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Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
1978 | Horror
Zombies Run The Mall
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Dawn of the Dead- is the second movie in the living dead franchise directed by horror icon George A. Ramero.

The plot: As hordes of zombies swarm over the U.S., the terrified populace tries everything in their power to escape the attack of the undead, but neither cities nor the countryside prove safe. In Pennsylvania, radio-station employee Stephen (David Emge) and his girlfriend, Francine (Gaylen Ross), escape in the station helicopter, accompanied by two renegade SWAT members, Roger and Pete. The group retreats to the haven of an enclosed shopping center to make what could be humanity's last stand.

On the way these surviors to encourter a bike gang that raids the mall and some how the survivor have to survivor the bike gang without getting killed.

You really get to care about these charaters, because you are with them, you are one of them, you fell like your apart of them and trying to survivor the zombies.

This movie is 2h and 30mins long but that is the perfect amont of time, for this zombie epic.

A must see horror movie, a must see zombie survival movie and george a ramero director it.