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Lee (2222 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

May 1, 2018 (Updated May 1, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
A truly epic culmination of 10 years
10 years and it's all been leading to this. And so much has happened in this last decade too, both in the Marvel universe and outside of it, in every day life. I remember watching the very first Iron Man with my brother-in-law, who sadly passed away just a few years later. I remember watching many other Marvel movies with the biggest Marvel geek of them all, my youngest brother, who also tragically passed away before Age of Ultron was released. On-screen we've been gradually introduced to countless wonderful characters, each one continuing to expand and enrich the cinematic universe, and each movie touching upon the bigger battle yet to come. Infinity War is the culmination of everything. Expectation and excitement were through the roof for me, as they would be for any Marvel fan, but at the same time I was feeling pretty emotional about it all too. Avoiding reviews and spoilers was agonising, and I can't remember ever heading into a movie feeling the way I was when heading into Infinity War.

I'm not sure what to say, other than it doesn't disappoint. And if you've followed the Marvel movies and enjoy them in any way at all, you won't be disappointed either. Every character gets their moment to shine. Every scene draws you in, thrills you to the point where you just don't want it to stop, then cuts to another scene where that feeling kicks off again - yet another epic moment of threat, action and joy. Characters are spread so far around the universe that many don't even cross paths, yet they all share one common goal. It never gets boring, the lengthy run time flies by, and it all just works.

In Thanos we finally have a worthy villain. A villain with a purpose you can believe in, a villain that brings credible threat to the universe, and even humour at times. A villain you can even empathise with.

And Marvel also have the balls to pull off the most intense, dramatic, gut wrenchingly final act. One that leaves you traumatised yet wanting more. A truly epic achievement.
Michael Jordan: The Life
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a huge Michael Jordan fan, so I was excited to read this book. It was definitely a worthwhile read, especially if you're a basketball, MJ, or Chicago Bulls fan. The level of detail is amazing, and I learned a lot about Michael's early years, especially, as well as some great facts about his college selection process, his first deals with Nike and such. If you're a sports geek, you'll eat this stuff up.

The book picks up speed once Michael joins the Bulls and sort of blows through his Championships. I get it - there are plenty of other reads about those events (including some by Lazenby himself, I believe), but I wouldn't have minded a few more details about some of his years with the Bulls.

If those years go by quickly in the book, his time after the Bulls is really glossed over. For me, that was the one real disappointment of this biography. That's sort of the part of MJ that's such a mystery and it was a little sad not to know more about what he's up to these days. There is, however, some great information about his time with the Wizards organization.

All told, even when some of the years pass by quickly, the book is a worthy read. I think it presents a pretty fair portrait of Jordan. He's recognized as a hero to many, but Lazenby certainly brings in quotes and perspectives from all sides, including those who don't always sing his praises. You learn a lot about MJ's childhood and family make-up and how it created the determined, competitive individual that he is. If you're a fan, there are some quotes that will make you laugh out loud and other passages that will fascinate you. And there are plenty of little tidbits you can trot out at dinner parties... (ok, ok, maybe just with your other sports nerds friends. But there are lots of fun stories and facts throughout the book!)

By the end you'll know a lot about Michael, but still be left wondering a bit. But perhaps that's the key to Jordan all along.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Add this book to the short list of must-reads for every True Geek, right alongside [b:Snow Crash|830|Snow Crash|Neal Stephenson||493634]. It's a gleeful homage to geekdom and pop culture.

Wade explains to the reader that he was born after humanity wore the world out and escaped to OASIS, a massive simulation that has replaced the internet and all other forms of entertainment. Nobody seems to spend time in reality any more, because it sucks. There are multiple wars going on over the few energy sources that are left. Poverty, hunger, and homelessness are rampant everywhere.

Most people who are fortunate enough to live indoors at all are like Wade, who lives with his aunt and her latest boyfriend in a three-bedroom doublewide trailer shared with 17 people. The trailer is at least near the top of a stack, which is just what it sounds like: a stack of trailers 10 or so high, so many across and wide, so that 500 or more trailers are held together with rusted scaffolding, chains, and whatever other reinforcements people have added over the years. Stack collapses are common.

Wade spends most of his time in his hideout, the back of an old van that's parked in a junkyard and crammed in a stack of vehicles. That's where he keeps his computer and other equipment, so he can attend school (in OASIS, of course) and spend time research The Contest, which is the center of his life.

The creater of OASIS, James Halliday, created The Contest in his will. Whoever wins it will inherit Halliday's vast fortune and control of OASIS. At the opening of the novel, it has been five years since Halliday died and contestants are ridiculed in everyday society as obsessive losers.

Wade's quest through The Contest and his fight to simply survive is far more interesting than I thought it would be. I'll also admit to being entertained by the 80s trivia that pops up throughout the book (integral to The Contest). I'm biased, as I was a teen during those years.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book. It's one of the very few that I'll be saving to re-read in the future.


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