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Ready Player Two
Ready Player Two
Ernest Cline | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a direct sequel to Ready Player One, picking up not soon after the events of that previous novel.

It also follows the same characters, told in the same first person point of view as previous - I must admit, I initially found that a bit jarring, as I would have expected (with a title such as it is) that it would follow a different character - after all, how often IRL is Player Two the same person as Player One in a computer game?

Anyway, Wade Watts.

Still an obsessed geek; still fan-worshipping the creator of the Oasis James Halliday (at least initially). However, with the release of new technology by the company he now owns that not only allows its user to control an avatar, but to *feel* like they actually are that person - sight, taste, hearing, sensations and all - and with further experiences (I don't want to give too much away), Watts finds his hero-worshipping lessening somewhat.

If I'm honest, I did also find parts of this novel to drag somewhat, especially in the lengthy section where Cline goes into great detail around the Oasis world dedicated to 'The Artist Formerly Known as Prince' (which just made me uncomfortable). I also had to shake my head at just how some of the characters behaved ...

(yes, I know they're not real. Still need to to be believable, though!)

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Write Christmas in Books

Dec 1, 2020 (Updated Aug 8, 2023)  
Write Christmas
Write Christmas
Thommy Hutson | 2020 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WRITE CHRISTMAS is a seasonal story about someone who doesn't like Christmas due to an unfortunate event that shaped her life. Abby has chipped away at Christmas, slowly but surely, until her company and her home have no lights, no decorations, no nothing. Then she gets the opportunity to see what it would be like without it and the game changes.

I'm going to be honest here and say I struggled with this one. It reminded me a lot of It's a Wonderful Life which isn't one of my favourite films and the writing style took me a while to get into.

However, because I have an intense dislike for not finishing a book, I kept at it and almost against my will I found myself becoming gripped by the story. Just what would happen? How would it happen? When? You get the idea.

I thoroughly enjoyed the ending and thought it was perfect for the story as it gives everyone that seasonal glow and warm fuzzies.

I would recommend this book if you like the whole what-if part of Christmas.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 1, 2020
The Housemaid [Audiobook]
The Housemaid [Audiobook]
Freida McFadden | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, that was definitely a ride on the crazy train!

Millie is not in a good place when she applies for the position as a housekeeper/maid at the beautiful home of the affluent Andrew and Nina Winchester and their daughter Cecilia. Against the odds, she gets the position and, as is usually the case, things are too good to be true and all is not what it seems.

I can't really say much without giving the game away but I will say that I found it riveting and intriguing and I didn't really know who or what to believe or how everything was going to play out. It was great and exceeded my expectations and whilst I found it a little unbelievable, it was extremely entertaining and I was hooked nevertheless.

I listened to the audiobook and although I think it would have worked better with 2 distinct voices for Millie and Nina, I think the narrator did a fantastic job.

I haven't read or listened to any of Freida's books before but this definitely won't be my last and she will be an author I will look out for in the future and I must thank Bookouture and NetGalley for introducing me to her books, for allowing me to listen to this one and share my thoughts.
Elizabeth of York: The Last White Rose
Elizabeth of York: The Last White Rose
Alison Weir | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this rather melancholy story of the last Lancastrian princess - Elizabeth of York.
It’s 500 pages of history, with loads of details of what it was like to be a female royal during times of instability and unrest. Even for royalty it wasn’t a great time to be a woman. Only good for one thing: providing the next generation. But Elizabeth bucked that trend somewhat, and Weir makes the case for her having some influence with Henry VII. She was a literate, intelligent woman at a time where women weren’t always well educated. Her duty is always to her country and her family - and she had to play a dangerous game of keeping Richard happy whilst hoping that Henry would succeed. After all, she considers Richard responsible for the deaths of her brothers, one of whom was the true heir to the crown (but will we ever really know what happened to these boys?).

I really enjoyed this. I know from reviews I’ve read that some people believe it’s too long, but I can’t see how it could be made shorter and still make sense! There’s so much happening during Elizabeths lifetime: civil war, chopping and changing kings, backstabbing, family strife, births, deaths, marriages - the lot!

Three generations of royalty are covered wonderfully in this book, and I for one ate it up!
The finale to B.K. Greenwood's 'The Last Roman' trilogy, bringing to a close (?) the story of the immortals Marcus, Isabella and Thomas first started in Exile, and continued in Abyss.

AS before, this is a mix of Highlander meets Jason Bourne (as I read a advert put it), jumping between the 'then' (pieces of the last 2000 years of history) and 'now', as Doyle and Thomas get nearer and nearer to triggering their end-game of the Apocalypse.

Yes, that Apocalypse.

So we've moved even further away from the initial set-up, more and more into the territory that came into prominence towards the end of Exile and more into the realms of the Supernatural (is that even the right word for it?).

Not, I want to make it clear, that that is any way a detriment to the work - I just want to be clear, from the outset, that that is the type of work you will be reading.

I did find this to be better than Abyss, but maybe not quite as good as Exile. I've also hear (read) that there are prequels stories - and, with a range of 2000 years, quite a scope of history for those to be set in - so, while I may read those I'm currently unsure whether I would purchase them or utilise Kindle Unlimited (if they are on that).

David McK (3207 KP) rated Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) in Movies

Nov 28, 2021 (Updated Mar 30, 2024)  
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
2021 | Action, Sci-Fi
Who ya gonna call?
Ghostbusters 2 was released in 1989.

Ghostbusters: The video game in 2009.

At that stage, it was - unofficially - touted as Ghostbusters 3.

The (atrocious) remake was in 2006.

This was released in 2021 - so over 30 years since Ghostbusters 2 - and is now the 'official' third entry in the franchise.

Having said that, there is absolutely no mention of Ghostbusters 2 during it, so you could easily skip that if you wanted a rewatch before going to see this.

This follows a new family, who find they have ties to a Ghostbuster of yore, when they are evicted from their tenement and inherit a farmhouse out in the rural countryside: a farmhouse that has secrets of its own, as does the surrounding neighbourhood.

It's also no secret that this relies heavily on nostalgia for the original and that family is at the core of the movie, written - as it is - by the son of the late Ivan Reitman (Jason Reitman) - and paying an elegiac tribute to the late Harold Ramis (1 of the original 4 Ghostbusters - Egon Spengler - , who passed in 2014.

Oh, and the post (not mid) -credits scene? Goes some way to making up for how Ernie Hudson was treated in the original, when he saw his scenes drastically cut from what was intended.

Mothergamer (1514 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Assassin's Creed Unity in Video Games

Apr 3, 2019  
Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Unity
2014 | Action/Adventure
I waited to buy Assassin's Creed Unity because of all the glitches and problems the game had upon its release that I kept hearing about. I'm glad I waited because it seems they addressed and fixed many of those glitches. There's a ton to see and do in Unity besides the main story such as side quests, puzzle quests, murder mystery quests, and co-op missions that you can play with friends or privately. I liked the character of Arno Dorian (much more than I liked Shay in Rogue) and it was interesting to see a lot of his interactions with his friends and a variety of historical figures like Napoleon Bonaparte and Marquis de Sade.

Introducing Arno Dorian

The viewpoints in 16th century Paris are stunning, showing off a beautiful thriving city with a lot of people. The scenes with the Revolution were also interesting to see and interact with because of the people and I found I would stop and just listen. This also had me remembering all the French I learned as I listened to various conversations. At times having a lot of people could be frustrating when having to chase a target for a mission or spy on someone because they would get in the way causing a mission to fail if you didn't get to where you needed to be in time. There were also times where the controls would be a little wonky and Arno would grab a wall when I wanted him to just run or jump. It didn't happen often though so I didn't mind too much. I also didn't see the point of the game having four different types of currency. I'm not kidding. You had the livres, (what francs were first called) sync points, creed points, and helix credits. I felt this all could have done with just one currency. Instead you have money to buy stuff, the sync points and creed points are used to upgrade gear and skills, while the helix credits you use real money to buy things via UPlay. All of it is completely useless. UPlay is not only pointless, it just screams of greed. The game really only needed one currency and nothing else.

A spectacular view of 16th Century Paris

 I do understand that Arno's tale of revenge with the Assassins vs. Templars has been done before, but I found I did like the story for what it was; an entertaining adventure with some pivotal history and interesting characters in it. Yes, they did take a few liberties with some of the historical aspects, but it flowed really well and was done in a subtle way that made all the events mesh well together. I liked the character of Elise also, and I wish there had been a few more main missions with her because she offered a different point of view and also showed that not all the Templars were power hungry insane people. There's also the factor that she and Arno together were intriguing and they made a great team.

Elise and Arno

There are several different ways to do many of the missions which I found to be fun. You could either sneak in a window or disguise yourself as one of the soldiers and just walk right in the front door. The AI for the enemies is more aggressive here so I found myself relying heavily on smoke bombs often. At some points it got a little frustrating especially with the final memory sequence because I had to be a certain distance from the target to finish the mission. There were a couple of glitch issues such as a location on the map for a quest not showing up and an odd one where Arno got stuck in a wall and it looked like he was swimming on the wall. Those were the only technical problems I ran into which isn't too bad. Overall the game itself is fun to play with lots to see and do. There's even a mission with a hot air balloon that's very cool.

Hot air balloon over Paris is awesome

Once I had finished up the main story of Unity, I started the Dead Kings DLC. This happens a week after the events of the main story and in Franciade (now Saint Denis) and Arno runs into the Marquis de Sade once again who wishes for Arno to help him find the manuscript of Nicoleas de Condorcet which is rumored to be in the tomb of Louis IX. Arno agrees to help him in exchange for a ship to take Arno to Egypt. After that you get to explore Franciade and while not as big as Paris it's just as beautiful and there's lots to explore above and below.

A bird's eye view of some of Franciade

Arno runs into some tomb raiders who happen to be working for Napoleon Bonaparte and we see him once again throughout the area. Napoleon is looking for something in a Precursor Temple. While we all know what that could mean Arno does not, but he knows that whatever it is can't be good. He also befriends a young boy named Leon and they work together to figure out exactly what it is Napoleon is after. There are a lot of side missions here too along with some murder mystery quests and a few more co-op missions as well. There are even a few take over the enemy fort missions that are fun to do as well.

Some of the missions could be a bit frustrating because a lot of them were in the catacombs and it could be very hard to see with how dark some of the areas are. I had to use Eagle Vision a lot just to be able to see where I needed to go. Luckily there were only a couple of places that were difficult to see in. You also get some new equipment that is pretty awesome like the guillotine gun basically an axe and a grenade launcher melded together. While not the stealthiest of weapons, it's a ton of fun to unleash all that firepower on your enemies. The lantern on the other hand, annoyed me. Yes, the catacombs are dark and yes you need a lantern, but it seemed a lot of the puzzles relied heavily on the lantern and it was a bit clunky and tedious. I mean having to use a lantern just so I could scare away roaches to jump on a ledge was a bit much.

The Precursor Temple was interesting to explore with a few lighting puzzles and brazier puzzles. The scenes with Arno and Leon chatting together were nice because it showed Leon gradually getting Arno to see that there is always hope and even caused Arno to change his mind about a few things. With the main story and side missions Dead Kings is only a couple of hours, but it's a couple of hours worth playing.

Arno in the Precursor Temple

Overall Assassin's Creed Unity (which includes the Dead Kings DLC for free) is a solid game and it is fun to play. There's a lot to see and do on your own and plenty to do with your friends via co-op missions. It's worth checking out because of the fun of the missions and because of the fact that the main character is actually pretty likable.
Warhammer: Chaosbane
Warhammer: Chaosbane
There have been a lot of Warhammer games released over the past year or so. Everything from managing spaceships, to Real-Time Strategy, to Tactical Combat based games have been represented between the Warhammer and the Warhammer 40,000 universe. EKO Software and Bigben decided to add the action-RPG to the mix with their fun to play Diablo clone Warhammer: Chaosbane.

Much like the games that it takes inspiration from, you have the opportunity to pick one of four characters to battle the Lords of Chaos and bring order to the land. Your standard archetype characters are all here in standard Warhammer Fantasy. The Dwarven “Slayer” class, for those who like a barbarian class to rage havoc upon his foes, The High-Elf Mage who utilizes his magic to bring down the forces of chaos, the ho-hum Imperial Soldier who can take and deal out a huge amount of damage, and the Wood Elf who uses her bow and dagger to deal damage at a frighteningly fast pace.

Each of the characters have their own unique secondary ability that allows them to gain a strategic advantage on their foes. The Slayer can vault himself into enemies (much like the Barbarian class in Diablo), The Mage can control magical projectiles towards his targets, the Imperial soldier can shield bash targets and the Wood Elf can tumble in and out of danger. I played through the vast majority of the game as the Wood Elf and learning to use her tumble ability and stay mobile is some of the best ways to beat the bosses that you will come across.

One area where Warhammer: Chaosbane improves on the standard Diablo formula is how it handles health and energy/mana. Various items you equip can provide health regeneration on their own or you also possess the ability to use a “health Potion” that refills slowly each time you use it. Thankfully this means you don’t have individual health potions cluttering up your inventory. Mana/Energy is used for special attacks and actions…each time you use a skill some of your Mana/Energy is used. There are a few ways you can recoup your energy. The first is to use your general attacks on creatures, as you successfully hit each one your energy fills a little until it tops the meter off. The other way is to reach out to your familiar who follows you around the screen. My familiar was a butterfly that I could run over to when I’d run low on energy and it would fill my meter about half way. When you utilize your familiar in this way they must also recharge, so use them wisely.

One of the more unique items that you acquire as you slice your way through the hordes of demons and undead are Blood Orbs. Blood Orbs appear on the battlefield seemingly at random (although the more enemies you cut down the more likely they are to appear). As you acquire these orbs it fills a Blood lust meter and when full imbues your character with incredible power and near invincibility until the meter runs out. The Orbs don’t stay on the battlefield forever however, and they slowly lose power the longer you wait to gather them, so it encourages you to step out of the battle (or in my case roll out of the battle) to gather them as quickly as you can. As you progress your character you’ll be given the chance to upgrade these as well which essentially allows you to fill multiple meters and grants you this special power for longer lengths of time.

Skills are broken down into various types which allow you to outfit your character to best suit your play style. There are literally dozens of both active and passive skills to choose from, and each of these skills can be upgraded as well for improved effects or damage. As the Wood Elf Elessa, I was able to summon dryads to my side to help me deal with the hordes of enemies. In edition there are also God Skills that you acquire as you level up and complete missions. These special skills unlock more powerful abilities but also unlock traits as you apply the points. Traits such as health regeneration or critical hit chances are only some of the ones that you can unlock along the God Skill tree that give you a sense that your character is becoming more unstoppable with every skill acquired.

Unfortunately, the inconsistent voice acting is what relegates Chaosbane to being good instead of great. I made the mistake of choosing the character with the worst voice acting in the bunch and if I had played through with another character I may not have noticed how truly terrible it was. Elessa delivers her lines in an almost wooden (pun intended) manner, almost as if reading directly from a script. This gets even more noticeable when on occasion her voice changes to that of a man. The developers and testers did a good job of catching most of them, but there were at least five or six dialog trees where Elessa’s voice changed completely. I have two theories on this, my first theory (although I hadn’t confirmed this) is that the character was originally meant to be portrayed as a man and was changed to add a bit more diversity to the line-up. Not that there is anything wrong with having the main characters all be male, but it certainly could have limited the appeal of the audience. My second theory is that some of the dialog was simply place holders while they were sourcing out the right voice actors and simply missed replacing the audio bytes.

Either way, Elessa isn’t the only place where the voice acting takes a turn for the worst, other characters suffer from this fate as well. While the Warhammer games have always used bravado to deliver their dialog, it is simply too over the top in most cases. The first boss I encountered sounded like Cobra Commander who had just walked off the set of the latest GI Joe Cartoon to lead the forces of Chaos…Yo Joe! The fact that the game is voice acted entirely is something that I do applaud the developers for insisting on, it’s just disappointing that you find yourself reading through the dialog as quickly as possible and skipping the voices whenever you can.

Even with its flaws Warhammer: Chaosbane is a fun Diablo clone and an absolute blast to play. The story is forgettable, the voices laughable, but the combat scratches the same itch that any other action roleplaying game provides. There’s plenty of loot to acquire, that ranges from common to rare, and your ability to “bless” items to make them more powerful is an added bonus. There are a whopping ten levels of difficulty, each level provides for a more difficult adventure with the promise of even better loot. With both couch co-op and online multiplayer, it even harkened me back to the days of playing the original Gauntlet in the arcades. If you like the Warhammer universe and are looking for a game you can pick up and play with relative ease, then Warhammer: Chaosbane is just the game you are looking for.

What I liked: Fun combat, Amazing selection of skills, Plays equally well with keyboard/mouse or controller

What I liked less: Terrible voice acting, Repetitive loot drops, Forgettable story
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Much better than I was expecting
I never really 'got' Pokémon. I've never watched it, never read it, never had any interest in it whatsoever. I actually gave the game Pokémon Go a shot, as I was already a big fan of Niantic's previous game, Ingress. But swiping balls randomly at floating animated creatures on the screen? Yeah, not really my idea of fun. So, why then would I go watch a Pokémon movie where, for some strange reason, Deadpool is voicing the lead character, a cute little fluffy Pikachu? Well, in the interests of providing balanced, impartial Smashbomb reviews that's why. And, because my nephew asked me to take him...

I guess one of my concerns before heading in to see Detective Pikachu was how exactly the Pokémon we're going to be portrayed. If this was going to be some kind of Smurfs or Alvin and the Chipmunks style movie, where over-the-top CGI characters are thrust upon the world of over-the-top human characters in some crazy adventure aimed at six year olds, then I wouldn't be very happy. Thankfully, it turned out to be the compete opposite.

21 year old Tim receives news that his father, top detective Harry Goodman, has gone missing following a car accident, and is presumed dead. He travels to his father's place of work - Ryme City, a modern metropolis where humans and Pokémon live happily side by side - and joins forces with Harry's Pokémon partner, Detective Pikachu. Tim discovers that he can understand what the wise cracking, cute little Pikachu is saying to him and they set about trying to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding Harry's suspected death.

I was pretty impressed from the offset just how well this movie is presented. It's set in a world where humans and these strange, wonderful creatures live alongside each other in harmony, yet the Pokémon are never really presented in that wacky manner that I described earlier with other CGI character movies. It's extremely well done and feels both natural and believable. And because the focus of the movie is more on the story, and the mystery to be solved, rather than revelling in the fact that this is a live action Pokémon movie, it made it all the more enjoyable. This felt to me something more alike to 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'. And I really liked it!

Better still, I rarely felt as though I needed any prior knowledge of Pokémon in order to appreciate and enjoy it. There's a brief explainer near the beginning regarding the whole trainer/balls/battles concept, which didn't make it any less ridiculous as far as I'm concerned, but that just didn't matter as it wasn't really necessary to the main plot. Having never experienced Pokémon in any other media form, I obviously can't comment on how faithful this is to any of that, but as a family movie I'd say this is a pretty big hit.
Game Players
Game Players
Anita Waller | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
When a group of children hiding in their secret den see someone burying drugs in a hole in the ground, they collectively decide to do the right thing – dig it up and take it to their local police station. Unfortunately, before they’ve had time to hand in the drugs, they discover the dead body of a local small-time dealer where the drugs would have been, had they not dug them up.

Eventually they decide to tell the police about the body they’ve found but not that they’ve got the drugs, because they don’t want to be blamed for the death of murdered man. To avoid getting into trouble, and having their secret den taken away from them, the kids make up a story of discovering the body whilst playing a game of hide-and-seek. But of course, kids lying to the police can only get them into more trouble, right?

Are they now responsible for someone’s death? If they hadn’t of meddled with the drugs, would the man still be alive? These are just some of the questions raised in the book Game Players by Anita Waller, which highlights how a group of innocent children get caught up in a major drug dealing racket, and become stuck with a heap of drugs that people are killing for! These guys mean business and they’ll stop at nothing to get their stash back. It’s worth a lot of money.

This is a great book, and I read it super-fast. The children find themselves having to grow up overnight when their childish actions come with deadly serious consequences. This believable story shows how one act of naive kindness can turn their lives upside down as events spiral out of control and their own lives, and those of their families, are put in danger.

The kids were great to read about, as they were really good friends who looked out for each other. I loved how they worked together to get themselves out of trouble, just like those in Stephen King’s The Stand. They’re a team and think they’ll be together forever. Just like kids thinking the hot summer holidays are never-ending. I also enjoyed reading how one boy’s dad was involved in a way which made me dislike him, but when things got really bad, he had a change of heart and stepped up to become the concerned father he should have been all along. This is just one, of many plot threads, which made this book a worthy read.

This is an entertaining and believable thriller, which I found both gripping and incredibly moving. It’s about the true bond of friendship, decisions having consequences and the games people play with their lives. I enjoyed it immensely and will look into reading more of Anita Waller’s books from now on. Superb!