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LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Pan (2015) in Movies

Sep 21, 2020  
Pan (2015)
Pan (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Huh? … what? H-how? Why..? I'm not even sure what like 80% of this crackpot, drug-fueled children's fever dream even was but I'm pretty sure I loved it. Everyone sings "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Blitzkrieg Bop" to hype up a grisly-looking, scenery chewing pirate Hugh Jackman for no reason at all. You're also able to witness a severely miscast Garrett Hedlund give one of the worst performances the screen has ever seen as Rooney Mara pulls an Emma Stone in 𝘈𝘭𝘰𝘩𝘢 and the fairies savagely murder an entire ship full of people one by one. In all seriousness, perhaps my allure bias for these cockamamie box office bombs is showing but this isn't even a quarter of the disasterpiece it has been dubbed. The visuals are lush, varied, and colorful with Wright's lifeful eye hard at work - and it has a lot of fun with its setpieces, while taking fine care of its effects. My biggest complaint is that this nutty curio has to be stuck within the confines of those obnoxious kids' films where the bland protagonist (here at least acted exceptionally by Miller) who obviously has some arbitrary, special talent spends the whole movie claiming they don't have said arbitrary, special talent only to find out completely unsurprisingly that they did have the aforementioned arbitrary, special talent all along. This would make an awesome PS2 game, if I didn't know any better you could have effortlessly convinced me Luc Besson directed this. Rushed through plot but who cares, it's mostly a blast.
Vanishing Point (Nikki Boyd Files #4)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my second Nikki Boyd novel and I loved it every bit as much as the last one I read. Ms. Harris is a talented author who knows what to bring to her readers. She blends the heart pounding suspense, the breathtaking twists and the epic chills that make up a perfect suspense novel. The characters she throws into the story really bring it to life, making it play out more like a movie on the big screen than simply a thrilling novel.

Nikki, Garrett and Jordan come together in a wonderfully researched, well thought out novel. This is the back story of Nikki's sister Sarah and what happened to her. Each page turn truly captivated me, wrapping me up in the investigation and the shivering suspense that goes on behind the lines of duty. Throw in to the mix a little romance between two characters, God's unending glory and it rounds it out beautifully.

Ms. Harris takes a topic that isn't easily handled, the disappearance of a loved one, and creates a carefully woven, intricately pieced novel. This book is beyond 5 star worthy, and is one that will be at the top of my recommendation list for many months to come. This book will take you on a highest of high roller coaster ride, twist your gut, squeeze your heart, and the sudden stop at the end.....well, just grab a copy of this book now to see what I'm talking about.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Books and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Better Watch Out (2016)
Better Watch Out (2016)
2016 | Horror
7.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Better Watch Out isn't just another unconventional Christmas movie to throw into the ever growing pile, no sir. As much as it sets itself up as another fun festive horror, it's actually possesses one hell of a mean streak, and is genuinely uncomfortable to watch for a huge chunk of it's runtime.

The basic premise revolves around 12 year old Luke. When his parents head out for the evening, his babysitter Ashley is hired one last time before she moves away from the area. Not long into the evening, weird shit starts happening, and it's soon apparent that the two of them and Luke's friend Garrett are all falling victim to a home invasion, and they have to fight to survive the night. Without going into spoiler territory, the plot isn't quite this straightforward, and there's a midway twist that gives us a properly sadistic main antagonist.

This is all portrayed superbly by its main cast. Levi Miller is great as Luke, and the other main cast are played by The Visit alumni Olivia DeJonge, and Ed Oxenbould (thankfully not constantly rapping this time around). The three of them absolutely carry this film to it's bloody climax.
The gore isn't too shabby, and is done fairly tastefully all things considered. When shit starts to hit the fan, we are treated to some genuinely tense moments, and a couple of jump scares that have that rare honour of feeling somewhat earned.

All in all, Better Watch Out is a decent slice of Christmas horror. It's different, it's clever, and has a fucked up Home Alone kind of vibe for good measure. Worth checking out!
The Freedom of Loving (Matters of the Heart #3)
The Freedom of Loving (Matters of the Heart #3)
Abrianna Denae | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE FREEDOM OF LOVING is the third book in the Matters of the Heart series and it's time for Jared and Sam to shine. Both of them appear in book 2 (Robert and Niall) and, this book runs concurrently in places, so I really would recommend you read at least that one first. I haven't read book 1 (Garrett and Presley) yet but it will be done, I promise you!

Jared is in a marriage of convenience... but not for much longer. He's put up with a lot from his wife but her latest trick is one step too far. Once his divorce is final, he'll be free to be with Sam, the man he has loved for years. Sam returns that love but refuses to be the other man. There is a little angst as Jared mistimes certain revelations but nothing too serious.

Oh, if anyone needs to be together, it's these two. The chemistry is there in spades on every page they share. But it's not all hot and heavy, it's full of emotions too. They are there for each other, and there for their found family, including horrible situations with parents that others simply may not understand.

I found the pacing to be perfect for their story. It moved along nicely without being bogged down anywhere. There isn't a single thing I would change. This is a hug-in-a-book and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
48 of 220
Lies Ripped Open ( Hellequin Chronicles 5)
by Steve McHugh

Over a hundred years have passed since a group of violent killers went on the rampage, murdering innocent victims for fun. But even back then, sorcerer Nate Garrett, aka Hellequin, knew there was more to it than simple savage pleasure—souls were being stolen.

Nate’s discovery of the souls’ use, and of those supporting the group’s plan, made him question everything he believed.

Now the group Nate thought long dead is back. Violent, angry, and hell-bent on revenge, they have Hellequin firmly in their sights. And if he won’t come willingly, they’ll take those closest to him first.

The battle begins again.

This series is something else! You ever find a series that just grips you from start to finish? Well this is one of mine I actually got so excited when I saw it up next on my kindle. Nate has to be one of my favourite men ever! With each book I find him that little bit more addictive. This series bring us all the myths and legends that we can only dream of from gods to manticores and griffins, from the UK to the mythical realms of Avalon. This has to be my favourite yet this one takes us back in parts to 1888 and Jack the Rippers London. With Nate and friends chasing a group of fanaticals that also resurface in modern day. Just so so enjoyable to read and I highly recommend! Oh and Merlin really is pushing his luck!
Triple Frontier (2019)
Triple Frontier (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Triple Frontier is the latest straight-to-Netflix blockbuster that manages to hit the right notes at the right times. More often than not Netflix originals aren’t anything to get excited about, although occasionally there is a diamond in the rough.

Triple Frontier turns from taught heist thriller to survivalistic drama all in the space of a few acts, and if you stick with it then you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Tracking down South American drug lord Gabriel Martin Lorea (Reynaldo Gallegos) has been an obsession for Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Oscar Isaac), but at last the intel has paid off.

Garcia has not only discovered where Lorea is located but where he is hiding his huge fortune. Rather than turn the intel over to the authorities he keeps the information for himself, sharing it with a group of ex-Special Forces buddies. The plan is simple, undergo surveillance of the compound and then pull off a daring heist where they will all walk away with a life changing amount of cash.

There is a lot of unrest initially, as all come to understand the complications as well as severity of what could happen if it all goes tits up, which of course, there is every chance it will do.

Garcia is joined by Tom “Redfly” Davis (Ben Affleck), brothers William “Ironhead” Miller (Charlie Hunnam) and Ben Miller (Garrett Hedlund), and Francisco “Catfish” Morales (Pedro Pascal).

The is a solid amount of brotherly love as well as chemistry which works incredibly well on screen. Back stories are to be believed and there is an air of intensity that hangs over the group, never quite knowing which way it is all going to go. The action is tight and well executed and the suspense is pretty much kept up all the way through the run time. If you’re a fan of the heist genre which avoids the slick, humorous elements of an Ocean’s Eleven, then this one is for you.
Well to start you off, When I was finish reading the Adventure One of this series "The Castle Tower Lighthouse". So I went in to my library and checked this one out and with the third installment. Well my thoughts on the book itself.

Combine Doyle's unparalleled storytelling with a little guidance from the spirit world and the result is this ingenious literary concoction second in sequence only. In the forward readers are greeted with a letter from the author, which explains the origin of the story and includes a special note of thanks to his ghostly housemate, thus setting the stage for a magical reading experience.

Audrey and Garrett Font thought for sure this would have been a most boring summer, but was before their week long lighthouse adventure. Now they are as excited as their grandpa to explore the beautiful, colonial style house tuck way by towering waterfall. Following great grandpa and Leo drawings, the three of them start on their way into the vast forests of Northern California in search of Fakersville. But after sixty years, Grandpa's memories of this picturesque area seem to be the only thing left of this once vibrant mining town. How could they find the house grandpa was so anxious to explore if they couldn't even find the town?

They meet a new characters to be introduced is the cantankerous, president of the Inventor's Club, Mr. Howard August. Listening to his stories the Font's learn a great deal about the history of Fakersville, from thriving quartz mining area to a deserted ghost town of sorts, where curiosity seekers simply disappear. Following a series of clues and solving puzzles, with the assistance of a new friend, the Font's begin to uncover the towns long buried secrets. But is it too late? Can they rescue their beloved grandpa and prevent the Mayor from writing another chapter in the mysterious story of Fakersville.

You learn lots of educational and moral lessons though out the books. There a lot going on but is a wonderful book to read. It has you guessing along with the characters. I love this book along with the first and i would recommend it.
Bad Teacher (2011)
Bad Teacher (2011)
2011 | Comedy
6.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Recently jilted by the sugar daddy of her dreams apathetic schoolteacher Elizabeth Halsey (Cameron Diaz) must return to her day job. Just as Elizabeth has settled in to her listless career reality, a single and wealthy substitute teacher (Scott Delacorte played by Justin Timberlake) appears. Elizabeth must now prove that she is the best teacher in the school to win Delecorte’s attention and wallet. However her nemesis the overachieving and oddly bubbly educator, Amy Squirrel (Lucy Punch) also has eyes for the new faculty member.

Rounding out the eccentric cast of characters is the shy teacher Lynn Davies (Phyllis Smith), the lazy yet funny gym teacher Russell Gettis (Jason Segel), and the dolphin obsessed principal Wally Snur (John Michael Higgins). Further supporting the leads are a number of up and coming child-actors such as Kaitlyn Dever who plays know-it-all student Shasha Abernathy to crush obsessed sad sack Garrett Tiara (Matthew J. Evans).
Despite the strong cast, “Bad Teacher” will likely become associated with Cameron Diaz who uses her intense and direct comedic strength to shine in the nefarious role. Portrayed by Diaz, the character of Elizabeth comes across as wickedly manipulative yet manages to remain likeable.

But, “Bad Teacher” will not have you gasping for air between fits of laughter. The film has slow moments and a number of letdowns. Among the worst is the lackluster comical styling of Justin Timberlake as Scott Delacorte. While the role is critical to the film’s plot, the character is underdeveloped. Moreover Justin Timberlake does nothing for the part which is an unwelcome shock to audiences who associate his name with some of the funniest moments in recent “Saturday Night Live” history as well as his impressive performance in “The Social Network”.

Brimming with vulgar language and shockingly bold comedic scene choices “Bad Teacher” will surely offend bashful audiences. Still, the film is funnier than “There’s Something About Mary” and the recently disappointing “The Hangover: Part II”.

It is not a slam-dunk but “Bad Teacher” will give audiences some unexpected summer laughs, if they are prepared for the onslaught of vulgarity that this film hinges upon.
Where Every Man (Inspector James Given #4)
Where Every Man (Inspector James Given #4)
Charlie Garratt | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where Every Man by Charlie Garrett is set in rural France at the beginning of the second World War. James Given has retired from the police force back in England and has moved with his wife Rachel, to work on a farm. He seems happy with the work, and their plan is to move south with the good weather. This looks increasingly less likely as time progresses because of the approach of the German army towards France’s borders. Regardless, James and Rachel love their lives in the small French town, and consider staying anyway. Rachel teaches local students to play the violin, and it’s one of these students who draws James back in to his role as an investigator when the local librarian dies unexpectedly. The local policeman believes its merely a cycling accident, but it increasingly looks like it’s murder. When James looks further in to the accident, it appears there is a German spy in the village. Before he can do anything about it, the spy disappears. Did the spy have anything to do with the death of the librarian?

This mystery played out so well, and I loved the interactions between James and the violin student. She wants to work as a police officer when she leaves school - much to her fathers disapproval. The students role in the story was a really good way of showing how James approached the task of solving a murder.

I have to say, I read a lot of this with a feeling of mild panic, especially when James goes to visit his uncle and his family nearby. It showed the vulnerable position he and his family were in as Jews in France. Even though James and Rachel have forged passports that showed that they were Christians, there was still that worry for them and their family - and the spectre of the Nazis is hanging over this whole story.

I always enjoy these James Given books, and I’m intrigued to see what comes for him next as war approaches.

Many thanks to Sapere Books for a copy of this book to read and honestly review - I really enjoy this series (I bought books 2 and 3 myself, if that’s anything to go by!)
Triple Frontier (2019)
Triple Frontier (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Crime
All-star cast, really great action scenes, did a great job of showing character's motivation (0 more)
slow burner, weird pacing, not enough action or too long of gaps inbetween (0 more)
Choices and Consequences - 7/10
Triple Frontier is a 2019 action/thriller movie directed by J.C. Chandor. The screenplay was written by J.C. Chandor and Mark Boal with story also by Mark Boal. Starring Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund, and Pedro Pascal.

In Columbia fighting drug crime, Santiago "Pope" Garcia (Oscar Isaac), has been working for 3 years. Finally the moment he's been waiting for occurs, when his informant, a woman named Yovanna (Adria Arjona), offers the location of a big time drug lord in exchange for smuggling her brother and her out of the country. She also tells him that the drug lord Lorea keeps all his money with him in his safe house in the jungle. Pope recruits his friends, a group of ex Army Special Forces, for a mission to take out Lorea and seize the money for themselves. But when things go wrong it's one unexpected turn of events after the other, with things spiralling out of control. In an epic battle for survival they are pushed to their breaking point, putting their morals, skills, and loyalties to the test.

This movie was good. Wasn't quite what I expected. As good as it was, I feel like it was missing something. It was a little slow in the beginning, after the first action sequence, and pacing was a bit off. Definitely as advertised in being an action/thriller. If you like action scenes where they shoot-'em-up, this definitely has plenty. I just felt with the pacing that they were far and in between. The acting was very good, the only thing I would say is that the characters didn't have much to keep you connected to them and really care about what happens to them in the long run. It felt like they weren't fully fleshed out and they could have done more to do that better. One thing it did do very well was how it showed the motivations of some of the characters and what led them to the decisions they made. I give this movie a 7/10.