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Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
2011 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Miniatures
Can be expanded with other games in this series. (3 more)
Is set in the world of D&D
Can be played as 1 player
Easy to learn
Not much depth to the game itself (3 more)
No real character progression
Badly moulded miniatures
1 Player mode is very tedious
Good but not great.
This is the first "standalone" tabletop game I have bought from Wizards of The Coast.

I am a D&D fan, so was quite looking forward to playing this, the packaging and content of the game really caught my attention when the game arrived, I was definitely very excited to start playing.

I read through the rules fairly quickly and set the game up ready to play, the first run through was OK although I messed up the rules a little and felt it would be better to start again, after a quick re-read I was ready to go again. Just bare in mind, the rules are easy, but there are a few things you end up forgetting, so it is handy to read them through a couple of times and have them handy when playing.

I carried on through the game a little longer and soon realised it was quite a tedious process, as I was playing on my own and not with others the game needed to keep me entertained, and it really didn't do that.. I was actually starting to wish it would end (I am someone who has to finish a game and can't stop half way through) and when I finally died, I was actually quite relieved.

I ended up putting it away and not coming back to it for a while.. until one day when a couple of friends were over and we weren't in the mood for a really intense style game, I decided to pull it out and see how it played with others. It was certainly a much different experience, it seemed to flow better and just having the others there to have a bit of fun with definitely made the game much more enjoyable.

I would say it is worth buying the game to play with your friends but as a solo game, I really wouldn't bother.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
2017 | Action/Adventure
Amazing Graphics (2 more)
Captivating Storyline
Repeat Playability
Some repetition although never felt tedious (0 more)
A Visually Epic Tale of a Future Dominated By Machines
Horizon Zero Dawn tells the tale of Aloy, an outsider in a future ruled by machines who needs to find her place in the world. A story which reaches from her younger years to adulthood and leads us through interweaving story arch from tribe acceptance to standing side by side with royalty.

Take down an array of machines with just a bow and arrow or create multiple strategies using an armoury of inventive weapons. The combat is sleek, often offering multiple ways of achieving your goal. The storytelling is deep and rich with a cast of hundreds of characters, each with their own interesting backstory to be discovered. Controls are superb, rarely limiting your ability to interact with the environment. Graphically stunning (I played this on a standard PS4 but there are significant improvements to be had if you own a PS4 Pro).
For the collector in you there is plenty to find here albeit easy enough to complete with the maps available for purchase.

This version of the game comes complete with The Frozen Wilds DLC which opens up an additional region to the north of the map with new, deadlier enemies to tackle as well as an entirely new story arch to discover. You can also unlock New Game + which (once the base game is complete) allows you to restart the game with all the weapons, armour and collectibles you have found already. New Game + increases the difficulty significantly bringing new challenges to an already discovered map (which in itself is vast to say the least).

All in all, Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition is an incredible story of survival in a hostile world. One of the top games of 2017 for me (if not the best). Certainly deserves all the awards it received and thankfully paves the way for a sequel through multiple unanswered questions. I award Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition 9/10 and a must have for any PS4 owner (exclusive to PS4).

Review Setup Used:
PS4: Standard 500 gig base model
TV: LG 50PZ570T
Audio (interchanged): LG 5.1 Surround BH7440 OR Turtle Beach Wireless PX4 Headphones

Villainous Vee (53 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Overwatch Origins Edition in Video Games

Mar 11, 2018  
Overwatch Origins Edition
Overwatch Origins Edition
2016 | Shooter
Many hero's to choose from (2 more)
Many modes to select from
Earn loot boxes to change your characters looks
Playing by yourself can get very frustrating (0 more)
Fun and exciting, never gets old!!
I put off purchasing this game for quite a while because what I first understood from reading about it there didn't seem to be a lot of variety in the game play, I just believed you would either be capturing and zone or moving a pay load from point A to point B.
My friend finally talked me into purchasing it as it was on a special deal and I have not looked back and I rarely play much else anymore because I am LOVING this game.
There are so many different modes to choose from and those that are in the arcade change weekly and sometimes daily. Or if you fancy something completely different you can always look in the game browser where players set up their own games.
You might to start with think that you just pick a character and go but each has their benefits and their weaknesses and so you have to work with the other player in your team to choose a suitable line up in order to win.
Game modes rotate between attack and defense and so your character selection is very much dependant on what your are doing.
Playing solo and not in a team can get a bit frustrating, especially when players are not really thinking about what it is the team objective is and they just go for a character they play regularly rather than one that would benefit the team. Quite often I end up as Mercy or Moira (support hero's) in order to have a healer on the team as everyone selects quickly without working it out.
Competitive play for points (which runs in seasons) is also quite frustrating for the sakme reason... Especially as a loss means you drop down the rankings and your points at end of the season suffer because of it.
However I adore this game and if I ever fancy just relaxing and having a bit of fun this is always the game I go to first and so I would highly recommend it.
Concealed in the Shadows
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Sydney's been waiting for her 18th birthday for a long time. It's a special day for her, as it's the day she can apply for guardianship of her sister. The world's different from how we know it after Congress separated the nation and laid down the law on population growth, and all Sydney wants is to reunite with her sister and hopefully escape from Miles County. However, as always happens, there's a kink in the plan, and things go awry fairly quickly for poor Sydney. How will she handle all the new information being thrown at her? What will become of her and her sister? And what is she to do about these strange new feelings for a man she barely knows?

First things first: This cover just grabbed me from the very start. I felt like her eyes were seeing right through me, and I couldn't wait to read about the person depicted in the picture. Sydney's a strong young woman, having been through more in her 18 years than most people see and endure in a couple lifetimes. However, she's done it all to help her sister Evvie survive in this world, and now she's fighting to be her sole guardian. The relationship between the two, and the way the bond is described that Sydney has for Evvie, was a very palpable thing. I could just sit back and picture the two going through life, Sydney always a couple steps ahead, checking to make sure everything was perfect for her little sister. But, the world is a much different place, and Sydney soon learns that things aren't always what they seem. I might consider this book somewhat dystopian, rather similar to Hunger Games, in that it's a futuristic setting (although not too distant) where the government has seized control and divided the nation into much smaller, easier-to-manage portions. It's a very intriguing premise, and I'm anxious to see what happens next for Sydney and Evvie.

4 1/2 stars
Shadow Fall (Shadow Fall, #1)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rating 1.5 stars

<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

For almost a decade, dystopian literature has become mainstream amongst the young adult community, and it appears set to stay as another debut author joins the bandwagon. <i>Shadow Fall</i> by Audrey Grey encompasses ideas from popular series, such as<i> The Hunger Games</i> and <i>The Maze Runner</i>, to create an original apocalyptic story. In barely more than a fortnight the Earth is doomed to be destroyed by a passing asteroid, only a handful of humans can survive. The question is who?

Maia Graystone, a fugitive, has been given the opportunity to win a place on Hyperion space station – a castle in the stars – and safety from the asteroid, Pandora. However in a game of life and death it is not going to be easy to get through the trials. Posing, quite literally, as the Lady Everly March, Maia hopes not to be recognized by the tyrannous Emperor, nor by the mother who abandoned her. Yet Maia’s supporters have an ulterior motive – kill the Emperor.

To be brutally honest, <i>Shadow Fall</i> was a rather tedious book to read. Granted there was a lot of action – mostly unnecessary, bloodthirsty murder – however the confusing storyline, rude characters and the inability to evoke a visual idea of the setting, resulted in a painstakingly uninspiring story.

With so many dystopian novels to compete against, it is going to be hard for a new writer to stand out from the crowd. Audrey Grey used a lot of Greek mythological references as the basis of her ideas, something that appealed to me, but may be lost on other readers.
On the other hand,<i> Shadow Fall </i>contains a couple of scenes that will conjure emotion up in the majority of readers, and mildly excite and engage. Yet, for me, this was not enough to save it from a negative review. I really wanted to like this book but I struggled to get into the story and appreciate the author’s hard work.
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful characters (1 more)
Interesting fantasy world
Second half is rather short, definitely could have been stretched futher (0 more)
Falling back in love with fairies.
When I first picked up this book, I was expecting it to be just another book about a teenage girl falling in love with some irresistible fairie. Although I didn't expect much as I haven't really enjoyed many YA novels about fairies in a few years, I fell in love myself with the protagonist, Feyre, and many of the other characters.

Feyre's character reminds me of Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. She is strong and independent with clear motivations and her progression towards a softer, more gentle character throughout the book never takes away that strength. My favourite thing about her character is that she finds love but she never stops relying on herself.

Leading on from that, the main romance in this book is very believable and real, developing over time, with Maas presenting Feyre and Tamlin as equals, helping each other to grow. This is a refreshing change from many YA romances, where a man swoops in to save a damaged woman from all of her problems. Plus, there are many non-romantic relationships that really lighten up the novel. An example of this is Feyre's friendship with Lucien which, although purely platonic, is just as inspiring and lovely as any romance.

My only criticism of this novel is that it could have been longer. I really enjoyed the final part of the story, where Feyre goes through a lot for her relationship, because it really showcases her strength. However, it felt slightly rushed at some points, considering it is meant to take place over around 3 months. The final confrontation near then end seemed to be very quick and I can see how this makes sense with the story but I still would have liked to have a bit more to read.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes YA fantasy with romance, politics and magic. I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
2017 | Racing
Still one of the best
Mario Kart is one of the classics. Despite now on its 8th iteration, it’s still as good as it ever was and is one of the best games out there to play. No matter which version of Mario Kart I’ve played, I never really have a bad word to say about it, and 8 is no different.

The graphics are fantastic, and a great step up to those I was previously used to on the last version available on the Wii. The gameplay is as you’d expect from Mario Kart and this isn’t a bad thing. Why fix what isn’t broken? I also love the fact that you can now play this online properly against anyone in the world - it’s such a great feature and brings a whole new level of fun to the game. It can get a little dull and predictable if you’re playing locally as a couch co-op (or at least that’s what my other half says as I always win ?), but being able to play online multiplayer is so entertaining and we can play it for hours. Yes it is very frustrating, as sadly real players are a lot more ruthless than the computer players you’re up against locally, but it’s still a lot more fun.

My only criticisms about this game are that whilst it has quite a lot of levels/courses, for me it still isn’t enough. They’re not exactly long races and you can get through them all fairly quickly, and there’s only so many times you can do the same courses. And the only other criticism relates specifically to online play. Online play gives you points, but some players have a lot more points than others (i.e. 5k+, 10k+) which indicates they’ve been playing for a lot longer. The online match ups take no account of points and you can potentially end up playing against players with a huge difference in skill and points level. It’d be nice if they could try and match players together within a certain points, as it might make it more of a fairer race and a little more challenging if players are all similarly matched.

Sheridan (209 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider in Video Games

Sep 27, 2018  
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
2018 | Action/Adventure
Graphics are incredible (2 more)
Gameplay is flawless
Story is engaging and interesting
Bug in Achievements which only allows you to get the game to 98.92%, even though you've done everything (Xbox One) (0 more)
A Visual Masterpiece
I'll do my best not to gush too much, but holy mother of - this game, you guys - this game is utterly phenominal. The graphics, oh wow! The trees, the water, Lara's hair! It's all totally on point. Amazing all round, I spent the first ten minutes just looking around because let me tell you the graphics are just beautiful. The gameplay is similar to the other two Tomb Raider games but with a few new interesting ideas, the skill tree gives you a bunch of great perks that *really* help when you get further into the story. The collectibles are interesting and at some stages challenging to find, I honestly can't remember whether or not Rise of the Tomb Raider had the GPS caches but they've done away with that idea in SotTR and gone with Survival caches which are great for upgrading. They've also got a new idea where you find monoliths which give you a rare survival caches if you can solve the riddle ;) Another new feature are Crypts which are like mini challenge tombs, once you complete it you recieve an outfit which you restore at your base camps, and wearing those gives you extra game perks (they're also pretty which is fun too). The challenge tombs are great fun and give you perks in your skill tree, you can't get unless you complete them, so it's worthwhile doing them. Once you've finished the game, you have the option to have another crack at it in New Game +, you keep all your skills, outfits and weapons (at the moment I'm a bit of the way through this with the game on 'One with the Jungle' which is the hard setting). The story is really interesting and based on Mayan legends, which I won't spoil for you, needless to say it's fantastic :) TL;DR: It's f**king phenominal, get it, you won't be disappointed :)
Nintendo continues their recent impressive run of exclusive titles with the quirky and addictive Splatoon which combines the color and fun of Paintball with a customizable shooter.

Playing either solo or multiplay, players compete in various arenas to battle it out for control of key locales and to score more points that the other team. That sounds simple enough, but when you factor in the ability to turn into a squid to hide yourself in one of the many paint puddles you can create or to scale a wall, then you have something entirely new.

Splatoon also offers a campaign mode where players go through a training course as well as get to enjoy leaping from one launch point to another to battle enemy forces. Clever trimming can be required as there is not an infinite supply of paint, so gamers will have to reload which is key when you’re laying down your colors in an effort to control and area.

I especially liked the paint bombs you could throw at an enemy as the colorful nature of the game is really one of the most unique action shooter elements in recent memory.

The multiplay matching was fast and in no time I found myself on a team battling it out. The motion control aspects did take some getting used to as tilting the control up, down, left, and right to aim while using the control sticks to move did take some adjustment and this is not a game you want to play standing for long periods of time, as the action is fast.

The social area of the game allows players to customize their characters with new clothes and weapons so players have an incentive to do well in their games for more than simple bragging rights.

While the graphics will not set new standards, they are in keeping with what players expect from Nintendo and the action and fun of the game makes Splatoon a must own for Wii U owners and one that any shooter fan, especially those with younger gamers will want to experience.
The 5th wave (2016)
The 5th wave (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Films about invaders from space have been a staple of film and television since the golden age of cinema. Playing on many Cold War fears in the aftermath of W.W.II, aliens bent on destruction has been an enduring staple of cinematic culture.

In the new film “The 5th Wave” which is based on the book of the same name, Chloe Grace Moretz plays Cassie, a teen who has her entire life turned upside down by the arrival of a mysterious craft. A few days after the arrival of “the Others” as they are known, a pulse wipes out all electronics on the planet. This is soon followed by tsunamis and earthquakes as well as disease and death.

Cassie along with her father and brother find shelter but their community is soon disrupted by the arrival of the military who say that the invaders are now amongst them and posing as humans.

The military under the leadership of Colonel Vosch (Liev Schreiber) has a plan to train the children to spot and defeat the alien invaders thus setting in motion the main conflict of the film. The secondary story consists of Cassie attempting to reunite with her family and her relationship with a mysterious stranger named Evan (Alex Roe).

The film is clearly aimed at a young adult market and as such I was able to spot the big twist in the film a long ways off as the clues were blatantly obvious to me. That being said, the film is better than you might expect and being the first chapter in a trilogy of books does set up the possibilities of sequels.

The dialogue and acting is pretty groan inducing at times, but again, remember the target audience, the film should entertain and it is nice to see Moretz deliver a solid performance in what in many ways could have been a limited role.

While it is not going to make you forget “The Hunger Games” anytime soon, the film is still a decent escape for those willing to overlook the flaws.