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Under Currents
Under Currents
Nora Roberts | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A tense yet romantic read
This is the twenty-first book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

To an outsider, the Bigelows look like a perfect family: loving parents, two kids, beautiful home. But elder son Zane knows better, as he suffers verbal and physical abuse at the hands of his father, a surgeon. The family keeps their secrets close until one evening when everything comes out in the open and all changes. Years later, Zane returns to his hometown, determined to put the past behind him. He meets a landscape artist, Darby McCray, who has her own dark past. Together, the two must figure out if they are able to leave their secrets and horrible memories behind and forge a life together.

I'm honestly not sure if I've read a Nora Roberts book before, but picked this off my shelves for my A to Z challenge. It was one of those slightly over-the-top yet engaging books that sucks you in quickly with its story. It begins when Zane and his sister, Britt, are kids and moves on from there. It's a bit long--as it moved from section to section I was surprised there was more to keep going. A lot of that is due to descriptions of the North Carolina town, pontificating about landscaping, etc.

But it's still a book that held my interest. There's a crackling tension in the early piece, when Zane is merciless at the hands of his horrible, abusive father. As he ages, the tension recedes somewhat, but the book is still full of violent episodes. In fact, I would wonder if the town was cursed, based on how much brutality occurs in such a short period of time, but perhaps that's just me. Still, you can't help but be swept up in the various dramas, as well as Zane and Darby's relationship. The supporting cast is excellent as well, especially Zane's aunt, Emily; the local police chief; and some of Zane's friends.

Overall, a heartbreaking yet powerful read. It ended a bit abruptly for my taste, but I liked the characters and intensity of the story. (Please note: trigger warnings for sexual assault, spousal abuse/familial abuse, gay slurs.)

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Made to Submit (La Trattoria Di Amore #3) in Books

Apr 30, 2021 (Updated Jul 27, 2023)  
Made to Submit (La Trattoria Di Amore #3)
Made to Submit (La Trattoria Di Amore #3)
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
MADE TO SUBMIT is the third book in the La Trattoria Di Amore series. Although characters from previous books are mentioned, you don't need to have read them, to get this the fullest enjoyment out of this one.

We start off with Paolo at fifteen. He has a crush on one of the chefs working with his dad, which is one of the things that gives him a clue he's gay. Overhearing a conversation between his crush and someone else talking about BDSM makes him curious enough to look into it. Fast forward a few years, and he's working with his crush... who has no idea who he is. Not only that but he's now married. Paolo is heartbroken, sure that he is in love with Carl. Enter Kaden. He is physically attracted to Paolo but is very wary considering he knows about the crush. And then the story really takes off!

I can't tell you just how much I loved this story (although I'll obviously try!). Paolo and Kaden are so perfect for each other. What one needs, the other provides, without even really thinking about it but just doing it. Due to his past, Kaden needs control. Paolo is desperate to have control taken away from him, in every aspect of his life. These two really made my heart happy.

I'm going to be honest here and say that Carl, who is in book two which I haven't read, doesn't really come across that well. Bless him, I know he's busy with his own life, but is he that wrapped up that he didn't even take a double glance when Paolo started working there? How many Italians with the first name of Paolo does he know? I'm with Kaden all the way.

This was a brilliant story, with a fantastic supporting cast. The only question I have is what is the title of Lenny and Nathan's book? I need to read that one too!!! The pacing was perfect, the characters were wonderful, and the overall story kept my attention from the very beginning.

Absolutely recommended by me!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 30, 2021
Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Jay Castle | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
longer, but so much better than book one!!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Blood Bonded Mates series. While not strictly necessary to read book one, Snowed In With The Vampire Prince, it will give you a better understanding of Pierce and James who play a huge part here. And you know, it was rather good! I thoroughly enjoyed that book. But this book??

Freaking LOVED this book!

Ethan is a with without any gifts. Nathaniel is the reigning Vampire King. The witches and vampires will kill each other, if Ethan doesn't do something, and that something is marry Nathaniel. The mirror told him so. What could possibly go wrong?? Well, turns out, feelings could get involved!

What I especially liked was how Ethan's secrets, and Nathaniel's, took time to come out, and they came out to each other slowly. I'm gonna be vague here, cos spoilers, but I loved this, I really did.

Nathaniel knew who Ethan was, right from the start, but he didn't know what would happen. He wanted to spring the idea at Ethan in good time, but things had a way of sending plans out the window!

I loved that we got to catch up with Pierce and James from book 1. They both play a huge part here and it was fab how they seamlessly slotted into this book. I hope they pop up in follwoing books too.

I loved how Ethan and Nathaniel surprised each other, at every turn. Me too, to be fair!! It's a lot longer than book one, some 300 odd pages, and I think this book needed those extra pages. The story was very multi layered.

There is romance and love, and betrayal of the highest order and I loved that I did not see who was the bad guy here! Totally sideswiped with that one, so well played there Mr castle, very well played.

I am loving wathcing these people develop and grow, and as the author puts out more stories, I wanna read them! I can't see who might be next, but I need, NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to read it!

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
I Wanted to Like It
The animated Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite movies to this day so i really wanted to like this film and tried to go in with no expectations.

I knew we were in trouble when Emma Watson started her first song of the film HEAVILY autotuned. The practice used to be that if an actor couldnt sing, they would lip sync and have someone else do the singing voice. This was also common practice for the animated films, one actor for singing and another for spoken lines. I wish they would've gone this route. The autotuning is just so heavy I found it cringey.

The film is gorgeous, a lot of pleasing visuals and effects but the Beast just looks, strange. Not really animalistic. Honestly more like if his face was carved out of a tree.

Despite the singing issue I do think the cast was well chosen. They all do a good job with what they have. Especially the actor playing Gaston. It seemed clear that they weren't 100% sure what to do with the character. At a few points it seemed like they were going to try to make him sympathetic but then they'd fall back on him just being awful. Still the actor did an amazing job and really sold it.

For the most part the plot sticks close to the original film though there are a few new elements, some background on Belle's mom, and new songs.

A few weeks before the film's release the director announced that there was definitely a gay character in the film. There are a few implications that there might be but that's it. I think honestly it would've come across better, he would've been given more credit, if he'd just let it be instead of making a big announcement and patting himself on the back. It would've seemed like a subtle nod to the lgbtq community instead of the false disappointing promise it turned out to be. He wanted the credit without actually putting in the work and it shows.

Overall I just didn't care for it. It's fine. Nothing spectacular. The animated film was definitely better. So I'd say stick with the classic however it is worth watching just to see the different interpretation of the story.

If you want a live action version I would recommend La Belle et la Bete, the 2014 French-Germanic version instead. It's a more interesting and visually stunning version of the story.
I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl follows Bea’s attempts to translate her status in high school into a scholarship winning mathematical formula. Simple right? Beatrice, Spencer, and Gabe are not the most popular kids at school – to be honest they’re practically invisible. Most people call Bea “Math Girl” and she wants that to change. She convinces her friends to embrace and exploit a personality trait that fills a void in their school so that they can become popular.

Gabe agrees because he is a writer for the school paper and hopes to be chosen for an internship as a result. He becomes the school’s flamboyant, gay best friend and almost immediately is absorbed into the popular inner-circle. Through his acceptance, Spencer and Bea, now known as Trixie, become known around the school. She must embrace her new personality but doesn’t always make the right decisions.

I personally did not relate to her, despite her love of math and didn’t create a connection. I completely agreed with the opinions of her friends about her behavior. I didn’t find myself being sympathetic to her plight and was frustrated more than anything by her repeated mistakes. She meddles in other people’s business, doesn’t take the high road and even though she accepts her mistakes at the end – it doesn’t feel, to me at least, that she has grown over the course of the novel.

Despite the book being formulaic, it was an enjoyable read – I just wish it wasn’t so predictable. It doesn’t take long to figure out who is going to be the romantic endgame, what friendships will be formed and enemy status established. At the end of it all, you wonder will they realize that it is more important to be true to themselves than to be popular? I think you know what the answer will be.

The book has a fair amount of diversity and representation in it, which is good. I wish each of those various representations was given more detail and thought than being an intermittent descriptive word. It felt more like adding the token LGBTQ+ or ethnically diverse character. We don’t often enough see diversity in books, so it was a little disappointing to me that it so little was done with it.

Overall, I think that it was a quick, contemporary read that young adult/teen readers will enjoy. It is cute, if predictable but the unique aspect of the story of using math to solve life’s problems was quirky and endearing.
The One That Got Away
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sarina's life is going pretty smoothly -- she's busy with her own architecture firm, she's expecting to be engaged to her boyfriend, Noah, any day, and she has a good group of friends to hang out with while Noah is away in Argentina for work. She feels so secure she's finally ready to face Eamon Roy, a former Olympic swimmer and Sarina's former-one-night-stand (who broke her heart years ago), and who is making a visit to Austin, Texas.

Suddenly, though, Eamon's visit is no longer temporary, as he decides to move back to Austin and renovate a home -- a job for which he hires Sarina. The two become fast friends, and Sarina finds herself questioning everything she thought was so perfect about her life.

Overall, this was a really fun, enjoyable read. I breezed through it, because Sarina is a thoroughly engaging character. Further, Chase has a way of writing that pulls you in - when Sarina gets bad news, for instance, I felt myself feeling as if I'd been punched in the gut, too. It was refreshing to read a "chick lit" novel about an architect, versus the usual publicist or nanny or such. I enjoyed reading about Sarina's job and she was extremely driven as a businesswoman, which was great. Further, I enjoyed that the novel had a gay character (Sarina's roommate, Danny), who didn't seem completely steeped in stereotype. Also refreshing!

About my only beef was that it all became a bit much about two-thirds or so through the book, as Sarina continues to waffle about Noah and Eamon. For a bit, the book feels very junior high-esque as Sarina goes on and on about Eamon, then Noah, then dreaming of Eamon, then more wrangling, etc. I get that it was a big decision, and she and Noah had been together for four years, but sigh. Get it together, girl!

Otherwise, this was fun, fast-paced, novel, with just the right mix of serious, real-life plot thrown in. Sarina faces some tough choices in life (and not just as she deals with her feelings with Eamon and Noah), but with her parents/stepparents, her business, and more. It's refreshing to see a chick lit heroine deal with real life in such a way. Supposedly the Chase's next book features some characters who pop up in this one. I'll definitely be putting it on my to-read list. (Overall, I'd rate <i>The One That Got Away</i> at 3.5 stars.)

Note: I received an ARC from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.