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The Humanity Bureau (2017)
The Humanity Bureau (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
5.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Classical dystopian film (0 more)
Slow pace in parts (1 more)
Worth a watch
Contains spoilers, click to show
Nicolas Cage stars in this dystopian film, set in a society where individuals who are believed not to contribute enough to society are sent to ‘New Eden’. Nicolas Cage plays the role of Noah, a government agent, who is sent to assess cases of people who are about to be evicted and transported to New Eden, a place where we are repeatedly told people are never heard from again.

Noah is sent to assess the case of Rachel and Lucas, a mother and son, who are struggling to make ends meat. Noah is quick to give the family an extension, defying orders. This action sparks a response from Noah’s bosses, and forces Noah to support Rachel and Lucas in their escape. The bulk of the movie is focused on the escape of the three across a land that we are told is radioactive and waste land. Elements of this part of the story are very slow paced for my liking, I prefer a bit more action than the behind the wheel reminiscing of Noah.

The plot line does keep its secrets until the end, although these are a little predictable, for example New Eden is a place we’re people do not make it out alive. The most difficult to believe twist though, was that of Lucas being Noah’s son, and Rachel not being the biological mother. I felt that the connection between the characters could have been thought out on a more emotional level, this seemed to be an afterthought forced into the plot in order to ensure that it made more sense.

Perhaps I have watched too many dystopian movies, but I struggled to find any ideas that were really unique to this film, which recycled ideas from stories such as Logan’s run and hunger games.

Overall the acting was good and it was not an overly bad movie, but there were issues with the pace and plot line.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated The Nines (2007) in Movies

Jun 19, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2019)  
The Nines (2007)
The Nines (2007)
2007 | International, Comedy, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Nines tells the story of Gary, Gavin, and Gabriel with each character given a specific segment in the film. The first segment tells the story of Gary, an actor who has more than a few issues. The second introduces us to Gavin as we're given a reality TV show look behind the scenes as he tries to get his show onto the air. The final segment is about Gabriel, a married man who designs video games. All of the segments are related and focus around the number 9. Discovering the truth about these characters and what they really are is what really makes the film worth watching.

I had been wanting to see this for awhile and I finally got around to seeing it today. It was actually better than I was expecting it to be. I haven't seen a film tie together multiple segments like this in a long time. Everything comes together quite well and it's pretty satisfying once all the cards are put on the table. Ryan Reynolds proves once again that his acting is quite strong and has more to him than being the casual funny man. Melissa McCarthy is also worth mentioning. She starts off being kind of irritating, but turns out being incredibly charming once the credits roll. Hope Davis was the last piece of the puzzle and is crucial to the overall story. At first, she just seems like the typical jealous and conniving female character who didn't get what she wanted. As the film progresses, however, her role becomes more interesting and it's revealed how important she is in Gary/Gavin/Gabriel's path to discovering what's really going on.

The Nines deserves a watch from anyone looking for something a little different. It'll definitely satisfy Ryan Reynolds fans and it'll probably meet or exceed what you expect from the film once it's all said and done. It surprised me quite a bit with a strong story, a great cast, and an incredibly solid script.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly, I’m not really sure where to start with this review. I guess I need to preface by saying that I wanted to like this book. I mean REALLY wanted to like it. I love video games, I love the 80’s and the idea of living almost exclusively in virtual reality sounds like an amazing combination for a story. Unfortunately, it didn’t work for me… at all. I totally respect that there is a HUGE following for this book, and I am sooooooooooooo glad that so many people loved this book. I think that’s great. I really wanted to like it.
The author’s writing style was the biggest problem for me. The book started off strong for the first couple of chapters, but then became a huge info-dump for about 6 chapters. Then it would get interesting again, and then another mega epic info-dump was upon us, until about the last 6-8 chapters. It was great that the author wanted to give detail to world build and help you become part of the book/game, but at times it was just too much for me.
I also found that the author did a poor job of explaining what life was like outside of the major cities, it was almost as if we were supposed to just know that it was a wasteland. The author also was not consistent with their acronyms (GSS, PVP, MMO, etc). He would use the acronym and provide no explanation, and then the next page he would spell it out with the acronym, and then the page after that it would be spelled out with no acronym… It was all over the place.
The other glaring issue for me was the fact that Wade was fighting the sixers and their huge corporation but then was trying to find the egg and in the end became the head of a super-mega-corporation. It didn’t jive for me at all.
Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Becca Fitzpatrick | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this book took over a month for me to read, which considering how its not a relatively long book baffles me. I was not compelled to read this book when I had a spare few minutes. I was not finding myself wanting to stay up just a little bit longer to finish the next chapter. It was honestly really lacking in so many ways.

I love reading YA fantasy/paranormal/mystical books. I love them! I have enjoyed series like House of Night, Sookie Stackhouse, Hunger Games, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I even liked Twilight back before the films. But I just don't get this book at all.

Less than a month after reading it I can barely remember anything that happened. None of the characters were likeable, swoon worthy or even vaguely pleasant. Her mother was frankly useless. The police who randomly seemed to show up completely incompetent and frankly rude (but not in a realistic way).

The 'heroine'.... if you could see or feel how hard my eyes want to roll back into my head thinking about her would give you a better understanding of how I felt towards her. She has no conviction to anything. She isn't even being portrayed as dumb, but that is what she is. Her best 'friend', just vile, not even funny at all.

The main 'love interest' .... called Patch, again with a tendon pulling eye roll. he was the only vaguely interesting character. But even there this book just complete missed the mark with me.

Honestly I have no more words for this book. It seemed to be about nothing at all, and i cant honestly remember any redeeming element of it. Honestly surprised it has 3.something stars on Goodreads. If i could give it less than 1 star I would have. I likely would have given it -Stars. Safe to say i will not be reading any of the others.
Major League (1989)
Major League (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Sport
Remove the Love Story and You've Got a Classic
When the new Cleveland Indians owner puts together a group of losers so the team will lose on purpose, the team bands together to try and exceed expectations.

Acting: 8
I’ve seen these actors in a number of different movies and I’m pretty sure all of them would agree that they’ve had better performances. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not horrid but no one is winning an Oscar here. My particular favorite was Bob Uecker playing the role of baseball analyst Harry Doyle. He makes every single game even more hilarious than what it already is with his random quips and jabs.

Beginning: 5

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 7

Conflict: 8

Entertainment Value: 9
Despite the god-awful love story they try and incite, the movie shines the most when the players are actually on the field. The games are beyond entertaining as they add the most pop to the comedy. The team is definitely one you can get behind so it’s fun to watch them rise up the ranks and defy the evil owner.

Memorability: 6

Pace: 4

Plot: 8
The concept is fun and unique. I just wish they would have done away with the ridiculous love story. It really puts a damper on what the movie is trying to accomplish which is show a group of losers finally get their chance to be on top. The movie suffers slightly from trying to do too much when less should be more.

Resolution: 7
Great ending…dampered by the love story. Seriously, get rid of that and the movie would be phenomenal, a solid classic. Besides that, I enjoyed everything there was to love about the movie’s resolution.

Overall: 72
Major League is good, although I wanted to love it a lot more. It shines in certain moments while falling short in others. It’s quality is enough to give it at least one solid go-around.

Jordan Binkerd (567 KP) rated Zombicide: Black Plague in Tabletop Games

Jul 21, 2019 (Updated Jul 21, 2019)  
Zombicide: Black Plague
Zombicide: Black Plague
2015 | Adventure, Fantasy, Fighting, Horror, Medieval
Improved ruleset vs. the original game (3 more)
Fantasy theme
Excellent miniatures!
Improved components vs. the original game
Primarily a combat simulator (1 more)
Low complexity
Improved rules and components, plus the fantasy theme? I wish I discovered this before the original.....
My wife and I love the original Zombicide and have most of the content for the modern setting, minus Kickstarter exclusives and the guest artist characters. So when we found ourselves at the local ComicCon and there was a copy of Black Plague in the game library? We jumped all over that! Compared to the original game, they've fixed several of the rules that bugged us about the game, especially regarding shooting and resources. They've also upgraded the dashboard system to a plastic thing with pegs, which is so much better than the originals that we've seriously considered buying them on eBay and Photoshoping cards for the modern characters so that we can incorporate the upgraded dashboards. We did incorporate a lot of the rules changes into our own games. So if you want to get into Zombicide and can only pick one setting, make it this one.

Like I said, we love Zombicide. But there are a lot of people in the gaming community that feel it lacks something in the way of complexity and strategy. They're not necessarily wrong. It's primarily a tactics game: here's your mission and goal, here's the situation, go! Is it easy? Sometimes. Depends on how lucky you are. Sometimes the zombies spawn in ways and locations that play right into your hands. Sometimes the Abomination spawns right in front of you and you either die immediately or the game bogs down while you scramble to outmaneuver him or find the (scarce) resources to defeat him. It can be pretty random and frustrating at times, and there are people who avoid randomness like the plague in their gaming. But like I said, my wife and I love the system, and this is the best version of it that I've seen.
Adrianna's Surge
Adrianna's Surge
Katrina Cope | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Starting out as the story of Jayden, rescued from a life on the streets by a mysterious benefactor and enrolled into an advanced (and secretive) school, the Sanctum series has gone from strength to strength, and the fifth installment is no exception.

Following on directly from the end of the fourth book, Eric and the Black Axes, this follows the exploits of both The Sanctum and Ernest College as they try to stop the robot army. But Eric Showden is not the worse adversary they will face. Secrets will be revealed which will change things forever...

Once again this is a fantastic roller coaster ride of a book. By using the clever technique of having the children of both The Sanctum and Ernest College battling by means of controlling surrogate robots and computer hacking, infiltration and battles are fought at one remove. The fighting is also done without guns, but instead using martial arts skills. Combined with the high toughness and strength of the surrogates this allows for some thrilling fight scenes, often against seemingly insurmountable odds.

But there is a lot more to this book, with a lot of background of both Avando and Dr Ernest explored and explained. There are real shocks along the way with what happens and what is revealed, either through investigation or as a result of decisions made. The stakes are higher and everyone must dig deep to win through.

The ending is terrific and very dramatic and although it feels like it could be a permanent end, I really hope that there are more stories in the pipeline for Jayden and his friends. I would miss them a lot if this was all there was.

It's probably over-used but really this is a series that deserves to be filmed. Now we have seen the end of the Hunger Games and Harry Potter finished a while ago I can't think of a better concept to enthuse young adults (and a little younger).
Awaken Online: Dominion
Awaken Online: Dominion
Travis Bagwell | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another excellent tale in the world of AO
This the 4th "full-length" (though the side quests aren't exactly novellas!) story in the LitRPG series starts of with Jason in his new incarnation as a "Keeper". He has a new set of tools, necromancy spells and abilities to get to grips with, and a new threat to overcome.
For once, the in-game story is split between characters, as we see Jason and Riley take on new training regimes (Jason has finally realised he can't always cower in the background letting his zombies and skeletons do all the work and he has to become better at combat himself), Frank goes on tour to secure the outlying towns of their growing empire, and the baddie Alex plots to get some revenge on Jason for publicly besting him. We also spend time in the real world as a senatorial hearing is opened to look into allegations that Awaken Online may not be safe for its users.
All of the characters develop notably in this book, none more than Jason who has to do some soul-searching, change his in-game role, and also make peace with what the game technology may be doing to his mind and body.
The story is strong, though with a smaller scale in its problem solving than before - the focus is more on Jason and Riley's personal challenges rather than larger quests. It is a little heavy on the admin at times but given how complicated games like this would be that adds to the immersive feel of the book.
The only main gripe for me is the use of the word "tendril" on almost every page, and the occasional use of "overtop" which very much jars when read.
Otherwise, another superb, gripping tome in this online fantasy world.
Next up is Frank's side-quest, hopefully before Christmas (I can't seem to keep up with Bagwell's output and am always at least 2 books behind!).

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Alien: Isolation in Video Games

Jan 22, 2020  
Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation
Isolation Within Inside The Ship
Alien Isolation- is a phenomenal game, its terrorfying, horrorfying, scary, and overall fantastic survival game. Think Dead Space, Lost Planet and Prey combind into one epic game.

The game is set 15 years after the events of the original 1979 film Alien, and follows engineer Amanda Ripley, daughter of Alien protagonist Ellen Ripley, as she investigates the disappearance of her mother. Which is cool, because now you in the shoes of Ripley's daughter, trying to find her mom.

The Game requiries the player to avoid and outsmart a single Alien creature with tools such as a motion tracker and flamethrower.

The player can use the motion tracker to track the Alien's location. While motion was detected in front of the tracker, a circle will appear on its screen, indicating where the motion is detected. Which you will use often to track where the alien is.

The Alien creature cannot be defeated, requiring the player to use stealth tactics in order to survive. Instead of following a predetermined path, the Alien has the ability to actively investigate disturbances and hunt the player by sight or sound. Along the way, the player can use both a flashlight and a motion tracker to detect the Alien's movements. However, using any of these increases the chance of the Alien finding the player. For example, if the Alien is moving and close enough, the tracker's sound will attract the Alien, forcing the player to use the tracker wisely and remove it as soon as it detects motion. The motion tracker cannot detect enemies when they are not moving and cannot determine if the alien creature is up in the ducts or on ground level.

You have to use your survival skills and your stealth skills cause you dont you will get killed often by the alien.

A must play game for those who love the alien franchise and those who love survival isolation stealth horror games like Dead Space, Lost Planet and Prey.

Night Reader Reviews (683 KP) Jan 22, 2020

I have this game for the Xbox one and just haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Your review is telling me that I need to break it out sometime soon.

Century: Eastern Wonders
Century: Eastern Wonders
2018 | Nautical, Pirates
Simple to learn (1 more)
multiple strategies make for good replayability.
Strategic yet simple
Played this for the first time recently and it was the hit of the game night. It felt balanced and very playable even for just two people. We learned the rules quickly and only found the wording vague on one subject. We had to refer to BGG for clarification. Play moved quickly and it tickled our chess fancy, as we were able to be very strategic and plan our movies carefully and in advance. My partner and I adopted very different strategies and the game ended up being very close which is a good sign in terms of balance and replayability.
    For those who are unaware of the games mechanics, you create a board of tiles, each tile representing a market where you can trade, and the trade requirements for that particular market. The commodities are different colored cubes, one tile may allow you to trade 2 yellow cubes for 2 reds, another a red for a green, etc. You can pay cubes for additional movement and to create outposts that allow you to trade. The goal is to acquire the needed commodities for the different ports, which have a changing request via small tiles placed on the port tiles, these may require a variety of cubes, if you are the first to bring that combo to that port, you score the victory points. There are also victory points and special tiles that affect gameplay available via outpost placing, which encourages you to spread your presence on the board. My partner chose this strategy and built nearly all twenty of his outposts, I milked only a couple tiles for their trade combos, focusing on commodity acquirement and port fufillment. I won, but we only had a few point difference.
    We really enjoyed it, and look forward to playing it again, it's mechanics are unique enough that it stands out in our game library and it was a comfortable length for casual play!