Japanese Gardens and Landscapes, 1650-1950
Moss, stone, trees, and sand arranged in striking or natural-looking compositions: the tradition of...

European Gardens: History, Philosophy and Design
Garden design and usage has been a feature of human civilization as far back as Neolithic times,...

Organic Vegetable and Fruit Gardener: a Practical Directory of Garden Produce with Over 250 Photographs
Michael Lavelle and Christine Lavelle
This is a practical directory of garden produce with over 250 photographs. It is a comprehensive...

Charlotte Moss: Garden Inspirations
Celebrated interior designer and renowned tastemaker Charlotte Moss turns her eye to the garden as a...

The Balcony Gardener: Creative Ideas for Small Spaces
In The Balcony Gardener she shows you how to do just the same. Discover how to make the most of your...