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2007 | City Building, Dice Game, Fantasy, Medieval
Simple and easy to understand game (1 more)
Mitigating your dice and figuring out how to use them is the fun part
Dice allocation for the good of the kingdom.... and yourself.
The game is about defending the kingdom from invading armies that get progressively stronger every winter. so the other three seasons are about building up your kingdom by building buildings that are defensive or make you stronger in other ways. Some defenses are better against goblins, or maybe Zombies, build a church and get a bonus against demons... The game lasts about an hour and a half depending on how quickly people take their turns. There's not much analysis paralysis, there is a clever mechanism of choosing how to use your three dice.... lets say you roll a 1, 3, 6: You can place it on the total number, a combo of the two of them or a single die value, and each number on the board gives you different returns. Not nearly as difficult as Castles of Burgundy, this is a good entry point into dice allocation games. I like it.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Aug 24, 2018


Ross (3282 KP) rated Jigsaw (2017) in Movies

Sep 3, 2018  
Jigsaw (2017)
Jigsaw (2017)
2017 | Crime, Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
A sad, desperate attempt to wring one last film (we hope) out of what was once a great movie premise. I admit I didn't quite see the twist coming, but knew there would be one, and found that aspect reasonably clever.
But overall this film was full of plot-holes, the acting was atrocious, the ending made no sense and the games have lost the character of those in the original films.
A number of things just kept annoying me and took me right out of the film (one minute Logan is apologising to his daughter and her babysitter for another late night, the next he is heading to the pub?!, Logan takes the bullet out of Edgar's body - but Edgar had been in a coma for days, why was the bullet not taken out of his body while he was in hospital?!, along with the usual horror movie illogical actions trope).
This film added nothing to the Saw series, if anything it urinates over its corpse, and added nothing to my life.
Batman: Knightfall, Vol. 1
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In large part the inspiration behind 2012's movie 'The Dark Knight Rises', what surprised me on reading this is just how faithfully that movie actually stuck to the events of this!

Oh, sure, there are differences: no Azrael or Robin (or, at least, not in his superhero mantle) in the movie, and a larger part for Catwoman/Selina Kyle, but more than just lip service is paid to the comic on which it is based: in particular, the bit about Bane's early life.

And, talking of Bane, the movie sticks an awful lot closer to him than the 1997 'Batman and Robin' version, or even the more recent Arkham series of games do.

The plot of the movie and comic should be pretty much common knowledge by now: Bane comes to Gotham, pushes Batman/Bruce Wayne to the edge and finally breaks his back in a 1-on-1 fight between the two.

In the words of Monty Python, however, 'I got better ... ' (albeit not by the end of this particular 'Knightfall' arc)
Game Night (2018)
Game Night (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Mystery
Better than expected
I need to start by saying that I’ve never been a fan of mainstream comedies, however this one is actually quite good - mainly because of the excellent cast.

I’ve always liked Rachel McAdams and Jason Bateman, and they have great chemistry together in this. Billy Magnussen is really funny as the dumb blonde, and there’s some great support from Kyle Chandler and Sharon Horgan. However it’s Jesse Plemons that steals the show as the bonkers creepy neighbour. He’s so deadpan that you can’t help but laugh whenever he’s on screen.

The plot itself is simple and straightforward although fairly entertaining. It’s funny in parts although I didn’t find it particularly hilarious (probably my sense of humour). I did think some of the twists at the end were fairly fun. I love games though, so can really relate to the competitiveness and wish I could persuade my friends to have weekly game nights! I do think it gets a bit cringey in parts and a bit ridiculous, but it’s still an enjoyable fun film.
Super Metroid
Super Metroid
An enormous jump in quality from the NES version to this (6 more)
An even larger variety of enemies and bosses
The worlds are no longef as redundant and really feel as if they're individual biomes
An even better soundtrack
The absolutely beautiful dark tone of the game
An even bigger variety of weapons and upgrades to collect
While still extremely difficult, the game did lighten up drastically
Still extremely difficult (0 more)
While still keeping with the horrendously difficult nature of Metroid games, Super Metroid tones it down enough to not be overwhelming. The game is actually a masterpiece from the dark tone to the music to the no longer redundant but vibrant biomes and more. Samus has more weapons and more abilities giving you better control and ability to explore the upgraded world. The villains are epic in scale and some of the boss battles are absolutely epic. Even the mini bosses give you fight you won't soon forget. Going from Metroid to Super Metroid is like going from McDonald's to gourmet. Sure the Mickey D's is good, but the alternative is fucking gourmet!
A Love Of Two Halves
A Love Of Two Halves
P. J. Whitely | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a sweet romcom, telling the story of George and Karen. Karen is a single mum with two children, struggling to make ends meet, working a dead end, minimum wage job in Leeds. George owns a very successful business, lives and works in London and is a Leeds United fan. He decides after a particularly bad trip north to buy a terraced house near Elland Road - which coincidentally is right next door to Karen. They fall in love, and fun and games ensue.

It’s a bit of a predictable love story if I’m honest, but I liked it well enough. There were times when I would have happily knocked some sense in to George, but I’m sure that there are plenty of readers who would find his lack of experience and emotional clumsiness endearing (I did on the odd occasion!).

All in all, a pleasant read, perfect for a summer holiday lying on the beach, I should think!
Thanks to The Pigeonhole for the reading experience, yet again!

KalJ95 (25 KP) rated the Nintendo Switch version of Hollow Knight in Video Games

Dec 30, 2019  
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
2017 | Action/Adventure
Masterful platformer. (2 more)
Gorgeous visuals.
Superb story.
Difficulty spikes are random. (0 more)
Hollow Knight is one of those rare games that will be remembered as a classic Metroidvania. A true gem amongst AAA videogames that year, that outshines them on almost every level.

A simple platformer, expertly crafted to perfect, with a gloomy black and white palette to boot, Hollow Knight tells the story of a small, sword wielding knight, who must discover the various secrets in the underground cities of Hallownest.

It's hard to sum up just how brilliant, often brutal and pulsating Hollow Knight can be. With so much to explore, so many quests to complete, and many, many boss battles that will make you want to jump out of tall building. Yet, once you do defeat that one frustrating creature, the game rewards you further with excellent progression with new abilities and items that help you along your journey.

From a game that was crowdfunded on a budget of $57,000, its astounding just how meticulously crafted Hollow Knight is. Support Team Cherry, you will love this amazing piece of art and entertainment.
Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons
1974 | Action, Adventure, Dice Game, Fantasy, Fighting
Can create your own content (4 more)
Only need the core book, a pen/pencil, and paper to get started
Can always add scenery, figures, etc over time
Plenty of content online
Have as big a world or small a world as you want, you and the other players create it
Can be complex for beginners (1 more)
Can sometimes cause minor arguments
Easily adaptable for any age
Dungeons and Dragons is a massive table top game. You can stick to the core games all you want, or create your own content and game. For anyone with even a small amount of creativity, it's amazing.
This will probably be one of my poorer reviews, as D&D is so huge it's hard to describe it. You and your party can be a mix of fighters, rogues, magic users and all sorts, fighting off the dead, dragons, bandits, werewolves, goblins, and more. And while you do it, it's more than likely going to cause hilarity, and some exciting, tense moments.
It can be almost anything you want it to be.

Joven (172 KP) rated Kemet in Tabletop Games

Aug 12, 2019 (Updated Aug 12, 2019)  
2012 | Ancient, Fighting, Miniatures, Mythology
Forces aggressive play creating a fast game with a lot of back and forth (2 more)
Awesome miniature models with great details
Well balanced with a smart combat system
Sheer variety of cards for power ups can make things a bit overwhelming at first (0 more)
Worship, wars and wrecked plans
Initially Kemet can seem a little intimidating with a big selection of power-up cards with a wide variety of benefits and costs. There are so many paths to victory that it might take a couple of games to get your head around it. Once you do start to figure everything out though it's a really fun game, and the victory conditions and points system force players to be aggressive and lead to a real sense of power struggle between the factions.

I've only played this with the full 5 players and imagine it might be quite different with fewer, but I would definitely recommend people give it a go. It's also a blatant stargate rip-off, but I don't count that against it!

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated the PC version of The Sims 3 in Video Games

Jan 25, 2020  
The Sims 3
The Sims 3
Fun deaths (0 more)
Forgetting to save (0 more)
The "motherload" of games
Like many people, I have lost countless hours to this game. Spending my time living the lives of made up people instead of living my own. And yet, how I miss it!
Ruby Stone, explorer of tombs, rider of horses, collector of crap. High fitness level, but bust, but a bit of a loner.
Just how much time I wasted waiting for Egypt to load so I could cram in as much tomb raiding before the vacation need, it is impossible to tell. But what I do know, is if I had the time these days, I would do it all again.
Because reality sucks!
Soothing my anger with the creation of a haunted mansion, by killing all the residents in a house fire by putting them all in a room with several open fireplaces, rugs everywhere, and removing all the doors and windows. Or getting someone into the pool and taking away the ladder.
Ahhh, the cheapest therapy there is.