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Gareth von Kallenbach (977 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Ion Fury in Video Games

Aug 16, 2019  
Ion Fury
Ion Fury
2018 | Shooter
Back in the 90s before the days of High-Speed Internet, 3D Graphics Cards, and other gaming technologies that we take for granted was Duke Nukem 3D. The game was developed by Voidpoint, in association with 3D Realms and 1C Publishing on the Build Engine and became a big hit in large part to the action, character, and interactive features of the game which were fairly new at the time.

Other games such as Shadow Warrior and Blood followed which were powered by this technology but it soon became a thing of the past as games such as Quake set the new standards for graphics and online play and with the advent of 3D acceleration; pixelated graphics became a thing of the past.

What was once old is now new again as 3D Realms have returned with a new game called Ion Fury. While Duke and Shadow Warrior have spawned sequels and remakes using modern gaming features and graphics Ion Fury takes a step back by giving gamers the look, sound, and feel of a game from the 90s.

Playing as Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison; players must take on the evil Dr. Jadus Heskel and his army of Cyber-Cultists.

While the look of the game may be retro there are many features that were not possible back in the day such as auto saves, improved physics, headshots, and more; the game is a fast-paced and action-packed shooter that more than holds its own with any of the recent entries into the genre.

While I had played the preview mission about a year ago, the full game did take a bit of adjustment as some things simply do not play like a modern game would. There can be some clipping issues, and enemy A.I. can be erratic. But the awesome array of weapons from your Loverboy pistol to Shotguns, Machine Guns, Chain Guns, and Grenade Launchers are more than enough to cut enemies down to size. You will need this and more such as your Seeking Grenades and Mines as the game throws lots of enemies at you and as you progress they become more abundant, varied, and dangerous.

Ion Fury is filled with numerous secret areas and Pop Culture references from the lines your character says to all sorts of locales and situations that arise. There are also some clever call backs to earlier games as I noticed the Bloody Handprint from BLOOD, the Ying/Yang Symbol from Shadow Warrior, and Duke’s Atomic symbol at various times.
The game mixes indoor and outdoor locales well including an Academy, Subway, Mansion, and of course the secret lab filled with all sorts of evil experiments.

The game is also filled with several puzzles as well as a few very annoying times jumps that had me cursing at their difficulty on more than one occasion. There were also plenty of long levels where you had to find alternate ways into rooms to obtain Key Cards to unlock other areas and keep the action moving. There was a decent supply of health and Body Armor along the way and it never was unappreciated as enemies would either swarm or attack from hiding frequently.

As I played the game I moved past the nostalgia and became really focused on the story and the action. I was able to look past the older graphics and gameplay and remember just how fun this type of game was and how we would spend hours online playing games like this.
Sadly this is not an option in Ion Fury at the time as the game is missing a Multiplay segment. We had done an interview for the game over a year ago; and we were of the understanding that this would be a part of the final release but sadly it is not. I had hoped to relive some of classic Deathmatch games of old.

The game is affordable as it is set to sell at $19.99 and considering I have over 14 hours of gameplay to complete the game; it more than delivers and I did not even find all of the secret areas each level offers.

In the end if you are in the mood for some retro action; then Ion Fury is one that you will not want to miss.

4 stars out of 5

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) created a post

Dec 19, 2018 (Updated Dec 19, 2018)  
Time for a rant and no spoilers if you haven't finished the game yet.

So last night, I decided that I was finally finished with Red Dead Redemption 2. I have played through the entire 60+ hour campaign including the Epilogue, (which is like an entire game in and of itself,) I have done all of the side missions in my side-bar other than the tedious collectathons and I believe that I have encountered the majority of relevant strangers in the wilderness.

It's not my favourite game of all time, I don't even think that it's my Game Of The Year, but there is no denying that it is still one of the greatest achievements ever seen in the medium of videogames. There have been a few stories talking about the 6 figure bonuses that some Rockstar employees are receiving on the back of this release and frankly I feel like that is well deserved. As a 3D Animator near the beginning of my career, a project like this is what I aspire to one day get the chance to work on. The level of quality and vastness present here is astonishing from a development perspective.

Red Dead 2 has been in development for around 8 years, as apparently work began on this game very quickly after RDR Undead Nightmare was released. If you sit through the almost hour long credit sequence at the story's conclusion, you will see thousands of names scroll by. When you consider the salary of the amount of people that worked on this game over eight years along with the extravagant worldwide marketing campaign, the total budget for RDR2 must have been astronomical, yet the game made it's money back IN IT'S FIRST WEEK!

Regardless of the huge profit and enormous number of sales that this game has generated, the entire Rockstar staff that worked on this game can now put this milestone on their CV's. It's a golden mark against their name that would most likely land them a job at any other game studio that they desire joining.

The reason that I am bringing all of this up is due to a number of articles that were published on a fair few major gaming websites back at the time around the game's release. Kotaku, IGN, Gamespot and Unilad Gaming all reported that during an interview with one of the Houser brothers, (the joint CEO's at Rockstar,) when asked about the crunch period of the game's development that employees were more of less forced to work 100+ hour work weeks.

This was of course an exaggeration of what was actually said and the context was twisted for the sake of click-bait headlines, but nevertheless there was an outrage within the videogame echo-chamber. People online decided to become civil rights speakers on behalf of Rockstar employees before it came out that at most, even the heaviest work weeks leading up to the game's release never exceeded 60 hours and even then, that was only if the employee volunteered to work the overtime, time for which they were financially compensated.

As someone trying to break into the videogame industry, I understand feeling passion for a project and I recognise that feeling of pride you get when finally completing a project that you have slaved over, (on a much smaller scale of course.) I understand that there are developers out there that choose to work a 50-60 hour work week on something that they are passionate about and can be proud of and I also understand that games like RDR2, which are so vast and yet so full of intricate detail and high levels of quality don't get made without devs that refuse to put in the extra time required to pull something like this off. Frankly if I was a Rockstar dev that had put this amount of work into a product that I am proud of and then seen these rants online, I would be offended. Who are you to judge how much of a workload someone else can handle?

I am not saying that there aren't toxic places to work that have horrific line managers that force their staff to work crazy hours or lose their jobs, but by all accounts that I have heard, Rockstar isn't one of those places. So the next time that you decide to put on your SJW hat and sit in front of your computer and start berating someone for being passionate about something that they have worked extremely hard on, remember what Rockstar delivered through RDR2 and maybe do some research before unleashing your tirade.
<u>Arcanum 101</u>
Even though this came out decades after the first Diana Tregarde novel, it's a prequel so I read this first. Having just finished [b:Children of the Night|14012|Children of the Night (Diana Tregarde, #1)|Mercedes Lackey||16102], I see a big difference in both Lackey's writing (it's definitely better) and in some continuity holes. Mostly minor, but for one thing, in this she calls her grandmother "Memaw" and in CotN, "Granny." She goes to college in Boston, at Harvard no less, in the short story and Connecticut is the only place mentioned in CotN. With the exception for a minor mention of Itzaak in the full-length book, none of the others featured in Arcanum 101 are in it, so apparently they were just created for the short story, which is a major bummer because I liked them better than the ones in CotN.

Okay onto an actual review...

While there's a bit of a slower start, introducing Diana and the others, I quite liked the pace. It felt natural and didn't bore me, which is a surprise in itself. Diana is much more likable here and has a strength of character and practical nature that appeals to me. The characters and plot kept the momentum going and if this wasn't a series that had already been written, I would have liked to see the universe expanded upon. Some of the characters didn't get fully fleshed out but just enough to make they feel like they were needed in some way. The plot was interesting, though the ending hasty but serviceable. A good story and introduction that also works fine as a standalone.
<i>3.5 stars</i>

A decent short story with some interesting ideas, especially the American Indian beliefs and mythology. I doubt I'll remember it much in a week, but it was overall enjoyable.
<i>3 stars</i>

<u>Ghost in the Machine</u>
I loved the idea of this story and it was very well-paced and plotted. While this could be dated with computers and gaming, I believe most of it stands up well. In a way Ellen seems to be Diana Tregarde 2.0, she's more believeable and interesting; she doesn't seem perfect. this would be a very cool series, too bad it probably won't happen.
<i>4.25 stars</i>
2007 | Card Game, Farming
Bean farmin’. Don’t get better’n that. Unless you’re corn farmin’. An’ we should know. We are from the Quad Cities, the booger of the man made by Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Look here. Yes, we are surrounded by corn fields, but our home is not within a corn field. Actually, we live in a somewhat-midsize metropolitan area that boasts a population near 475,000. I’m off track again, aren’t I? Right. Bean farming. Lame theme, but Bohnanza shines in gameplay that just can’t be beat. Right, Bryan?

Okay, so bean farming isn’t for everyone. It’s not for me, it’s probably not for you. And honestly, the theme in Bohnanza doesn’t really come through all that strongly. But that’s only part of the reason we game. It’s also about the experience of gaming and the memories you make while playing. This game certainly delivers on those points. So many hilarious moments have been brought to us by Bohnanza. Bohnanza, the zany little card game about planting and trading beans.

I remember one time, when playing with family, there was a VERY heated back-and-forth bargaining that involved the lowly Chili Bean. Screaming. Throwing hands in the air. It was glorious. And the Chili Bean shall thenceforth be known as nothing other than the Chilla Bean.

So I’m not going to bore you with the rules explanation, but I will tell you that some of the mechanics found in this little game can be found elsewhere in other games, but the combination of the mechanics coupled with the ridiculous theme elevates this game for many. It has set collection, hand management (NO shuffling your hand or even sorting – you keep those cards in the same order you received them, youngster!), trading, bluffing, take that. It has so much packed into this small box. So much ridiculousness. But it’s wonderful.

I have taught this to brand new gamers and those who are very inexperienced with modern board games. It’s a smash with nearly everyone. I will be keeping my copy, even though my brother suggests pretty much ANY other game when we pull it out (as evidenced by his rating of 2 out of 6). We at Purple Phoenix Games give Bohnanza a 17 / 24.
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Stan Lee cameo (1 more)
Marvel / Disney Princess moments
Dragged (1 more)
Clumsy Product Placement
None of the charm of the original
I loved Wreck It Ralph, two misfits finding and helping each other to overcome their issues and find themselves. Full of charm, flawed but pure of heart characters looking out for each other, nice little video game references and clever world building.
Here so much of that is lost. There is far too much effort on trying to shoe-horn internet references in for comedy effect, which doesn't work. When Ralph and Venellope arrive in the internet we are treated to a full three minutes of staring at website logos. While this has an overall feel of Inside Out, with a make-believe world being put over something we can't really understand, at the time it was quite nauseating.
I enjoyed the moments interacting with the Marvel and Star Wars worlds (most notably when Vanellope bumps in to the avatar of certain old, moustachioed gentleman known for making cameos) and the Disney Princess moments were enjoyable.
Ralph and Vanellope are looking to buy a replacement part for Sugar Rush to avoid it being unplugged forever, and end up needing to raise a lot of money to buy it on eBay. The issue I have with this, is it gives kids the idea they can make a lot of money online in a short amount of time (either gaming or buy uploading videos in the hope of going viral), therefore why bother learning anything or going to school/work?! In this day and age where every child thinks "YouTuber" is a valid career to aspire to, I found this unnecessarily poor form from Disney.
The film eventually finds its feet and through Ralph and Vanellope's strained friendship it finds a plot with a bit more peril than simply needing some money.
The world of the arcade was completely left behind as soon as we entered the internet, I would have liked to see more of Fix-it Felix and Calhoun's time with the brats from Sugar Rush, if only as brief respite from website logos.
All in all I was massively disappointed in the film and feel a lot of the charm was case aside at the expense of advertising revenue.
The Resistance
The Resistance
2018 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Science Fiction, Spies / Espionage
Excellent intro into social deduction games (3 more)
Easy to teach
Creates interesting moments
High player count
Component quality is lacking (3 more)
Seriously effected by the metagame (i.e. you were a spy last game, you're a spy this game)
Outshined by other, more impressive games.
Puts introverted players in awkward situations.
Good... Until it's not
First off... I love this game. I've had some of the best moments in my gaming history playing this game. It's a simple, quick, satisfying game of bluffing and lying to your friends. But... I'm a good liar. I'm not in the camp of "This game is broken" or "I'm too good at this so it's not fun", because neither of those are true. And maybe my lack of appreciation comes from spending hours playing this over and over early on in my collections history. But truth be told, there are better games that do everything this does and more. This is a good entrance point for people into social deduction games. Unfortunately, it makes introverted people uncomfortable when another, louder, more confident gamer is shouting about something. To be honest, that's the issue with the whole genre, but this is often the starting off point that sullies more involved games for some players. Games like Burke's Gambit, which is similar but with more things players can do. Avalon, which is this game with more in depth roles. One Night Ultimate Werewolf/Alien/Vampire, which is a lot of the same but with an app to moderate it and interesting and plentiful player powers. Secret Hitler, which if you can get past the theme, is amazing, and brings the same feel but with more choices and consequences for your actions.
The Resistance is a fine game. It's only great or good until your group has built up such a metagame that it's not great or good anymore. But then something surprises you and it's back up there. Until you play with a different group. Until you play a different game. Until you evolve naturally past The Resistance into another similar game. I'd always recommend this to new gamers. Because it's a good game... Until... It's not good anymore. Then it's always there for a new friend coming to play. For a session with the new players. It's a good game... Until... It's not.