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The Gardener’s Plot
The Gardener’s Plot
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Debut Wasn’t Quite Ready to Bloom
Maggie Walker has inherited her grandmother’s house in a small town in the Berkshires. She’s long been a gardener, so when she is asked to help Violet with the new community garden, Maggie jumps in with both feet. But the morning of the grand opening, Violet is nowhere to be found. Then, a member of the community finds a boot in his plot in the community garden. A boot attached to a dead body. With the police thinking Violet might have something to do with it, Maggie’s set out to find her friend and prove she is innocent. But can she do it?

Since this book won a contest to be published, it caught my attention. Sadly, I don’t think it was quite ready for publication. The writing seemed a little vague at times, filling in details later, after we’d already made our impressions of things. The plot bogged down in the middle as Maggie spun her wheels before leading us to a good climax. The main characters were great, but the suspects were a little flat. The setting was charming, and even this non- gardener loved hearing about the plants. I wish I had liked this book better, but I probably won’t be moving on with the series.
The Secret Garden
The Secret Garden
Frances Hodgson Burnett | 2017 | Children
8.2 (108 Ratings)
Book Rating
To really appreciate I believe this must be read or reread, as an adult. Not to or for a child, but to yourself. The descriptions of the garden are beautiful, the change in the children can be felt as well as seen. It really is quite remarkable and I'm sad I never knew how good it really was until now.
If I had a criticism it would be that I would have preferred a fraction longer at the end to really complete the story, even if just a page or two more.
A classic to be owned.
Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Castles of Mad King Ludwig
2018 | Economic, Puzzle
artwork (2 more)
layout design
feels like you are building a castle with blueprints
Incredible balanced, semi puzzle, with competitive aspects, and lots of economic and point scoring strategy.
I love this game, it's so much fun to play, and even has a one player version, my wife and I sometimes play separately and send each other pictures of the final blueprints. it's fun to imagine them actually existing with a bowling alley next to a kitchen and a garden a few feet from a torture chamber. The expansion adds some more fun with new rooms and secret passages.

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Jul 22, 2018

Played again today.


The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Jul 22, 2018



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