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    The Many

    The Many

    Wyl Menmuir

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    Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2016 Observer Best Fiction of 2016 Den of Geek Top Books of 2016...

Breathe Into Me Oh Lord by Fred Hammond
Breathe Into Me Oh Lord by Fred Hammond
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Album Favorite

"Where do we even start with Fred Hammond? I grew up going to church, the faith is really strong in my family, I don't think there was a week that passed where he didn’t get played in my house so I’ve got a great love for his music. It’s just interesting how gospel music in particular breaks the idea that music is for entertainment. Music shouldn't always be for entertainment, I think that’s an important notion. Music is a gift, music is given to us, whether you believe in nature or a creator, however you want to call it. And it's tough when you become an artist and you have to step into commerce for your art, which is tricky you know, you’ve got to make bread, but I always need things to remind me it isn't always about getting on stage and making people jiggy. Music is a spiritual thing. I think gospel music does that best. The music that resonates in some sort of deity does that best ‘cos its not trying to appeal to anyone in a way. This is like worship, devotion. And Fred Hammond’s catalogue on top of that is just so funky, so sick, the arrangements, his vocals. He’s one of my favourite artists full stop. I just geek out over his stuff. And the fact that I've just always had him in my life. It's funny when I talk to other people that didn't grow up in church and stuff they’re like, ‘Yeah, man, Fred Hammond was in my house every week too!’"

Toxic (Ruin, #2)
Toxic (Ruin, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I'm honest, I can't remember much about the first one apart from the fact that i truly fell for Wes and it made me cry like a baby when i realised he was sick. And that i wanted to read Gabe's story.

This one also made me cry a lot. It just seemed very unfair that Gabe had been going through all this crap emotionally for the past four years. I wanted him to be happy but he seemed determined to live with the guilt and in a way that annoyed me because I'm pretty sure that Kimmy would have wanted you to be happy.

Then we met Saylor. She initially semed like some sort of band geek but she gave as good as she got--and good for her! I'll admit i got the initial attraction but then when they confessed their falling for each other i was a little sceptical because they'd hardly spent that much time together and were always arguing in that time, apart from once, i think.

It put me through the emotional wringer and last night i had to put it down as all the crying was giving me a headache. Saylor was being amazing when she found out the truth and was trying to be there for him but i still didnt really get it.

And then that end bit. Really? I think that's his MO.

I loved the first one but i was a tad disappointed by this one. Maybe Lisa's story will be somewhere in the middle.
Halo (Fallen Angel, #1)
Halo (Fallen Angel, #1)
Brooke Blaine, Ella Frank | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got this from the Kindle Unlimited library after being a bit of a geek and going through the story on Chapters - the interactive story app? - and getting intrigued by these two guys and how their relationship would progress.

This starts with the successful rock band TBD looking for another front-man after their old one walked out several months ago and never came back. In walks Halo, a talented guy with the voice they're looking for and decide to make him their frontman. Viper, an original member of TBD, feels an intense attraction to Halo from the moment he walks in the room and it only grows when he hears him sing - the only issue is Halo claims he's straight.

Since I'd read through the story on Chapters, I pretty much knew everything that was going to happen although in the app we only see Halo's POV and in this book we get alternating POV's between both Halo and Viper and i thought it was great to see what was going on in Viper's head.

I love the progression of this thing that sparks between them and Viper's innuendo and single mindedness when it comes to wanting to get in Halo's pants. That's why I've called it a thing because Viper isn't exactly the romantic type but the care and attention he's shown Halo makes me believe he truly cares about him and I cannot wait to read the next book to see where their relationship goes next.
View the original review on my blog:

I don’t usually read non-fiction books, but I’m a science geek at heart and couldn’t resist requesting a copy of this in return for my honest review.

It was definitely an interesting read. I loved the humour within the writing, and the combination of complicated scientific terms along with more simplified ones. It was easy to understand for the most part, and I hope I can truthfully say that I’ve learned something over the past two days from reading this.

Due to my habit of reading books at the speed of light, I don’t think the information in this book has sunk in as much as it could have. I personally found it a little hard to follow sometimes, though it was definitely better than skimming a textbook.

This is aimed at an older audience in my opinion, but I was still fascinated by what I read. A lot of it was information that I’d never even considered learning. The effect having a child has on a man’s brain? I can honestly say that it has never crossed my mind.

I did enjoy this book, even though I sped through it and am probably a little too young to fully appreciate some of the references. I’d say Your Daily Brain deserves a strong 3.5 stars, maybe edging up near 4.
Legion - Season 3
Legion - Season 3
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Legion is a programme that needs to be watched, it is so visually stunning, and you can easily become lost if you don't give it the full attention it deserves. The opening to this season was fantastic, it was captivating from the opening shots, and harkened back to the Season 1 glory.
It had the slow and steady pace that quietly draws you in, whilst also being completely fantastical, and leaves you wondering what exactly is going on, or where it will lead.

I loved the new combinations, of what I will deem 'teams', and the deep dive into David's past was completely disarming - this becomes more apparent, and relevant, throughout this season.

I read as little as I could about the original Legion, so I had a lot of 'lightbulb' moments throughout this season, but you don't need to be a comic book geek to follow the story.

I found that I had fallen out of love with a couple of the characters, and some of them had less screen time than I would have expected too.
It felt like a bit of a dirge, marching towards the end but this intentionally added to the weight, and severity of the overall arc.
There were still some sweet comedic moments amongst the dark and twisted tone though.

Overall, I was still rooting for a few of the characters and was glad to see them fulfilled in varying ways.
However, I think this was a fitting end to their journey, and I would be happy if it was left as it is now.