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JT (287 KP) rated The Raid 2 (2014) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Raid 2 (2014)
The Raid 2 (2014)
2014 | Action, Adventure
Stop….pause….take a breath, you’ll need to catch it after witnessing one of the finest action films made for some time.

The follow up to The Raid packs an even harder punch, with our hero Rama (Iko Uwais) sent undercover to bring down a crime family and uncover yet more police corruption.

The first film was simplistic enough, a SWAT team enter a building and (without the use of an elevator) must navigate their way up to the top floor to bring down a powerful but mediocre drug lord. Praised for its gritty no holds barred fight sequences, and perfectly timed action it was nothing short of a hit.

Part 2 follows practically from where the last ended, Rama is hurried away to a secluded location and given the rundown explaining that all his efforts were for nothing, but that he still has a big part to play. Although he doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter.

To keep his family safe he has to get close to the arrogant son of a mob boss, Ucok (Arifin Putra), and to do this must infiltrate a prison by committing a high profile crime that will get him noticed by the mafia top brass. What is only supposed to be a few months turns into a couple of years, giving Rama more than enough time to get right under the skin of Ucok.

The storyline isn’t anything unique with shades of Infernal Affairs about it, police corruption, undercover cops and feuding mafia families probably seem all too familiar but director Gareth Evans lays it out in such a way that the similarities end right there.

The story delves deeper into several subplots all of which trail off on their own, but they don’t hamper the overall narrative or confuse things in a way which will make the film harder to follow and at an ass numbing 150 minutes that might be easier said than done.

Then there is the inclusion of three of the badest characters you’re ever likely to see. Hammer Girl, whose special moves entail ripping people in two with claw hammers, Baseball Bat Man, you can probably guess his unique ability and then The Assassin, who armed with a pair of kerambits’ is a silent but very much a deadly force.

There’s returning actor Yayan Ruhian who played Mad Dog in the first film but who has reappeared here as an ass-kicking hobo aiding one of the families, but ends up in the crosshairs of an instigated war were blood hasn’t been spilt in over ten years.

Evans cuts from the action with dramatic undertones, of which the performances are very good, its the gratuitous violence that Raid fans will have shelled out their money for. It’s wince-inducing on another level, whether it’s getting an arm snapped in half, a pelvis dislocated or a hammer ripped through someone’s cheek you’ll probably find yourself twisting and turning in your seat.

The choreography is mesmerising as Evans interlocks a Godfather-like tale with action that doesn’t give you enough time to look away from the screen. From a mass prison yard scrap, an epic car chase where back seat driving takes on a whole different meaning and a jaw-dropping kitchen fight finale, it’s a film that will live long in the action memory.

Leaving the confines of a tower block behind the action and story run riot through lush green marshes, back streets and bars to city streets. The editing is short and sharp like a punch to the head, moving gracefully enough that it doesn’t judder the explosive action or disjoint the scenes of real drama.

It’s thoroughly entertaining which has justified all the hype beforehand, wonderfully shot and exhilarating throughout Evans will have his work cut out to make sure that The Raid 3 caps an action trilogy masterclass.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Raid (2011) in Movies

Nov 22, 2018 (Updated Nov 22, 2018)  
The Raid (2011)
The Raid (2011)
2011 | Action
Mindblowing choreography (2 more)
Some of the best stunts I have ever seen in any film
Beautifully grim cinematography
Possibly The Greatest Action Movie Ever Made
What do you get when you take a Welsh director, a bunch of Indonesian stuntmen and a block of high rise flats and put them together? One of the greatest action movies ever committed to film apparently.I love a great action movie and I love tight, clever fight choreography and the Raid delivers this in spades. There is an extravagant display of martial arts on display here all shown with a realistic sense of brutality and grit that is a joy to watch onscreen.

Although the fight sequences and intense action are the star attraction in The Raid, Gareth Evans uses his actors and his camera work to make the audience feel an unfaltering sense of tension when necessary to balance the sheer, white-knuckle excitement of other scenes. I have watched this movie a ton and I have seen the subtitled version, the dubbed version and the original Indonesian version without subtitles. Even in the latter, when none of the characters are speaking any English, you can still easily follow what is going on, due to the expressive performances given by the cast.

Overall, if you are an action fan, you can't do much better than the Raid. It is an intense story told so well by a bunch of extremely talented people.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 22, 2018

So glad someone else agrees with me on this. I love The Raid and The Raid 2 so very much. They really could be the greatest action films of all time. And I've seen a LOT of movies!


JT (287 KP) rated The Raid (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Raid (2011)
The Raid (2011)
2011 | Action
As a big fan of action I always look for a film that really holds your attention as well as capture the imagination.We all know that there is a sense of unbelievability that is needed for some action films, and The Raid will certainly check those two points off the list.

The film follows Rama (Uwais) a rookie cop who is part of a S.W.A.T team sent into a tower block to bring down drug lord Tama (Sahetapy), who is holed up surrounded by a army of psychopathic knife wielding maniacs. This is a man that is not to be messed with as we see him viciously execute five men at close range. When he runs out of bullets on the last man we think he’ll let him go. Not so, as he goes to the desk draw, in it are a couple of bullets and a hammer….he takes the hammer.

Meanwhile as the team arrive at the building it’s clear that they are not going to get it all their own way as the majority of them are picked off one by one leaving only a few survivors trapped on the seventh floor. With seemingly nowhere to go, the small band of brothers agree to finish what they started, and go get Tama. The action is explosive, right from the moment the cops set foot inside the carnage begins and doesn’t really let itself catch breath for the 90 minutes.

The fight scenes in-particular are brilliantly choreographed, the climatic fight at the end just seems to keep going and going. A lot of work has gone into getting them just right, in fact the character Mad Dog who is played by Yayan Ruhian had a big part to play in orchestrating them.

There might be the risk that seeing one Indonesian getting the shit kicked out of them one after another may become boring, but that is not the case. Director Gareth Evans has immersed us fully in the action, with wide angled shots giving us a a beautiful picture to look at.

It’s a fully enjoyable film that will have you wincing in pleasure, there must be something about the tower block that attracts, but Evans has taken the action genre to great heights with this one.

JT (287 KP) rated Metro Manila (2013) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Metro Manila (2013)
Metro Manila (2013)
2013 | Action, Crime, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
British directors getting behind the camera and undertaking foreign film seems to be paying off in multitude. Just take a look at what Gareth Evans did with The Raid and its sequel. He took his central character and put him through hell while at the same time painting a graphic picture of the film’s surroundings.

Sean Ellis does very similar with Oscar Ramirez (Jake Macapagal), a farmer looking for a better way of life for himself and his family. Their journey takes them from the quiet and panoramic rice fields of northern Philippines, where Oscar struggles to make ends meet, and moves them to the impoverished surroundings of Manila.

Entering the slums and criminal back streets Oscar learns the hard way that his friendly personality will be taken advantage of. With everyone desperate to survive he has to stand on his own two feet for the sake of himself and his family.

The film paints a desperate picture of a big city bathed in crime and poverty and desperate people will do desperate things, especially when they are pushed into a corner as Oscar explains to his friend Ong after taking a job as a security guard driving an armoured truck.

As Ong and Oscar become close Ong explains the job and then his ulterior motives. With the second half of the film playing out as a tense well organised heist, encompassing a twist that is shocking yet wholly satisfying. It can be hard to watch at times and it is emotionally sapping, particularly when Oscar’s wife Mai has to take matters into her own hands by getting a job working in a hostess bar in order to earn enough to feed her children.

The film screams out that having faith is a clear necessity when you’re down. All around them there are signs that God is with them willing them to succeed. Oscar’s story about how he lost his job in the silk mill is a running subplot that connects with the story on almost every level.

The scenes are well shot and Ellis captures the trauma and euphoria that the family experience at different times. One cross over scene sees Mai being degraded while at the same time Oscar drinks with his new buddies, only to break down in the toilet in tears.

It’s a slow churning thriller that is expertly pieced together, building strong characters and story all the way through to the pulsating climax.