A Native Hawaiian Garden: How to Grow and Care for Island Plants
John L. Culliney and Bruce P. Koebele
Hawai'i is home to some of the rarest plants in the world, many of them now threatened by...

Grasses in the Garden: Design Ideas, Plant Portraits and Care
Katharina Adams and Petra Pelz
Grasses are filigree plants of particular beauty, with a great richness of colours, shapes and...

Garden Plants & Gardening Techniques: The Definitive Guide to 2500 Garden Plants, and Step-by-step Instructions on How to Plant and Care for Them
Andrew Mikolajski and Jonathan Edwards
This is the definitive guide to 2500 garden plants, and step-by-step instructions on how to plant...

My Garden is a Car Park: And Other Design Dilemmas
Do you share your garden with a car? Worried that your neighbour's trees are blocking your light? Is...

Herb Gardening: How to Prepare the Soil, Choose Your Plants, and Care for, Harvest, and Use Your Herbs
This beginners guide for anyone interested in starting an herb garden explains in simple terms...

Succulent Container Gardens: Design Eye-Catching Displays with 350 Easy-Care Plants
With their colorful leaves, sculptural shapes, and simple care, succulents are beautiful yet...