perfect life, a good kid, with a bright future waiting for him. That is until he came out. And then that life crumbled - painfully and horribly. My heart broke for him, it really did. Marston, well, Marston didn't have that bright future but he did the best he could with what he had. I would have liked more about his past - as he grew older, if his siblings ever made an appearance (although I'm guessing not).

So many parts of this story touched me, some in a very personal manner. The writing is simply first-class. The actions and reactions are all understandable and make 100% sense to the person involved. There is no unnecessary drama and yet my eyes were still leaking on more than one occasion.

And one other thing... I'd love to hear more about Bede!!! Just saying!

The best of the series so far, in my opinion, and that's saying a lot as I thoroughly enjoyed every word of the previous books. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 27, 2023
The Cowboy and the Hoodlum (Farthingdale Valley #2)
The Cowboy and the Hoodlum (Farthingdale Valley #2)
Jackie North | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE COWBOY AND THE HOODLUM is the second book in the Farthingdale Valley series. Gabe and Blaze are still around but it is the turn of Royce and Jonah to find their happiness.

Oh, man. Where to start? First of all, I liked that Royce was fussy and acknowledged it. I liked that the others saw it too. Jonah is the typical bad boy who, when given the opportunity, finds peace in nature and sees the possibility of a different life. But this story isn't just about Royce and Jonah, it's also about Beck. And, oh boy, he's a character!!! As much as I wanted to dislike him, I could understand his feelings.

Royce is the right man for Jonah, being just what he needs. Having a partner who was loud and obviously disagreed with Jonah's choices wouldn't have worked. Instead, Jonah tries to please Royce just for one of his smiles. Let me just say, Royce is a better character than I am! He was way too easy-going and forgiving in my mind but then, I 'may' be able to hold a grudge, or so I've been told. 😂

Very different and very good. I definitely recommend this or any of the books by this author!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 6, 2023
Hard To Hold (Haven's Cove #3)
Hard To Hold (Haven's Cove #3)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
not quite as good as one and two
I purchased my copy of this book.

We met Jonah in book one, Hard To Let Go. He was Pwen's partner, and they amicably split, staying good, close friends. Jonah watches Own fall in love with Brody and he watches Nate and Gabe get married. And he wants those things for himself. Cameron, a member at his previous gym, pushes ALL of Jonah's buttons. And when Cam turns up at Jonah's new gym, all tongue tied and incredibly shy, Jonah knows that its Cam he sees in his future.

Book three in the series, but you can read them as stand alones. Personally, though, I would recommend you do read the other two books first. They will give you a better picture of what Jonah sees happening to the men in his life. And they are both 5 star reads from me.

But this one?? Not quite so much, and *insert wailing sound* I've no idea why!

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's still and excellent read, with all the gut wrenching emotions I'm coming to expect from Ms Quinn. The story is well told, from both Jonah and Cameron's point of view. So we get all of Jonah's reactions to Cameron; all of his (almost) jealousy at watching his friends pair off; all of Cam's internal wrangling with himself, and his external wrangling with his family.

I can't put my finger on WHY it didn't quite push my buttons, I really can't and I hate not being able to word what I want to say! So, I'll leave this as is.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Autómata (2014)
Autómata (2014)
2014 | International, Mystery, Sci-Fi
In the near future following an ecological disaster, humanity lives behind a wall to protect itself from the radioactive and barren wastelands as well as the scavengers outside. This is the setting of the new film “Autómata” by Director Gabe Ibanez.

Antonio Banderas stars as Jacq Vaucan, an insurance agent who is tasked with representing ROC Robotics as their units have become standard for all tasks menial and otherwise in society.

With Acid Rain and pollution a threat to those in the walk, Jacq is happy to have a good job and has a baby on the way that he and his wife look forward to. Jacq becomes involved in a mystery when a robot is found repairing itself in violation of the basic programming for the machines.

The investigation takes a turn for the worse when violence erupts and Jacq is forced to flee into the radioactive areas with a small band of robots watching over him. Despite his bad condition, Jacq learns the truth behind the investigation and those who will stop at nothing to keep it a secret.

The film is very good for budget Science Fiction as the FX work is first rate. This is a take with humanity at its core, and Banderas does solid work in the role. The film also takes some jabs at society and human nature without being over the top or heavy handed and the pacing worked well for the film.

I must say this is one of the more interesting films of the year especially since it came out without the hype and fanfare of bigger studio films.
Hark! The Village Wait by Steeleye Span
Hark! The Village Wait by Steeleye Span
1970 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This one's not quite as contemporary as Electrelane – in fact, that's putting it mildly! It's an old folk song that dates back to the seventeenth century, so it's been passed down through the generations. “This is the version that fits the mood of this collection of songs the best I think. It's another one about losing somebody; it's about a young woman who's lover has been kidnapped by a press gang and taken out to sea and she's not going to see him again - it's a terrible, terrible tragedy. “Steeleye Span are a funny band; they came out of a scene that's not too far removed from Kevin Ayers and that electric folk movement of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. They evolved into something that perhaps wasn't so cool later on - there's a record called All Around My Hat that's a bit Alan Partridge - but those early albums are really great. “I definitely have a personal connection to ‘The Lowlands of Holland’. It's an unusual song, actually, in that I can never figure out whether it's Scottish or Irish in origin. It doesn't really matter, but it has significance for me because I live and have my studio in Dumfries and Galloway, and in the song, Gabe Woods is singing about the man from Galloway. “So I imagine it's where I am and when I'm hundreds or thousands of miles away from home, I hear that song and I imagine being back in Scotland. It generates a degree of homesickness and wistfulness and it's good to feel that, because it reminds you of what home is, and why you should return there.”"
