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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
Life for Peter Parker, (Andrew Garfield), has become interesting to say the least. He is juggling the delicate and complex balance of being Spider-man as well as a high school senior and boyfriend to Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone).

His enthusiasm for his wall crawling alter ego is evident from the start as he still is as fast with a quip as he is with his webs and fists when taking down the bad guys of New York.


A chance encounter with an ultra nerdy yet brilliant Oscorp employee named Max (Jaime Foxx), puts a series of events into motion that will put the city and Spider-man on a collision with a severe danger.

When a freak accident transforms Max into a being capable of becoming and discharging pure electricity, the passive aggressive Max has an outlet for his pent up anger and hero worship and sets to make all those who ignored him pay.

At the same time, internal politics have left Oscorp in the hands of young Harry who learns he has limited time to solidify his position and legacy.


All of this would be enough for anyone to deal with but Peter is conflicted by his love for Gwen and his promise to her late father to stay away from her for her own safety.

Peter also has to content with his Aunt May (Sally Field) and unlocking the mystery of his parents who left him with his Aunt and Uncle years earlier never to return.

If this sounds a bit heady for a comic book based movie then you will not be surprised with the first ¾ of the film. It does contain some great 3D moments of Spider-man slinging his way around the city and some good moments of action but mostly the audience gets character introductions and plot expositions.


When it does get to the action, it does so in a very sleek and stylish way but one that is so obviously CGI created that it plays more like a video game.

For me the liberties taking with the characters and the history of the series were a bit much at first as what they came up with for Electro is not even close to the way he is portrayed in the comics.

Thankfully the final act of the film delivers and sets up future films in grand style even though the trailers tease content that is barely in the film and would have made for a great addition to the film.

Garfield and Stone have great chemistry with one another, and Foxx does his best despite in my opinion being very miscast for the role.


Director Marc Webb is clearly a fan of the source material and I am eager to see what he comes up with for future installments.

As it stands, “The Amazing Spider-man 2”, is an enjoyable summer film but not as good as the film that preceded it and could have been so much more.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Great comedy (3 more)
Relatable villain
John Hughes-esque movie disguised as a superhero movie and I dig it
Lots and lots of references
Not exactly a good or bad thing but I honestly think it makes too many references to the MCU (0 more)
Best spider Man movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
While Tobey maguire will always be my spider man, Tom Holland is the second best (at Least he's better than Andrew Garfield) and Micheal Keaton is an awesome villain. The cast of side characters are hilarious and the jokes are on point. And the two side characters that stand out to me are Ned and Zendaya's character Michelle which later to be revealed that her nickname is MJ (do I smell an upcoming romance that they'll probably explore more in Far From Home?) Also there's no mention of Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy for those who haven't watched this movie and don't care about spoilers are wondering

Also there are tons of references to the spider Man mythology so make sure your following along.

If I had to pick one negative although not a bad thing its just it tries too much to tie in to the MCU although the stuff with reusing elements of the MCU weapons is kinda cool although Luke cage beat them to that plotline and let me make it clear referencing the universe isn't a bad thing because they bring stuff up that'll be important later on in either the upcoming sequels or the next avengers movies but when they do it constantly it just kinda distracts me but if u love the marvel movies like I do then u won't have a problem.
Headshot (Model Love)
Headshot (Model Love)
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
freaking loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book, right?? I freaking LOVED IT!!

Oh I might gush, so #sorrynotsorry it was so bloody good!

It's part of the Model Love series, a multi author series of stand alone books. But here we get to revisit with some of Sayle's other characters and I loved being able to cath up with Griffin and Charlie and of course, Nana!

Kit saved jack has loved him ever since. He's not quite sure when things changed for him, but they did. Now Kit's lifes work, Garfield House for homeless kids, is threatened and Jack will do anything for Kit.

I loved that while Jack loves Kit, he really does try to keep away. I loved that he decided to go for Kit and he really goes all in. I love that Kit loved Jack but was bound by his own sense of proper, even if Jack had left the house ages ago.

I loved that once they both accepted that they should be together they go all in and fully and totally commit to each other. I'm not usually one for professions of love early on but these two have dacned around each other for years!

It's steamy, and smexy. It's emotional and funny, Nana does her best to wreak her havoc. There isn't much drama, except that about the house, but I think this book didn't need it.

I loved this book, I really did. And I'll leave it at that.

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.9 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There's a lot to love about this film and a lot to hate. I think this film does the best job of allowing you to live through Peter more than any other film. Some of my favorite shots throughout the whole movie are the ones where it looks like we're in Peter's perspective as he traverses New York City. I love Andrew Garfield in this role. Even though he's 27 in the film, he played a high school kid fairly well - at least I think so. I love Emma Stone too. As a blonde, I feel like she has this innocence that she doesn't have as a redhead.

Truthfully, I like Andrew Garfield's Spiderman and Tom Holland's Spiderman way more than I like Toby McGuire's. I think this film is entertaining and a good watch. You definitely get hooked in on Peter and are rooting for him. The only thing I didn't like were some of the effects. It's clear that there was more effort or money put in some scenes than others. Maybe that's just my opinion, but those small details can really pull you out of the world the film creates.

The other detail I appreciated is Gwen. When we think and talk about Spiderman, unless you're a die-hard fan, you think of Mary Jane. And she's great. Don't get me wrong. Kirsten Dunst in Toby McGuire's and Zendaya as M.J. in Tom Holland's, but Gwen often gets forgotten. I like that in this series, Gwen is the love interest instead of Mary Jane.

Overall, I really enjoyed this film. I think I still like Tom Holland's Spiderman better, but I think the fact that he's in the MCU plays a part in my love of him. I would recommend both of these films just to say you watched them.
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy, Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Not going to lie, Zombieland: Double Tap had me from it's opening minutes, where the four familiar main characters storm the White House in search for a new home, smacking the shit out zombies in slow motion, all whilst Metallica's "Master of Puppets" blares out of the screen. Well played Zombieland, well played.

The four main characters - Columbus (Jesse Rosenberg), Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), Wichita (Emma Stone), and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) - are a huge part of what made the first film work so well, and thankfully, the chemistry between them all is still intact.
It takes a minute to show though.
After the gratuitous opening scene, Double Tap struggles to find its feet somewhat.
It's not until the main plot kicks off that things get rolling again, and from there, it's great gory fun.
Zoey Deutch is great as Madison, a stereotypical blonde bimbo character who didn't really grab me in the trailers, but is actually pretty damn funny in the finished product.
Rosario Dawson is also here this time around and I'm pretty much guaranteed to love her in anything she's in, so thumbs up there.
The climax to the film feels a little out of nowhere by the time it's rolls around, but it's pretty spectacular to say the least, not too unlike the first film.

Honestly, Double tap is best explained as more of the same, and that's not a bad thing.

On a final note, I found the film to be a solid 7/10 throughout, but Bill Murray battling zombies during the initial outbreak whilst promoting the fictional Garfield 3: Flabby Tabby pushed it to a well deserved 8/10. Well played Zombieland, well played.